View Full Version : Susquehanna -- WIP, starting to not make sense because I'm sleepy

09-29-11, 04:30 AM
I joined once, ages ago, let's see if I can revamp my profile and join again. I apologize, the appearance jumps around. I'll have a picture up before long to offset this. Also, note to self: I need to change the information in the bar to the left.

Name: Susquehanna
Age: 25 years old
Race: Werewolf shifter
Hair Color: Both in her humanoid as well as her wolven forms, Hanna has somewhat coarse black hair.
Eye Color: Left is ice blue, hex #9CCCFC , right is jade green, hex #92C292. This heterochromia persists in her humanoid form.
Height: As a human, Hanna is approximately 5'5" tall. Werewolf: 6'3"; halfling: 33.6in (2.8ft) tall, 5.9ft (70.8in) long; quadruped: 27.6in (2.3ft) tall, 5.6'ft (68in) long
Weight:Human: 150lbs; werewolf: 185 lbs; halfling: 171 lbs; quadruped wolf: 125 lbs.
Preferred form: Werewolf
Occupation: Medic/Tattooist

Personality: ~still~ Needs to be developed a little more. She takes charge when in a medical situation, but otherwise pretty quiet. She has a few select friends, but otherwise keeps to herself. She's a learner, enjoys reading books and singing.

Appearance: In her humanoid form Hanna appears Caucasian, though a well-tanned Caucasian. She is lean and well-muscled with a light step. The mane of her werewolf form persists through all four forms.

Seemingly tall, even as a werewolf Hanna comes off as only mildly threatening. If, of course, you look past the teeth and claws. She carries two skinning knives at her waist. She is more muscular than heavy. She has a small chest (MAYBE a B-cup, lol), wide, feminine hips that have not yet borne children, and a semi-short mane. She attempts to keep her hair in a rough pixie cut, often self-inflicted, but her hair grows very quickly. She makes up for the quick growth in shedding, like any canine, but the shorter the fur, the easier the clean-up. Her claws are retractable, like those of a cat, to allow for finer manipulation of objects.

The halfling form is what happens when she voluntarily halts shifting between her lupine and werewolf forms. The result is a larger but still quadrupedal creature, with thicker fur than usual and especially concentrated around her neck, back, and stomach. This fur protects her vital spots and is long even when her hair is short. Her already defined muscles become more so. In short, this is a stage meant solely for fighting.

Her left shoulder bears a tattoo visible in all four forms, a three-pronged flame the color of blood. As a human she usually wears a cream peasant top and a pair of khaki capris, held up by a black belt that also holds the knife sheathes, but in her werewolf form she prefers to forgo the clothing and wear only the belt and knives.

History: Hanna was born to shifter parents deep in the Brokenthorn forests of Scara Brae. Both her parents were deeply attuned to the land and lived a somewhat secluded life, trading only for what they absolutely needed. They built a tidy little cabin and set about having a large, happy family. They had two children before Hanna, and two afterward, all told three daughters and two sons ranging from 27 to 20 years of age. If they have had more since Hanna left home, she is not aware of it.

From the time she was born, Hanna was loved and cared for about as well as any parent can care for their child. She had her bumps and bruises, and run-ins with both the flora and the fauna of Brokenthorn Forest.

Skills: Hanna is decent in knife play. She probably would lose against someone trained, however, as she has only learned by playing around, practicing. She is excellent in body art, having learned from the best of her oldest brother's pack. She wears a tattoo on her left shoulder to prove that she is talented with fire.

Equipment: A messenger bag type satchel holds a falconers glove for Tobias, her clothes when they're not worn, and her tattooing kit and flint and stone. The tattooing kit is made up of a sharpened bird's bone and a small spoon shaped bone. A second bag of the same ilk holds her medical kit, which includes hypodermic needles, alcohol pads, various herbs in leaf or leather packets, and sterile gauze. Also contained are several hands-full of strands of sinew and a smaller needle for stitches. She carries two knives on her almost at all times, one on each hip in their respective sheathes. Around twelve inches in length, eight of which is blade, the knives are made of steel and used for skinning, shaving, chopping, and everything else knife-y.

Knifeplay is below average, tattooing is average. Medicine is above average.

Familiars: One red-tailed hawk named Tobias. Found on the ground with a broken wing, and nursed back to health. She learned Low Speech just to communicate with him.

09-29-11, 12:24 PM
I just need to know does she have any additional abilities in her other two forms (werewolf, halfling). If so, please list it under abilities. Seeing as she is a werewolf, I would recommend low level regeneration in werewolf form and maybe increased speed in her halfling form, which with the ability to change shapes would make three abilities, the number we allow at level zero. It's just a suggestion, though.

12-12-11, 12:45 AM
It's been over a month and still no reply on this approval. I will be archiving it. If you would like it reopened for approval shoot me a message.

Until then you are unapproved.