View Full Version : Any Artists?

09-20-11, 03:18 PM
Hey there,

I was wondering if there were any artists who were especially good with stuff like photoshop. I wanted to get a collection of images to add to my character wiki page representing my NPC's.

My first project would be to take ... this (http://puckfiction.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/DrowFemaleArmored.jpg) ... and to pretty much give her this face (http://images.wikia.com/jvs/images/4/4f/FemaleNightElf.jpg) with respect to the softness of her facial features, though without the wing-like markings. I'd also like to give her hair that was a bit more pretty, maybe like... this. (http://crpp0001.uqtr.ca/w4/campagne/images/Drow_FallenAngel/DarkElf-050901.jpg)

Anyone capable of such endeavors?

My overall goal is to make a dark elf woman who is very beautiful with soft and delicate features who is wearing leather armor that is practical rather than sexy, but still retains her beautiful face and hair, and is somewhat seductive. Hence, Jay.

09-20-11, 03:27 PM
You do know Druchii pornography is illegal in Corone right?

09-20-11, 04:10 PM
Sometimes the mind paints a better picture than the hand ever could.