View Full Version : The memory returns

Ultimate Weapon
09-12-11, 10:31 AM
I will.... Never be a memory

Name: Sefirosu
Age: 28
Race: human/ higher being
Hair Color: white
Eye Color: Ice blue
Height: 6'0
Weight: 225
Occupation: Ex : Soldier

Personality: To understand the one known as Sefirosu, you must understand his past. He was raised to believe he was born to a woman known as Gwen. During the first twenty-seven years of his life, he was the perfect soldier. Never disobeyed an order. Executed them without hesitation no matter the cost. But one day, things changed. He found out he was created from the DNA of someone else. A monster. Unable to stand the truth, he killed everyone he knew and cared about. The only one he left alive was a scientist who says he knows the truth. Only sparing his life till he gets every drop of information out of him, Sefirosu keeps this man by his side at all times. Since this day, he has vowed to kill anyone who gets in his way of the truth.

Appearance: Standing at a masculine but lean six foot even, Sefirosu is a sight that most would not run from just based on looks alone. But the cold stare of his ice blue eyes could send chills down any ones spine. To hide his cold stare is his white hair. Reaching nearly his whole seventy-two inch body of pure white hair, smooth and well taken care of, the hair hides his face and evil stare. Covering his body is a leather trench coat that covers all of his body except his chest. Across his chest are two leather straps that criss cross over his chest in an X shape. Covering his shoulders are dual steel plated shoulder pads made of a light but durable metal. Covering his waist down to his knees are black leather pants that would look dark green in the right light. Covering his feet are a pair of black leather boots. Leather straps on the leggings of the boots with metal clippings hold the straps tight. In his left hand at all times gripped tight is his sword, the Masamune. A seven foot blade with an eight inch handle with a guard made of pure steel. The blade at this point is made of folded steel and is sharp enough to POSSIBLE DENT anything weaker then steel.

History: Twenty plus eight years since the day the one known as Sefirosu was born. The labor was rough on his mother, Gwen. The white haired woman with a heart of gold. Ever since her son was born, she was given enough compensation to cover every kind of expenses. Growing up, he had no choice but to enroll in the local army. It was part of the deal Gwen made with a scientist named Trak. The whole deal was made so cause no matter the man, she could never bear him a son. So she begged Trak to give her a son. But only if he joins the army when old enough. She tried to fight it but had no choice so she finally gave in.

Over the course of two weeks, he finally found out what was wrong. It was never the men she had, but her genetics. There was something wrong within her that prevented her from conceiving any child. So Trak finally found a way to impregnate her.

After weeks pass, she finds herself pregnant and happy......

Years later, Sefirosu turns thirteen. As he celebrates his birthday, the royal guards approach him and his mother. Reminding her of the deal, she breaks down as the guards take her only son away. Once he is at his new place, he meets with the mad man Trak. Trak begins his manipulation of the boy from that day forth. It has been fifteen years since he's seen or heard anything about his mother, his heart yearns for her love...

Since his induction into the army, he has been molded into a perfect soldier who will do anything Trak orders. No hesitation whatsoever. He just dreads the day Trak would order him to kill his own mother.

Weapon profession - Sword
Level - Master

Strength 1.5 times as strong as normal human. Able to lift UP TO 100 pounds without trouble. Over that, he would start to hurt for every pound over 100.
Speed 2 times as fast as normal human
Intelligence - Able to memorize things on spot. Written works he can memorize on spot. Live things takes time.
Level - Genius

Equipment: One Seven ft steel katana named Masamune. Unable to be used by anyone other then Sefirosu. Steel shoulder pads to protect the shoulders and upper forearms.

(I was told to re post this so I could bring it up to 3.1 rules. I also put more details into his personality, description and history as well.)

09-12-11, 02:52 PM
Hummm, howdy do.

One thing, I found this in your description "A seven foot blade with an eight inch handle with a guard made of pure steel. The blade at this point is made of folded steel and is sharp enough to DENT anything weaker then steel." I don't really think that's required to say since it's somewhat up to your opponent if you actually dent their equipment. Not to mention if you tap steel against iron the iron isn't going to just cave in, but whatever. No biggie. Just don't expect every one of your blows to be a (weaker metal) crushing blow.

One other thing now that I think about it... Do you have any abilities?

Ultimate Weapon
09-12-11, 03:09 PM
I wasn't expecting it to do it always. But I put it there so people can know how strong it is thus far. But I can take that out if you like.

Um abilites, what are my limits for this level? I didn't put any cause I don't know the restrictions down pat yet.

09-13-11, 06:05 AM
Well three weaker abilities. Examples are 1-2x stat augment (like 2x speed or 1.5x strength) or weaker spells (like a fireball or weak manipulation). So three weaker abilities in your limit.

Ultimate Weapon
09-13-11, 11:00 AM
Okay, I'll put them in today. I put the speed, intelligence and strength in. Are those within limits?

09-13-11, 06:06 PM
Yeeee', keep it real.
