View Full Version : Vignette Challenge (Open)

10-15-11, 04:44 PM
Open to all, details to be found here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23591-Domestic-Vignette-Challengehttp-www.althanas.com-world-showthread.php-23590-Vignett&p=191491#post191491).

I am dying. At least, I am dying slowly, much more slowly than a mortal, by all means, but my life has been given a finite limit, a lack of continuation, a short fall to mark and pass the days to. I am scared, which is to say I am more scared than I usually am in the pursuit of the everyday adventures I endeavour to be part of. I am, as you might say when so stricken with fear you’ve no graver words to turn to, mortified.

Duffy sighed, and set his diary down onto his lap. The fire lapped with flames aplenty, and cast an azure glow over his weak smile and sickly pale skin. He daren’t look at the clock which hung by the theatre house’s rear entrance, for fear of finally agreeing that it was time for him to sleep. There was still much to do, interring his thoughts into the heavy volume aside, before he could remotely picture his feather pillows and well stitched blankets in his shattered mind.

Of late, the troupe had been busy putting on a modest run of I Want to Be Your Canary, its theatrical opus. Ruby and Lillith had about had enough of the triple matinees, and had finally retired to house and the country to grab whatever respite from the harsh reality of a performer’s life they could. Soon, and Duffy loathed to think of it as being so close, the troupe would have to begin its practice run of their winter spectacle, with it would come glitter wounds, ice skating disasters and long, cold and bitter nights.

“I don’t suppose I’ll be able to disappear into the limelight and forget my duties,” his voice was soft, belittling his own determination to make his thoughts heard. As dawn was only an hour away, the troupe was asleep in the play house’s grandiose stage room, too far above the lonely bard to hear his protestations. In his younger days, Duffy would have strode upstairs, likely half drunk and roused them with a fanfare and drilled a new performance into their half asleep heads until they quite literally fell back asleep where they stood.

He doubted now if he’d even make it to the top of the stairs, let alone do anything approaching guidance when he got there. Slowly he rose, setting the book on the chair in his place before he stretched a long righting of muscles and bones from their crooked angles. His first order of duty was to clean the kitchen, as Ruby had promised to return the morning of the first Sunday after she had left to cook the traditional monthly roast that Duffy, shall we say ‘was unable’ to do on his own without burning half of the slums to the ground.

Culinary arts were not amongst the plethora of talents Duffy possessed. He could dance, sing, fight and incite great acts of bravery in himself and others; a leader of leaders born to, well, lead. He could not cook anything more complicated than mash and gravy, or prepare anything more exciting than sandwiches, tavern grub and something he passed off as stew. He stepped through the low doorframe into the Prima Vista’s cook house and sighed.

There were plates, dirty and clean together in stacks on every surface. Chopping boards had been left caked with refuse, glasses half full and pans half empty of their long moulded contents. If Ruby had not left him an ample supply of wire mesh sponges, dishcloths and bicarbonate, he would have cut his throat there and then to escape the nigh slavery proportion of work that would be required to clean them proper. He rolled up his sleeves with rugged tugs, tied them back with the little button fastens he had Lisa and Minnelli stitch when he gave up on living with wet hems and approached the large white stoneware sink.

“I’ve only got three centuries to go before I cop it,” he chuckled, turning the copper taps with both hands so that an equal froth of hot and cold water poured into the sink. He stuck the plug in with clumsy movements, before he started to move around the kitchen, stacking like with like and gathering the pots onto the long galley platform to the right of the basin in order of urgency.

First he stacked the cutlery, dirtied end first in jugs of water filled from the flow. Then he piled the plates, bowls and saucers, scraping them with nimble, agile flicks of his wrists and dropping the food waste into the pale beneath the pipework. After that, he stacked the glasses, tankards and vases, various implements which had been emptied of their dead décor and pilfered for long forgotten coin hoards before making their way to be cleaned, and kept in the cupboard under the sink until the next closing performance filled them with a thousand scents and colours.

“Then finally,” he mocked Ruby by putting on her voice and folding his arms over his chest, “the plates, trays and stained equipment which has been burnt to a cinder, caked in fat and left to rot.” Whatever the troupe had prepared for the previous evening’s meal, which needed to feed twenty eager, hungry, famished mouths had, from the smell and the thick inch of grime, contained fish, butter and oil. Duffy had prodded it with a weary finger before giving in and leaving them at the very far end of the long work surface. He hoped to think up a reasonable enough excuse by the time he got to them to get out of having to sully his clothes and skin with the corrupting fluids they contained.

He did not remain optimistic, or focussed on the task. Whatever reason he gave Ruby, it would not be good enough. Women had the odd and special ability to drown out anything other than what they wanted to hear. When she likely retorted with a ‘what’, it was not because she had not heard Duffy’s excuses…it was because she was gingerly offering him a chance to tell the truth, and to tell it with ample amounts of grovelling.

Without further ado he drove his hands into the warm froth and starting to rummage for his first victim. Even though he was a man, who naturally meant he loathed domestic duties he was not being paid for, Duffy found a strange sort of contentment in the task once it was underway. He could think, without interruption, as everyone knew to avoid another troupe member doing chores, lest they get roped into helping. Given what was to come for the troupe over the next few hundred years, he was glad for any moment’s peace, no matter how fleeting. It would be a high rise quick fall escapade of rehearsal, performance, adventure, baby puke and death before they could truly gain the respite from life they had dreamt of since they had broken free of their overlord, the dark bard Lucian.

It was a sad fact, when the gods themselves wished to die.

“Still,” he tried to cheer himself up with a particularly enthusiastic attempt at removing rock hard mash from a serving spoon,” there’s a good few years left to make the most of our opportunities.” His words bounced damply onto the foam which bobbed in the motions of his attempts to clean and then patter pattered against the tiles before fading into oblivion. The conviction was lacking in his assertions, the determination weak and feeble, limp and moist.

There was a good few years left to wash up and clean and iron clothes, too, but the domestic part of the grand adventure that was the Thayne Tantalus’s time on Althanas would not be remembered in the songs of ages, nor would the hours spent stitching double hemmed robes and gluing feathers to caps be recounted in taverns for millennia to come – no songs would be sung of the mopping or the brushing, only of the salvation, the greatness, the joy he brought to Scara Brae and its people.

That was the only thought that kept Duffy scrubbing.

10-24-11, 04:55 AM
One good thing about owning a bar, outside of the numerous alcohol beverages you could sample, was the fact that the owner was more or less allowed to sleep in most days. After all, no one really decided to get their drink on until after noon at the absolute earliest, unless of course they were a real hardcore drunk. Sheex Deltin catered to that particular crowed only on Wednesdays (he had tried Thursdays, but it just hadn't worked out for some reason).

With a yawn, and a futile effort to fight off the sun's bright rays, Sheex stretched his arms wide across the bed. At first, the concept of sleeping in a bed every day was a bit foreign to the man who's job occupation had been "wanderer" and the concept of raising a family had been slightly more terrifying than facing down a hundred-armed monster jugging all manner of weapons up to, and including, the kitchen sink.

But that was how many years ago now? Going on around four if his memory hadn't failed him, and it hadn't done that since he had gotten hammered at that blasted party he had thrown his neighbor Rebecca. The important lesson he had learned that day was that a woman who was pissed at her husband could drink a LOT of alcohol, and bitch about said husband even more. Oh, and speaking of husbands, he had forgotten the best part about settling down.

Waking up next to a total babe.

Eh, all right. His wife wasn't a total knockout in the looks department (official women watching rank: seven), but damn if he didn't love everything about her. Her fiery red hair, her emerald green eyes, her creamy white skin, and her wonderful sense of humor. In all the world, Sheex knew that Leila was the one for him.

The fact that the two hardly ever went to bed with their clothes on was also a plus. Heck, now that he thought about it, he couldn't remember the last time they did go to bed wearing anything.

Smiling a smile that radiated the serenity one could only achieve through contentment, love, and a good romp in the sack, Sheex stroked his wife's short red hair; she nuzzled his hand in a cat-like manner. He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, and got up. Scratching here and there, he decided to open the drapes to let a bit more of that light in.

Seconds later, while standing in front of that open window, Sheex remembered he wasn't wearing any clothes. He decided that light sucked, all the fun was in the dark anyhow, and quickly shut the drapes.

"A house, a job, a sexy wife, two adorable kids. What more could ya want?" Sheex asked himself. Sure, maybe it wasn't the grandest life, the flashiest, or the most exciting, but there was something about not having swords swung at his head every day that appealed to him. Then again, that had been the same even when he was a wanderer, so maybe the easy life was all for the best. Yes. Sheex thought as he gazed at the love of his life. This is definitely all I want.

"If that last question was directed at me," Leila muttered with a yawn as she sat up, "I'll take breakfast in bed. That's what I want."

"Ehhhhh...I guess I can do that," Sheex responded kindly as he ran a finger across his wife's lips, "But I might need some sugar."

She obliged him with a smile, and a long kiss. She too was naked, and that suited Sheex just fine. In fact, if he had his way, more woman would be naked. Except that fat ones. And the ugly ones. And the married ones. And the scary ones, the violent ones, the I'll-kill-you-if-you-even-look-at-me ones...

On second thought, Leila was good enough. Once he had decided that, he made to put his clothes on (Leila had tossed them somewhere around here), but he was stopped by a pair of fingers walking up his chest.

"Ahem. You didn't ask me what I wanted for breakfast. Isn't it ladies choice today?" Leila asked, with a small frown upon her face. He couldn't exactly remember why it was ladies choice, but he gave her a shrug.

"I was just going to whip up something simple; Nami and Guy will be up soon anyhow," Sheex answered; he would have too cook the kids something as well. "How about pancakes?"

"Nope," Leila answered flatly.

"Okay. How about some bacon?" Sheex tried a different tact.

"Nu-uh," Leila responded. Her fingers had reversed their direction, and now instead of walking up his chest, they headed downwards.

"Toast. Toast is good," he tried again.

"Not today it isn't," was her answer as her fingers reached his stomach. They did not cease their descent; Sheex raised his eyebrows.

"You want some...ah, sausage?" he asked with a sly grin.

"Bingo," Leila giggled as she licked her lips while her fingers reached their destination.

At this point, what would naturally happen would depend upon the nature of the audience. For children, a bit of music, and a cut to the next scene. For a slightly older audience, perhaps a bit of foreplay. For the mature crowd, a stimulating description of some good old adult fun. And, for the rest of us, a good old fashion sucking and word-that-rhymes-with-ducking. Unfortunately, none of those things happened, because Sheex and Leila Deltin had two wonderful children. Guy, age twelve, and Nami, age ten. Guy, being the older brother, was apt to fend for himself in the morning. Nami, however, was madly in love with her daddy, and couldn't start her day right if she didn't come bounding into her parent's room (as children are wont to do), screaming "Mommy! Daddy! Time to wake up!"

So, as Sheex was standing with a huge grin plastered on his face by his bed (still very much naked), and as Leila was on her knees (also naked, and enjoying a bit of...uhhhh...sausage), the not-so-soft pitter patter of foot steps could be heard racing up the stairs.

Sheex cursed, Leila swore, and both scrambled for their clothes. Neither was successful, both blamed each other, Sheex slapped Leila's butt, Leila returned the favor, and the door was opened. With the quick-thinking that had gotten him through countless trials and tribulations (strangely enough, a good number of them had also involved naked women), Sheex yanked a large blanket of the bed, and wrapped himself and Leila up with it. As much as he could anyhow.

"GOOD MORNING!" Nami shouted, as only cute little girls could. She also cocked her head to the side, and with curious eyes, said (as only cute little girls can), "why is Mommy on her knees?"

"I, er...I was," Leila fumbled her words with a blush.

"Praying my dear," Sheex came in with the save, "it's important to pray every now and then, and your mother doesn't do enough of it if you ask me. She should...ah, pray more often. With me. In the mornings. And night. Can't pray too often. No sir."

"Really?" Nami asked, her brown eyes filled with curiosity. She inched closer.

"Oh yes! Have to pray!" Leila replied as she turned to face Sheex, who rearranged the blanket to better cover her up. Still, her head was peeking out just a bit, and she clasped her hands together to begin her morning prayer.

"I must calm the beast before me! Expunge the evil, expunge the evil! Let forth your seed, let forth your seed! Power of god compels you, power of god compels you!" Leila whispered just a bit too loudly as Sheex's face turned a shade of red.

Well, I did say I love her sense of humor. Sheex thought to himself as Nami came ever closer, and the situation grew ever more awkward.

"Aren't you suppose to close your eyes when you pray?" the little girl asked.

"Nah. I like it better when she keeps 'em open," Sheex blurted out. Leila laughed at him, and he shot his wife a sly grin. "Or God does. Yeah. Try it sometime kiddo."

"Okay!" Nami answered happily, "Can I pray with you?"

"NO!" was the immediate response by both Sheex and Leila.

"Because the prayer is almost over anyhow!" Leila quickly followed up.

"Psh. Speak for yourself. I bet that prayer would have lasted at least another ten minutes," Sheex muttered under his breath. He received an elbow to the stomach, and Leila told Nami to head downstairs to set the table; her parents would be down shortly. The young girl smiled, ran up for a kiss (which Sheex managed to deliver without too much embarrassment), and took off. Laughing, the lovers tossed aside their blanket, and began to put their clothes on.

"Expunge the beast eh? Pervert," Sheex joked as he tossed Leila her shirt.

"Ha! So you like it with my eyes open eh? I'll remember that, though dare I ask why?" Leila giggled as she tossed him his pants.

"Eh, maybe not. Better safe than sorry, yeah? I wouldn't want to scare you away," Sheex answered as he finished dressing. He bent down to grab a stray sock, but froze as slender arms wrapped themselves around his chest.

"No. I love everything about you Sheex. There isn't a thing you could tell me about yourself that would scare me away," Leila whispered softy into his ear. Smiling, he stood up, and brought his wife close.

"Good. Cause your stuck with me Leila. I love you. Forevermore."

So maybe it wasn't the life most people of Althanas dreamed of. Maybe it was lacking in all those things that make heroes: glory, valor, danger. Maybe while the rest of Althanas would be out making a name for themselves Sheex would be cooking breakfast, and his name wouldn't even be a footnote in the grand history of this wonderful world. But as he held his wife close, and kissed her passionately, he knew one thing. These ordinary days of his were the best days, and he wanted to have many, many more of them.

And so he did.

10-24-11, 11:54 PM
The light of morning gradually crept across the Salvarian tundra, slowly clawing across the vast expanse of emptiness until it reached the busy city of Knife's Edge. Artemis slept through the steady change until finally the bright glow of the sun itself peeked over the horizon, the golden beams piercing the window of his room and stabbing at his eyes to wake him.

The young man clenched his eyelids tightly together, turning his back to the rising sun of the east and letting out an exasperated sigh. "Why did I get stuck with an eastern facing room?" he grumbled, pulling his thick wool covers over his head.

The Bearded Gnome, a small inn run by dwarves, sat in the southeastern part of the city with nothing blocking the bright morning light from finding its way to those who chose to spend their nights there. Despite its size, and the size of the workers as well, this was home to Artemis, and even morning grumpiness would not make him love it any less.

Tossing aside the covers and throwing his feet off the bed, Artemis sat on the edge and reached for the windowsill where a full glass of water always sat; the cold air that chilled the window generally kept the water ice cold as well, and the rush always helped wake the young man.

A few quick gulps and the water was gone, and Artemis stood and walked over to the window, lifting it and hearing the rumble and creak of many years of use. As the icy air rolled in, he raced the chill to dress himself. Beneath the window stood his beaten bureau, an old oaken piece of furniture that was likely older than Artemis. He pulled out his leathers and quickly donned them, slipping on his boots and finally strapping his weapons on before throwing Judicis, his sentient bow, over his shoulder.

'Another day begins,' the bow said within Artemis' mind.

"So it seems. Perhaps we'll find some excitement from our daily routine today, as it seems you're getting bored."

'Nonsense,' Judicis said, a light chuckle resounding within the recesses of the vagabond's skull. 'You forget how many millennia I've existed. Perhaps it is you who seeks excitement.'

"Perhaps you're right," Artemis said, taking a deep breath of the morning air before shutting the window and grabbing his cloak, and then making his way downstairs. The cold seemed to have a way of burying the sense of smell with its heaviness, as if cleansing the palate of any lingering odor and bringing with it a sense of cleanliness and freshness, whisking away the musty smells of restful sleep.

As usual, the steps strained and creaked with every step, as if urging Artemis to hurry. As usual, Harki stood behind the bar, the charcoal beard wiggling as it whispered secrets to its patrons as the dwarf's hands polished mugs endlessly. As usual, Artemis' breakfast was in its usual place, set upon the bar at Artemis' usual seat and steaming with freshness and warmth.

"Morning, Harki. What's the breakfast today?"

"Tryin' somethin' new, lad. Friend o' mine suggested something called vegetarianism. Says it's good for the body to take a break from meats and fats, so I baked some blueberry corn muffins and made creamy blueberry oatmeal to go with it and a tall glass of iced milk."

Artemis shrugged as he sat at his seat, reaching for a spoon and burying it in the warm oatmeal. He leaned forward, letting the steam rise up into his face and tantalize his taste buds for a moment. "Well, as long as it tastes good, no complaints." He lifted the creamy oats to his mouth and blew gently, tasting a bit on the end of his spoon and smacking his lips. "Not bad," the young man said, swallowing the rest of the spoonful. As he chewed and rolled the delicious breakfast around in his mouth, he felt a fresh blueberry burst in his mouth, the sweetness contrasting the savory flavor of the oats and dairy. "Not bad at all."

Artemis saw the beard move, and he assumed the dwarf smiled beneath the countless hairs that masked his face. "Happy to hear it, lad. If ye have any suggestions, let me know and I'll make the changes."

"I think you got it just right," Artemis said, unrolling the sleeve that wrapped his muffin and pulling off the top of it. "You don't need my advice on how to cook, Harki; you know that. I'm a smith, not a chef." He dipped the muffin top in his glass of milk, letting it soak for a couple of seconds before taking a big bite and letting the moist blueberry flavor do a dance on his taste buds. "I'd probably make it worse," he said through a mouthful of muffin, his words getting snagged on the baked concoction.

The dwarf laughed, placing a freshly polished mug on one of the hooks above and reaching for another that needed cleaning beneath the bar. "I'm a dwarf, lad. Don't forget that makes me a smith and a cook."

"Well, you have one up on me then," Artemis said, taking another bite of muffin.

It did not take long for the young man to finish his meal. He filled his mouth with milk, his cheeks swelling as he sloshed around the cold liquid and cleansed his mouth of any remaining bits of his breakfast, and then downing the rest of his glass.

"Musta liked it, lad. Ye inhaled yer food," Harki commented.

"Yup," Artemis said. "It was delicious, and apparently healthy. Plus, I have a special project today at the forge that I'll need as much time as I can get to complete. So on that note, thank you for breakfast, and I'll see you for dinner!"

Harki laughed and gave the young man a nod as Artemis threw on his cloak and opened the old wooden door to the inn. The rush of cold air instantly assaulted him, though the cloak guarded him well.

Artemis trudged along, keeping a quick pace as he took the fastest route to the forge, leaving a trail of footsteps in his wake upon the fresh powder that fell overnight. Winter was coming.

Soon enough he stood in front of the Norlond Forge, his place of employ and a home away from home for the lover of metal. He could not help but smile every time he stood in front of the doorway. The portal appeared as a massive mug, and it sometimes took a customer a few tries, or even a knock, before realizing that the door slid open like a beer along a bar. Admittedly, even Artemis could not figure it out his first visit. It was the younger of the Norlond brothers, Nalin, who hinted at the way.

As Artemis grabbed the handle and slid the door open, the hot air of the forge attacked him even more fiercely than the cold did when he had left the Bearded Gnome; it carried the scent of metal, wood and smoke with it as it tackled the lingering flavors of Artemis' breakfast on his palate. Bazzak always had the forge running hot by the time Artemis arrived in the morning. He could not help but wonder when the dwarf had time to sleep. It seemed he did nothing but work.

"Morning, Artemis," Bazzak said, doing some paperwork behind the counter as Artemis entered. His impressive fiery mustached wiggled gently as he spoke, his skin still shimmering from his morning shave that kept the rest of his face clean cut. "Everything is all set for you. The metal is being heated and the materials are all set aside for you."

"Thanks, Bazzak." Artemis nodded to the dwarf and hung his cloak up by the door before heading to the corner where the forge smoldered casually. He approached the hot coals, the wide opening smiling at him like an old friend. The forge became a place of concentration and relaxation to Artemis, and as he undid his leathers and let the part covering his torso fall over the side, he reached out for the heated metal and smiled back as the warmth began to overwhelm him.

Little droplets of sweat instantly began to form all over his body as he went to work, the sound of hammer striking metal ringing throughout the small establishment as the smoke went up and out through the pipe above. He worked through lunch, hours passing like minutes as he bent and warped the metal to the shape he wanted it to be, molding the white mythril into a majestic kite shield. The only breaks he took were the frequent sips of cool water to keep hydrated as he worked.

Once the hammering was complete, he went to work with engraving an artistic design upon the metal, embedding countless gemstones at key points that made the shield look like a fierce three-headed dragon. The mythical beast warned all enemies away, the pairs of eyes all a different color stone with one large and impressive one at the center of the shield where the creature's heart would be.

Finally, as the project approached its end, as did the day, Artemis added the final touch to the inside of the shield – the mark of his craft that he added to all the work he completed. He set the shield down upon the anvil, letting the metal rest and set for the night as he stepped back and admired his work.

"Well done," Bazzak said, approaching the man with a cool and moist towel. "I knew I could count on you for the project."

Artemis reached for the towel and began to wipe away the sweat that had built up on him throughout the day. "I'm happy with it, though I think the distance between the eyes of one of the dragons is a few millimeters farther apart than the other two. I guess I'm nitpicking though."

Bazzak laughed, eyeing the shield. "Honestly lad, the man you're making the shield for will never notice such a minor detail, though I admire your perfectionism. It's a decorative shield for the man, though I don't doubt your work would be effective in combat as well." He reached up and handed the vagabond a bar of condensed food, packed full of nutrients to replenish him after a day's work and skipping lunch. "Shall we head back to the Bearded Gnome for dinner? Nalin is waiting, and Jay too I expect."

Artemis nodded, finishing up with the towel and pulling his leather armor back on. "Yes we shall. Another productive day," he said, reaching for his cloak and donning it before sliding open the mug-shaped door.

"I hate that," Artemis said, as the cold night air roared through. "It's always the worst to go from the hot forge into the cold night air, and it's not even winter yet."

"It'll be here soon enough," the dwarf said, pulling his own cloak on and following the human out the door. "It seems winter is coming early this year."

As the door slammed shut and Bazzak locked up the Norlond Forge, the pair began to walk, their steps softly crunching in unison as a light snow began to fall.

10-29-11, 05:39 PM
Azza awoke before the first song bird even had time to preen its feathers of morning dew. It would an hour until the first rays of the sun caressed the land and embrace it in warmth. Until then, Azza make her bed, realign her various stuffed animals, and then go wash herself. When she was almost done, she heard the loud groan and yawn of her father from across the hall. Promptly following it would be the sound of a slap, a mock cry of pain and her father running to knock on her door.

“Rise and shine, kiddo!”

Poking her head out of the washroom as her door opened, Azza tracked her father with her forever curious eyes. Then, she nodded.

A pair of slender arms looped around her adoptive father’s neck, followed by the face of her adoptive mother placing a small peck on his cheek. “Hun, she wakes earlier than us.” Turning her attention to the growing girl, she offered apologetic eyes. “Tobias will be by later; dad and I have some things to attend to today.”

“Augh, again!?” came the usual whine from her father. Azza giggled at his reaction, but gave a nod to mother.

“That’s a good girl, Azza.” Pulling away and dragging her husband-to-be behind her, Azza could still hear the jest filled complaining of her father. A smile crept onto Azza’s lips as she returned to finish washing her face with a soft cloth.

Days at the Ixian Castle were always like this and it was only in rare moments when her father and mother could spare time for her. Azza never blamed them though. She understood well enough their profession and that should she ever tag along, she could only hinder them. Wringing her wash cloth dry, she hung it onto the handle to the washroom and stepped into her room once more.

It was more than she had ever wanted, and in truth, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the entire room to herself. Her life had always been about sharing whatever she had with others in the orphanage. Here, in the Ixian Castle, she didn’t have to share anything and the concept was new to her.

Today, Tobias would be her caretaker and that meant there would be a few hours before the elf was free to come by for the girl. Until then, Azza was more than happy to wander around and have Tobias find her. She always would eventually, as there were only a few places Azza ever wandered: The courtyard, the playground underground, the mess hall, and the castle library.

Recently, Azza had been amusing herself with the books in the library rather than running amuck in the courtyard. While she never did cause any harm or hinder those about, the usually solider was relieved to learn that they could cuss and swear without having to worry about children in earshot any longer.

In the library, Azza would spend the next few hours browsing and consuming the words on books that seemed interesting. Her selection had been random at first, until she began to discover a taste for legends and creatures. Slowly, her focus shifted to the lesser known things; older tomes written in forgotten tongues and partially translated texts. It was here that Azza discovered a possible way to seek what she was.

“Hiya Azza, what are ya reading?” Looking up from the large book in her lap, Azza blinked as she stared at the green haired woman before her. Tobias: the perky elf that like to pilfer things as much as she liked to help others. Tilting herself, she looked at the book Azza was reading and made a small frown. “Can you even read that?”

Azza laughed and shook her head, “Nope. Just looking at the pictures.” While it was true that Azza looked mainly at the pictures, she could make out certain words when she concentrated long enough. She wasn’t exactly sure why or how she could and she wasn’t even sure if it was correct! But somehow, there was feeling that it was right.

“Mmmm…” accepting the answer, Tobias stood and stretched. “Well, what’dya say about getting outta here and picking up a few apples? The farms nearby says they might need a few extra hands.”

Closing the book, Azza took a long look at the title before looking back up to Tobias. “Alright! Let me just put this back?”

“Sure thing, I’ll wait outside. A bit stuffy in here for me.”

Azza watched the woman leave before getting up from the squishy chair she had been sitting in. Stretching her own body to awaken it, Azza then looked to the title for another short while before moving to put it back. Finding its place on the shelf was easy, being the only book removed from a secluded row in the back.

It was peaceful days like this that Azza had accepted as her way of life now. Yet, the longer she stayed within the Ixian Castle, a feeling that she should be moving built within her. It wasn’t quite wanderlust, but whatever it was, Azza was content to cherish these days for however long she could.

12-24-11, 02:21 AM
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your participation. I’ll be treating this thread as if it was part of the Vignette Feature. Therefore, I won’t be posting scores or feedback here (although should you wish it, I’d be more than happy to share my thoughts with you privately – just ask).

Without further ado:

Sheex earns first place!
Sir Artemis earns second place!

Sheex gains 750 EXP and 200 GP
Sir Artemis gains 480 EXP and 175 GP
Duffy gains 500 EXP
Orphans gains 300 EXP

Thanks again!

EDIT: EXP and GP added!