View Full Version : One big Primate

08-15-06, 11:54 PM
(Open. I wish for people to join in.)

The hollering continued to frighten him as he ran on all four as fast as he could. They were catching up, and their frightful screams became louder then ever. That sound that sound, the sound they made was unbearable, and this poison, it was causing him to grow weak and nimble, but he wasn’t going to fall, not like this. If he could get through Black Fox, he could surely make it through this.

The giant gorilla’s feet and hands rumbled against the surface as his lungs sounded like two v8 engines. Many hooting tribal men were howling and swing their spears around like mad men. Operation Thirteen did not understand exactly why these creatures were after him, and he actually could not understand this language they spoke. Out of the hundreds he knew, this was not one of them. But their howls and battle cries were like no other, and their spears were sharp and poisoned.

He could feel the intense pain in his back, and a numb feeling was starting to come over him. His eyes were heavy and his pace was slowing, he would have no choice but to turn and fight these creatures.

The gorilla let out a growl and swung himself around with one thundering jump. The primate then stood on two legs and slammed his fist hard against his chest in a repeating rhythm. “OOOWAAAGHH OHA OHA!!”

All the tribal people stopped in their tracks being caste out of the sun by the beast’s shadow. Fear meets their eyes and they started to step back and throw their spears. The ape slapped a few of the wooden sticks away, but one managed to stick to his shoulder. Opr.13 just yanked it out before letting out another ape roar and charging in on them.

The human’s were not fast enough to out run this beast. The gorilla grabbed one and threw him far out into the plains. The body snapped once it hit the ground and the dark looking figure was motionless.

More men tempted to throw their spears, but failed to do so because of the giant robotic arm that got to them first. Many men went flying into the air from the iron backhand and they all collapsed onto the ground.

They even roped him, but still, that was not enough to take this creature down. The primate latched onto the ropes, giving it a hard tug causing the hunters to launch into the air uncontrollably.

Truth was, Operation did not want to kill these people, and he was only minding his own business in the forest when they attacked him. This was how the whole thing started; it seemed as if nothing wanted to leave this poor animal alone. He just wanted to live free in the wild, but even there people were trying to kill him. Humans were really starting to get a bad reputation from all this.

The gorilla’s dark brown eyes glared at one of the men before snatching him and biting his head clear off. Crunching the corpse between his fingers, he threw it into the remaining group of hunters. They all collapsed. Before they would have a chance to get up, the ape had already stomped on them with his giant of a foot.

There were no more, all was dead, and the only thing living around him was he. Breathing heavy, the ape’s eyes franticly looked around for any survivors, but there were none. He had killed every last one of them.

Finally being alone, Operation Thirteen proceeded back into the other side of the forest across the plains, where he could find a place to rest or eat. When he reached his destination, he collapsed onto the floor and just lied there restless. His eyes showed the symbolism of pain, he could not reach the spears that were lodged into his back. Cuts and scraps grew deep into his hide, for he had bin fighting for some time. There were at least fifty hunters and only fifteen when he decided to run, but things came to worse. He had to destroy all of them in order to stay alive.

Why was everything against him? Why was he the one to be chosen by Black Fox? All he wanted was to be free and live in a peaceful environment. He never asked to be what he was, he was created by force. He was created against his will. If it wasn’t for that secret government, the ape would still be out living with his pack.

Operation let out a big sigh of both sadness and pain as his eyes closed before him. His mind flooded into the darkness, looks the poison finally took its tool and put him into a deep sleep.

08-15-06, 11:55 PM
“Good job tonight boys, the ape should be up any minute now.” Said a rash middle aged voice. The sound of approaching footsteps is heard. “Wake up Operation 13, for we have granted you with a new gift.”

The giant ape cringed some and his eyes slowly opened. His orbs adjusted quickly to the bright lights that were shined upon him. In front of him was a figure of a man wearing red round lensed sunglasses. His head was shaven and a sly grin smeared across his shaven face. “There we are.” He said calmly, “So nice for you to wake up. Do you understand what I’m saying Thirteen?”

Surprisingly the ape did, this was very odd, for he could never understand these things before. Now suddenly, he understood every word the man spoke as if he knew their language for years.

The man’s smile became even brighter then before. “You do don’t you? You understand me. The only flaw my friend is that you can not speak, write, or read any of the new languages we gave you. Were working now to fix that flaw, but by the looks of it, things aren’t going well.”

Operation 13 suddenly felt the urge to smash this man, so he jumped out at him. The bars were too strong, he couldn’t bust through them with his powerful ape strength.

“Operation 13?” The man scowled with disappointment, “Now why would you go and do a thing like that? Where are your manners? Stop acting like an ape and listen.”

The gorilla gripped the bars and snarled with his teeth. It was this man that brought him to this underground facility in the first place. What a second, how did he know it was an underground facility? They were messing with his head, they did something to him. Something’s wrong, he shouldn’t know all this!

“Ahhh…” Said the man coolly, “I see you are starting to realize what you’ve become. You now have an IQ of one fifteen, about as smart as an average A student. You can say we modified your brain so you can think and act like a human being. Defying nature is so fun, is it not? That is why us, the Black Fox never stops working until we’ve created the ultimate killing machines. Animals are so very interesting, that is why we do what we do. A human being is just not put out to be a killer without some…animal… Instinct should I say.”

Operation thirteen started to calm down and just listened to the man closely. Why exactly did Black Fox choose him? What was so special about him that they chose him to be their new experiment?

“About now your probably wondering why exactly we chose you, thirteen.” The man explained, “A primate like yourself holds a great amount of endurance and brute strength, not only that, but your fairly intelligent. Just imagine that being a tad smarter and a hell of a lot stronger. Pretty impressive isn’t it?”

The bald human started to pace back and forth, repeating this procedure a multiple of times. “And for your ape friends, we let them go. We had no use for them, so we put them to sleep.” He stopped to grin at the large beast, “Permanently.”

08-15-06, 11:56 PM
The ape’s temper went off and he started to slam his round fist against the cage. He had to get out of here; this man must be destroyed before he destroys someone else’s life like he did his.

“Feisty” The man complimented with a grin; “I like that. Go on Thirteen; show me how strong you really are. Let that animal come out of you. I know you are very capable of being destructive, now prove it to me. Bust through these chains and grind my bones into pail dust.”

Operation Thirteen continued to beat against the large cage, but it just didn’t want to give in. It was like this metal was unbreakable, no matter what he tried, he could not break through it, and the man knew this.

“Black Fox has much in plan for you, so let’s get to know one another.” The bald man explained as he came closer to the cage fearless. “You will know me as Vincent, simple enough is it not? This isn’t all were going to do with you, there’s much more in mind, you see. We plan to create your arm into a massive weapon capable of many abilities. You’ll learn in time, we will train you how to use it. Then is when you will be set on your destructive faze. Enough talk for now, there’s much to be done in so little time.”

Vincent snapped his boney fingers and the lights went out. Suddenly Opr.13’s eyes shot open and he realized this was all just a flash back of his past. Why was he still dreaming about all of this? It just would not leave him no matter how hard he tried. Vincent is dead, that is all that matters. There’s no need to worry about him any longer.

The beast sat up and looked over his scratches before ripping off a branch of a tree, eating the leaves from it. Operation Thirteen just looked around as he ate his fill. The plant didn’t taste that great, but it would do. Finally, some peace.

Roscar Palidyne
08-16-06, 12:53 PM
Wander. That's all Roscar could do now. Perhaps throw his name to people and try to find some ties as to who knew him or where he had came from. For now, perhaps there would be solace of mind and conscience in this forest of glittering lights.......

It was after he tripped over the headless body that Roscar realized he had spoken way too soon. The smell of blood suddenly affected his senses, but it did less to disgust him then it did to throw in him a sense of sick nostalgia. The body was of some strange native, his body clothed by a piece of cloth no bigger than a common wash rag. A spear laid a couple feet out of his grip. Noticing the edging where the head had come off, it seemed less like a weapon had taken off the head. It was more like someone (or rather something) had bitten the head right off the neck. Also, after second glance, the body seemed to have been constricted by an extremely strong grip, and the bones seemed to cave into the center of the body. Truly, gruesome sight to behold.

Now wasn't the time to be worrying about the past that didn't exist for him. Roscar reached behind him and pulled out the short spear he had been dreading to have to use ever since he realized he had it. It lay less heavy in his hands than he thought it would. Roscar darts his eyes around the forest, looking for the attacker. He wasn't sure if he was looking because he wanted revenge for these people, or to save his own hide, but the latter idea sounded rather appealing.

Only a short whiles away from this place, he heard the snap of a tree limb, and knew that something was close. Heart racing, he became more guarded with his weapon, holding it out in front of him, ready to swing it around to any direction. A few more steps, and suddenly something began to become more clear in a darker area of the wood. It seemed to be a silhouette of an extremely large man from where he stood, sitting down. It was moving for some reason, though from this distance it wasn't clear, and there seemed to be some long things pointing out of his back. Perhaps this guy wasn't the cause. Swallowing his fear, Roscar brought his hand to his mouth to help him yell.

"Hey! Excuse me! Are you alright?"

Roscar only hoped that he hadn't gone in over his head on this.

08-16-06, 06:56 PM
Operation took one last tree branch and stuck it in his mouth. Pulling from the small twig, his mouth took in all the vitamins he’d need to help heal these wounds. Then something was heard, a voice so to say by the sounds of it, male, human, around fifty in age. His height around 6’0” and weight 257. How did he know this, not even he knew himself why exactly this happened, but it did. Black Fox must have had something to do with this; the ape seemed to have pretty keen senses when it came to sound. Not only could he sense what he was, but the giant gorilla also understood exactly what the man said. This fellow was curious, and something was clenching in his hand, perhaps a weapons.

Thirteen grunted deeply as he lifted his head up listening in some more. If only he could talk, perhaps things could be worked out, this man was sure to get the wrong idea about him. Of all people other then Black Fox, he hated hunters….

The gorilla snapped. “OOORAGH!! AHGH AHAGH!!” With the primate’s right arm, which was robotic, he lifted a large heavy rock right from the dirt. Worms and dirt were all over the bottom of the boulder for its many years of sitting there. Opr.13 shifted his weight and tossed the giant rock. Now that the ape was up and ready, he jumped up onto a larger rock and looked down at the man letting out a warning roar.

The boulder would land right beside him, taking out a rather larger tree. With a loud crack, the tree came tumbling down and the man was very visible now. Indeed there was a weapon in the human’s hand. A spear, resembling a lot of what those natives were using, so Thirteen figured he was one of them.

Letting out another howling roar, he smacked a rock that was beside him with his iron fist. The rock split and sharpened into many fatal points and whistled as they soared toward the older man. Operation Thirteen wasn’t done, at the moment he was thinking his man was a native, even though he wasn’t, so the ape wouldn’t calm down until he put down that spear of his.

“Put it down! Put it down!” He shouted at the man, but this guy wouldn’t understand his tongue. Only other apes seemed to understand what he spoke. This man didn’t seem to understand him, and it caused the animal to become very tense and smash his fist against the rocky surface he stood. “RAGH!! RAGH!!”

Jumping from the large boulder, he landed about ten yards from where the man would be and pounded a rough rhythm against his built chest. He was mostly trying to scare this human away, so he pounded the ground some more.

Then something appeared in the bushes, a pair of dark eyes. There was something behind this large beast. The figure snapped up and threw a spear right into the back of the poor animal’s hide. Operation Thirteen let out a painful roar and turned round, pulling a large spiked mace from his strap and slammed it right on top of the native. This one must have stalked this primate, revenge probably. Now the man was dead and was still stuck on the spikes in a bloody mess when the ape turned around to face the man. He was still a threat with that spear of his.

Roscar Palidyne
08-16-06, 10:33 PM
In over his head was an understatement at this point. Right after yelling at the stranger for attention, he soon realized that this person wasn't human, elf, dwarf, or otherwise. That is, unless a human, elf, or dwarf could grow 5 feet in height by merely standing up. After a beastlike roar erupted from the mouth of this creature, the ground under it was ripped asunder and before Roscar was ready, a gigantic rock landed merely feet right beside him, which apparently had felled a tree which landed on the opposite side of him. Roscar's eyes were wide, and he had to catch his breath. As if things couldn't get worse, the shards of rock were suddenly flying Roscar's direction.

I'm too old for this.......

Exactly how old is that, anyway?

Prepared after the first rock, however, Roscar rolls himself to the right, narrowly avoiding one of the jagged shards as his body tumbles over the cool grass. Hopping to his feet as fast as his old joints would allow him, after a seconds following another fear-inducing roar, the being jumps up with all its might, soaring towards Roscar's direction. This huge blob which had only a silhouette to describe it before was now becoming much more clear. A...gorilla? Surely.....

No time to think why a gorilla occupied a deciduous forest, or why it was flying this direction armed with a metallic limb. The ground shakes and nearly throws Roscar off his balance as the huge ape lands only a few feet away from himself. Pounding its chest and the innocent ground with its great fists, Roscar suddenly realizes that he is more than likely screwed. All he could think to do is ineffectually swing his short spear at the beast, more than likely losing his head to that bloody mouth of his, but better than being eaten on the run. But the expected roars of fury were instead changed into tormented cries. Around the back of the beast, a man wearing similar garments of the beheaded victim Roscar saw earlier had apparently flung a spear, driving it forcefully into the gorilla's back. And suddenly, these events became crystal clear.

More spears jutted out the back of the gorilla like an orchard of oak shafts. This wasn't any killer gorilla. He was being hunted. Watching the gorilla protect itself was a work of art, a spiked club easily crushing the attacker under its massive weight and an even more weighted arm. Roscar had very suddenly lost his remorse for the cloth-wearing savages. But these thoughts of justice were easily wisked away, as tormented and blood-raged eyes looked back at Roscar. His gaze went back to his spear. The blade was wider, and the design was different, for sure, but the basic shape of the spears were similar to his own.

But what if I'm wrong, and this gorilla really DOES want my head for a snack?

It was hard to let go of his last line of defense, but the gorilla was starting to come ever closer, still clutching that huge club of his. He couldn't outrun this beast, no matter how much he tried, and he knew that. Had to trust fate at this point.

"Hey hey HEY! Ok, look......look...."

Roscar, very presentationally, lowers the spear with both hands slowly to make sure the ape got what he was doing. Placing it on the ground, Roscar slowly backs away from the weapon.

"See? Ok, no hurt. No hurt.......Good. Ok. Don't eat me. Roscar needs his head. Ok boy?"

He hoped this would work. He personally hoped his last and only memory would not be of being utterly devoured by a one ton monster. Talking to a gorilla must be the last sign that Roscar had truly lost it.....not that he yet had a hold of things either. Despairingly, he sighed.

"Yeah, and why don't you put down that huge hairbrush in your hand while you're at it.....not that you can understand me......."

08-17-06, 08:13 AM
Operation Thirteen gave the one last warning before he would attack this man, this time, instead of slamming his fist, he used the giant club. The impact caused thunder and the ground shook from the great weight and forced pushed behind it. That finally got the man to understand him, or he was just scared for his life. Either way, Thirteen did not care for this man. He was human, why should he care? As long as the beast could remember, humans were bad people and ruined everything he had, his life, his mate, his home. Everything was taken from him; the only thing he had left was his own.

The big animal leaned down getting a good look at this man with his large dark brown orbs. His eyes were large enough the man could see his own reflection in Thirteen’s eyes.

"Yeah, and why don't you put down that huge hairbrush in your hand while you're at it.....not that you can understand me......."

Leaning back, the ape shrugged and looked away for a moment. His face looked in deep thought and his lips pursed a few times before he let out a light sigh, which still had a rumble to it, and placed the giant club down where the man placed his spear. With that, the primate sat down with a loud thud and just examined the man. Now that he got a good look at him, he wasn’t one of those natives after all. He was just wanderer of some sort, just traveling the lands looking for peace like he does.

Being as curious as he was, Opr.13 pushed the guy with his finger probably knocking him right over. Then Thirteen smelled his finger and shivered as if it smelled awful, that wasn’t it though. Just something he never smelt before, something new.

They now seemed to have some kind of truce now, because the ape snapped off another branch, which held fruit, also known as bananas, and sat them beside this man. He wasn’t so bad after all, so he thought. He didn’t think that one man was evil when he was taking pictures; turns out he was taking pictures to start a new project that would ruin the ape’s life forever. Thirteen never could remember his name; he’d really have to think about that one. All he knew was Black Fox was evil.

Thirteen leaned in once more and let out a loud snort with his nostrils and looked at the branch giving it a shove toward him. Snorting again, he leaned back sitting up straight and grabbed another branch gnawing on it. If only he could speak to this man, things would be so much easier, if there was just a way he could understand him. He could understand this human, but could not speak or write in response. He was all ears; he’d be a better listener then a talker that yaps all night until you give them a smack.

After settling himself, the ape let out a light sigh of pain and reached for the new spear, but couldn't reach it. There was about five of them back there and his arms couldn’t reach back that far. Forgetting about them, his eyes shifted its attention back to the man.

Roscar Palidyne
08-17-06, 12:25 PM
Defenseless, and well within the reach of the beast, Roscar silently prayed to himself. To what, he didn't know, but he was starting to get the hang of depending on things he did not know of or did not understand. Agnosticism was perfect for him. Thoroughly inspected by the gorilla, Roscar felt that he might very well be ok, after all. Smart creatures, these gorillas....with metal arms. That fact was still bothering him somewhat. But no amount of science would have prepared Roscar for what happened next.

Right next to his spear, the gorilla had very obviously laid down the club. Had the gorilla understood him? How is that even possible? But surely enough, right after Roscar's little side remark, the gorilla had answered it. Remarkable.

"So....you understand me, don't you OOF!"

Being pushed down by the collossus was a very small feat for the gorilla, but Roscar couldn't help but laugh about it. The gorilla was as a child, a new sensation would hold his attention easily. Getting back on his feet, Roscar brushed back some of his long silver-gray hair, and laid eyes on those spears that were on his back. He couldn't reach them, by the looks of it, and that certainly caused this gorilla much grief.

Being offered some bananas, Roscar sat himself down right next to this gorilla now, who Roscar could suppose he could call "friend". Funny that the second act of kindness he recieved in this world was from a gorilla sporting a metallic arm. But now Roscar wanted to try and do something for this gorilla to calm its pain at least a little, but there wasn't anything around to really dress his wounds. Well, there was one scrap of cloth that might do the trick, but there was one problem: Roscar had his legs in it. Sighing softly, he looked at the gorilla.

"Thanks for the banana. You DO understand me, don't you?"

The gorilla did indeed acknowledged like he did, so Roscar went on.

"You can't reach those spears, can you?"

His eyes, filled with pain, was a simple clue to that.

"I can. But you have to trust me, ok big guy? If you trust me, lay down on your stomach."

Roscar stared straight into the eyes of the big primate. A mirror of brown eyes reflects back Roscar's gaze, giving a different perspective of himself through untamed but majestic eyes. He wanted to let the gorilla know that he was indeed sincere in his claim, and meant no other harm. Roscar hadn't led life being hunted, so he didn't know the paranoia that may go through the gorilla's head.

08-17-06, 05:14 PM
The beast listen and nodded learning to trust this man, for he seemed true to his word, so Thirteen listened lying down on his stomach with a loud thud. The animal would just wait for the man to crawl up on him and tug out these bothersome sharp rods and when he did, he didn’t like it one bit. Thirteen’s eyes shut and his mouth let wide as his shout of pain roared through the forest like a storm. His hands clenched deep into the dirt as the man pulled out the next, and the next, along with the next. Each time it stung, the ape surely let you know with a painful cry.

When the man was finished, Operation Thirteen would sit up and just look at the man with painful eyes, but yet they also were relieved. It was nice to get that burden out of him. And the gorilla would find some way to thank the man. Snatching him gently around the waste, he lifted him into the air and took the weapons as well. Hopefully he wasn’t afraid of heights. Thirteen ran and ran quickly as they thundered down the hill.

Before the man knew it, they were climbing up large rocks. Up and up they went until they reached the top where you could get a great view of the horizon. It was absolutely marvelous. The view was beautiful. You could see al the trees and wild life. The whistles of birds sang hard and loud. Thirteen sat down and placed his new friend beside him.

Calmly, the animal pointed a fat finger at the sun, which was a bright pink. Thirteen really liked it here and he figured he would show this man how nice this forest really was.

Roscar Palidyne
08-18-06, 12:18 AM
Before Roscar could even look over the wounds properly, the gorilla snatches him up, holding him tightly. This began the start of a wonderous journey where Roscar got to know what it felt like to ride the air as a one ton monkey hopped from rock to rock. They cleared the forest line and continued up the mountain of rocks and soon the two towered over the forest, occupying a lone spire of rocks. Roscar had yet to set his eyes on anything so alive with bird song and beauty. The chirps accompanied the setting sun, which the gorilla had wanted Roscar to especially see. Roscar turns to the gorilla, managing a warm smile to the monstrous ape who seemed to possess an even bigger heart. Suddenly he realized something. As trivial as it may seem, especially since the two couldn't talk to each other, he felt that he should introduce himself.

"I'm a man who has no idea where he hails from. I don't know where I grew up, who raised me, why I have a short spear in my possession, or how old I've grown."

He had been wanting to get this off his chest for quite a while now. The world he had encountered so far didn't so much as care if he breathed, let alone wanted to know what exactly made him tick. Even if he had to tell his story to a gorilla, that's what he would do. This gorilla would make a great listener, except Roscar didn't have as much as an anecdote to tell him. His eyes, hard with thought and worry, met the gorilla's soft and warm brown eyes.

"I have no memories. I have no family. I have no friends. The only thing I have is my name. Roscar Palidyne."

Roscar looks off to the sunset, getting ever so lower as the time passed. Twighlight would be soon, and then night. Spending the night in this forest with crazy natives with spears and gods know what else did not sound like a vacation plan.

"Alright big guy, we oughta head out of here. I don't think we should stay here longer." Then, a thought occured to Roscar. "You know what? I don't know your name. Do you even have a name? How about.......Sunny? Sunny the gorilla. With a metal arm. Heh. What do ya think?"

Roscar playfully pushes the arm of the gorilla, hoping that he wouldn't counter with the same, lest Roscar be sent to a very fast and plumetting death. Roscar yawned. It was time they were heading out.

But something was wrong. The birds, the sounds of animals, even the crickets which had just starting their sounds, they had all stopped. Roscar looked around very carefully, but his sight was failing with the lowering sun. Something was rustling about the trees, but he couldn't tell what. Whatever they were, they were all around them. He remembered people back at Scara Brae talking about some kinds of creatures that hunted nocturnally, but he didn't hear the rest. All he knew is that they needed to flee, and fast.

Suddenly, a hairy leg popped over one of the rocks that lay many feet below them. Then two. Then four, then eight, then sixteen.......And Roscar remembered what they villagers had said.

Spiders. Giant spiders.

"Sunny, we've gotta go, now!!! Give me my spear!"

08-18-06, 12:51 AM
Operation Thirteen just sat and listened to the man talk about how he could not remember any part of his life. All he knew was his name, he had no friends, or family he knew of, or could remember at that matter. This all saddened the ape and he nodded with an understanding expression on his face. He knew exactly how the man felt.

The sun slowly made its way down under the hills and nightfall was approaching them fast. That was when this fellow decided to give him a name. Sunny. Thirteen snorted at the sound of it, but showed no sign of disgust. The ape was named by black fox, but that all was lost during the big fire he caused. If he could read, he would know his name. Sunny would do for now.

Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. Sunny jerked back just as all the noises stopped from the crickets and night owls. Something was wrong, very wrong. The ape held his eye high and sniffed the air. Letting out a heavy grunt he turned the other direction and sniffed deeply.

Scattering, he could hear scattering from below. Looking down, the ape could see a spider pop out from bushes, then another, and then another until there were too many to count.

Roscar demanded his spear, so the gorilla immediately handed it to him. The man would need some defense to hold off these nasty creatures. Sunny, whom was still looking down with wide eyes, let out a haunting roar of strength before snatching a rock and throwing it down at the climbing creatures.

The boulder came tumbling down and slammed into a few spiders, but it wasn’t slowing them down as much as he wished. They still climbed up after them with excited fangs. There was just too many of them.

Sunny let out another beastly roar, slamming his iron fist against the edge of the cliff. This did the trick; the whole edge cracked and shattered apart taking all the spiders with it. To his horror, the fall did not kill them, for they made their ways off their back and started to climb once again.

They climbed faster and faster until they were nearly at the top. One finally made it, but it wasn’t long before the ape snatched the thing crushing it. The spider’s blood and guts oozed from the gaps of Thirteen’s closed fist.

Roscar Palidyne
08-18-06, 01:16 AM
They came in droves. Five's, ten's, twentie's, their numbers just kept growing. The big gorilla was doing a spectacular job, throwing rocks down at the ravenous creatures as they attempted their ravenous climb up the spire of rocks, but Sunny's efforts just weren't enough. There were entirely too many of them and only two of Roscar and Sunny. One makes it up as the gorilla crushes it easily, splattering some spider guts onto Roscar as well. Another one makes it up the opposite side, gunning for Roscar's head with its mandibles. Quickly sidestepping, Roscar's two hands shove the short spear directly into the side of the spider. It lets out a distorted scream as the wide blade punctures it. With tremendous effort, Roscar heaves the spider's body off the spear with a mighty swing, down the rock and sending it towards some other spiders, slowing their process somewhat. But this wasn't working out. There was no end in sight for this battle. Roscar slashes another spider back as he yells to Sunny, who was rather busy himself.

"Sunny! We can't stay here! We're gonna have to jump down and puncture through the spiders in the forest! Hold me on your back, I'll guard our rear while you handle the front, and whatever you do, don't stop moving!"

It was a lot to ask for out of the wounded gorilla, but there truly was no other way out of this dilemma. Roscar only hoped that the gorilla still had the strength.

08-18-06, 01:39 AM
Thirteen grunted as he slapped spiders left and right, knocking them off the large cliff. They surely would fall to a most painful and quick death. There was just too many and Sunny nodded to Roscar’s plan they would have no choice but to make a run for it, so they did just that.

The ape grabbed the man before running off the end of the cliff with a large jump. They were airborne for a few seconds before Thirteen snatched a tree so the fall wasn’t as bad. Slam, they hit the floor. Crunches came from underneath the ape’s foot along with nasty sound splatters. Knowing there wasn’t much time to hesitate, he took a run for it, punching a spider that lunged at his face. The spider smacked a tree and went off like a water balloon.

All the spiders turned themselves around and advanced after the large animal and the human. They were fast, very fast, they started to edge their way closer and closer as Sunny started to slow down from exhaustion. The primate huffed and puffed as he ran through the forest and branches snapped against his large faces and limps cracked from his heavy body.

If Sunny didn’t think of something soon, they would be done for. What could he do? His choice had to be now, there was no time left in the world for him to sit down and think about it. Suddenly the ape stopped right in his tracks and turned himself around with a deadly glare. They now were on a slope of a large hill.

Getting a good grip on a dead log, Thirteen tugged as hard as he could. His muscles tensed into large round bulges and his veins looked as it they were ready to explode. After a second the log gave out and ripped from the soil attached it. Holding the large tree up above his head, he grunted and tossed the object forward. Soon as it hit the surface, it raced down the hill at an incredible speed taking out many spiders on its way. The spiders would no way be able to manage the weight and their bodies would flatten.

That would surely hold most of them for the time being. There weren’t many that could have dodged that one. Who could dodge a large rolling log? Sunny looked down at Roscar with a questioning look.

Roscar Palidyne
08-18-06, 04:40 PM
The two of them, primate and man, raced through the rich expanse of forest, branches breaking at Sunny's will and flapping past Roscar's ears. All the while, Roscar watched the progress of their pursuers. They were fast with their eight legs, crawling on floor and canopy to close the gap that was between them and their prey. A few times, spiders lay in wait in the trees nearby, jumping out to grab unto the gorilla's back, but with single-armed swings, Roscar would fend them off. They were doing fine, Roscar and Sunny, but the gorilla began to tire. Sunny's breaths were becoming great heaves for air, just as easily to feel on his back as they were to hear. They were losing speed, and the spiders were starting to gain. Their hundred feet gap were becoming fifty, and their numbers were still too much to fight off. Luckily, the gorilla was incredibly resourceful, stopping on top of a hill to chuck a huge dead log down at the spiders. Numerous spiders fell to this attack.

"Boy, you are handy to have around, Sunny," Roscar exclaimed, happy to have a friend like this.


A happy thought, but something he couldn't dwell on. They weren't quite out of danger yet. Not all of the spiders died of this move from the great ape, but it was giving them some time to think, and giving the gorilla a breather. Roscar climbed up to the top of Sunny to catch a better view of the place, and through the trees Roscar could see a river very close by. That would probably be the best place to escape, but he wasn't sure about the swimming skills of the gorilla. Or any gorilla. Hell, he wasn't sure about HIS swimming skills, but things were desperate, and they couldn't run much further.

"Alright Sunny, head to the river! I'm pretty sure these bastards can't swim. Though, I hope you can."

08-21-06, 11:27 PM
Operation Thirteen grunted at Roscar’s comment, holding his head high in a triumphant stance. For just an ounce of time, Sunny felt good about himself, helping this man, his own hide as well from these dirty creatures. Now wasn’t the time to celebrate, for there was more to burden with. How many spiders were there? Their eight legs were far too many to count in great numbers, so the gorilla looked from the spiders to the rivers. Taking one last look at the blood thirsty cretins Operation Thirteen ran toward the moving water. Why swim, when you could jump?

The primate’s heavy feet slammed against the surface, using all four legs to give him that extra boost of power and strength. They were getting closer and closer to the water. Before they knew it, they were launched into the air after Sunny pushed heavily off with his back legs. Slam, he roughly hit the edge of the other side of the river and went face first into the dull ground. The impact was so great Sunny completely flipped over onto his back and Roscar for sure would be thrown like a rock on a catapult.

The spiders stopped dead when they saw the water before them. After awhile they all scattered away back into the other side of the bushes where they would get their next victim. On the other hand, Sunny just huffed and puffed in long quick breaths as his one arm lied across his chest.


The gorilla quickly got on his back feet and glanced around snorting, searching for the small human. Where did he go? Was he hurt? Thirteen opened his mouth and let off a little ape howl and nodded his head a few times, trying to get some kind of response.

Roscar Palidyne
08-22-06, 12:33 AM
Sunny's bound had actually cleared the river. Roscar hadn't planned on this. He certainly learned not to underestimate the gorilla's strength any longer. But just as he was feeling like they had escaped, Roscar found himself flung off of Sunny's back with amazing force. Instinctually Roscar managed to get his arms out in front of his head as he spirals through the thick brush of the trees. Tree branches splitted easily at the force of his launch, but his arms were taking a huge toll. The forest was starting to clear up ahead. Suddenly his head struck something, and everything goes black.

A sound roused Roscar, though he couldn't recall what it was. Opening his eyes, Roscar noticed immediately that he was no longer flying through trees at a blinding rate, but rather laying on the ground, although with a huge headache. His hand goes to his head immediately as he pushes himself into an upright position to get a better look around him. A small lake filled the expanse in front of him. Trees hung over the edges of the lake, doing their best to hide it like a precious jewel from the twilight sky. It apparently connected to the river, but strangely there was no river flowing after the lake. This was the end of the river. That didn't make sense.....every river had to lead to the sea at some point. Roscar wanted to think on this more, but he soon realized he was forgetting something.

"Sunny? Sunny!"

Roscar hopped to his feet urgently, still holding his head for the pain with his left hand and putting his right to his mouth to amplify it. Surely the spiders hadn't been able to get across the river to Sunny. Roscar could only hope. After all that he had been through with the gorilla, he couldn't bear to think about the big ol' monkey being killed, and to be honest the gorilla was the only real friend he had right now. Roscar called loudly for Sunny one more time, knowing that he couldn't have flown too far from where they had landed. Night was approaching fast. It looked as if neither of them was escaping this forest tonight.

08-22-06, 12:08 PM
Thirteen heaved himself around quickly in worry, praying that his new friend Roscar was unharmed. Letting out another call, surprisingly one came back.

“Sunny? Sunny!”

“Wragh!” The ape responded as he slapped around at branches in search of this man. He couldn’t have flung too far, he hoped.. There he was, Roscar wasn’t far from where he stood, they weren’t that far apart and they were getting all worked up about it. The night must have really gotten to them.

Sunny huffed as he marched his way through a few bushes and stood beside the tiny man. The ape’s eyes shifted in every direction, getting a good sense of his surrounding. Letting out a snort, he sat, looking down on his friend. He wondered if he was hurt, most likely, there was a nice looking bump on his head. At least they were now safe for the time being. Sunny continued to rest and just watched the man. For as old as he seemed, the man still had it in him, batting those spiders left and right.

Tonight was going to be a long one. It was going to take awhile to get out of this forest. Thirteen still wasn’t sure if he even wanted to leave. Hes not used to people and everyone he meet attacked him, all but Roscar of course. This was the only human to ever be nice and kind. All the others were after the primates hide.

(not much.. im really sorry)

Roscar Palidyne
08-22-06, 03:13 PM
Roscar looked as what little daylight they had left was inching its way below the horizon. He looked back at the gorilla, who he was happy to see now. Roscar knew what they were going to have to do, though he did not like the idea of it. But they were much too far from the exit of the forest. The prospect of bumbling around a dark, spider-infested forest was not exactly comforting either. He and the gorilla were going to have to tough it out, and stay the night here. A cold front was blowing in, and Roscar had to rub his limb-scratched arms to keep warm. He looks at the big gorilla, patting him on the leg.

"Calm down Sunny. We're gonna have to set up camp tonight. We're probably safer here than anywhere else in this forest."

Roscar reaches into his belt, wrenching out the knife that he assumed had been for scaling fish. It was excellently sharpened, made of lightweight steel and a finely polished wooden handle, balancing easily in his hand.

"We need wood for a fire. I'll be back."

Among his harvesting of wood, Roscar began to remember that it was quite strange for a gorilla to be in these kinds of woods. Sunny was quite a perculiar being, in many respects. A primate with a metal arm. That wasn't natural. The fact that the gorilla understood Roscar's every word was also quite strange. Sunny was no product of nature. Somebody had certainly done these things to him, a normal gorilla. Roscar recalled back to his first encounter with the gorilla, and remembered those scared, tortured eyes looking into his own. Those were the eyes of prey, of an innocent animal relentlessly pursued. This animal, Sunny, had been the victim of some sick, heartless mind.

Within a few minutes, Roscar and Sunny together were able to manage a decent fire. It would do, at least to keep them warm until their weary bodies pulled them into unconsciousness. Roscar looked at gorilla from across the fire. There were even scars on his face. If the gorilla could speak, he'd have quite a story to tell. A thought occurred to Roscar.

If he's smart enough to understand human language, then........

Roscar pulled himself off of his seat on the ground, and walked over to sit next to Sunny. He slipped his knife out of his belt, and signaled for the gorilla to watch the soft ground next to the fire. Carefully, Roscar began to carve something into the ground. He made the letters big enough for the gorilla to read, and as he finished he pointed to the printed word in the ground, ROSCAR, then to himself.

"That's me. Roscar. My name."

Roscar then carved the next word, and pointed to the ground, and then the gorilla.

"Sunny. You."

Roscar smiled at the gorilla, hoping that he would catch on. Roscar didn't seem to be a scholar himself, but he could at least read and write enough to try and teach a gorilla. He laughed at himself a little. Normally this would be a ridiculous prospect, but Sunny was no normal animal. Hoping that the gorilla could understand, Roscar began to carve the entire Tradespeak alphabet into the ground, to teach him the very basics.

((If you wanna bunny me a little for this, go ahead.))

08-22-06, 09:07 PM
Roscar and the ape now called Sunny, eventually settled in for the night, knowing there was no way they were going to make it out. There was no time and they both seemed pretty restless. This night was going to be an interesting one indeed. Now that Thirteen thought about it, Roscar really seemed to make things difficult then what they really were. Sunny could have easily gotten firewood for a fire. For sure they wouldn’t have a need for a second shipment of branches. Sunny would just take the whole tree. Then again, live wood doesn’t burn as well. How did he even know about fire? His pack never used fire, they lived without, fire was a bad thing in the forest, but he also knew it was good.

While the human was out getting wood, Thirteen had plenty of time to think to himself. The gorilla wished he could tell Roscar of all the things that happened to him, of all the horrid images his hurt eyes witnessed. Everyone in his pack was savagely killed and slaughterd. Some were used for testing. Just thinking about all this angered Thirteen even more. One day, one day Thirteen would get his revenge on Black Fox, one day.

Roscar returned with wood and eventually got the fire set, there wasn’t much for the ape to do but watch. His eyes sparkled as they gazed into the crackling fire. Then something caught Sunny’s eye. Roscar was carving something into the dirt, letters or symbols of some sort. The gorilla studied the symbols and the human said the letters and then what it meant. He was spelling his name, and then he did the same with Sunny’s.

The ape took a branch snapping it into a point so he could use it for some kind of writing device. Slowly, he carved the letters S.U.N.N.Y, but they were very sloppy and hard to read. They looked as if a kid in the grade kindergarten wrote it.

Now Sunny tried to spell Roscars, but failed horribly, so horrible that Sunny got all tense and upset. “OOHAHAHAH WAGH WAGH!!” He slammed his fist hard against the ground before turning and doing a kick jab to a rock with his robotic arm. The iron fist hit the rock like a jack hammer splitting it right in half.

The ape slammed both fist against the ground causing big holes in the soil. From all the vibration, a bunch of fruit fell from the tree right on top of Sunny’s head. You could tell he felt very embarrassed just by the look he gave Roscar. Whimpering, he sat down and rubbed the top of his head.

Roscar Palidyne
08-23-06, 12:23 AM
Unable to contain himself from the gorilla's actions, Roscar burst out into laughter, rolling himself over the ground, gasping for breath. Never in his short life so far had he been able to laugh this hard, and it almost seemed absurd to be able after all that had happened to them just earlier. But Sunny was just like a child, and his innocence and energy was in itself was rejuvenating to Roscar's troubled soul. Roscar patted him on the arm. "Don't worry about it, big guy, you'll get that R one day." Roscar was impressed though.....he hadn't expected the primate to be able to make such progress in one sitting. He at least knew how to spell his own name now.

The fire was starting to grow faint, its luminescence reflected from the nearby lake. Roscar wondered about what would happen the next day. Roscar had planned to head back to Scara Brae, but what would Sunny do? Would he stay here amongst the spiders and the hunters? Roscar wanted to perish the thought, but they were all concerns that weighed as heavy on his mind as the pulsing headache which still bothered him. Could he bring him along? No. All of the people would surely freak at the size of the behemoth, not to mention his metal arm sticking out like a sore thumb. Roscar, yawning, looks over to the gorilla.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do once you get out of this forest, Sunny?"

Roscar kept looking at him, to gauge his response. Roscar felt like he understood, not having a home of his own as well. He doubted at his age that anyone was looking for him either. Perhaps he had always been a wanderer, traveling the world, and arbitrarily bumped his head and lost all memory. He looked down at the ring again. It had to have something to do with.......everything. The black little ring seemed to mock Roscar, withholding some key to the lost puzzles of his life, or maybe it wanted to tell him but couldn't. These were the last thoughts Roscar had, before sleep finally won him over.

08-23-06, 08:21 PM
Sunny just raised his bushy eyebrow, if you would even call it that, while Roscar just burst into a trand of laughter. What was so funny? Thirteen didn’t find all of this so hilarious like he did, getting mad was funny to humans? Sunny wasn’t going to get all worked up over it.

Exhaustion started to poison the ape and he let out a long dramatic yawn, stretching his arms up over his head. Roscar had asked him awhile back what he was going to do when they reached the end of the forest. Truthfully, he did not know, there was nothing outside this forest but trouble. There was enough trouble in the forest let alone in a city. The minute he walked in any town, the guards would go after him with no hesitance.

The gorilla never did reply in anyway to that question, he didn’t want to worry about it for now; he could save that thought for tomorrow. Now, he just wanted to get some rest, so he lied down and placed his chin against his forearms. Closing his eyes, he drifted into a deep sleep and wouldn’t wake till sunrise.

His breaths were huge and echoed loudly. Rolling here and there, he placed his arm over the small human without even realizing it.

Roscar Palidyne
08-23-06, 11:31 PM
Even in the confines of a misty ship, the waves are soothing.

A figure, tall and bulky, leans against the railing of a ship, losing himself in the ivory abyss that surrounded the vessel. The sound of men working, scrubbing, and a few yells of orders could be heard, but the sources themselves unseen. Another man, whose face was also concealed by the mist, walked up behind the first figure, standing there for a minute. The first figure jumps when he senses the person behind him, turning with surprising speed, but then relaxes at the sight of who it was.

"Watch it. I'm not as young as I used to be."

"I know. That's what makes it more entertaining."

The first figure turns to watch the sea again, as the other one takes his place beside him.

"We're only a couple days away from Salvar, general. Your old bones ready for battle?"

A short silence.


"The Salvarians will be pleased to see the great Caerulians taking their side. Hah, I think it would have been so much more fun to take the side of the barbarian tribes. I guess not being able to understand them and them not having anything of value except for bones and mammoth hides kinda gets in the way."

The first figure says nothing.

"Killing the losing side had lost its flare, hasn't it? Sure, we get the pillage anything we get our hands on. The women part's nice too, isn't it general?"

The first man continues the look into the mist.

"Although it really does become tiring. How many times I've entered a flaming home, smashing the door easily with my foot, killing every man who gets in my way......and then the elderly come in, sporting some makeshift weapon. Like THEY'RE gonna stand a chance if their strapping young lads didn't......and then there's that last part. Yes, so tiring. A little girl hiding in the closet, blocking the valuables. A crying little brat. Oh, she stops eventually. Yes, once her throat and my knife-"


Slamming his fist down, the first figure looks at the second out of the corner of his eye with a twinging fury. The second doesn't seem phased in the least, but he does quiet down. The two do not look at each other for a long time. The second one then seems to yawn a little, stretching his arms into the sky.

"You know.....there's been a lot of talk. The lot's been rather uneasy lately. I keep hearing things......they say our general's lost his edge......his mind's going, his body's already gone, and his spirit is 'drowning in a sea of moralism'. Yes, I've heard threats, charges, schemes."

The first man looks down into the water, also hidden from normal eyes. The mist seemed to be stirring, brewing up. The wind kicked in, flapping the sails violently for brief periods.

"Of course, I always scoff at these little rioters. I say to them, 'Our general's still in top condition! He brought you out of the very stinky hole that you were growing up in, didn't he? Don't you owe him your allegiance, at least?' But I guess there's just no changing people, is there, general."

An arm goes slyly to the first man's shoulder. The first turns from the water, looking at the man straight in the face for the first time in their whole conversation.


The second lets go of the first figure's shoulder, and begins to walk away.

"Don't worry yourself about it, general. Things are going to be put right. The trouble will be dealt with."

A silence. The second man stops, turning to the first.

"You ought to go inside, general. The mist is getting thicker.....soon you won't be able to see your hand in front of your face. Bad things could happen. I'd hate to see one of those dirty trouble makers get the best of you."

He then turns and heads into the bowels of the ship. The first watches him go, as the fog begins to consume everything visible, until only a faint outline of the ship can be distinguished. A voice can faintly be heard, urgent but faint. It grows with intensity, and one is able to pick it out somewhat, until an unexpected resound.

MAN OVERBOARD! MAN OVERBOARD! Man Overboard. Man overboard.....man ove......ma...............


Roscar's body attempts to bolt upright, but something blocks his going. A gorilla arm. Roscar lays back down on the ground, breathing heavily. A dream.....was it a dream? Surely it was. It seemed staged, dramatic almost. The voices had been unclear, and the visages of the figures even more so, but there was a nagging sensation in the back of Roscar's senses, something that told him that this wasn't merely a fictational episode. But, he couldn't be sure. Horitz. This name was now forever burned into hsi memory. Another clue. This general had to be someone who could help too. If only he could find them. Salvar. He'd have to go there sometime.

Turning his attention to the present, the warmth of the gorilla arm was truly soothing, although somewhat itchy. Roscar did recall shivering throughout some of the night, but the arm had fought off the cold. A beast with the heart and mind of a man was what Sunny was. Or, maybe he was different. Maybe a being far beyond the scopes of the human emotion. Far beyond the normal human emotions, cares, worries, duties, and failings. There was something admirable in the hairy, smelly gorilla. These contradicting thoughts made Roscar grin.

Quietly, the wanderer was able to slip himself under the arm of the gorilla, hopefully not waking it. He had certainly earned a hard rest. The sun was just barely making it over the trees....a fine day was beginning once more, but Roscar couldn't bring the images of his nightly soujourn out of his head. The water in front of him looked calming though. His face, placid, filled with scars, looked back at him from the watery reflection. A swim would do him some good. He certainly hoped that he had that ability.

After thankfully removing his black leather armor and his trusty short spear and setting them to the ground next to the fire, he ran off towards the water, diving perfectly off one of the deep looking edges. The feeling of emersion into water was fantastic. It was something he had longed to do ever since he had laid eyes on the lake the earlier night, but swimming without the comfort of sight wasn't exactly a great idea. He brings himself up to gasp for air, that feeling of that need for oxygen burning in his lungs. He loved it. He missed it. Now Roscar certainly knew, he had been a sailor at some point of his life, and the dream was a confirmation.

A disturbance in the water. Roscar stopoed, keeping his head above the water. He pushed his faded curly hair behind his back, out of his face and kept treading water, though silently. Something was moving under him. The water wasn't clear enough though, and the sun wasn't directly shining on all of the water nearby him. A movement under him. Roscar quickly dived back into the water, narrowly avoiding something. When he emerged from the water once more, he could see what had nearly taken his legs off with one bite. A huge body, scales surrounding a long body had just risen to the top of the water, slithering through the aquatic environment with ease. It brought its head above sealevel, and now Roscar was completely certain. The monster had to be at least twenty feet long, rising its slimy body above the lake with only about ten of its feet. It was a leviathan, baring fangs two feet long each.

Roscar couldn't help but stop to think to himself, with a bitter grin: I really hate this forest.

09-04-06, 12:36 AM
Sunny’s eyes shot open from a harsh splashing noise; the sound of violent waters. The ape puffed as he lifted himself up and looked around to see what was causing all the commotion. Roscar was nowhere around him, he must have left while he was sleeping. Fear was skipping through his heart for the safety of the small human. Operations Thirteen darted toward the splashing noise and looked upon the large leviathan. The large snake like creature was sure to attack Roscar at any moment. Sunny let out a wild cry before his footsteps thundered toward the creature, harshly tackling it into the water.

The Leviathan hissed as it sent its sharp fangs into the ape’s shoulder, just before they landed in the water. Sunny gripped the creature by the throat, yanking it from his shoulder. They glared at one another and started to wrestle strengths, the leviathan seemed do have the higher ground because they were in water. The creature wrapped its body around Sunny’s throat and started to strangle him to death.

Large round hands latched onto the Leviathan’s body while Sunny gasped for air in a rough struggle as the thing wrapped around him continued to squeeze with its deadly grip. The creature just would not budge no matter how much the ape tugged and pulled. Eventually they hit the ground once again and another pair of fangs entered into Sunny’s side. The pain was deep as teeth scrapped against bones. A shrilling and hurt cry escaped the furry animal’s mouth.

In a hopeful attempt, Sunny clenched his steel fist into a ball and popped the creature right in the nose. Its head shot back as blood immediately rolled from its nostrils, but its grip on the ape still did not let go. Sunny was starting to drag and sink into the water. If something wasn’t done, the giant primate was sure to suffocate, or drown.

Roscar Palidyne
09-08-06, 12:34 AM
In the water, Roscar was a sitting duck. He could swim fairly well, but not well enough to attempt a fight in a sea leviathan's own turf. But before the leviathan had time to strike again, Sunny had blindly lunged himself at the leviathan. Their massive bodies plunge into the water with a gigantic tidal wave, sending Roscar's body sprawling underwater. It was under the turbulent waters that Roscar got a front row seat at the battle of the collossal beasts. Roscar knew that the ape was extremely strong, but against a water snake in a lake he was severly limited. Already the gorilla had sustained a bite wound, and it was only getting worse. The leviathan had managed to wrap himself around the primate, and by the looks of it the gorilla couldn't do it alone. The big ape was going to die right in these waters, and Roscar couldn't handle the thought of that. The gorilla was trying to save him. Only a callous, honorless coward could leave Sunny to his fate now. Throwing all caution and reason to the wind, Roscar desperately flings his arms through the water to get to the leviathan. But what he'd do once he got there was a thought lagging behind.

Suddenly Roscar remembers the scaling knife that was still hitched to the belt of his pants. As he clears the distance between the dualing duo and himself, he yanks the knife out of its holster and plunges it deep into the neck of the leviathan. Air bubbles escape the screeching maw of the leviathan, as Roscar again plunges the knife through the scales of the beast and into unprotected flesh, much deeper than the first. The pain causes the serpeant to wag himself around insanely, but Roscar manages to hang on. With great spead, the serpeant sends Roscar, Sunny, and its own body flying out of the water and pounding straight onto the shoreline, causing the knife to slip out of its bleeding hole and sending Roscar rolling and bumping through the dirt. Getting his bearings again , Roscar sees the snake still wrapped around the struggling gorilla. He had to get him free somehow, or the snake was going to pull him under again. He grabs his shortspear that was laying nearby and throws himself back to his feet. A loud warcry instigates Roscar's rushing full on towards the head of the leviathan, who had its attention on Sunny still. Roscar swings the spear with his full force using a wide and quick verticle slashing motion, but it only serves to bash against the serpeant's thick scales. A mere annoyance more than a strike. Whilst strangling the gorilla still, the head turned its attention to Roscar, and attempts a few bites at Roscar with its limited range of motion. Roscar meets each strike with a swing from the spear, not hurting it much but effectively fending off the serpeant's head.

"Let him go, you bastard!"

But Roscar's frustration wasn't hurting the leviathan any more than his inneffectual spear swipes. The strangled Sunny and the beast were almost to the water, and if they got back in, the gasping gorilla was sure to perish.

Have to keep him on land! But how.....

Roscar's searching eyes meet with the grounded tail of the leviathan, which constituted for a good plan. Diving away from the range of the leviathan's head, Roscar makes his way to the wiggling tail, almost getting swiped by it but with a well-timed heave, Roscar raises the spear above his head and plunges it downwards, piercing the tail of the leviathan. Like pinning a tail on a donkey, except this donkey was cold-blooded and 20 feet long. Essentially, the snake's tail was stuck into the ground, and that meant the rest of the body was to remain out of the water with it. The shriek of the leviathan told all that it had indeed been a painful, and probably painful enough for it to unwrap itself from the gorilla and give it a breather. Now Roscar didn't have a spear, and the eyes of the leviathan were on him and no longer on Sunny. One problem solved, another created. Perfect.

09-24-06, 08:50 AM
Sunny gasped desperately for air as he could feel his lungs starting to flatten. This snake like creature was crushing the air right out of his chest. Sunny was no sure how much longer he’d be able to hold on in such a condition. Before the gorilla knew it, him, and the creature included, plunged onto land with a crashing fall. The ape gripped the enemies’ body with a tight grasp. Suddenly the creature choked. A knife was stuck into his throat. Sunny’s eyes glazed at the creature in malice once he got free and rolled to the side. The giant primate was just far too tired to go on. His breaths sounded like thunder and his chest expanded deeply.

The poor ape was starting to run out of ideas, this creature was now after Roscar, sunny refused for that man to die, so he forced himself up, and charged from behind. Since the small human disenabled the snake to move, it was easy knocking the creature to the ground. The two once again start to wrestle and strangle one another again, but this time, Sunny was winning. He gripped both palms around the beast neck and was holding so tightly it looked as if the snake’s eyes were going to bulge right out of his head. The serpent hissed, baring its long sharp teeth, driving his fangs right into the side of Sunny’s neck. The mammal let out a long howl of pain before losing his grip and falling back.

The snake was triumphant. He raised his body height and went in for the kill. Sunny raised his metal hand in front of him to protect himself, but something out of the extraordinary happened. The steel hand folded up and went into his forearm, just before letting out a hydro blast, causing the snakes head to explode. Cold blood rained. The primate’s hand went to normal while he placed himself against a tree weakly, holding the side of his neck, which was bleeding at the time being.

Sunny could feel himself growing weak, his vision going, and before he knew it, the ape crashed forward onto the dirt. Dead, so it seemed.

06-13-09, 02:04 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.