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View Full Version : Clarification on Serenti posting rules.

Amber Eyes
09-11-11, 06:20 PM
I apparently did a poor job of explaining one of the new rules in the tournament, I am sorry to any who were confused. I posted this in the news article two weeks ago...

"For every 48 hours a player does not post, the scoring judge takes a point off from that player's wildcard score. So if your original wildcard was going to be a 5, but you did not post within 48 hours, the scoring judge will give it a 4. This rule was made to promote quicker activity in the forum, and prevent the use of making an incredible introductory post, only to stall until the last minute. Your points won't be counted off if you finish your match before the two week time slot is filled, but please be sure to PM the judge of the tournament, Silence Sei, so your points aren't taken away due to a misunderstanding."

What was meant by this post was that not posting every two days after your thread was completed would not drop your wildcard. I worded it poorly and again I am sorry. No points will be taken off for this in the first round as I made a mistake and some people were confused. The rule will stand in all further rounds. If anyone has any further questions please feel free to contact me via PM. Thanks for your time.

Edit: Thanks to Artie making this simple. Any posts made after the required 10 post minimum that surpass the 48 hours will not result in lost wildcard points.