View Full Version : Notice: All Serenti Combatants!

Silence Sei
08-26-11, 10:37 PM
We ask that none of you post in your battle threads even though they are open, until 11 PM EST on Saturday, August 27th. In order to ensure a smooth roll-out, we wanted to make sure we got the matches up beforehand. That is all, thank you.

Silence Sei
08-27-11, 08:07 AM
Also, with the dropping out of 4 of the combatants, we have changed the matches to have

Inkfinger Vs SirArtemis

Christoph Vs Symbiosis

If you ignore this and do not post in your threads, we will assume you have forfeited your spot and will make changes accordingly.

Chosen of the Gods
08-27-11, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the whole 20 min heads up. I would have liked to have PM'd my opponent to sorta....ya know. plan this....

08-27-11, 11:34 AM
The matchup list was posted four days ago...

08-27-11, 11:36 AM
I'm Chosen as well. Symbiote was what was changing last second. Sorry, just woke up, saw that, and over reacted.

08-27-11, 11:40 AM
Have contacted SirArtemis re: first post rights. Waiting for a response. :)

08-27-11, 11:41 AM
Ya, I sent a PM to Christoph as well. Like I said, over reacted.

Quentin Boone
08-27-11, 02:13 PM
My opponent and I had discussed posting etc, and it was agreed he would post first. However, he IMed me last night saying that he has internet connection issues at the moment, so may be late in posting - will the forfeit rule still apply? He said the he was working on a post, and will try to get it up. I'm not wanting to have his work wasted by jumping in with first post and I know he wouldn't have seen this thread.

08-27-11, 02:38 PM
I was just told that the power is going to be manually shut down because Brooklyn is fucking stupid as all fuckshit and is afraid of some rain, even though it's anticipated that it'll just be a tropical fucking rainstorm by the time it hits us. Still, they are going to shut things down to avoid POSSIBLE powerlines falling. Excellent.

Inkfinger and I have things settled and I have first post. It's already written and ready to be posted. I'm not sure how long this DQ period lasts.

Silence Sei
08-27-11, 02:51 PM
Those are both questions better suited to the Q/A thread.

But the DQ period is two weeks, the duration of the battle. You'll still be penalized for not posting within 48 hours as per the rules, however.

And Artie, tropical storms can still screw things up. Also, Katrina was supposed to be a tropical storm when it made it to mainland as well....

Silence Sei
09-11-11, 06:11 PM
Newest Update!

Due to the fact that there will be some discrepincies in the brackets, we are the 4 highest scoring losers of round 1 to round 2. We are doing the same thing from Round 2 to Round 3.

Also, because there is some debate over what was written in the news article, and what is written in the Serenti rules; Both players have 48 hours to make their post after their opponent. Regardless of whether the thread finishes or not, the 48 hour rule applies. Apologies for any misunderstandings there. HOWEVER! Because of this misunderstanding, I will waive this rule for Round 1. That means if your battle finished this round, and you were 48 hours late, you still get your points, BUT ONLY FOR ROUND 1!

Last update, us judges are working diligently to get you your results for Round 1. Round 2 is slated to begin Tuesday, September 13th, at 10:00 PM Central Time. This means that by Tuesday morning, you will have your matches, and results (Though all results should be up tonight).

Thank you for your time.

Silence Sei
09-13-11, 05:57 PM
Here is your Brackets from this point on! (http://betterbracketmaker.com/#!/2512b95e9e6e4)

09-13-11, 06:03 PM
-raises hand- Azza has a question. Direct copy pasta from Amber's announcement:

If one does not post within 48 hours, they are penalized regardless of their thread’s actual status.

Does that mean... if you're done with the thread, and finished, you still get points docked? A simple yes or no will suffice. Thank you~ <3

Silence Sei
09-13-11, 06:11 PM
Two posts above yours answers that question, orphans, but yes. Completed thread participants will STILL BE PENALIZED FOR MISSING THEIR 48 HOUR DEADLINE.

09-13-11, 06:24 PM
I think this particular area is causing a bit of confusion. The rule can basically be boiled down to this: any 48 hour period during the battle itself in which a participant does not post will be penalized. If player B makes the finishing post of the battle and the whole thing is now finished, but there are still four days until the round ends, player A is not going to be penalized for not posting during the remaining days--after all, there's nothing left to post. However, if player A took more than 48 hours to respond to his opponent's initial post earlier in the thread, he will be penalized for that regardless of whether the battle finished or not.

Silence Sei
09-13-11, 07:51 PM
Another thing to note:

If you do finish your thread with some days still left on the clock, PM me and I will make a note of it. I realize this hasn't been stated since the news article, so I felt the need to elaborate

So say you finish your thread with a week left, PM me and I will not only put it as my first judging priority, but you will not be docked for your spare week.

Is that clear? I hope that's clear.

10-06-11, 03:44 AM
Sorry for the false alarm guys, I've sort of re-entered if that's cool with Inkfinger. Couldn't resist a cool story concept. I should've deleted and re-posted maybe but I edited so the post there is new even though it didn't update the list.

Silence Sei
10-18-11, 04:55 PM
Sorry for the delay, guys. Next round will start tonight at 10 central.

Silence Sei
10-19-11, 09:36 AM
If you have not yet realized, due to the number of DQs previously, we have moved from the Quarter Finals to the Semi Finals.

What this means is that the winners of the current three battles will duke it out in a three way championship battle of awesome next round.

That is all.