View Full Version : Prison Break: A prime-time addiction.

The Name is Mudd
08-15-06, 11:48 PM
Ok, in all honesty, this show blows 24 out of the damned water. It's a Fox thriller, meaning, addictive as hell. I managed to watch the entire first season in four days.

I know there are a few of you bastards out there. Any idea when season two starts airing?

Storm Veritas
08-16-06, 04:23 AM
Prison Break to 24 is like comparing Blink 182 to Zeppelin. Get the fuck out of here. The main character is a fake tough guy that takes himself too seriously. The plot was once clever, but is now unwatchable.

24, on the other hand, is always tight, smart, action packed and full of surprises that tie in intelligently to a central plot. Jack Bauer >>> Emo Pussy Prison Break Guy.

Damion Shargath
08-16-06, 06:08 AM
seen 'em all...yar, got them from a buddy in america - that show fucking rules. Period.

08-16-06, 09:36 AM
Prison break season 2 premieres next week :D. Glad to see someone else enjoys watching the addictive escape.

08-17-06, 03:17 PM
Prison Break rules! Season 2 premiere is on monday for me, can't wait.

I could never get into 24 for some reason, never kept me interested...

08-17-06, 03:35 PM
O_o never really paid too much attention to Prison Break. All I know is if anyone is in Toronto next week they are having some Prison Break competition at The Ex if anyone is interested,or hover around The Canadian National Exhibition (http://www.theex.com)

I'll be slightly biased here, I probably would prefer 24 over Prison Break.

08-18-06, 11:00 AM
Holy crap no way! I'm headding to Toronto tonight, going to the Ex tomorrow >.<

08-19-06, 09:53 AM
Storm, you silly silly woman. 24 can never compare. Jack Bauer is old, flabby, and works with a bunch of asshats.

Prison Break has baby-murderin rapists and a structural engineer who knows his shit.

08-19-06, 10:13 AM
Prison Break rocks. That's all I have to say.

The second season premiere is Monday the 21st at 8, by the way. :D

08-21-06, 08:42 AM
Yay tonight's the big night!

Storm Veritas
08-21-06, 09:17 AM
Storm, you silly silly woman. 24 can never compare. Jack Bauer is old, flabby, and works with a bunch of asshats.

You, my good man, are a donkey. While Jack may not have the lithe physique of your hentai Vietnamese Ladyboi pussy from Prison Break, he's a blue-collar asskicker that can handle his way around any situation.

Prison Break has baby-murderin rapists and a structural engineer who knows his shit.

He sure does! Look at how pretty he is... that shit would be getting structurally condensed on a daily basis. I bet he knows it very well. He plays such an annoying character, trying to act tough when everyone can plainly see he'd get his ass handed to him... I'm rooting for the Warden!

Get him! Shoot that dink!

08-21-06, 09:20 AM
24 has me rooting for government conspiracies and terrorists. That is just how much I hate that wrinkled bastard Jack. Methinks you just need to see a hero your age, Storm? :)

Storm Veritas
08-21-06, 09:46 AM
I'm 8 years younger than that pretty boy queen "Wentworth Miller" (even his name sucks) from Prison Break.

So eat me.

08-21-06, 10:07 AM
So eat me. All in good time.

And "Kiefer Sutherland"? Kiefer? Let's not insult actor names when you've got a name like that on your team.

Fans of 24 are just mad "prison break" is threatening their show. Not only is it a hell of a lot more believeable, but any show that has prison bitch stabbings is ok in my book.

Storm Veritas
08-21-06, 11:44 AM
Prison Break threatens 24 like the zebras threaten the lion. Please.

And Kiefer is a man who, lest we forget: Rocked the Lost Boys as a vampire dirt biker. Made a mullet cool in young guns. Played an awesome serial killer.

A loser is yu0.

08-21-06, 12:04 PM
Sorry, have to go with Storm on this one. I intermittently laughed throughout Prison Break (the two episodes I watched, the pilot and some random one), like, laughed out loud. That, for me, does not bode a show well. Sadly I haven't kept track of 24 though I avidly watched S1 and S2 before life made me cut down on TV watching greatly.

And to add fuel to the fire my favorite show in this general genre is Lost. Until they mess up greatly with the show's secret it's been pretty damned consistent considering the amount of details they've put in and I love the intertwining of the characters pre-Island. Also. Kate (Evangeline Lilly) is extraordinarily hot, and pretty and cute. It's creepy.

08-21-06, 03:30 PM
Meh, Wentworth Miller is a different kind of bad ass. He's intellectually bad-ass!

08-21-06, 06:08 PM
And to add fuel to the fire my favorite show in this general genre is Lost. Until they mess up greatly with the show's secret it's been pretty damned consistent considering the amount of details they've put in and I love the intertwining of the characters pre-Island. Also. Kate (Evangeline Lilly) is extraordinarily hot, and pretty and cute. It's creepy.

Lost is so awesome. It's campy and intelligent at the same time! I can't wait for season three to start. So that I don't stray too far off topic, I have to say that I've never seen Prison Break or 24 and don't plan on watching either. They just don't seem like the kind of things that would interest me.

08-22-06, 11:23 AM
What an awesome premiere....For those who dont want spoilers, do not not read any further

What the hell, they killed Veronica? She was annoying, but just wasnt expecting it...