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08-16-06, 08:55 PM
Rin left her home on the low hill in the thick woods on a frost bitten day in the middle of Jaunuary. She tightened her cloak around her and went out with a glance back at her widowed mothers small cottage that she had called home for the past eight years of her life, since her fathers death. She was hired as an undercover agent and was sent out to a nearby town to sought a wealthy man by the name of Jason Night for a secret book in which held her mothers only hope to overcome the family curse. Rin was sent for the run because if she did not defeat it, it would mean her fate, and death as followed by her father, then mother. She tightened the bag on her side, and climbed high upon her only way of transportation, a white mare with a beautiful white shaggy coat. As she started off, she stole a glance back and whipped the reins to gett he horse going...without another glance back she had started off and gone deep into the Green wood, to meet her fate.

That Night...

She reached the worned down part of the woods where many befores had worn down a trail which she followed into the town. She stopped at a nearby Inn and after paying the owner, put Miloh in the stables, and spent the night there in the hotel.

The next morning

Rin woke up and got dressed. She ate a quick breakfast and went out to seek her mission. After feeding Miloh and preparing her for the journey left and headed down town to find Jason. She unfolded her map and carefully examined how the road lead torward a nearby vilage and circled in red ink was Jasons home. She set off down a long and very potholed road, and finally after several long hours found the village of Kiro. Standing in the middle of the village was a deep well, and she helped herself to a long drink, when she stood up she noticed a young woman with matted hair and dirty clothes standing nearby, she looked down at her own apparel and felt guilty that she stood out. Finally she worked up the courage to speak and called out to the young child"Hello", she called. The little girl ran inside the small soddy and out came an older woman, apparently the girls mother for they shared the same resemblance.The woman started off torward her and waved in a friendly greeting. "Welcome the tha Green land Village, you look like a foreigner and normally they are questioned or sent out until they have an identity taken." she explained her daughters actions. "Oh well thank you very much ma'am I am looking for Prince Jason Night, sir of this kingdom..I must see him in lifes chances of my dear mother, who is in very poor condition...." The young womans eyes grew round as Rin spoke about her mothers curse, and her terrible fate if the dear prince were not notified. "Well normally the prince chooses not to see people, but there has been a rumor that a young lad were to come , and introduce us to this demented blessing. None of the village people believed the young lad when he came around sharing his tells but I see now that his eyes are as wise as his tongue."
Rin sighed and started to fill her small bag with the precious water. Rin filled her hat up with water and held it under Miloh's nose, and watched as the horse greedily gulped down every drop and started to munch on the tough leather. The young woman looked at the horse and Rin with concerned eyes, and sighed a sad sigh."This winter sure is going to be a hard one..., would you like some help to lead you torwards the town?" Rins ees lit up and she happily nodded. She carefully listened to the womans directions and thanked her . As Rin trotted off on Milohs back, the woman looked back at the well, Rin had left two gold coins on the old bricks, and the woman smiled to herself, and held her arms to the sky, "A miracle surely has come."

...To be continued...

10-20-06, 10:18 AM
Several hours later she arrived into a much nicer town and she took note of the fancy shops and people with their fancy clothing on the streets sides. Dhe got many dark looks but she kept her eyes straight and her face emotionless. She checked the map and tried to remember which direction the old woman had told her to search for a rough road that was kind of out of the way and hidden by a old stone mill. She trotted around for a few moments longer and decided to follow the largest road that lead through the old part of town. As she slowly made her way she looked left and saw the old Mill. It was green from all of the vines and growth that had taken hostage of it. She leaned forward and tried to find a road but couldnt see one. She got off of Miloh and moved some of the tall grass out of the way, she searched around and finally came upon a small dirt clod road that obviously showed it wasn't used often. She found her wy back through the grass to get Miloh, and froze in her tracks...Miloh wasn't where she left him. Panic sought through her...."omg how could I have let this happen? MILOH!" she called. She took a few steps closer torwards the old mill, and suddenly a sharp crack of twigs snapping startled her from behind, as she jerked forward, a strong arm grabbed her and a strong smelling cloth was placed over her face..a few moments later everything was black.

11-14-06, 10:36 AM
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