View Full Version : Bite of a Blade. (Second Syndicate Operation/Solo)

09-08-11, 08:42 AM
(Potentially open to ONE other fellow Bounty Hunter)

(Continued from the events that took place here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?22324-The-Final-Orders.-%28Syndicate-Operation-1%29&p=190237#post190237) thank you very much!!!)

Sleeping skyclad, Elthas felt the comfort of a hot bed and meal in his stomach. The last few nights had proven themselves to be quite stressful indeed. Elthas had a number of complications in his last task, but managed to do the best he could at his current skill level. The events that occurred made him realize one thing that all Althanians eventually realize. I need more power. Those were Elthas's last thoughts before he journeyed into the night-time realm of Dreams. Most of Underwood slept, but Elthas himself was visited by a strange dream. As Elthas's mind cleared to the vision he was having, he suddenly found himself in the depths of Ruild. Deeper than any brave mortal should go. This deep in the wild lands of Ruild, strange things were rumoured to live. In the dark, there were great evils as well. Elthas was drawn to a great source of power somewhere in the deep, dark depths of Ruild. As he got closer, a voice called from the surrounding dark.

"Come closer, exile." The voice called.

It was a strange manifestation, one that could communicate directly to the mind from the surrounding dark. It seemed to flow naturally from the very air it touched, and Elthas felt the presence all at once as he walked closer to it. His people had a term for them. They were called Elementals and were beings of tremendous power. With the industrialized age now burning across the land of Althanas, Elthas and his people were concerned with the vanishing prospect of the Elementals. Such Elementals that thrived in the dark were called Shadelings. When Elthas had traversed a certain path and walked a certain distance, he could see the Shadeling. It was a masculine figure floating in the dark with glowing red eyes. Elthas felt tremendous power flowing from it, a power that made the hair on his skin stand on end. The being seemed very angry, and very dangerous. A pissed off Shadeling was never something good to deal with.

"Exile." Somehow, the entity knew who Elthas was. "The dark speaks your name to me, Exile. I know you have sided with The Syndicate as all things have been foreseen. You have become the Exiled Ruildian." The Shadeling continued and Elthas did not dare interrupt. "Listen to me, Exile, a great tragedy is about to descend upon your world. A tragedy that should not be. It all started with the death of the Old Man. You know of whom I speak." Elthas nodded and remembered the Old Man. "There is a circle of Magi deep within Concordia. One that is enacting a series of dangerous rituals. They are near to completing their leader's terrible plan. I have warned their leader of what could happen should they succeed. As you know, Humes are a stubborn, irrational lot." The creature paused as if it was listening to something far away. "Exile. I ask a favour of you. Use your cunning to track down this Circle and destroy them to the man. I have a small prize I can offer you once you have done this for me. Their leader is extremely powerful, do not underestimate him."

And that's how Elthas dreamed. When he awoke, he found himself holding something in his hand. It was a small object, an artifact. Elthas looked at it carefully and knew what the object was. This is a Binding Stone! Elthas sighed. His dream had been real. Elthas knew that only a handful of his people were capable of traversing Althanas in their dreamscapes, and only a smaller handful still could remove things from their dreams, or be given things. The Shadeling was real. The prophecy of the Exiled Ruildian was real. Elthas had something to do. Sliding out of his bed, he did not want to disturb the girl he'd invited to it the night before. His seed was still sticky on his thighs. Elthas stood up, sweat drenched his well-toned body. He would need a proper bath. Despite his best effort, the girl stirred anyway.

"Elthas?" Came the husky voice. "Come back to bed." Elthas turned to look at the girl for a long moment. He smiled

"There is something I have to do, Lauren." He said carefully her name was a nice one. "Will you be here when I return?"

"I will." She said casually. "Today is my day off so I can wait for your return."

"There is a task that must be done." Elthas said to nobody in particular and placed himself in a nearby tub filled with hot water. He bathed himself and was done sometime later. As he slid out of the tub and into his clothing, Elthas moved towards Lauren and kissed her forehead. "You sleep well and be certain you eat just as well." She chuckled at that. He smiled. Elthas moved towards the front of the small residential building set aside for Syndicate people. Elthas greeted the guards he was able to see. And left the building, heading towards Ruild. There was something he needed to do.