View Full Version : Khaia Escocar: Level 0

Khaian Memory
08-27-11, 02:33 PM
Name: Khaia Escocar
Age: 25 Years old
Race: Saosian, specifically of the Whitesoul caste.

Hair Color: Black with golden blonde tips
Eye Color: Gold
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 89kgs

Occupation and career:
- Saosian Court guard
- Former Captain of the Saosian Reavers


Khaia Escocar's persona is considered an almost tangible presence amongst the Saosians, both respected and admired, but also loathed by some. Usually a Saosian born into the pureblood Whitesoul caste is often described by others as "a Saosian with a silver spoon wedged firmly between the lips that one does not kiss with", and not without good reason. Whitesouls tend to be born leaders and often find themselves in positions of miltary or political authority, but are frequently associated with snobbery and are accused of looking down their noses at anyone "not of their linage". However, Khaia, being a Whitesoul of an unusual nature, despises snobbery and often finds himself in the uncomfortable position of being what he hates, and being labelled as something he believes he is not by other Saosians. Therefore he tries to simply be himself, attempting to destroy the status quo attached to his upbringing.

In his position as a soldier for the Saosians, he does not find it particularly difficult to communicate with people on either side of his lineage, but often finds himself falling foul of those in command due to his attitude towards the selfish upper class. Regardless of his feelings towards the culture gap within the castes of his people, though, he respects the chain of command. In his capacity as an individual, outside of the political and military spectrum, he is generally kind-hearted towards his own people. Outside of Saosi, Khaia simply deals with people on a case by case basis, not judging on appearances but instead on personal merit.

Khaia knows himself and his strengths and weaknesses. Whilst he does tend to sway against the Whitesoul way of thinking, he does inherit a certain element of leadership quality from the caste. However he strongly believes he can one day help to be an example against the evils of snobbery and selfishness for his people.


The Saosian race take on the appearance of humans, and are practically indistinguishable from their mortal counterparts.

Khaia is a five foot nine caucasian male, broad shouldered and of slim build and slim face. His hair, as described above, is short, neck length bangs that are black with golden blonde tips about an inch from the tips. His irises are gold coloured, but have not always been this way, previously having been green. The devlopment of gold eyes in a Saosian is a trait derived from a sudden loss of a Saosian's power, which occurs when they either use up too much of their spirutual energy or have it forcefully extracted from them. In Khaia's case, as described in his background, an encounter in which he was forced to expend 90% of his power caused this change to occur.

Saosian attire is traditionally white in colour, with military positions distinguished by design and colour of sash around the waist, and civilian clothing kept plain. Khaia wears the uniform worn by the Saosian Coart Guard, the main military force of the Saosians. This consists of a white, sleeveless, thigh length undercoat, which is put on over the bare body, and gi-style trousers complete with black shin-high boots. The undercoat and trousers are tied at the waist by a black sash, denoting the rank of a Captain (in Khaia's case, former Captain). Completing the outfit is a white, high collar three-quarter length buttonless coat.

Within the black sash is a sheath for Khaia's weapon, which is almost always hidden from sight by his greatcoat.


Close-combat experience

Whilst Khaia does not claim to be a master swordsman in any capacity, he is well versed and experienced in fighting hand to hand and duelling, enough to hold his own against opponents of his calibre. He is also an intelligent fighter and will seek to use what resources are at hand to gain the upper hand in difficult situations. However, Khaia is also limited by his equipment in this measure, and opponents of stronger armour could prove to be a problem.

Spiritual Aura: Trace and Output

A Saosian is essentially composed of spiritual energy, and the strength of each Saosian is catagorised by the pressure of energy that their body releases when at full power. The richer the energy, the stronger the pressure and therefore the stronger the output. A Saosian's abilities are determined by the strength of their aura.

Khaia Escocar's spiritual energy at the time of being the Captain of the Saosian Reavers was considered one of the highest in Saosi, but after sacrificing most of his power to save a friend from a Darksoul, the aura weakened almost to the point of non-existance. Although it will return in time, the process of aura restoration is a slow and often frustrating one. However, even with his power as weak as it is now, Khaia is still able to trace auras and tell Saosians apart from great distances.

Unfortunately, the limitations of his current power prevent Khaia from fighting for extended periods of time. Although his spiritual aura will never simply disappear through exhaustion, any prolonged fatigue will cause huge setbacks to his recovery. With each battle he wins and each challenge he overcomes, Khaia will find more and more of his power returning to him. It will no doubt be an ardous and long journey, but he believes he will one day regain his lost aura.


Khaia is an intelligent man, and will always seek to solve problems without fighting until his hand is otherwise forced. He also spends a great deal of time studying and observing the world and to this end is good at solving problems.


Khaia is able to communicate in tradespeak and other forms of languages using a portion of his spiritual energy to telepathically translate the words of others, and also allow the words he speaks in Saosian to form in the native language of the person he is engaging. This way he is able to speak to people and interact without having to overcome language barriers.


By focusing his spiritual energy to his feet, Khaia can walk on air for a short time. This is mostly used to cushion falls and aid in travel and is not meant to be used for a prolonged period.


A Ki-Gate can only be activated by Saosians, and are used to travel between Saosi and other realms. Creating a Ki-Gate takes a tremendous amount of spiritual energy and as of yet Khaia does not have enough energy reserves to be able to use a Ki-Gate any more than once a week.


Aura Release

A Saosian ability that is often a pre-cursor to a battle. When a Saosian prepares to fight, they increase their spiritual energy output and focus it into their bodies. This effectively sends a charge around their person, increasing their reflexes and focusing their mind.

Khaia's aura release allows him to increase his speed and strength by 25% for four posts, but decreases the amount of time he is able to battle for. Prolonged releases will gradually drain his spiritual power and can have negative effects on his body. At this level, Khaia has not yet regained full control over his powers and cannot "turn off" his release, so instead he chooses his moment wisely to use it rather than activate it without due care.

Shimmer Edge

Khaia's unique ability that allows him to coat the edge of his sword Ahzdan in a silver tinted energy. Although Shimmer Edge can be used only once per battle, and dissipates after first contact with a solid object, it allows the blade to cut through material up to and including the strength of steel. It is primarily used as an armour breaking attack, and will inflict grevious damage on foes who allow it to touch them unprotected. This ability is acivated by the command "Shine, Ahzdan."


An alternative form of Shimmer Edge that Khaia, wielding Ahzdan, can utilise once per battle. The Shimmer Edge is summoned as normal, but instead of coating the edge of the blade as above, the light shatters and breaks into a cloud of tiny razor sharp dust-like particles, causing numerous painful cutting wounds to an opponent on contact. Using Ahzdan, Khaia can control the flow and form of this particle cloud for a short time and use it to attack his opponent. This ability is activated by the command "Shatter, Ahzdan."



Ahzdan is the sword that Khaia Escocar chose as a young boy, severing a part of his own spiritual energy from his body to forge. This is a traditional method of sword forging used by the Saosian's since their people began, a way, as told in the ancient texts, of ensuring the bond between wielder and weapon was more than simple emotion, a safeguard against murderous intent and a method of ensuring maximum compatibility between sword and master. Swords formed from this method are typically of steel tier, initially.

It appears as a thin, double edged sword. Its blade is two inches across and ninety centimetres long from the flange, which is cross shaped. The grip is wrapped in a deep green cord, cross laced and hewn around the lightweight metal it protects. Apart from the grip, there is little to appease the eye on the blade, which is polished but plain. However, swords in Saosi are rarely intended for ceremony and therefore it is rare that blades are decorated for any other purpose than denoting the rank of their wielder.


The only armour Khaia wears are two steel plated wristbands that simply act as a guard to cutting or stabbing blows against his wrists. These guards start at just below the base of the palm and extend up the forearm, ending just below the elbow joint to ensure that any arm movement remains unrestricted during battle.

Background of Saosi and the Saosian people

Saosi is a realm of purely spiritual beings, hidden away in a dimension unreachable by anyone but their own kind. They are humanlike in appearance and even display similar social, political and militaristic characteristics as their mortal counterparts, but they are also very different in a number of ways.

Their god, Isa, is mentioned in many Saosian texts as the "creator of will". The Saosian people believe that Isa created them to become caretakers of the universe, giving them life from the vast wells of spiritual energy contained within an artifact called "Isa's Tear" and building them a realm from which to conduct their duties.

However, as with most faiths, there have been many interpretations and subsequent debates as to the exact nature of the roles they were alleged to have been given by their creator. Some accounts tell of Isa commanding his people to "become order, become law, so that you may be my judgement, my right hand", which was interpreted to mean "police the universe". However, it is unknown quite what the people of Saosi were supposed to be policing, and what exactly they were supposed to be policing it from. In what eventually became the basis of the "Whitesoul" caste's teachings, it was decided that in order to become Isa's "right hand", the Saosian's had to gain the appropriate level of strength and expand into the upper echelons of existence, so that they may serve their creator in the proper manner. This inevitibly lead to the building of the Saosian Court Guard, and a number of bloody wars with countless races over many generations, along with the formation of the Whitesouls.

The alternative path, in what became the foundations adopted by the "Saosiates" caste, was determined to be the protection and conservation of law and order in the universe, and protection of all living things from corruption and evil. The members of this caste segregated from the Whitesouls caste after bitter disagreements with regards to their faith's direction and scattered across the realms, living amongst many nations and races in their capacity as preachers, guardians of peace and healers. Whitesouls, to this day, refuse to acknowledge Saosiates descendants as their own people, although they have become less aggresive than historically infamous for.

There are still extremist factions of Whitesouls existing today that stick to hardline Whitesoul teachings.

Khaia Escocar

Khaia Escocar is a Saosian pureblood, born into the Whitesouls caste by a father of great political and militaristic stature and a kind mother of Saosiates roots. Although it is a grave crime for Whitesouls and Saosiates to bear a child, Khaia's mixed heritage was kept a closely guarded secret. This was not to protect him, or his mother, but rather the father who lead the Saosian armies and society and was not about to be disgraced by a scandal that could easily be covered up underneath the kind sands of time.

Perhaps that was a grassroot cause of Khaia's hatred of the Whitesoul's core principles, and why, at the age of six, he became the first Whitesoul caste member to challenge a member of his own linage to a duel, which was forbidden under Saosian law. Nonetheless, his opponent accepted, a brave Whitesoul boy named Lanopiel, and a skirmish ensued. Releasing the maximum amount of his aura for the first time, Khaia defeated Lanopiel. Leaving his father in an embarrassing position, Khaia's "indescretion" was passed off as a "settling of differences" as opposed to a duel, but Lanopiel's participation in the fight was not given the same treatment. He soon found himself hauled in front of a full court, having become a scapegoat, and was subsequently stripped of his aura, leaving him powerless.

After this event, Khaia carried the guilt of Lanopiel's punishment with him. As Whitesoul law, and indeed Escocar rule, came under intense scrutiny, Khaia entered the military academy under the intentions to become an officer to attempt to right the wrongs he felt he and the Whitesoul caste were responsible for, the intention being to become an example and an outstanding citizen of Saosi, to change society. His father, despite becoming increasingly disenchanted with his sons rebellious nature, sponsored his training and soon saw a great deal of potential in his young boy, watching from the shadows as Khaia's fighting prowess saw him defeat senior ranked figures in the academy. It wasn't long before Khaia progressed to the rank of vice-captain under Lanopiel's father, Nohor, and gained a reputation as an up and coming strategist and warrior. Khaia's father planned to use Khaia as a valuable asset to his rule, but Khaia himself had other plans.

The Coup of Escocar and Lanopiel's discovery

Several years after graduating from the academy, Khaia, under Nohor's leadership, sieged the Whitesoul palace where his father Azonor Escocar had ruled with an iron fist for many decades. Taking a single division of academy soldiers with him, Khaia and Nohor defeated Azonor in battle and Nohor was immediately installed as a temporary leader for Saosi and the new political arm of the Whitesoul clan.

Feeling that his training had served his own ideals well, Khaia asked Nohor to form the division of academy soldiers into a Court Guard Division, subsequently named "Saosian Reavers". This was done, and Khaia was promoted to Captain of the Saosian Reavers, and forged a blade that he later named Ahzdan. This sword, and his own soldiers, he felt, would now serve to protect the interests of the people and the new administration.

Whilst the framework for the new government was put into place, Lanopiel, who had taken to becoming a researcher, had found himself studying a strange new type of spiritual energy that had been forming inside Ki-Gates leading to and from Saosi. One night, he and a team of researchers travelled to a Ki-Gate that had unexpectedly shut down to investigate the causes behind the incident. Upon arrival, Lanopiel's team became besieged by corrupted souls called Darksouls, spiritual beings that had wandered far from home and had been poisoned with corruption. It was noted that they were missing their hearts, and seemed feral in appearance, but most frighteningly they possessed extreme power and Lanopiel, with no power of his own, a scar of the rule of Escocar, found himself quickly isolated and overwhelmed.

When Khaia and his Reavers were called to the scene, a dying Lanopiel lay bleeding on the floor, helpless. Unable to stand the sight of his defenceless Saosian so close to death, Khaia transferred his powers to Lanopiel partly to save his life and partly to settle a long standing debt which he felt he owed him. Shortly afterwards, Khaia collapsed.

When he awoke, he opened his eyes to a strange new world. It wasn't Saosi...there was a different smell in the air, it somehow seemed denser, less lively or electric. His eyes stung, his feet trembled, his heart pounded against his chest, and as his dazed eyes turned to look behind him, the remnants of a Ki-Gate slammed shut and crumbled to dust before his disbelieving eyes.

He didn't know it, but he had arrived on Althanas. Lost, alone and almost powerless, Khaia stumbled to his feet, and tried to take it all in...

08-28-11, 09:21 AM
Alright, here's the dealio.

I need exact duration and effects of Aura Release. I could allow a 50% increase in his strength and speed for 2 posts at this point.

And regarding Hollowdust, I assume it is also usable once per battle like Shimmer Edge? Also, could you just give me an example of what kind of a damage can these particles do?

Khaian Memory
08-29-11, 11:26 AM
Aura Release at this level would be so weak that 50% would be too much power. I was thinking more 25% for four posts, after which it begins to drain Khaia's power. So, 25% boost to speed and strength whilst using Aura Release, which lasts for four posts.

Hollowdust is a once-only attack at this point, as with Shimmer Edge. The cloud is like a swarm of steel tier razorblades, which will do cutting damage to an opponent if caught up in it, and is controllable by Khaia in terms of direction of attack. The cuts won't be deep, but numerous. Control for a "short time" should really be two posts maximum before the cloud dissipates. I am trying to get across the message here that my character is currently too weak to be able to sustain a prolonged battle, in the hope I am injecting some realism into his condition. Most of these weaknesses will be attended to at future level ups.

Does that sit well with you? I'll make the edits once you approve them.

08-29-11, 01:40 PM
Sounds good. Make the edits and you're set to go.

Khaian Memory
08-30-11, 02:18 AM
Ok, edits done!

08-30-11, 10:42 AM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome back to Althanas.