View Full Version : Andren Carros [Level 0]

Andren Carros
08-31-11, 09:32 PM
If Metal Forging Knowledge needs to be an ability let me know; I assumed that it would be classified as a skill since it has no direct effect on other players, nor any direct physical manifestation.
Also, his titanium pendant has no physical or magical use, and cannot be sold, so I hope the high level of craftsmanship and rare metal can remain as is.

Name: Andren Carros [An-dren Care-ohse]
Age: 20
Race: Human
Hair Color: Russet Brown
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Height: 6' 3”
Weight: 201 lbs
Occupation: Sword for hire
Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous, but tends to favor his right
Religion: Believes in basic forces of good and evil, light and dark, but follows no specific religion.
Country of Origin: Unknown, but his appearance suggests Coronian ancestry. Grew up from infancy in southern Raiaera.

Languages Spoken: Fluent in Common and High Elven. Knows a few words in other Elven dialects such as Drow/Aleraran.

Personality: Relatively introverted, Andren is friendly but not overly talkative. He knows when to hold his tongue, but can usually supply a quick joke or give a few words of sympathy when the need arises. He does his best to keep his word to others, but in the end he is most loyal to himself. If following his heart will lead him to break a promise, then he will typically break it without too many regrets. He is not terribly scrupulous when he accepts jobs, but he isn't cruel; he shies away from killing innocents, women, and children. He is also fairly clever and intelligent, and his mind lends itself well to strategy.

Appearance: Andren has a medium build and light tan skin. He is generally regarded as good-looking, but has no predominant scars, tattoos, or any other features that cause him to stand out. Not extremely muscular but it is clear he is quite strong for his size. His straight brown hair reaches down to about his shoulders, and is typically parted down the middle and swept to the sides of his face. He has light green eyes with a slight hint of blue that usually appear to be very focused; because of this he is often mistaken for staring at an object he was really only glancing at. Only rarely does he grow a real beard; he either keeps clean shaven or only allows a few weeks of growth. He often has a somewhat serious facial expression, but at the same time he typically appears kind and easily approachable. A certain lethal grace accompanies his movements, but a friendly smile allays most people's fears.

Biases: Distrusts Aleraran Dark Elves, but not as much as most Raiaeran High Elves. Having grown up in a very literate and educated Elven village, he sometimes looks down upon uneducated or unintelligent humans.


Metal Forging Knowledge : While Andren cannot actually forge weapons or armor of his own, his time spent in the smithy has granted him the knowledge to tell the difference between a well forged piece of metal and a badly forged one. He must be within about 10 feet of the target to get a very basic idea of the quality of an armament, and must hold or be within a couple feet of the object to get a better idea and spot any major design flaws. This allows him both to spot well made equipment when browsing the bazaar, identify the general quality of his opponent's weaponry and armor, and carry on basic conversation about the quality of items forged from metal.

Weapon Expertise [Average Melee combat]: Having trained in combat for most of his life, Andren is fairly comfortable with using most kinds of melee weaponry, as well as using his hands, feet, or other body parts. He can pick up almost anything and figure out the basics of how to use it as a weapon. He would be much more knowledgeable and able than someone who has never fought with a particular weapon, but would be less skillful than someone who has trained primarily with said weapon.

Marksmanship [Average]: Andren is familiar with the use of most kinds of bows, as well as how to care for them. He tends to favor recurve bows and flatbows rather than shortbows or longbows. He is no expert archer, and primarily uses bows as hunting tools or for surprise attacks. He is also versed in the basic operation of crossbows, but is far less experienced with them. Andren has no experience with firearms, but his knowledge of how to aim bows and crossbows would aid his aim with firearms. Most would consider Andren to be about average with a bow and arrow.

Wind-dancing [Expert Swordsmanship]: The sword is Andren's primary weapon of choice, and as such he is much more comfortable with it than with other weaponry. His expertise is mainly with one-handed swords, but he is also comfortable with bastard swords or longer daggers. His style of combat relies mostly on precision, speed, and evasion, and less on brute strength and blocking. Especially with shorter swords, this form of combat is very similar to dancing, with the swordsman fluidly stepping from stance to stance, weaving his blade to and fro with great alacrity. It is possible to use this form with a sword and shield, but it doesn't lend itself very well to large or heavy shields due to its emphasis on evasion and movement. It is also possible to use two swords, or a sword and a dagger. Andren is more adept than the average swordsman; most would consider him an expert with a blade.

Fast Learner: Andren's intelligence allows him to quickly grasp concepts and adapt to changing situations. Not only can this be useful against an unskilled foe who uses the same technique to attack over and over, but Andren can also learn to use new weapons (and magic, should he choose to) slightly faster than the average person.


Physical Statistics Overview [Compared to the Average Human Male]:

Strength: 150%
Agility: 200%
Stamina: 100%
Pain Tolerance: 100%
Reflexes: 100%
Senses: 100%

Physical Statistics Descriptions:

Magnified Strength [150%]: Due to his active life-style, Andren has developed additional strength as a matter of course. He is approximately one and a half times stronger than the average person his size on Althanas. Aside from increasing Andren's combat capabilities, his strength also allows him to lift heavier loads and move more swiftly while using heavier weapons or armor.

Elven Agility [200%]: Having grown up with Elves and trained in combat styles emphasizing speed, Andren has learned to move about twice as fast as an average person on Althanas. This allows him to move, climb, attack, and evade faster, as well as jump slightly higher. Having grown accustomed to moving faster, he can also follow fast movements with his eyes more effectively. While his mental reflex time is not directly increased by this trait, his physical ability to react is faster due to his increased movement speed.



Zephyr [Average Steel Longsword]: Andren's current primary sword, Zephyr, has a slightly curved polished steel blade measuring three and a half feet, a one-handed grip, a small vaguely elliptical cross-guard, and a deep fuller. The grip is wrapped in black leather, and the pommel has an inch and a half long blade sticking out of it allowing it to be effectively used as a weapon. The short blade is sharp only on one side to prevent accidental injury to the wielder's arm. The large fuller in the blade and a small lead core inside the pommel render the sword very light for steel, but also well balanced. The slightly upward curving blade's primary edge is on the bottom, but the top is sharpened enough to allow the weapon to still be used to stab. The blade is a little less than an inch wide. Andren keeps this sheathed on his left hip. The sheath is made of hardened black leather with silver tips, and attaches to Andren's belt. Andren can use this sword in either hand, but is more adept at using it in his right.

Iron Dagger [Average]: This unnamed dagger has a double-edged, foot long blade, no cross-guard, and no fuller. The absence of the fuller adds weight to the dagger, allowing it to be slightly more effective against light armor. While not specifically designed to be a throwing knife, it is balanced so that it could be used as such in a pinch. Andren keeps this dagger on his right hip in a simple dark leather sheath, and is accustomed to using it in either hand.

Iron Throwing Knife [Below Average]: This five inch knife is somewhat difficult to use in melee combat, although it can work in a pinch. It is balanced to be thrown relatively accurately up to around fifteen feet. Accuracy is significantly reduced past that range, and the heavy iron makes it difficult to throw much farther. Andren keeps this concealed in his left boot, and he prefers to throw with his right hand. He only has one, so he needs to retrieve it after throwing it.


Dark Green Leather Jerkin [Average]: A simple sleeveless leather jerkin with a high collar for neck coverage. The leather has been died a dark moss green color. While it does not provide much protection against blade thrusts or blunt weapon attacks, it is more effective in repelling blade slashes. Dark gray leather straps crisscross across the front and back of the jerkin, providing additional armor, functioning as suspenders, and allowing shoulder pauldrons to be easily fastened.

Black Iron Spaulders [Average]: Basic matching shoulder plates that attach to Andren's jerkin by two rivets fastened into his chest armor's straps. They provide a fair amount of protection to Andren's shoulder and upper arm, but are small enough that they do not greatly encumber him. As well as being forged from darkened iron, the spaulders were carefully burnt after being forged to reduce the amount of light they reflect and intensify the black color.

Black Leather Glove Wrappings : Essentially strips of rough dark gray leather wrapped around Andren's gloves. These provide a small amount of protection to the hands as well as providing a good grip on most surfaces. They are secure enough not to unravel in a fight, but are not very well crafted, nor designed specifically for use with gloves.

Black Leather Boots [Average]: Black boots that reach up to a few inches below Andren's knees. Although they are only of average craftsmanship, the part of the boot surrounding Andren's foot was measured and crafted specifically for Andren, providing a snug fit and secure footing. The leather around Andren's legs is loose enough to allow his breeches to fit easily inside, as well as to conceal a dagger.


Clothing [Average]: Andren wears mostly dark gray and black clothing, but will sometimes throw in some darker shades of red, blue, green, or even purple. His typical attire consists of a black collared short-sleeve wool shirt worn under his jerkin, dark gray wool breeches, and worn green linen gloves. He wears clothing made of durable cloth that does not easily wear out from travel or the elements, but it provides very little protection against attacks.

Titanium Amulet [Masterwork]: This thin circular pendant measuring an inch an a half in diameter is worn on a thin leather cord around Andren's neck, fed through a small hole at the top of the disc. It bears an intricate design with a sword engraved on one side, a cylindrical object engraved on the other, and various lines and waves embossed on both sides. Andren does not know the meaning of the inscription or of the amulet itself, but was told it was left for him by his parents. The main body of the pendant is slightly darker than the design, but the entire amulet is quite lustrous, causing Andren to wear it underneath his clothing to avoid the attention of thieves. Although the pure titanium would no doubt fetch a nice price at the bazaar, Andren refuses to sell it, no matter how short on funds he finds himself.

Bag of Elvish Leaves: This small package of leaves comes from Andren's hometown of Eldras. The leaves come from a greenish-purple shrub named Sarel, and are blessed by Eldrasian druids. The leaves can be consumed raw to quickly neutralize most common physical poisons (has no effect on magical poisons). They can also be boiled and consumed as a sort of tea to ease most stomach aches and muscle pains as well as curing poison. Sarel is found only in the southern deciduous forests of Raiaera, and is uncommon even there. Leaves plucked directly from the shrub that lack a druid's blessing are less effective. Andren has enough leaves for about 10 uses.

Whetstone: A whetstone Andren keeps for sharpening his weapons. It is large enough to last him a long time, but but doesn't encumber him.


Of the events of the first couple weeks of his life, nothing is known to Andren; where he was born and who his parents are are mysteries. When he was fast on four weeks old he was entrusted to the Elder Druid of the town of Eldras, Deldariil. The druid fostered him as if he were of elven blood, and cared for him like a son. How his parents got a High Elf to raise their human son, Andren was never told. As a very young child he played with other Elven children in the southern Raiaeran town, and was scarcely aware of his differences in appearance. Even as a child he enjoyed climbing, and the tall trees of the forest surrounding Eldras provided him with a near infinite playground.

As he grew older, around the age of six or seven, both he and the elvish children started noticing their differences, and over the next ten years he was slowly ostracized by even his closest friends. Most of the adult elves ignored the fact that he was human – he spoke High Elven, knew Raiaeran customs, and had had an elvish education. In their minds he was much more elven than human, and he was treated as such. It seemed that Elves, or at least these Elves, put much greater stock in his upbringing that in his race. No longer having many friends his own age, he spent much of his time in the smithy with Forge Master Adarriel, who always had good advice and good candy. Andren never learned the craft, but from watching Adarriel work the forge hours on end he slowly gained some basic understanding of it.

As differences became a greater and greater barrier to friendship, more and more questions formed in Andren's head. Why was he different? Why did it matter that he was different? When he was of age to understand Deldariil was not his biological father, new questions arose. Who were his parents? Where were they now? Why did they abandon him? Deldariil was typically taciturn when asked, and encouraged Andren to look to the future, and warned that dwelling on one's past could be a dark path. He did tell Andren that his parents were both alive and healthy when they came to Eldras with their infant son, but claimed he did not know anything of their current health or whereabouts. Even as a boy Andren knew there must have been some relationship between his parents and this druid that caused the Elf to take him in, but Deldariil simply avoided Andren's questions and gave no satisfying answers.

Eldras was known to surrounding towns, despite its small size, for producing well trained soldiers, and as such Andren's combat education was started at an early age. He was taught to use almost any weapon imaginable, but emphasis was placed on swordplay and archery. Like the other older elves, his combat instructors treated him like any other pupil; he was praised for his achievements, and reprimanded for his failures. It soon became obvious that Andren was a naturally talented swordsman, and Deldariil offered that in the short time he knew Andren's parents, he could tell they were both skilled warriors. The druid gave Andren a titanium pendant to be worn as a necklace, claiming his parents had given him the amulet the same day they gave him Andren, but said nothing about its meaning.

While his sword-masters commended Andren's great ability, his skill proved to be yet another dividing factor between him and the other children. Unfortunately, even the least skilled sword in the village was smart enough to tell when Andren purposely lost a duel, and typically was more insulted by this than by losing to the human. Deldariil offered little advice, and only promised that relations would sweeten with age. Andren, having lived his entire life with elves who lived thousands of years, was acutely aware of just how short his own life would be. Waiting was not a viable option in his mind.

To better prepare the adolescent elves for positions of leadership in the Tel Aglarim, the fighting instructors pitted teams of students against each other with dull blades, and granted command of these teams to especially gifted students. Andren, being the best swordsmen in the village for his age, was granted the honor of leading a team when he was sixteen years old. A feast was to be held that night celebrating all of the pupils who had been so honored, but for Andren, unbeknownst to the Elves, it was also a farewell dinner.

He had decided it was time to go. Despite his elvish accent and mannerisms, he was still a human, and he did not feel that he belonged here. Human travelers and merchants had passed through the village now and then throughout Andren's life, and he had always felt especially lonely after they left. He had resolved to leave the village, earn some money with his sword, and travel to Salvar or take a ship to Corone to live among other humans.

Deldariil, having no biological children of his own, had gifted Andren with his family sword, Zephyr. The sword was no masterpiece, but it was a still a step above most blades and obviously held sentimental value for the Elder Druid; Andren was not so lost to honor as to run away with the elf's heirloom. An hour before the feast Andren snuck into the town armory to pilfer a simple iron sword as a replacement. He prepared his bags, and wrapped the new sword up in burlap before taking Zephyr into Deldariil's bedroom and leaving it on the bed. The Elder Druid was already at the feast preparing and Andren was sure he would not be able to return until long after the feast had ended.

Andren left his bags on his own bed and took off for the feast. He ate as much food as he could without bursting his stomach and drank as much wine as he could without falling over. As the feast came to a close, Andren slipped out before the crowd and returned home. He grabbed his bags, and darted back into the crowd. With everyone out and about, and very few of them sober, he was confident that anyone who saw him would only think he was carrying something to help clean up the feast.

When no one seemed to be looking he took off through the town's entry arch into the night, headed towards Eluriand. He only regretted leaving Deldariil without saying good bye, as he had come to think of the druid as a father despite their differences, but thought it was for the best. He knew the old elf would have only told Andren to be patient, that in time the other adolescent elves would come to accept Andren as one of them. He consoled himself that although he was not going to be patient, he was heeding Deldariil's advice of looking towards the future. He was sure he would be welcomed in whichever human country he ended up in, and would finally feel as if he belonged. With his parents' pendant warm against his chest, he even flirted with the fantasy of finally meeting them, and learning why they left him in Eldras.

He did not think anyone would come after him, but Andren decided to try to put as much distance between himself and Eldras nonetheless. Although he had not drunk so much that he could not walk, he stuck to the road to avoid tripping over the undergrowth in the forest. Alas, he did not have elvish eyes. After he had walked perhaps ten miles he decided to get a few hours sleep before sunrise. He settled down a ways to the side of the road, and reached into one of his bags for a quick snack, only to find a small note placed on top of the food.

I should have known it would serve no point to tell you to be patient. It is not in your blood to wait, and I was actually surprised you delayed so long before leaving. I'd like to think that you stayed for me, but I suppose it doesn't really matter. I know that you will likely never return, but should you decide to do so, you will always be welcomed in my house. You are a gifted swordsman and have a gifted mind, and I hope you find a rewarding way to use your talents. Also, don't worry, I already returned the sword you borrowed from Forge Master Adarriel. I wish you good fortune and good health – I will always love you, my son.


Andren was so shocked that he had to reread the note several times before its meaning finally truly dawned on him. The druid had known all along that Andren would run away, and had even somehow known which night Andren would choose to leave. As his eyes fell once more on the latter half of the note, his eyebrows narrowed in confusion, and he glanced at the burlap covered sword. He picked up the bundle and slowly unwrapped it to find Zephyr waiting inside. The blade had even been newly polished and sharpened. Thinking back, Andren realized he had not seen Adarriel at all during the feast. It was not an unusual occurrence, given the elf's reclusiveness, but Andren now thought it likely that the Forge Master had spent the evening sharpening Andren's sword. When Deldariil had found the time to return home and get the sword to Adarriel, Andren had no idea, but for all his lousy advice, Deldariil was surprisingly crafty.

Scanning the letter again, another question arose. What did the druid mean, "not in his blood to wait?” Did the elf know even more about Andren's parents than he had suspected? Shaking his head gently, he told himself to once more focus on the future, not the past. After reading the note he found himself unable to sleep, but he rested a few hours in the predawn darkness nonetheless.

Over the next four years the young swordsman hired out his services as a freelance mercenary in Eluriand and other, smaller towns. He had heard many rumors that the humans of Salvar were none too educated, and had decided to instead try his luck on Corone. Once he had the money to pay for passage and food, he paid his way on a small trading ship, and left Raiaera behind with no intention of returning any time soon.

09-01-11, 01:20 AM
This looks fine. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.

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