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Jack Callahan
09-29-11, 02:44 AM
Welcome to the Vanguard database, Chief Executive Commander Fenrir.


[NAME:] Jack Mallory Callahan

[AGE:] 22

[SEX:] M

[DATE OF BIRTH:] 08/31/1989

[RACE:] Caucasian

- HEIGHT - 69.8 in. / 154.4 cm
- WEIGHT - 153 lbs. / 69.4 kg
- HAIR - Auburn, Short
- EYES - Green
- Piercing – Ear, Left – Silver Hoop (Small)
- Tattoo – Whole Arm, Left – Celtic Knotwork (Sleeve, Black Ink)
- Tattoo – Bicep, Left Inner – “Lover” (Inverted, Black Ink)
- Tattoo – Bicep, Right Inner – “Fighter” (Black Ink)
- Tattoo – Breast, Left – “Laochra” (Black Ink)
- Tattoo – Back –

“Ach treoróidh mé na daill ar an mbealach mór
agus deánfaidh mé iad a chinnireacht ar bhóithre nach eol dóibh.
Athróidh mé an dorchadas ina sholas rompu
agus cosáin chama ina siúlóid réidh.
Sin iad na gealltanais a chomhlÃ*onfaidh mé,
nÃ* bheidh dul siar orthu.” (Elaborated Manuscript, Red Ink / Black Ink)
- Tattoo – Ribs, Left – “Vires et Decus” (Vertical, Blank Ink)
- Tattoo – Calf, Right Rear – Triquetra (Small, Black)

- SAT Score: 2320 [Writing: 800, Reading: 800, Math: 720]
- Attending University: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY [DISCONTINUED]
- Major Studies: English, History
- Cumulative Collegiate GPA: 3.827
- Degree Status: Pending [13 Credit Hours Required]
- Personality Type: Introvert – Post-Development Extroverted Tendencies
- Parental Relationship: Healthy
- Sexual Activity: Minimal - Normal
- Antisocial Behavior: Minimal
- Criminal History: Limited - Patterned [SEE NOTES]
- Medical Evaluation: Minor Episodic Depression, Possibility for Serious Anger Control Issues
- Mental Disorders/Diseases: N/A [Potential for Alcoholism]


TO: Vanguard Chief Executive Commander Fenrir

FROM: Dr. Anna Michonova, Head of Vanguard R&D

SUBJECT: Discovering God


CEC Fenrir;

Since July 4th, when Operation Waltz began, the intent of our research was to develop the technology for instantaneous human travel. After four years, approximately 32 million USD, and the loss of four lives (three of which were researchers), we are no closer to realistically teleporting even a single human being from one location to another. It is our firmly held belief that such an advancement is both out of man’s reach and grasp at this point in time; and if it is to develop, will not successfully come to manifestation until late into the 2400’s. On behalf of the entire R&D team I sincerely apologize for our failure in achieving your dream.

I am not writing you this email, however, to simply beg your forgiveness. In fact, I wanted to let you know that we may have discovered something incredible – and that discovery may be due to the mishap on January 19th. Whenever the Model 1.07 (“Philosopher’s Stone”) malfunctioned we believed that it had imploded, disintegrating the majority of the London facility. Part of the unit’s blast radius contained a wireless security camera. At 23:57 yesterday Lab Security received what is presumed to be live footage from the vaporized security device. The blurry footage lasted for exactly 11 seconds and depicted what appear to be the vacuum of space and some indiscernible stars. There was no evidence of the four casualties.

According to our telemetric calculations the stars were clearly identified as not belonging to our galaxy. We are still running the numbers, but we are fairly sure they do non-existent within the whole of the Milky Way. If this is found to be true, one of two conclusions can be drawn: that human error has caused a misunderstanding; or that we have made a discovery with a breadth and scope comparable to proving God exists.

We will continue to perform more calculations and dissect the footage further. I do not know how we achieved it, CEC Fenrir, but we transported something, somewhere – somewhere I believe to be much more than distance and time away from us.

Dr. Anna Michonova
Head of Vanguard R&D


TO: Vanguard Chief Executive Commander Fenrir

FROM: Dr. Anna Michonova, Head of Vanguard R&D

SUBJECT: The Unlimited Potential of the Astral Vault; Subject ARMORY


CEC Fenrir,

Since the accidental discovery of what my colleagues are calling the “Astral Vault” we have focused all of our funds and efforts on understanding the extra-planar phenomena. As of this moment, this is what we know:

Human beings have possessed items of great power throughout history – power that, invariably, cannot be explained via traditional objective science. “Magic”, as we have called it for thousands of years, is the simplest and most reflexive explanation of such supernatural articles. Whether it is Excalibur, the sword which King Arthur used to bring Law to the world; or Fragarach, the divinely forged weapon that so many Irish heroes wielded indomitably in battle, stories that surrounded these legendary weapons have pervaded history. Without proof, however, we have classified each one as myth; fabrications that storytellers used to aggrandize their tales.

They are not myth.

These “magical weapons” existed much in the same way that they were described in their respective tales. And while the character of their wielders may have been sculpted into something grand via generous additions and submissions to and from historical fact, the simple truth of the matter is this: these weapons are not of human craftsmanship. Unfortunately, we cannot yet explain their origin (more members of my team suspect them to be the work of divinity each day). What we believe we can explain is why we have never had objective proof of their existence.

Whatever it is that made these weapons – the same entities or cosmic forces that wield magic – have systematically used these items to manipulate large-scale sociopolitical events in human history. And just as methodically, one the end was met and the tool was no longer needed, the weapon was lost, buried, or destroyed in some manner. It is our belief that these weapons are catalysts for wide scale human political evolution and that once a ledge has been scaled, the ladder used to climb it is retracted back into the Astral Vault.

These theories pose two major questions. First, are these weapons obtainable? And second, if they are obtainable, would they manifest in a form consistent with their prior incarnation? Chief Researcher Kozuei has a hypothesis that I find intriguing: If the Astral Vault contains these mythical weapons and our belief that we successfully transported an object to it is true, then is it not likely that at least one object was safely transported here as well? If we follow her line of thinking, CEC Fenrir, then we may have done the unthinkable: opened a worm hole to a dimension filled with weapons of mass destruction.

To be safe, I recommend we take full action to find and acquire every person on Earth who can trace their lineage back to one of the Wielders. It may be a leap of faith, but I firmly believe that if these tools were to return to our reality then they would seek out the genes of those who wielded them previously. I have already taken the liberty to repurpose one third of the staff under my command toward compiling lists of the most legitimate myths with traceable genealogical lines.

You should be aware that in doing so my team as discovered a certain anomaly – an American named Jack Callahan (Subject ARMORY). Jack is a twenty-two year old university drop out living here in London. While brilliant, he appears unmotivated and apathetic. Growing up Jack had a proclivity towards violent outbursts, having to transfer from the Georgia public school system into South Carolina schools and from there into private schooling. He is decisively estranged from his parents in spite of having a peaceable and nurturing upbringing. As of this moment Jack has a warrant out for his arrest in North Carolina for failure to appear – a trial for misdemeanor assault. It appears that Jack wishes to live like the fantasy heroes he idolizes (Finn McCool, Achilles, Beowulf), responding to life by bludgeoning his way through problems. The simplicity is more than likely what attracts him, being easier than using his considerable intellect. A flawed outlook may be more than what make this young man so bold and brash, however – it may be in his genes. As of this moment we can trace Jack Callahan’s lineage back to both Lugh Lamfada and Charlemagne. These are only the clearly traceable lines, however; with the inexactitude of tracing mythological genealogies he may be a descendant of numerous other hero figures who were Wielders, as well.

I would make it Vanguard’s top priority to locate Jack. If my estimations are correct, he would have the highest propensity toward obtaining a weapon from the Astral Vault of anyone we have encountered so far. Doing so should not be difficult -- he was studying abroad at Oxford when he dropped out of Cornell and has lived here, in London, ever since. If we possess Jack, we may possess the means to study these weapons and the Astral Vault; furthering our understanding of alternate planes of reality and, in theory, developing the technology to duplicate any magic weapon(s) he may have acquired. With luck he may even be unaware.

I suggest we act immediately, Chief Executive Commander – for the sake of humanity.

Dr. Anna Michonova
Vanguard Head of R&D


Name: Jack Mallory Callahan

Aliases: The Wielder; The Vault Knight

Species: Human

Physical Description: Although neither tall nor powerfully built, Jack Callahan still manages to pose a striking figure. Fair skinned, square jawed, and smooth shaven, his face is very nearly the quintessential handsome youth’s. His hair is a dark auburn, shorn close at his neck and tapering into mildly greater lengths the further up his cranium it travels. Somehow (perhaps ironically) in his apathy he manages to muss it in a way that other youth spend countless hours and dollars to imitate. His peridot eyes speak both of confidence and a fox-like cleverness, a dangerous intellect at work within their spiritual wells. The epitome of wiry, Jack is built much like one would expect from a welterweight boxer: lean, lithe, and built of corded muscle. A single scar mars the outside arch of his right eyebrow.

As far as apparel is concerned, Jack Callahan tends to keep things simple -- a white v-neck undershirt and jeans is his comfort zone and one he rarely strays from. His footwear varies, but more often than not he will wear a cheap and comfortable tennis shoe (i.e., Converses).

Personality Description: On one side, Jack Callahan is confident, loyal, intelligent, chivalrous, compassionate, and amazingly brave – as reliable of a person as one can find. The difficulty, however, lies in giving him due reason to commit to something or someone. Impulsive, brash, stubborn, and equally prone towards fits of apathy, moments of arrogance, and bouts of rage; the darker side of Jack’s persona is obviously a stumbling block for the brighter.


- Educated - Jack Callahan is not a genius. That being said, he is extremely intelligent. His main strengths are active problem solving and creative thinking.
- World Traveler – Having traveled around the world alone Jack is more than capable of surviving on his wit.
- Brawler – Jack is capable of going toe-to-toe with some of the most well-trained hand combatants around and has had zero formal training. Perhaps it is his clever improvisation and unpredictability – or mayhap the youth’s inherent talent is greater than most any acquired skill. Whatever the case, it isn’t often that Jack Callahan loses a fist fight.

- Dyrnwyn [Static] – Being Dyrnwyn’s Wielder alone grants Jack superhuman strength (approximately one and a half times that of an Olympic medalist’s physical power, to be exact).
- Dyrnwyn [Active] – Whenever Jack decides to wield Dyrnwyn his right hand and forearm come alive with radiant, white ethereal flame. Whenever Jack strikes and opponent with Dyrnwyn a burst of holy concussive force erupts upon contact, dependent upon the opponent’s morality. A righteous target would receive no additional concussive blast from the blow, the opalescent flame more than likely lessening the damage of the intrinsic punch. Against a vile and corrupt fiend, the concussive force added to the attack could be up to three times Jack’s actual punching power. Conversely, Dyrnwyn can also be used to deflect incoming assaults, granting its Wielder’s arm the durability of steel while active. The use of such power is, however, incredibly taxing. Each blow delivered and each blow received affect the Wielder with exponential levels of exhaustion, no more than three or four uses available before causing Jack to black out.
- Wielder – Jack Callahan is the Vault Knight, a Wielder whose admixture of legendary and heroic bloodlines affords him the unique ability to absorb the essence of multiple magic weapons and artifacts. This means that the weapons he obtains (Dyrnwyn only at the moment) are not tangible articles but spirituals additions that he may tap into. For each enchanted weapon whose essence he obtains, Jack will gain one static (indefinite) ability and one active (temporary) ability that are appropriate to the weapon he obtains. This is both a blessing and a curse. Since it is Jack’s responsibility to find and store all of the loosed magic weapons within himself before returning them to the vault, any weapons that has adverse affects will apply said affects to him for as long as he contains them.

-Dyrnwyn – Whenever evil is within Jack’s line of sight his right arm will begin to ache. Depending upon the severity of their depravity and their closeness in proximity the pain will intensify until Jack actually commits to wielding and using the weapon’s essence actively.

- White v-neck t-shirt (size medium)
- Dark blue jean pants (low rise, boot cut)
- Brown leather bi-fold wallet (South Carolina Driver's License, NBSC Credit Card, three different Library Cards, $43 in American)
- Key ring (house key, apartment key, car key, Guinness key chain)
- iPhone (protective case stylized to be the Irish flag)


I’ve spent the past three days researching and writing this, so forgive me if I am a bit brief with this – I fully intended to flesh this out in full dramatic detail within my first post, at which time I will add it to my biography. Until then, however, here’s the scoop:

Due to the folly of man’s reach exceeding their grasp, Vanguard – a multitrillion dollar shadow corporation dedicated to global balance and human evolution – briefly tore open the seal to the Astral Vault, an alternate plane where the gods of old locked away the magic weapons of myth and legend. At the same instant a bridge was created between the reality of modern Earth and that of Althanas, hurling a fate-bound passerby (Jack) through the wormhole and into another plane. In doing so, the essences of dozens of weapons of hero figures scattered across the world of Althanas, seeking out either those whose essence mimicked that of their previous masters or those who shared the same bloodline.

Dyrnwyn, the fearsome blade of Rhydderch Hael, was the only weapon that found its way to Jack. As of this moment he is currently unaware of its existence or his fate. That will, undoubtedly, change within my first story (perhaps even within my first post). In the end, Jack’s purpose is to venture across Althanas, collecting these weapons from their current masters by whatever means necessary, and returning them to the Astral Vault (and himself to reality).

09-29-11, 12:20 PM
His inventory should be listed somewhere and Dyrnwyn should be listed there, as well as the material of which it is made and a brief description (you can have steel at most, or any material you can come up with with the strength of steel). I understand that you most likely want to obtain it in your first quest, but I still need you to list it here for future reference. Also, anything else that might be worth noting should go into the inventory as well, like additional weapons, armor, anything really that you plan to use in combat.

That is all. Three times the concussive force looks like quite a boost, but seeing as three is the maximum that he gets for the vilest of folks and most people are in neither extreme when it comes to morality, I reckon it won't have that much effect.

Jack Callahan
09-29-11, 02:34 PM
Thank you for taking the time to read my biography (and for the patience it no doubt took - sheesh, that bad boy's long!).

I did as you asked and filled in a section concerning his equipment. You'll find that everything Jack owns is fairly mundane stuff. Coming from modern day London, I don't believe the youth would be toting any weaponry or true survival gear -- that is, unless one would consider the iPhone urban survival gear.

I believe I may not have been clear in my description of Dyrnwyn and Jack's ability as a Wielder. You see, Dyrnwyn isn't a corporeal sword. Jack has absorbed the essence of the weapon and manifests its powers through his body - thus the static and active abilities, the descriptor of his ability to absorb more essences of legendary weapons, and the references to using Dyrnwyn affecting his arm in various ways. Effectively, Dyrnwyn is now a permanent part of Jack Callahan. I am reading back through my profile and trying to think of where or how I could further denote such. Do you mind letting me know where I can clarify things in my profile?

09-29-11, 04:43 PM
Yeah, the fault is partly mine. When people write of wielding and swords, they usually mean the shiny, pointy stuff. That's why it would probably be for the best if you put a brief explanation about it under abilities, just so people who look at your profile in the future don't make the same mistake I did.

Jack Callahan
09-29-11, 09:16 PM
Clarified, sir. How do we look?

09-30-11, 01:15 AM
Looks fine. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.