View Full Version : Kurt Stoller

09-09-11, 04:14 PM
Name: Kurt Stoller
Age: 24
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 120 lbs
Languages: Tradespeak
Occupation: Illusionist Mage

Personality: Kurt is the kind of person who stays in the back of the crowd, watching the show, despite being perfectly suited for the stage. When in a social situation he does his best to remain calm and collected, although he can be rather irksome at times, simply by the way that he expresses his thoughts – condescension is his preferred vocal tone. Those that can ignore or at least live with the more troublesome parts of his personality find him to be a reliable friend in any situation. Not one to back down from a fight if he is forced into one, Kurt prefers to use his intellect and magical abilities to leave his opponents disoriented long enough to seize the victory, but he prefers to rely on his silver tongue to defuse tense situations – he is smart enough to understand that if his tricks fail he won’t be getting up any time soon. He sees life as something of a game, but an important one worthy of thought and analysis. He is willing to pause for quite some time before taking action as he takes the time to plot out possible consequences.

Appearance: He does his best to remain unseen, dressing in plain black clothes with a long coat. He doesn’t bother hiding his face – cloaks draw attention by their virtue of hiding something obvious. His hair is of medium length, but it never reaches halfway down his neck, while it tends to remain parted through the middle of his head. Oftentimes he can be seen sitting, just watching people go by while he takes mental notes.

History: Growing up in Gisela as the only son of a middle-class family, Kurt had as normal a childhood as one could expect, at least until he turned eighteen. Up until that point he had been attending school and scoring good marks, occasionally flirting with the neighbor’s daughter, although they had never been able to find the time to do more than that. After he turned eighteen strange things began to happen to him – he would find himself suddenly a few feet to the left, or his reflection in a mirror would vanish for a few seconds. Strangest of all was when he woke up and there was smoke in his room, but nothing was on fire. It didn’t affect him at all, but when his parents entered they began coughing like anyone with a face full of smoke would. By this point he realized that there was something going on inside of himself, but he didn’t know what it was, and for once in his life he was scared – not even when he had been bullied at school for being small and studious had he been as scared as he was now. Still, he did his best to put these episodes behind him and get on with his life.

Two years later, one day when he was walking home – he had finally moved out, and was earning his keep as a private tutor – with his groceries; a man tapped him on the shoulder, revealing to Kurt that he had been emitting a trail of smoke the entire time. The man introduced himself as a wizard, and explained to the confused young man that he was one too. His training began soon after, and Kurt realized that he had developed an ability to use magic based on deception and trickery – hence the short teleports, invisibility and smoke. As he learned how to use his powers the internal situation in Corone deteriorated, finally resulting in civil war. It was at this time that his mentor vanished, telling him that he no longer needed further instruction as his powers were fully under his control. Left to his own devices, Kurt attempted to continue tutoring, but the war caused many to flee Gisela, leaving him no choice but to use his magic as a street entertainer. Funnily enough, the crowds gave him more money than his clients ever had. He hated it, but he couldn’t leave – he needed to eat, after all. It was when the Rangers finally attacked Gisela that he decided to leave, using the chaos of the battle as cover for his escape. He didn’t know what awaited him out in the world, but he would find out.


Physical Attributes (Human Base): At this moment in time Kurt is about as standard a human as one can get, with perfectly average physical abilities. Perhaps during his adventures he will become stronger, but that is in the future, is it not?

Silver Tongue: Kurt’s experience as a showman has helped him navigate social situations with ease. He prefers to get straight to the point of the matter, but when the event calls for social lubrication he is more than capable of providing it.

Patient: As a tutor, he learned to take his time with children that would rather play outside rather than learn. He is willing and able to demonstrate a degree of patience that many would find disturbing. He can count on one hand the number of times he has lost his temper, and each time he came out on the losing side of the affair in question.

Weapon Proficiency – Dagger: During his time as a performer Kurt has had to defend his earnings from would-be thieves more often than not, and having a sharp blade at his side certainly helped with keeping his small income secure.


Blink: Kurt’s favorite ability is to teleport short distances. He can blink only a few feet – no more than ten – and reappear as if he had been standing there the entire time. However, the sudden spatial warping causes Kurt to be disoriented for a brief moment, possibly alerting others to his presence. In addition, teleporting too often leaves him exhausted, so he can’t simply just escape from danger whenever it strikes.

Stealth: Kurt is able to vanish from sight for a short time, generally reappearing within three or four seconds. He can stay hidden for longer periods of time, but he must stay perfectly still and spend all of his concentration on hiding. While using this form of stealth almost any mental distraction and definitely any physical distraction (such as hitting him with a rock or stick) will confuse him enough to force him back into visibility.

Smoke: Kurt can discharge large quantities of smoke from his hands, quickly creating a smokescreen that can hide him from view. For good and bad this smoke is subject to the winds, so it can just as easily blow away from him or into an enemy’s face. Without dispersing winds the smoke will dissipate at its natural rate.

Iron Dagger (8” blade)
Basic Clothing
Smoke Vials (glass bottles filled with compressed smoke, function similar to smoke grenades)

09-09-11, 04:56 PM
As it stands now, Blink can be very dangerous. You can teleport behind your enemy and stab them in the back without them being able to counter in any way. I would like you to make so that there's a single second delay once he reappears during which he cannot act. That would give your opponents a fair chance to react, I believe.

09-09-11, 05:07 PM
I fixed that. I understand your concerns - game balance is always important. It would probably take him out of stealth too, at least at these low levels.

09-10-11, 11:46 AM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me or any other mod. We're here to help.