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Jack Frost
11-11-11, 10:19 AM
(The following Thread will be a series of Short stories capturing the origin of Jack Frost, his Elven life, the reasons for his banishment, his journeys with the disciples of N'jal, and his falling out with said disciples. The following interactions with any PCs are not required to be viewed as Cannon by anyone, it is merely a patch to a bad start.)

Kiem Evergreen was not one to believe in fate. He was not one prone to worship deities of any sort either. Most would call him cold and heartless, which was reflected in his silver hair and cold blue eyes. He was only married due to an arranged marriage, and all of the elves in the camp feared what his children would end up like. As he walked back to camp from the neighboring town of Underwood one midwinter, it seemed like one of the worst storms of all time was blowing through, tearing through the forest like a demon, spewing snow and ice all it went. The young man's jackets and furs were doing little to shield him from the piecing, unforgiving cold wind. As he trudged through knee high snow with little light to guide him, he heard a single cry of a child...