View Full Version : Round 2: Dargor Vs Hotsuma

Silence Sei
09-13-11, 09:06 PM
You have 2 weeks to complete your battle, may the best man win!

09-17-11, 05:47 PM
As many precautions as Kirisame had taken, each and all of them amounted to practically nothing. Perhaps it was the will of the Multiverse or the will of a deity which decided to poke their nose where it didn't belong; his opponent had vanished. Completely. Easily.

It was just like watching something being erased gradually. Like something or someone messing with their opacity in each and every one of their tridimensional pixels, increasing the transparence until they finally disappeared from view. Kirisame was frozen with a mixture of both anxiety and surprise, even though he'd only, slowly but surely, sensed the aura of the enemy disappearing. For a full minute, he wondered the what, the who, the why, and the how, trying to reason if the magister who created him, Vincent, had anything to do with the whole scenario.

"Let's recapitulate for a second... What happened? My opponent vanished..." Kirisame began to tell himself, counting with his hands as he touched the tip of his extended right hand's index finger with the tip of his left hand's.

"Who did it? I haven't the faintest and I can't think of why my creator would do something like this when he wants me to grow stronger..." The right hand's index finger now touched the tip of his left hand's middle one so to count a "two".

"Why did it happen? Beats me. But I have to--" Right as Kirisame was about to count a "three", a thunderous voice resonated in his head. There was little doubt about it; it was Vincent.

"Look alive, Aspect. Not even I know what happened but what I do know is that your next opponent has been determined." The voice spoke rapidly but ensured that each word was imprinted in Kirisame's mind. Even if he couldn't hear everything due to Vincent's rapid speech, Kirisame was sure to remember and understand each word.

"You will need to travel south to the outskirts of the city of Underwood. If you are attacked by bandits or animals while traveling, you know what to do. Now let me tell you the important bits of informati--" Kirisame shouted out in sheer excitement and it appeared he wasn't frozen anymore, effectively interrupting Vincent's speech.

"It was time you got there! I can't wait to hear who my opponent is this time!" And as he said this, several jumps up and down were given, just like a young child.

"Yes, yes... Anyway, your opponent goes by the name of Griever. I'm not currently aware how skilled he is or what he does. All I know is that he's somewhere in Underwood. That's all the information I'm giving you. The rest, you'll have to find out on your own." That said, Vincent cut all communication with Kirisame once more, leaving the latter with slight confusion assailing his mind.

"Well damn... All I got is a name and a location. That should be enough..." The Aspect told to himself as his eyes followed the merchant road all the way 'til it lost itself in the horizon. He shrugged and stepped away from the clearing to begin following the road to the south.

"With luck, I'll make it before tomorrow. I hope no one decides to jump me, though. I would hate to kill them..."

He merely laughed at his last comment and continued onward.

Silence Sei
09-27-11, 08:40 PM
Dargor advances to Round 3!