View Full Version : Elias of Meadsbury

08-20-11, 12:03 AM
Name: Elias of Meadsbury
Age: 18
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 170
Occupation: Voyager Champion (In other words, disenfranchised noble)

Personality: Elias is a cunning, clever young man. His competitive nature got him into a good deal of trouble growing up, but it honed him into a steadfast, willful survivor. A perfect balance between introvert and extrovert, Elias talks exactly as much as necessary.

Appearance: Elias, more so than the rest of his family, drips of highborn nobility. He combines a strong chin and intelligent eyes with carefully honed “ruggedness”. He sports a lithe, athletic build forged from years of fencing, hunting, and wrestling.


Swordsmanship: Elias prides himself on carefully honed skill with a longsword. While his older brother learned how to duel from a well-paid fencing instructor, Elias learned how to fight and kill from grizzled war veterans. Despite his youth, he is an extremely talented swordsman.

Spear Combat: Elias learned spear fighting from soldiers and hunting. He is above average with a spear.

Unarmed Combat: Elias is an above average grappler and unarmed striker.

Diplomacy: Like most nobles, Elias learned the art of diplomacy. However, his natural wit, cunning, and charisma put him above his peers.

Wilderness Survival: Living on the frontier forced even the noble-born to learn some degree of survival skills. Elias has average wilderness survival skills.

Pain Tolerance: His natural wit and pure stubbornness allows him to endure pain much more effectively than most. (Note: this does not affect his ability to endure or resist actual damage.)


Athleticism: Elias is very physically fit, and can thus run, jump, and climb considerably better than an average person. He also possesses a sound constitution and about double the endurance of an average person.

Dexterity and Agility: Elias is 50% more dexterous and agile than an average man.

Wiry Strength: While not brutally strong or very bulky, Elias possesses a lean, whipcord build. While unable to lift much more than an average man, he has more explosive power, allowing him to deliver fiercer strikes, both unarmed and with weapons.


-High quality steel longsword with a bat wing cross guard.
-Average quality iron spear.
-Steel dagger.
-Good quality steel chainmail.
-Excellent quality traveling clothes and green cloak
-Excellent quality leather boots

History (keeping it brief, 'cause I'm lazy):

Elias’s father was Count Herald of Meadsbury, a tiny province near the unmapped Salvic frontier. As second son, he always lived in the shadow of his older brother, Marcus. To make matters worse, the Meadsbury family has maintained a troubling tradition for thousands of years, before even the founding of Salvar. To prevent power struggles between siblings, all second sons were, when they came of age, named Voyager Champion of the family and sent into the endless unmapped forest at the unmapped edge of the province to seek out wonders from ages gone by. Realistically, they were sent off to die. Elias was no different. On his eighteenth birthday, he departed for the sinister forest at the edge of the world to face his fate.

08-20-11, 12:08 AM
So pain tolerance (from your description) doesn't effect how he actually feels, but rather the way he shows what he's feeling? He could be in crazy amounts of pain, but due to his stubbornness he'd still show little signs of pain or damage?

Just wondering.

Also, for "Athleticism" I would like to note that he has no speed boost so he cannot do any of these actives "faster" than someone who had times two speed. While his strength and agility are factors, along with endurance, just no that there is no speed boost and his speed will still be considered average.

08-20-11, 12:37 AM
His pain tolerance is a trained skill for essentially blocking out pain as a distraction. It doesn't make him any more durable (that is, getting stabbed will kill him just as readily), but he's able to focus through pain. This would likely make him better able to hid his pain as well. Note, this is nothing excessive or supernatural, and will not be played as such.

Your assessment of Athleticism is more or less correct. His straight up running speed is average for an in-shape person, but he's better at running and can run longer -- IE: less stumbling or tripping, better balance, and more endurance. All of this will usually translate into getting from point A to point B in less time, but he will still lose in a straight-up race to somebody with an actual speed modifier.

08-20-11, 01:22 AM
Cool, I'm so glad I had you here to sum that up for me.
