View Full Version : Siren

09-05-11, 08:43 PM
Name: Siren
Age: 34
Race: Succubi
Hair Color: Pale Blonde
Eye Color: Maroon
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 104 lbs.
*Occupation: Thief


Siren is perceived to be a very sweet, innocent girl. All in all, she is a conversationalist and has no problem approaching others. She is somewhat child-like and playful, and she enjoys teasing people. However, when she is alone or around Oliver, she is nothing of what she appears. Usually, she becomes very vindictive and cruel, or sadistic. It is known this is simply due to genes, and what she is.

In reality, she is very stubborn and refuses to go along with another's plans if she's already made her own. Fortunately, Oliver is always obedient and submissive towards her, but this can still peek out in front of others despite her "mask". She is also very protective; Not of everyone, but strictly of Oliver. This may be because she has come to love him in her own, strange way, or it could just be because she's very dominating and doesn't like others to toy with her belongings.


Figure: She is more petite in size, but relatively curvy with a large bust and naturally wide hips.

Hair: Her hair is a very sleek and straight, pale blonde that reaches her mid-back. She has a slight widows-peek, and some have told her this makes her look like a 'royal princess'.

Eyes: Her eyes are deep-set and wide, her lashes surprisingly dark. Despite the pale color of her hair, her eyes are a Maroon shade that often entices others.

General: Siren has an oval-shaped head, which is really nothing but average. Her lips are full, but in the slight shape of a "heart" meaning she also has a strongly defined cupid's bow. They are naturally a pale red color, which accents her pale skin nicely. Her nose is somewhat small, but perfectly straight. Her cheeks are just as flushed as her lips, and her cheekbones are also fairly defined.


Fall/Winter: It is nothing but normal to spot Siren sporting a long black dress, sleeves attached to the corset. She often carries a heavy cloak along with her when she goes out into the harsh weather, the hood always up outside.

Spring/Summer: Siren happens to love trousers as well, not just dresses. She usually dresses less formal in dark figure-hugging pants while matched with a cream-colored shirt that is always a light fabric.


Even after she gave away her pendant to Oliver, she made sure to keep something around her neck. She easily replaced the necklace with a intricate cut gold one that has no pendant, but stays rather simple. She keeps it on no matter the season. Siren also favors gloves whether it's Summer or Winter. While they are heavier in the Winter, they are lighter and more feminine during the Summer and are usually either dark brown or black.


Siren's father, Adam, was an Incubus that had impregnated a human woman. Because Adam had not expected the woman to survive a pregnancy, he left, and didn't plan to return. However, because the woman could not bring herself to try "get rid" of the child, she went through the pregnancy in secret. Her family was excluded from her life, and she cut off all contact with them to make sure they wouldn't discover what she had done. Siren's mother carried a lot of shame with her, despite the fact it wasn't her fault. She moved to a sister village shortly before it came close to the time she would deliver, unaware of the trouble that would arise for her.

She was right to move, because not a week later she went into labor. A healer was fetched by her neighbors and she gave birth. Unfortunately, the young mother fatally died a direct maternal death. Her newborn daughter was left to the healer while she was laid to rest the morning to come. With one look at the newborn girl, he knew he couldn't simply give her up to the orphanage, so he talked with his wife, and they agreed to take the child in. The healer was unable to have children, so this seemed absolutely perfect for the two.

As Siren grew up, her temper started to become more and more obvious. When she didn't get her way, she would smack and hit her parents with enough strength to actually leave bruises. They were flabbergasted at the amount of anger she could hold in her tiny body. Sadly for them, her temper only worsened the older she became. However, when she turned ten, she started to realize some of her own abilities. The amount of strength and speed she possessed came to her attention, and she immediately thought to use it to her advantage.

Because she knew she couldn't go rogue just yet, she changed herself around. For the next six years, she had changed into the sweet, innocent child that her "parents" adored. She would welcome guests with kind smiles, and chit-chat that could last the night. Her parents were proud, but with the newfound power they had over the well-behaved child, they were more comfortable laying out rules and restrictions. Siren held more hatred within her the more they treated themselves like her parents, but endured the torture until she turned sixteen.

The thing that sent her off the edge was simple. The night before, she had wanted to go out to a festival in the village and her parents refused. She put up an argument, and they "grounded" her. She was furious, shaking with anger. Siren was sick of her "parents", and she was sick of pretending to treat them as such. She decided that it was time to leave. Instead of fleeing silently, though, she decided to give the couple what they deserved; at least what she thought they did. Not only did she want a bit of revenge, but she needed their money and possessions to get on without their support for a while.

She had it all planned. That night, she would come into their bedroom and kill them. It had to be kept quiet, or else the villagers would wake to their screams. Siren still needed enough time to pack up everything and get a head start before they came for her. So, she waited until midnight before she slid out of her bedroom, satchel slung across her shoulder. She came into their bedroom while they were still dead asleep. Something ignited inside her, the thrill of killing them.

As she came to their bed, she woke her father first, seeing the confusion begin to grow on his face. He began to move, and begin to try talk, before he realized he couldn't. She tied a cloth around his mouth, just to keep him quiet for a few minutes. Smiling, she showed him the knife and went on to stab him as he tried to scream. His muffled cries of pain had woken his wife, but he was already dead by the time she could realize what Siren had done. The woman, disoriented in bed, tried to see clearly.

Siren began to stroke her hair as she came to her senses before running the knife down her cheek. She slit her throat without another thought, and felt the satisfaction sink in. It was extremely satisfying to feel the sense of freedom. She took her time gathering their valuables, deciding what she should and shouldn't take. By the time she got out of the house, the light was peeking outside. Siren came outside to be greeted directly by the Healer's neighbors.

Siren was well aware her clothes were dotted with blood, and therefor, she was very uncomfortable talking. They had noticed her clothes, and became suspicious. The neighbors waited until Siren was off in a different direction before they entered the house and searched for the Healer and his wife. Imagine her surprise when she found them. Alerting everyone, she told them how she had seen the teenager exit the house early in the morning and how she was splattered with blood. They pointed figures immediately at Siren, and went to go find her. However, they were too late. The girl was long gone, already running away.

Siren got by from then on by working small jobs at Tavern's and Inn's, but lived mostly on the wealth of the men she seduced. It came to be obvious to her that she was a succubus after research, especially after the lust she experienced as she got older. Her eyes slowly started to become brighter, her dull brown eyes fading and a Maroon color replacing them. However, because she was sick of seducing men left and right, and the lust always getting in her way, she decided she wanted a pet. She wanted someone she could keep with her, to do whatever she so desired.

Lucky for her, she soon came across the chance to have herself one. After she had settled into a new town and bought a house, she frequented the taverns to take men home with her. She also made a living off of the men she seduced, stealing their valuables while they slept and disappearing by morning. One night, when visiting a new tavern, she spotted out a young man at the bar. He didn't seem to fit in, with his orange hair. Not only that, but he was very handsome, and the rest of the men there paled in comparison.

She had picked her target, and went to greet him with a caress of her hand over his shoulder. The boy seemed more then willing to talk to her, flirting his heart out. She wondered if maybe he was drunk, or very desperate for a woman like herself. Whatever the case, at the end of the night, she led him to her home. Like any other time, she led him to the back room where there sat a large bed. She left his side to enter the bathroom and undress.

While she changed, she couldn't help notice the rustling of her drawers and boxes and became suspicious. Without a robe, she came out of the bathroom once more to watch as he went through her things, or the things she'd stolen. "Find anything interesting?" She asked, almost amused but at the same time irritated. Instead of staring at her body first, his eyes were fixed to her necklace. It was strange, the way he seemed so interested in the orb hanging in her cleavage. It was flashy, but now wasn't the time to be paying attention to such silly things. She couldn't help but wonder if maybe he was thinking of stealing it.

However, she quickly discarded the thought when his eyes began to trace over her body. The smile that broke out across his face surprised her. Why was he smiling? It just seemed to be an odd thing to do at the time. When he began to approach, she stiffened slightly, still suspicious of him. Though when his lips grazed her neck, her lust became somewhat overpowering and she pressed her body to his, pushing him back onto the bed behind him.

The feel of domination came back to her, and she took control as an automatic reaction. Her immediate thought was to undress him, and quickly. Her hands went to work, stripping him of his shirt, but leaving his pants on for the most part. When she had him vulnerable, she asked him about his interest in her pendant. His answer surprised her, but also gave her a brilliant idea. Siren wanted a pet, and she had the opportunity to get one. She made a deal with him. Siren would give Oliver the pendant if he served as her pet for as long as she desired.

He agreed, and she slept with him, all the while taking his energy from him. It came as no surprise when he fell quickly asleep. She took his bracelets in his sleep, just to make sure when she was ready to go that he would come with her without any issues. She packed silently, then abandoned the house. Siren was aware of the attention being brought to her around town. People were starting to comment on the strange missing objects and the mysterious women about.

She knew it was time to leave, so she continued her business more privately for a few weeks to collect money, and supplies for her time for moving. After she felt she was prepared, she took up her things and dressed for travel. Knowing she would need transportation, she made her way to the nearby farm and snagged a carriage in the night. The horse gave her trouble, and she was nearly caught, but she luckily got down the road before too much was stirred.

Tying the horse to a tree, she went to pick up her pet. The Edward family's home was well-known around town, so there was no problem in finding it. She managed to get in with a spare key under a small flower. It proved a bit difficult to find his bedroom, but after a few trial and errors, she entered his room to find him asleep on his bed. To wake him, she caressed his shoulder and he stirred easily.

It brought a grin to her face, the way he stared up at her in confusion and drowsiness. She crawled over him, straddling him and pinning his arms down with her hands, staring into his eyes. It seemed he needed to be reminded of his servitude, so she did just that. He looked like he remembered, but she couldn't be sure, so she slid one of his bracelets back around his wrist and brushed her lips across his hand. Siren felt as if she needed to make another deal, so she proposed that if he came with her that minute, he could have everything back.

The hesitation she saw in his eyes was a bit annoying, but she felt at ease when he finally agreed. She let him pack a few things, but rushed him. He didn't seem to mind much, in fact he seemed slightly happy to be going away. She took him back to the awaiting carriage and had him steer after throwing his things in the back. From then on, he served her.

At first, he served her unwillingly, which was quite a bother for her. However, it didn't take but a few months for him to become adjusted to his new lifestyle with her, and she slowly put more things on him other then his duty to fulfill her need for physical pleasure. She made him her own thief so that she didn't have to steal anymore, but instead sold the things he stole. Siren gave him back his other bracelet, and after a year, she gave him the orb.

She had expected him to leave her as soon as he had it, but to her surprise, he stayed. He stayed for years and continued to serve her well as a pet. Sometimes, she would even refer to him as a 'lover'. His company helped her to behave around others. It came to her attention that the way she truly was, wasn't going to go well with other people, so she made herself a mask. Around others, she found the mask of being a sweet girl who loved to tease.

Siren found it fun to play around in her role, like she was being an actress. The only thing that threw people off, was her pet. Despite pretending to be a sweet, kind girl, she refused to refer to Oliver as anything but her pet. She was very protective of him the more she 'owned' him. This being said, it isn't uncommon for her to casually put her arms around him in public.


At one particular tavern she worked at, she picked up dance. She isn't necessarily the best dancer, but she is very good at following the rhythm and beat, and moving her body in time with it. Usually she would end up dancing with her co-workers behind the counter when different patrons would visit and play their instruments for the tavern's people.

Siren is a wonderful cook. By working so much in Tavern's, she would observe the cooks in the back and eventually started to experiment herself. She ended up cooking for work, turning into a cook instead of just a maid or a bartender. Sometimes, she would stay in later just to try different ingredients together that she hadn't before.

She is good at handling the Stylet dagger. She received, or rather, stole the dagger one night from a passerby. Finding the slim, dangerously sharp dagger "attractive", she took it. Ever since, she has been staying up late to practice handling it. After many years of playing with it, she has no problem using it for her defense, or sometimes her entertainment.

Tradespeak was the only language she was ever taught, even growing up with the healer and his wife. They never knew different languages, so she never bothered to learn any others. The only language she ever needed was tradespeak for working in various taverns before she became accustomed to being a succubus, therefor she has never needed to learn a different language either.


Siphon: Siren is able to transfer energy with a touch, the best results are directly touching flesh but it is possible for her to also do it through an object, her own weapon or the clothes of her target. Siphon works in both directions, she can either drain the energy from a target to revitalize herself, or into a target to do the same to them. However, she can only take small amounts of energy and it takes at least an hour to drain a target enough to make them fall unconscious, or to completely revitalize herself.

Psychokinesis: Siren is able to levitate objects with thought from a distance of up to 10 meters and is able to carry up too fifty lbs. She is able to take objects under this weight limit in her possession And levitate it half a meter per second. She is able to lift two objects at once with concentration but the distance, weight and speed are haved.

Barrier: Siren can manifest a sphere of energy to protect up to a 2 meter area, the barrier can be created up to 5 meters away from Siren. She uses her own energy to produce and keep this barrier, the longer the barrier is up, the more energy it drains at once. It shatters after a three strong hits, If the barrier is shattered opposed to Siren dissipating it, she suffers an additional drain of energy.


European Stylet Dagger: She carries a stylet dagger in her cleavage. In the true spirit of women, the knife is designed to appear beautiful and sleek, but also wickedly lethal. It is made of steel, and gives a slight blue hue. It reaches the length of 8 in. and is kept in nice condition.

09-06-11, 04:46 PM
Just a couple of edits/clarifications.

Siphon - I would like you to be able to transfer small amounts of energy at this point.

Psychokinesis - The object she can move should be able to move at the same speed as if she was moving it by hand. So you don't go making bullets out of stones just yet.

Barrier - Should dissipate after a couple of moderately strong hits, and if she chooses to power it up with her energy, it should drain her fast. Also keep in mind that weapons of higher tier would have an easier time breaking the barrier.

That's about it.

09-06-11, 05:58 PM
I've changed what you requested. I hope it's to your liking. =)

09-07-11, 05:31 PM
It is. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me or any other moderator. We're here to help.