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09-03-11, 06:28 PM
Name: Oliver Noel Edward
Age: 27
Race: Human
Hair Color: Light Auburn
Eye Color: Complete Heterochromia, right eye pale blue, left eye pale green.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 160
Occupation: Merchant/Theif

Personality: Oliver has a submissive personality towards Siren, He tries to live his life to the fullest but craves direction, because of it he is very protective of her and obedient to whatever she asks of him. To others he is fairly kind natured and mischievous unless hostilities are shown towards him then he will repay in kind. On the outside he seems simple minded but is very calculating.

Appearance: Oliver is a fairly tall, muscular man with a wide frame and pale appearance, oddly coloured eyes and, Short and messy auburn hair that naturally sticks out and flows backwards. His facial features are often soft, relaxed and kind looking. He always wears dark clothing by choice, greys, browns and greens.
--Usual: Tight cloth sleeveless V neck tunic, loose cloth belted trousers tucked into cloth and leather ankle high boots with a thin sole and 4 loose, thick and wide silver bracelets, each with a stone set inside it of different colours, red, blue, yellow and green. A small pouch is attached to his belt and fastened by a separate belt around his left leg to stop it from moving and making noise.
--Winter: On top of his usual clothes, Oliver wears a long deep grown, hooded coat with fur on the shoulders connecting behind the neck.
--Stealth: Oliver wears a long sleeved, hooded cloth tunic with a thin wrap around his mouth, nose and neck. Loose cloth belted trousers tucked into cloth and leather ankle high boots with a thin sole. His bracelets are wrapped in cloth to avoid reflecting light and knocking together. A small pouch is attached to his belt and fastened by a separate belt around his left leg to stop it from moving and making noise.

--Trade: Growing up with a large merchant family, Oliver has learnt how to trade well, often able to get good deals from other merchants and able to apprise common items. As well as legitimate dealings he also understands the ways of illegal trading, taking part in it himself.
--Speech: Oliver is fluent in tradespeak and is adept at noticing when someone is lying.
--Athletics: Once able, Oliver trained his body up to be in good physical fitness and learnt how to run, balance, climb, tumble and swim efficiently.
--Perception: Having to always keep an eye out for himself in undesirable places, Oliver has learnt to spot signs of danger in people as well as city environments.
--Lock picking: Oliver has plenty of experience breaking into, and out of places and as such has no problem with ordinary locks.
--Stealth: To avoid repercussions for his lifestyle, Oliver has adapted himself to staying in the shadows and moving silently in man made areas.
--Sleight Of Hand: Though nowhere near an expert, Oliver has learnt to make use of distractions to lift objects from someone’s person.
--Magic Theory: Oliver studied basic magic, and while not being able to do it himself, he is able to identify it as well as use minor magical devices.

--1: Increased Strength: (passive) Oliver’s strength 1.25 times a human, he is able to lift heavy objects by the magical strengthening of his bracelet.
--2: Increased Speed: (passive) Olivers physical speed is 1.25 of a human, he is able to out manoeuvre most others because of this, his reaction time however is still average.
--3:Immunity: (passive)Oliver is unable to be poisoned or afflicted but low level magical ailments as the breaclets magic eliminates them from his system.

--Katar: A punching dagger with a single black steel triangular 9 inch blade with horizontal hilt with a plain hand guard extending over the hand and wrist. It rests in a sheath on his right leg, attached to his belt with a smaller belt around his thigh, its simple black with deep brown velvet on the inside.
--Spiked Glove: On his left hand he has a black leather glove that has spikes on the knuckles, a protective black metal plate on the back of the hand and short but sharp black coated metal claws at the finger tips.
--Orb of Vitality: A red orb, embedded in a bracelet on his left hand. The orb keeps Oliver healthy, removing the bracelet will not have an immediate effect but as time goes on his health will decrease.

History: Oliver was always a weak boy; born with a genetic disorder he was pale with orange hair and pale blue eyes unlike the rest in his family who all had dark brown hair and plain brown eyes. He was born into a family of fairly wealthy merchants, headed by his father who was almost completely grey from age and stress. Oliver was his fifth son, and sixth child. His closest sibling was Xandra, the only girl and a year older than himself, and while she shared his hair colour, she was completely healthy in every other way.
Oliver rarely saw his father because he had spent most of his time with Owen, his eldest brother, teaching him everything he needed to run the business and continue the trade. His other brothers also helped with the family business in both small and big ways. Oliver wanted to help but whenever he tried, he would become too ill to continue so spent much of his time with his sister, learning.
As with everything else, Oliver was not particularly good at learning. He tried but to no avail, he wanted to be helping, doing and often got distracted from any sort of studies that his mother tried to teach him. He got stronger as he grew older and was able to help in small ways and this made him happy, he started to feel like a part of the family. He sold goods, checked stock and made deals for new wares in his mid-teens. And then the day came that everyone had known was coming, his father passed away in his sleep, very little changed, Owen took over the business, Xandra was taken to their aunts to further her studies where her mother now stayed, life went on as usual.
It wasn’t until a year later, when Oliver was seventeen that things started to change. He had started to become ill once more, coughing up blood, once again being enfeebled and his left eye turned green. Knowing that this would lead to problems, he hid it from his brothers while going about his tasks. And it went well for a while. One day, he had to escort a supply to another city. It was simple enough; he didn’t even have to do much apart from sit there. The journey was three days long, while in another city, safe from his brothers prying eyes, he went to see if he could find himself a healer.
It didn’t take long to locate someone, a middle aged woman healed him with magic, something Oliver had not come across much of. He felt better immediately, he felt better than he ever had done before. He was amazed, fascinated by this magic, and any magic. He himself was completely un-magical, everyone in his family was. He made his way back home, his mind racing on what had happened, just a touch and he was better, it was spectacular. He knew it had existed of course but why bother with something you can’t do? He was destined to live a life of doing small errands for his older brothers. No, he didn’t want that, he had put up with never having the attention, always being ignored, there had to be something he could do.
With that he ordered in several books on magic, pretending it was an order for someone else so that no one would ask questions, it was all simple stuff, basic magic, and he failed at it all, not discouraged he would read the books at night and in his spare time. There was more than one type of magic, maybe one of them would work, He tried runes, wands, words and potions, it was easy enough to get a hold of them but nothing worked. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that it was impossible for him to do magic and then it struck him, HE didn’t have to do it. He had money, and a wide network at his disposal, he could find someone to do it for him, he already knew that he could benefit from the use of other peoples magic.
Several orders later and a long wait, he had done it, several bracelets were in his possession, all magically enchanted, or such was the claim anyway. He slid on the plain looking, thick silver bracelets two on each wrist. He didn’t feel much different, he would have to test them, but couldn’t wear them at work, they were hardly discreet and if they failed it would be odd. That night, he took the bracelets and put them on, and went for a walk.
He knew it was probably his imagination; he wanted it to work so much, but the air tasted fresher, he didn’t get tired so easily, he could lift more than usual. His walk around the city, soon became a jog, was it really working? He wasn’t exhausted after a minute like usual. He just kept going, turning a corner and SLAM! He hadn’t noticed where he had come too, the sky was dark and he had entered somewhere undesirable, went right into a unpleasant looking man with a large scar across his mouth. Heavyset and filthy, The man lifted a fist to hit this boy who had ran into him hard in the stomach, winding him. It hurt Oliver, but he had never felt so alive, so free. The large thug struck his face, causing him to spit blood up as the man smiled down at him and cracked his knuckles. After a laugh he was left alone, just like that. Despite the pain, Oliver smiled, it was fun to feel and do all of these new things, things he was too weak to do for all of his life.
He continued with his midnight adventures the next few days, and had gotten into several other fights; he had lost every single one. With only his sister being his own age, and too weak, he had never been in a fight before. But he tried, and kept trying. At first he got a few weak attacks in, then he had started to win on rare occasions. His family of course noticed, he said that there was someone out to get him, and they had resorted to keeping him locked in the house at night. After many attempts, he learned to pick the locks, the weeks and months went on, he was more careful now he had started to build up some strength, aided by the bracelets, He learned to steal and fight after two years he was getting good at it. After four, he had built himself up, he was much stronger, fitter and smarter but things started to become more difficult, the magic in the bracelets would not last forever, it was a surprise they had done so up till now. He needed a more permanent solution; he did not wish to spend his days selling things. Not now he had a taste of what life had to offer.
He spent his time researching, he needed something more powerful. He looked through books and searched everywhere for some news of something more lasting but rare and specific magical objects were not things found with ease. He had considered just finding another mage to re-enchant the bracelets, but it was expensive, and not something he fancied doing on a regular basis. The good news was, at night even without the bracelets he was well enough to go about his usual business. No longer was he too weak to help and that was fine, but not what he wanted any more, he preferred his night life. It was months later that he finally got word of just what he needed, by chance there were reports of something similar going missing and that they should keep an eye out for anyone trying to sell it. Oliver knew that no one would sell something to an honest vendor, he had done it himself, stolen and sold goods, never from his own family’s business of course, and he was not a monster. So he himself investigated this objects whereabouts but it was to no avail as the person had obviously kept it for themselves.
Oliver had discovered that it had been seen, or something similar worn by a noblewoman, this was the only thing he had to go from and put all of his effort into finding this person, this, was not a hard task. She could often be seen with different men on every occasion, never with the blood red stone that was reportedly stolen. He had made many attempts to follow the woman, but always managed to lose her, She rarely left on her own and was almost never got men from the same place at the same time. Maybe she didn’t even have it, probably didn’t, that was the conclusion he came too anyway while sat in a tavern with a drink weeks later, trying to enjoy his remaining time with the scum of the earth.
A hand ran along his shoulder, soft to the touch, he turned to see who it was; it was the woman he had been looking for. He beamed, this could not be better; she was yet to have a man’s arm around her meaning that it was possible it could be him. With this in mind he spent the night talking to her, flirting with her just to keep her attention and make sure he would be the one going home with her. He had after all grown into a fine young man, well-built and fairly intellectual. He did look a little off however with rather pale skin, auburn hair and two different coloured eyes. Still, the night went well and the two left together.
Led by the beautiful, noble looking woman he found himself walking towards perhaps the darkest part of the city, to a plain looking building inside it was very royal looking, perfectly fitting for the woman but why it was in a place like this. He had continued to be led into a back room that had a large bed in it, and two cabinets with many drawers. His hand was let go and he was left with a smile as the woman walked into another room, removing her dress. He was alone, in the place he had wanted to be.
He was left alone for a long while that he used to search the room, this woman was obviously wealthy as there was a lot to go through, several boxes were filled with jewellery. Each of the draws was full of clothing and he began to think that this was either not the woman, or she no longer possessed it. She came back to find Oliver going through her things. “Find anything interesting?” she said, it startled him and he quickly turned around to see the woman with only one thing on, a necklace with a large red sphere on it resting in her cleavage.
He stared at it, at her, she was beautiful, a petite but well curved body. Giving her a smile he stopped what he had been doing and approached her, running his lips across her neck, it couldn’t hurt to get pleasure before treasure. He couldn’t help but be moved as she pressed into him, falling back to the bed. He looked up into her dominating and determined visage and felt himself grow weak as he lay back, her skin was cool and soft to the touch, he was trying to keep his mind on the pendant but felt himself being drawn to her as she continued to run her hands over him, undressing him as they went.
His strength continued to be sapped away the more she touched him, until he was barely able to keep his eyes open. He felt the press of her body and a whisper in his ear. As everything faded to black. He didn’t know how long had passed until he finally regained consciousness, he was still lay on the bed, half dressed. With no one else in sight, a strange feeling in his head but he couldn’t remember what it was. After regaining his self-awareness he realised that his bracelets were gone, as well as many things from the room, that woman had clearly left in a hurry.
He left, went home, recovered and tried to resume his life as normal, but the effects of no longer having the bracelets was starting to take its effect. He had tried looking for the woman again but there was no sign of her, it was if she had completely vanished. When he returned to her home it was empty, he even stayed there, waited in case she came back but it was never to be. Until one night, he was awoken my a gentle and cold caress that made him wake up suddenly.
She pinned him down and spoke softly into his ear, about a promise, and his servitude to her. He had agreed, he could remember now but didn’t know why. She slipped one of the bracelets back around his wrist, kissing his hand, informing him that he would get everything back and more if he left this moment. There was some hesitation, but not much, he had never enjoyed the life or a merchant and he agreed to go with her, without a word to anyone.
He served her from then on, unwillingly at first but as things progressed it felt more natural to him, he felt like he belonged here more, than he had doing anything else, In time he gained back his bracelets, and continued to serve her, performing tasks for her to quell her lustful appetite for both physical pleasure and wealth. He became her toy, her tool and her pet and in return he earned the orb.

09-05-11, 04:38 PM
Sorry for the short delay. This looks fine.

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