View Full Version : Celeste Chevalier

Celeste Chevalier
10-02-11, 06:41 PM
((I posted this character registration but it didn't seem to work because it refused to open (406 error, apparently) so I reposted just in case it couldn't be accessed. I apologise if I was not meant to do this))

Name: Celesté Chevalier
Age: 22
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Ice blue
Height: 167cm
Weight: 112lbs
Occupation: None
Language: Tradespeak
Location: Radasanth, Corone


Celesté is a very quiet and timid young woman who rarely speaks out of turn for fear of upsetting relatives or damaging the reputation of her parents. This fear means that she always keeps her thoughts about her life to herself. More recently she has been starting to find her voice and question small things that her parents make her do but they always crush this spirit from her so that she will make a "good" wife to a nobleman. Behind all this shyness there is an adventurous soul who wants to escape and enjoy her life to the full.


Celesté is a very pale and slender young woman who appears to be very fragile because of her low weight. Her pearl-like skin is contrasted heavily by her long tumbling locks of ebony black curls that fall on either side of her face, the ends resting just above her waist. Her blunt fringe sweeps across her forehead creating the perfect base for her large icy blue eyes to rest underneath, long and full eyelashes framing them perfectly. The rest of her features are dainty things that add to her natural beauty perfectly.
She is always seen wearing a full length dress made from an expensive material in very grand designs, sinched in at the waist by a black rope-like belt which allows her to keep her reinforced concertina paper and bamboo fans on her person at all times. Since the floor length dresses mean that her feet cannot be seen, Celesté can evade her mother's fussiness about her clothes here -much to her delight- and opts for the comfort of knee high brown leather boots that lace all the way up the front with silver ribbon, tied at the top in a bow. During times of bad weather or when venturing outside, Celesté's choice of garment to wear over her luxurious dresses is a plain brown cloak with a silver trim to keep her parents happy.


Natural Beauty - This "skill" is like a double-edged sword: At one side it can be a great help as it allows her to woo many men into helping her in times of need (eg, directions, small pieces of equipment such as rope or a bag and so on, food, etc), but on the other side it can be a curse as it can often cause her to attract unwanted attention from shady characters who want her for their own gain (thugs, slave traders, general shady people, etc)
Dance - When Celesté wasn't being preened and pampered by her mother, she was being taught to dance by an instructor. She was taught the elegant form of ballet and almost all of the dances you would expect to see at a large dinner party amongst noblemen. This has allowed her to become very elegant and fluid in her movements which means that she often moves without a sound. Also, her dancing skills can come into good use when manouvering dangerous parts of terrian as she can leap far and balance well, but there is still a chance that she could calculate this wrong and mess it up, causing her to lose time, end up in a difficult situation or injure herself.
Escape - Her dancing skills can allow Celesté to slip away quickly and quietly when she needs to. Unfortunately, this does not always work due to her lack of life experience; this can cause her to panic and make mistakes, making herself both vulnerable and visible.
Quick thinking - This skill of her allows her to come up with an idea quickly involving the everyday items that are around her. Unfortunately, her ideas don't always work but they usually do.


Fans - Celesté always keeps two fans on her person at all times from her etiquette lessons when she was younger. These are concertina paper fans reinforced with bamboo sticks and a waterproof coating covering the paper. These are kept in a small holder that is attached to her belt, handle side up, which allows her to be able to grab them quickly.
Small dagger - A small, smooth bladed and unused bronze dagger with a decorative oak hilt which is stored in her right foot boot. This is here in case of there ever being a need to use it, but because there never has been she has absolutely no skill with it.


Having grown up amongst the higher classes, Celesté is no stranger to the old fashioned ways of ballroom dancing, large dinner parties and arranged marriages. Her parents are known for being very influential overseas traders of in Corone and therefore this gives her an immediate leg-up in the world. This being said, her parents have not allowed her to utilise this as she may of been able to. Celesté could of been anything she wanted: a doctor, a politician, a businesswoman but the irony of this is that she actually couldn't of been. She was always to be used as a pawn in her parents' business to move them upwards towards the highest levels of nobility to achieve more business and more riches, not giving a care in the world to their daughter's happiness.

For a twenty two year old woman, Celesté has lived a very sheltered life: her parents rarely let her venture down into the bustling streets of Radasanth, preferring her to remain in the high grounds of their estate in the north, but whenever allowed she was never without an escort who made sure she promptly returned after only a few hours of freedom. Her days often consisted of practicing her dancing skills so that she wouldn't miss a step at a ball -which her parents often organised to find her a "suitable" husband- or being preened by her mother like a young girl playing dress up would be. This would of been mundane and childish to anyone else, but to Celesté this was a way of life that she knew she would have to endure but she knew no different.

She never asked questions about why she had to do this and why she couldn't be like any other girl for fear of being scolded by the family or ruining their reputation, her life being lived solely to please her parents. Occasionally her mind would wander to the thoughts of travelling over the world, seeing different cultures and just living her life without the need for posh dresses and perfect hair day in and day out but she always pushed them aside, locking them away in a place where her dreams of a normal life went to die. Recently, these thoughts have become stronger and stronger, making her more likely to speak up against her parents. Maybe this was her time to break away.

Max Dirks
10-06-11, 11:30 PM
I've fixed the display issue. Letho or one of the ROG moderators will be along shortly to approve your character.

10-07-11, 01:10 AM
Thank you, Max. I reviewed this profile already via PMs, so just need to make it official.

You are approved. Sorry for the hassle and welcome to Althanas.