View Full Version : Warden

09-03-11, 12:45 PM
Name: Warden
Age: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Gender: Unknown (Presumably male)
Hair Colour: Unknown
Eye Colour: Unknown
Height: 9 feet
Weight: 400kg
Occupation: Bodyguard
Languages: Common
Alignment: True Neutral
Country of Origin: Unknown

Warden's personality cannot really be compared to that of mankind. It blurs the gap between that of man and beast, creating something inbetween. Warden is best described as unpredictable at it's core, and on the surface displays a mostly stoic and reserved appearance, but that is likely because of it's concealing frame that betrays no form of emotional response. It runs itself off of a bizarre type of instinct that takes traits from animals such as survival over all, but also has it seek out enjoyment in activities ranging from playing with others to playing with their corpses. The latter leaves others assuming that Warden is evil, or at least malicious. That is not the case, and trying to pin Warden as evil, or even trying to ascribe any type of morality to it is simply pointless. It is beyond human understanding, and any attempt to explain it's actions will simply result in being proved wrong one way or another when Warden does something completely random down the road, betraying any sign of normality it had previously established. Warden does, however, have a capacity to bond with others, as seen in its 'friendship' with Errol. While apparently a master-servant type of relationship, their interactions with each other do seem deeper than that on occasion. Errol certainly sees Warden as a friend of sorts, but Warden's feelings seem uncertain, much like the rest of his personality.

Warden represents itself as a very large armoured humanoid. The armour covers its entire body, leaving nothing exposed, resulting in Warden's physical nature being impossible to assess. The armour is crafted from a steel-like alloy that is naturally pitch black, and seamless across the entire suit, as though forged around the body originally and incapable of being removed naturally. In fact, one would mistake Warden as an armoured statue if he stood perfectly still. While most of the suit resembles standard plate armour, though seamless, the helmet appears to be designed more to look like a smooth, featureless human head, not including features such as ears, a nose, or hair. Where the eyes would be on the artificial head are hollow indents similar to eye sockets, and the mouth is more like a row of steel teeth formed into a threatening grimace. The look is intimidating, but leaves one to think that Warden is not an organic creature and is some sort of golem. That is far from the truth, as the armour is actually a prison to a creature inside it, and the appearance of the armour is nothing like the creature within. What lies under the steel is a creature of flesh and blood, with no real form to call it's own. However, if simply because of the masculine appearance of the armour, most people will assume he's a man or refer to him as such. Perhaps what surprises people the most is that Warden can talk, and he does so in a gutteral voice that echoes, as though spoken by more than one person overlapping each other. However, his undeveloped intellect causes his speech to be simple, or simply resort to making growling sounds or grunts. He is still capable of talking in an erudite manner, he just doesn't.

The furthest one can look back into Warden's history is on a wrecked vessel far out at sea. A slavers vessel had encountered it in their patrols for new 'recruits', and had no qualms about boarding it to take any treasure or poor souls still on board. The only thing they would find would be a shackled set of armour, as though something was still inside it. Assuming that whoever was in the armour had long since died, they went to undo the binds, but found that the armour moved just before they did so and lashed out at them, still restrained by the shackles. Deciding that such a strange being could fetch a good price to a niche market, they kept him bound and took him on their vessel back to Alerar to be sold. Through a series of dealings, the living armour wound up in the hands of one Gustan Martivius, a Dark Elf Freiherr based in Ettermire.

Gustan considered the strange armour to be disturbing, but decided that he could use it to guard his quarters and terrify his other slaves. He would not count on one of his own slaves to use this living armour to bring about his death, however. A man named Errol, who had been immune to his mind controlling enchantments but was kept around regardless, had created a bond with the creature, who had taken up the name of Warden. Errol's inborn anti-magic allowed Warden freedom from his bonds, which set off a desire for freedom and creating a bond between the two.

It was no surprise then that Warden went through with Errol's plans to kill Martivius and burn down his estate, along with his staff and other slaves. They took the important documents that Errol sort after for whatever reason, and then set out to ascertain Errol's dreams. Warden would be beside Errol for as long as the man had the power to free him, even if it took a lifetime to do so. Through blood and suffering, Warden did as he was asked, and the relationship soon developed into a strange friendship, which has so far stood the test of time.

Errol's job in the organisation was mostly that of Errol's bodyguard and right-hand man. He was likely Errol's only coworker who actually spoke to him directly and knew his identity, and Errol was just fine with that. They travelled the land, Errol seeking adventure and Warden seeking freedom, and their story unfolded.

Eldritch Monstrosity- While incapable of showing any of it's true power, the true Warden is underneath the armour and possesses powers beyond mortal capacity. Great magic and horrifying powers develop as the seal binding him weakens, and the weaker his armour, the stronger he becomes.

Permanently Sustained- Warden does not have to eat, drink or sleep, its body seems to function in a self replenishing manner.

Intimidating- He is, without a doubt, a horrid beast to be up against. A gigantic set of armour that slowly walks towards you while growling is, after all, rather daunting.

Forgotten Knowledge- A history much longer than remembered means that great knowledge is stored deep within Warden's memories, long forgotten by time and himself. This represents itself as his understanding of common, though presently that's all the knowledge that has surfaced.

Sealed Armour- The armour binding Warden is magical, but the nature of this magic is so ancient and powerful that it simply cannot be understood. The armour is actually an enchantment taken form, and any attempts to destroy it will find that the armour will simply restore itself. While this does not make him invincible, it does make him highly resilient to damage. However this does not apply to the enchantment itself, and while it can not be destroyed permanently, a skilled mage may be able to lift the seal to some degree temporarily and allow the inside beast freedom to act, or to expose a weakness in the armour. An important trait to note is that, due to Errol's special ability, the seal is slowly weakening over time, allowing Warden the chance to show more of his true power. Time will tell what is under the armour. The exact speed of the armour's regeneration allows the repair of scratches and dents over seconds, moderate damage requires time to fix itself over several minutes and major damage and destroyed sections of armour will take hours to regenerate. However, destroying the armour will not reveal what's inside, as a shroud of darkness will cover it even in the event that the entire suit is removed. There are also weak points in the armour, especially around the joints, as it needs to be flexible in those areas to allow Warden movement.

Inhuman- Because of his strange origins, he is not affected by emotional stimuli in the way that animals or mankind are. His alien brain also makes him resistant to the mental attacks of psychics who have a hard time understanding what they're attempting to break into. However, when they do manage to break in, the simplicity of his mind allows them ease of control.

Forsaken Regeneration- So far, this is the only trait that has been unlocked by Errol's slow undoing of the seal, though one would have a hard time in noticing it's effects underneath the armour. It allows Warden the ability to regenerate from any damage, the speed of which depends on the current strength of the seal. By default, when the armour is at maximum strength, Warden will regenerate from death to healthy in a weeks time. This effectively makes Warden physically immortal, for so long as a part of him remains, it will slowly grow back into him. The enchantment remains attached to him regardless of his damaged state, and when he is healthy, the armour will remain on him. The strength of the regeneration will gradually increase as the seal loses it's hold over Warden, but as of now, it has no immediate effect, only restoring him over a long time.

Juggernaut- His size, and the fact that he is technically made of steel, lets him shrug off most blows and deal extreme damage with his own. This comes at a price however, as the sheer weight of his body causes his movements to be slowed to a crawl, limiting his charge to that of a slowpaced walk, making ranged attacks and fast opponents his major weakness. A measure of his strength would be 2x that of a normal human.

He has no personal belongings and this will likely remain that way, though he is often the one carrying Errol's belongings because he can bear the load easier.

Warden does not carry weapons with him. He does, however, have a habit of using improvised weapons from his surroundings, such as rocks or whatever he can throw at his enemy or crush them with.

The enchanted armour that he is sealed in, made from a steel-like alloy, created from the enchantment cast on him long ago. He does not wear anything else as a result of this permanent cage he wears.

Note: As Letho said, I may start with 4 abilities because the Eldritch Regeneration has no combat applications.

09-03-11, 01:23 PM
Actually, I think I said that Forsaken Regeneration doesn't have combat applications, but it doesn't really matter because neither it nor the Eldritch Monstrosity are in fact combat abilities, so you're in the clear.

I'm going to allow this. Just two things you need to keep in mind. The armor has the strength of steel (it says "steel-like alloy" which technically isn't steel, but whatever it is, it is only as strong as steel). And keep in mind that any blow that goes through the armor one way or the other should be treated in the same manner as if whatever below was human and got hurt.

That's it. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and once again, welcome to Althanas.