View Full Version : Entertaining the Crowds (Retroactive Recruitment)

09-11-11, 10:03 PM
So I set up a thread but didn't realize that I can recruit people here. >.<
Anyway, the basic idea that I'm looking for is to get an excuse to have Kurt leave Gisela and go on adventures. I'll take one or two people, and I don't mind power discrepancy - as long as I can get underway I'll be happy. :)

Here's the thread, with a nice break in his show for anyone to go up and talk to him.


If you need more information please let me know. I'll be more than happy to help.

09-12-11, 09:14 PM
xD you've already got a taker~

But, we should poke each other with a thread, eventually.

09-13-11, 07:23 AM
Sounds like a plan, especially since your character's a street performer. :)

09-13-11, 07:48 AM
There's only one street performer worth mentioning around here...

His name be Duffy!

09-13-11, 11:27 AM
There's only one street performer worth mentioning around here...

His name be Duffy!

Haha, that is true~

Duffy is worth mentioning as he seeks the attention :> and has the renown!

Nin's is more just a training exercise that doubles as a disguise and a way to earn a few extra coin~

Also, as a side note~

Duffy is more a dashing rogue ;D Nin is just pretty and easily distracted.

09-13-11, 07:28 PM
Oh, also keep in mind that you can liquid time other threads so you can have multiple threads running. Just keep in mind of how many you have and a.... general timeline? or something.

09-13-11, 07:53 PM
So I could have a thread on some other continent, and somehow play the previous timeline into reaching that place? Cool.

09-13-11, 08:10 PM
Yup! I'm horrible at keeping track so my stuff is mainly linear.... but that's me xD.... doesn't mean you can't be more bendy and flexible.

09-13-11, 09:55 PM
Well, I set up a Word document with major events and the thread in parentheses, so that should help keep track of everything.

09-13-11, 11:31 PM
Duffy has a great marketing department that consists of... just him.

But yeah, Liquid Time is the greatest asset on this site.

09-14-11, 01:27 AM
What else do I need? I have an ensemble cast to support him and a fiery red head sidekick - flawless.

09-14-11, 05:31 AM
I'm a massive fan of just 'being there'. I rarely RP Talen traveling anywhere. (partly due to the fact he can teleport long distances....) Unless it is necessary, or a glaringly obvious omission from the thread, Talen has already reached the place he is going. I've also used liquid time so much we well is starting to dry out and I've had to get a second job to cover the costs of ordering it in fresh from china.

But anyway, have you got a rough plan for this thread? A general meet, greet, adventure, kill, find treasure?

09-14-11, 07:10 AM
That works, but the most important thing is to get him out of Gisela and onto the road. Beyond that anything's possible.