View Full Version : Errol

09-01-11, 04:40 AM
Name: Errol
Age: 24
Race: Human male
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 1.86 meters
Weight: 92 kilograms
Occupation: Adventurer, Crime lord.
Languages: Drow, Common
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Country of Origin: Unknown. Lived in Alerar most of his life.

In his interactions with other people, Errol often comes across as a carefree drifter seeking excitement and adventure, yet with a certain depth of character that separates him from the average thrill-seeker. This description is mostly accurate, but only skims the surface of his personality.
Errol’s seemingly spirited approach to life stems from an obsessive desire for freedom, a pathological obsession that does not only manifest itself in his behavior, but also ideologically.
This is the point where his mentality begins to diverge from that which is common. Errol has no moral compass, and holds the somewhat nihilistic belief that there are no absolute values in life, and that one should lead their life according to their own will, and theirs only; regardless of the consequences this may have for others. He does not justify his actions, which can be deemed completely amoral and vile, but neither does he condemn his own actions. To him, actions hold no value besides the value he himself decides to ascribe to it. The ultimate intellectual expression of freedom.
Of course he is still only human, and not without emotion. He may show regret or sympathy, but is rarely dissuaded from continuing on his chosen path by these emotions. More often than not will he sympathize with his victims, but never will he place others’ needs above his own. To Errol, that would be akin to betraying himself and everything he chooses to stand for.

In valuing people, Errol adheres to a dramaturgic view of the social world, considering all people to be unwitting actors in a grand cosmic play. Each life is a story with the person as its protagonist. He judges and values people as if they were simply characters in a book he were reading. However, this does not imply that if he were to find someone interesting, he would be dissuaded from doing them harm. On the contrary; if he feels that bringing conflict in their life, and thus inserting himself in their story as an agent of said conflict would be an interesting turn of events, he will not shy away from doing so despite any affection he might hold for them. To put things simply, one might very well call him a sociopathic asshole with some serious mental issues.

Errol may seem like an open person, even unabashedly admitting his peculiar views of life and morality, but he is actually a rather introverted person. Anyone attempting to get too close to him will stumble upon walls he sets up to protect himself. To protect himself from any influence in his faculties of free will and choice. He is afraid to be controlled, be it by love, fear or any other external influence. This can be seen in the way in which he controls his growing criminal empire. He only deals through middlemen, never exposing his true identity as the organization’s leader. Although this is partially for practical means, it still exposes his fear of control. It also enables him to maneuver around the world freely. Having a reasonable sum of money, but no criminal reputation attached to it allows him to do so. In order to keep his colleagues and associates content, and protect himself from them, he takes only a small amount of the profits of operations, giving them the larger share. This diminishes his status, power and wealth somewhat, but gives him that anonymity he requires to roam the world freely.
Errol’s way of thinking can be attributed to his previous life as a slave, believing that there was no escape from a reality that was imposed upon him. A reality in which he stood as a helpless observer to the gruesome horrors that are the expression of man’s true nature (read people’s nature, considering man would refer to humanity only). Deep down he believes that the only way to gain some control over this reality is to give in to these atrocities. Only then can he be truly free.

On a lighter note, Errol is fond of reading literature, hiking, travelling, swimming, running(even in urban landscapes, much like free running/parcours) and airships. Though he is by no means a staunch nationalist, he is in many ways socialized as an Aleraran citizen, sharing amongst others a dislike of Raiera. Perhaps not as strong as that of most, but it’s there. In a way that’s interesting, as it’s one of those same socially imposed values that would assault his intellectual freedom, making these conceptualizations contradictory to his own philosophy. Well, no one’s perfect.

Errol has a rather strange attitude towards all things magical. He disregards all forms of mysticism, and tends to be very dismissive of magic in general. This does not mean he doesn’t believe in magic, but rather that he doesn’t want to believe in it and chooses to ignore it mostly. An exception to this would be Alchemy though, which he endorses. Like most Alerarans, he is a strong advocate of science and sometimes helps fund scientific research that he would like to see come to fruition. Not always philanthropic in nature, as this is often research of which the result could benefit him, but it comes pretty close if you consider his personality.

His closest relationship would be the one with Warden, his bodyguard, muscle, and right-hand man. The fact that Warden is an abominable monster with little to no regard for all living things only further presses the point that Errol is somewhat messed up. His personality is no doubt going to bite him in the ass sooner or later, that’s for sure.

Errol is a tall male human with a modestly athletic physique. His dark brown hair is slightly wavy and falls to his shoulders. From time to time he wears his hair in a ponytail or combs it back completely.
Errol usually sports a semi-unkempt goatee, but has no qualms in shaving it if a clean shave better fits the occasion.
He can often be seen wearing a combination of baggy pinstriped pants, a fancy white shirt with a waistcoat and expensive hiking/adventuring boots. Of course his attire may vary depending on the situation.
An immutable addition to his attire is his ever-present messenger bag. What this bag holds could be anyone’s guess, but Errol always keeps it close to him.
Errol’s face could be considered handsome, but not incredibly memorable. In fact, he exudes such a mundane aura that he will go unnoticed in most crowds. His usual facial expression is that of a vaguely content grin accompanied by a dreamy gaze. Most of the time it just seems like Errol is looking at an entirely different world.

Errol’s earliest memories of youth are of those of his village being burned down by slavers; the men slaughtered, the women and children whisked off into slavery. He was born in a small mountain village populated exclusively by humans, who lived simple modest lives with neither magic nor technology. Errol has no recollection of any details relating to his birthplace, besides a fondness for barren mountains and heights.
He was sold to an Aleraran Freiherr named Gustan Martivius, a Dark Elf who had significant dealings in Alerar’s criminal underworld and was based in Ettermire.
Martivius dealed in illegal firearms; though never supplied to enemies of Alerar, but also arranged for assassinations. For his businesses, he often used his slaves. In order to ensure their loyalty, he had enchantments placed upon them that would render them unable to disobey him.
Despite this, he did not mistreat his slaves physically, and provided them with good education and training. Some were picked out specifically to be trained as assassins, and would undergo rigorous physical and martial training. Errol was not one of these. Instead, once he reached an appropriate age, he was often chosen to act as a middleman during transactions, or as a courier of valuable goods and information. He never stood out much, but was always able to finish the job. Not always exactly the way his master told him to do it, but always to his satisfaction. Errol’s natural immunity to the enchantments placed upon him enabled him to do things his own way.
After years of service as an underworld lackey, Errol had learned quite a bit about the business. Gustan never questioned the effectiveness of the forced obedience and mental conditioning spells woven into his slaves, and therefore imparted Errol with valuable inside-knowledge of his dealings. This blind faith in these magicks soon proved to be his undoing.
Errol soon discovered one of his master’s secret weapons; a powerful hulking creature that had been enslaved with an enchanted armor, an armor that more closely resembled some form of torturous cage.
His first attempts to converse with the creature were not very fruitful. His hope to use him against the master was crushed when he learned that the armor’s enchantments not only repressed his abilities, but also made him unable to disobey Martivius.
However, Errol continued to spend time with the creature regardlessly and conversed with it regularly. Its gruesome appearance took him a little time to get used to, but never truly terrified him. After all, it wasn’t much more terrifying than a mangled corpse, which was a sight he’d already gotten used to before. Together they decided upon a name for the creature; ‘Warden’.

Eventually he discovered that under his touch, the armor’s enchantment would fade temporarily and release Warden’s true power. This was all he needed to turn the tables on his former, mentor, captor and father. Errol chose, however, to wait. He waited until he thought he had learned enough, and had gathered sufficient intelligence to realize his plans after the master’s death. In one night he orchestrated the deaths of Martivius, his staff, and all other slaves, and burned down the mansion. He also burned all records that proved his own existence, and took with him all the information on Martivius’ dealings, contacts and secrets. Included in this was incriminating evidence against several prominent nobles, military men and criminals whom Gustan had been in contact with. It had always been a combination of blackmail, intimidation and political power that put Martivius in his seat of power. Now it was time, Errol thought, to put those lessons to good use.
In order to rise to power in the criminal world, he applied several strategies;
To ensure loyalty, he not only threatened his ‘associates’ with blackmail, he also ensured they would retain most of the profits in order to keep them content.
To ensure that he could not be betrayed, he compartmentalized the chain of command. He dealt with no one directly, and more often than not made sure that the people doing his work did not even know they were doing it for him. Instead of using his name, in the underworld he uses the alias ‘Freeman’.

To ensure that the Aleraran authorities would not pursue him, he never acted against the interests of the nation. He never dealt with enemies of Alerar, only with neutral parties and the enemies of Alerar’s enemies. He also went through great lengths to communicate this to the higher-ups in the government. In whatever trace that could be found of him, it was made clear that he did not wish to compromise Alerar. This gained him the (unofficial) support of several high ranking nobles, including even a few Grafs.even
Although it is true that Errol is partial to the nation of Alerar and its ideals, the true reason for himself allying itself with it is more practical. The spirit of the times smiles favorably upon Alerar, and in this time of growth and prospering it would be unwise to come up only to have your head cut off. Besides, Errol knew how the current monarchy’s enemies were cut down. He would rather be on the other side of the executioner’s axe.
With his newfound wealth, Errol finances his travels and accomodations. Together with Warden, his bodyguard and partner in crime he travels the lands, seeking for opportunities to expand his business all across Althanas, but most of all seeking adventure.

*Warden is not a familiar, but a separate character that does not belong to me but to Grandjester. He’ll probably be posted alongside this profile or slightly later.

Criminally Savvy- Especially in the criminal underworld of Alerar, Errol knows his way around, and has many contacts, whether they know it or not. His information network in Alerar is rather strong.

Comfort of Wealth- While by no means a kingpin, or as rich as most criminal overlords would be, his finances allow him the freedom to do as he wills most of the time. This includes travel expenses, lodging, clothing and sustenance.

Education- Errol enjoyed a relatively good education. Though he by no means received a top-notch education, he has always been given the freedom to educate himself extra. His favorite trips during his youth were those to the grand library of Ankhas, and even now that place holds a special place in his heart.

Basic Martial Training (low)- Though Errol received basic martial training (hand-to hand, swordsmanship, etc.), he is not at all particularly skilled at any form of combat. He may be able to defeat a brigand in a one-on one battle, or even incapacitate one or two drunken men in a bar fight, but that would probably be the full extent of his martial prowess. In real combat, Errol will more likely resort to using dirty tricks. Or just running. Yeah, he’s good at that.

‘Freeman’- As an underground crime lord of sorts, Errol is incredibly skilled at contracting people to do his dirty work for him, often without them knowing they’re working for him. Though this is easier for him in Ettermire, where he’s better acclimatized to the social underbelly of the city, his recruitment skills are still potent even in strange lands.

Unassailable- It’s difficult to get a rise out of Errol, or any sort of strong emotional response, unless you know exactly where to poke. Which would require some effort to find out.

Firearm Proficiency- Errol is proficient in the operation and maintenance of most existing firearm mechanisms (matchlock and flintlock). He favors the use of pistols however, as they’re easier to conceal and the perfect close-range killing weapon.

Homo Mensura- Errol is completely impervious to all magic that directly affects him. This excludes external forces that were created by magic (such as a fireball or a lightning bolt, or any other elemental magic) and magic that only affects the environment or the fabric of reality(such as time manipulation, gravity fields, etc.)
Examples of magic that does not affect him are healing magic, enchantments, curses, mind magic, and anything else that would affect him as an individual existence. Included also would be all instances of illusion magic that affects his brain, and thus his sensory perception.

Enchanted objects(or people) temporarily lose their enchantment effects after he touches them, and if the enchantment is particularly weak or if he touches it long enough it it might just fade completely.
An example of a weak enchantment would be a temporary enchantment that surrounds a sword with fire, whilst a strong enchantment would be a Dwarven enchanted shield that is unbreakable. Or something like that.
Under enchantments, one can count all those things earlier listed that Errol is immune to. Important:This part of the ability only applies to Warden's enchanted armor at the moment.

Errol seems oblivious of this inborn ability, which will likely remain that way, considering his disregard for all things magical.

Athletic- Due to his training as a child, and his physical hobbies, Errol is rather athletic. He is slightly stronger and faster than the average human (1.2x) and has good cardiovascular fitness. Errol rarely breaks a sweat and can keep at it for long periods of time. (1.2 x normal human cardiovascular ability)

Basic Clothing, Messenger Bag, survival kit and rations, some books and a towel. Who in their right mind would set off on an adventure without his towel?

-A flintlock pistol. Damaged and rendered unusable from over-usage. Not damaged beyond repair. No bullets and black powder included either.
-Iron switchblade.

A lightweight concealable protective vest made of steel and leather often worn underneath his clothing. Won’t protect against physical damage completely, but will cushion the blow somewhat.

Mostly unsatisfied with the history section, but it's the best I could do without writing an overly elaborate story. Was unsure whether having a firearm as primary (and only) weapon would be allowed at the start, but decided it would fit the character's background. Also just noticed that Errol's Homo Mensura ability is somewhat similar to an already existing ability belonging to Letho, but decided that it was dissimilar enough to go through with (and too much of a pain to rewrite the entire character for originality's sake). I hope I did everything according to protocol.
I will edit this postscriptum out when/if the profile is accepted. Otherwise it'd look kind of stupid. Durr.
Edit: Checked around a bit, and am almost sure it's not allowed to have a gun as a weapon on level 0. I'll wait for the official ruling but am prepared to make slight alterations to the profile on this.

09-02-11, 07:50 AM
Hey there and welcome to the site. I'm going to need you to change a few things for me before I can approve you. I'd just like to start though by saying I like the character, you did a great job with the profile for a newcomer to Althanas. Brownie points on that.

As far as the changes, there's a few. For one, I cannot allow the Flintlock pistol at level 0 for obvious reasons. The ability to blow a hole in someone should be reserved for at least level 1 ;). Well you can pretty much purchase the flintlock pistol by level one so you'll just have to wait it out until then, sorry if that seems a little rough though. As far as I'm concerned you can keep it, but it needs to be unusable until a later time. Just note that some key parts are missing, or something along those lines.

I need to know what your "armor" vest is made of. What type of material.

The next thing is with your abilities. You have to many at the moment. I'll allow the athletic part, but you'll have to either tone down his cardio to 1.2x or tone down his Homo Mensura capabilities.

As far as the Mensura ability goes, you'll probably need to tone that down regardless. This "Enchanted objects(or people) temporarily lose their enchantment effects after he touches them, and if the enchantment is particularly weak or if he touches it long enough it it might just fade completely." can be added on your next level but I cannot allow it at the moment.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact myself or Letho.

09-02-11, 11:16 AM
Fair enough, I'll get started on that asap.

Quick edit: However, would it be possible for homo mensura's secondary effect, the enchantment errosion/fading, to be present but apply only to Warden's armor? I personally don't mind the downgrading of the ability in this way, but having him be able to weaken Warden's limiter is a pretty important point in their relationship. I understand there'd be difficulty with this as well though, considering Warden (member Grandjester) hasn't posted his profile yet and you can't really judge on that. But still, I'm taking my chances and asking. For now I'll edit that part of the ability in this way, but if that is unsatisfactory we'll come back on that one.

09-02-11, 02:00 PM
Alright, with all of those edits in place I'll go ahead and approve you. I'll even give you 100 bonus experience for making the changes without bickering!
