View Full Version : One Ear Against The Ground

The Dirt Whispered
08-20-11, 11:39 PM
Name: Silima Linnadhiel
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Race: Raiaeran Elf
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 97 lb.

Appearance: A pretty girl, Silima has straight, dark brown hair. Her crystal blue eyes have a searching quality to them. She has a slim, modest frame, and small delicate hands. She dresses simply, in a plain white cotton dress, and a matching woolen crocheted shawl. Comforted as she is by the earth, she never covers her feet, preferring to feel the dirt on her sole.


History: Born and raised in the farmlands surrounding Eluriand, Silima Linnadhiel had always known the life-giving properties of the earth. She would often be found on hands and knees, one ear against the ground as she tapped out a steady rhythm. When her parents would ask what she was doing, she would reply without hesitation, "Listening for the music. It sings to me." For this reason, when she came of schooling age, she was tested for entrance to the acclaimed Istien University, to learn the ancient arts of her people.

Twenty years passed, as she was instructed in the warfare of Ost'Dagorlin, trained in the use of steel and song. Her bachelor's completed, she entered into the bladesingers, and was assigned to escort the Raiaeran ambassador to Fallien. In that land, she slowly broke down the xenophobic barriers of some Outland Quarter residents, learning of their culture, particularly ideas of the dead becoming one with the earth.

Meanwhile, in Raiaera, a darkness stirred that would soon change the land irreparably, and shape Silima's outlook on the world she lived in. With Xem'zund's seige of Eluriand, word was brought to the Fallien ambassador with all haste to remain indefinitely, effectively landlocking the young bladesinger until the war's end, no matter how she yearned to fight for her homeland.

Through this all, her daily ritual continued, on hands and knees, listening for the music, until one day she heard its call and whispered back, "I'm coming home."


Light Blade Proficiency
Silima has been trained by the bladesingers of Istien in the arts of war, and proved an able student. She is highly proficient with shortswords, knives, and daggers.

Silima was also trained at Istien in the traditional song magic of her people, mastering both vocals and percussion. She was originally trained in classical Raiaeran styles, but has since learned the more primal forms of Fallien's traditional folk songs. Her specialties lay in the earth magic of Ost'Dagorlin, with some small ability in the other schools.

For most percussive bards, the path of the bladesinger is all but impossible. The reason for this is a simple one: they have only two hands, the rhythm of the drum does not lend itself well to divided attention. Silima, however, is the rare exception to this rule, having equal, and completely divided, ability with each hand, allowing her to drum and lock blades simultaneously.


Earth Mastery
While drumming, Silima has a rare command of her surroundings. Within ten yards, she is able to slowly shift and affect the terrain, creating pits, walls, and other obstacles. This is too slow for active assault, but given half a minute of focus on this task she can create a small labyrinth of difficult terrain.

Stone Shock
With an intense burst of staccato drumming, Silima can force the otherwise slow-moving earth into sudden action. With this, she can create spikes, thin stone walls, and narrow pillars within ten yards. These constructs are fragile, however, and will break with sudden force, crumbling into gravel and dirt.


Steel Short Sword
A standard issue, elven make short sword of steel.


Double Hip Snare
Hung on Silima's left hip is a small set of drums, designed to be played one-handed with a special hammer-like drumstick.

08-21-11, 11:01 AM
The Dirt Whispered: "Child, I'm coming home." :)

You are approved. Welcome back to Althanas.