View Full Version : Great Guardian Re-approval

The Great Guardian
11-12-11, 10:12 PM
(I was never quite as active with this character, but I'd like to have him around as a backup, and possibly allow me to experiment with my other character. Hope I've included all that's necessary for the new format. Thanks -Solomon)

Name: Miko Grally / Miko Glory
Age: 11 / 27
Race: Divine
Hair: Brown / Golden Blonde
Eyes: Bright Hazel / Shinning Blue
Height: 4'8" / 5'9"
Weight: 95lbs / 140lbs

Occupation: The path of discovery, and the struggle for survival. ‘Miko’ is a body piloted by 2 souls. One is the form of a little boy and the other the form of a golden skinned, winged young man. They are out to discover who they are and how they’ve come to be yet danger stalks at every turn.

Personality: Miko Grally is young, curious, and always smiling. He has the same starry-eyed dreams of adventure as any boy in the backyard playing with a wooden sword and shield.
Miko Glory is distant from the world, considering everything before acting. He searches for purpose, and fights eagerly and passionately for what he believes to be the greater good.

Appearance: Grally is ‘adorable;’ a fluffy head of hair and a curious smile perched between his cheeks. He appears happy and carefree, dressed in simple clothing, usually a brown tunic or other discarded attire.
Glory has an air; his eyes are bright, focused, and his tanned skin is tight with muscles and illuminates a very soft golden aura. His prominence is broadened more so by the white wings that sprout from his back. He is bare-chested, wearing a fine linen toga the same hue as his wings.


Survival: Both Grally and Glory know how to survive in the wilderness, acquire food, build shelter and treat minor wounds.

Combat: Miko Grally isn’t a good fighter, but if cornered he’s been trained how to use simple weapons and attack effective parts of the body. However, he is not a strong fighter and will try and let Glory take over as soon as possible
Miko Glory is well built, and adept to combat. He’s quick on his feet and knows where to strike to cause damage. He is an above average melee fighter with his pole axe and similar basic melee weapons.

24/7: Since they take turns living it is possible for one of them to always be up and alert. Both of them require rest, but being suspended while the other possess the body counts as rest for the same amount of hours as sleeping does. Miko Grally requires sleep, but Glory just needs a period of deep meditation to receive rest.

Two Heads are Better than One: While one of them is suspended in the others mind they can communicate freely, so long as the consciousness isn’t ‘resting’. This adds to their ability to problem solve, or to stay calm if one of them is getting emotional or irrational. They can each see what the other sees, but they do have a private inner consciousness that they can block the other from reading.

My Burdens to Bear: They do not share wounds. Battle damage that Glory receives is not passed onto Grally when they transform. The same goes for Glory if Grally is wounded. However, if one of them is wounded they must individually receive medical attention. Healing one does not heal the other.

Flight: Glory can use his wings as a method of transportation. It’s faster than running, and he has a high level of stamina for flight. However, since taking off requires open space and a constant foot speed it is not ideal in all situations; particularly a battle

Regeneration: His divine form can regenerate itself during periods of rest. Major wounds take a lot of time to heal and, depending on their intensity, are best treated before going into a state of ‘rest’.

Deific Presence: Glory’s golden aura can fend of creatures of darkness to a certain degree. It wards off minor evil spirits but it can attract greater evil if he should enter its territory.
A Touch of Class: Glory can imbue 1 weapon, item or jewel with his divine presence. If it is taken away, or if he is disarmed, the item loses its element and, depending on what the item was before it was imbued, it can either crumble into dust or turn into a lesser, heavier metal as a punishment to the thief; it is both inconvenient to keep and is no longer worth anything.

Innocence: The kid’s got a charm about him that just makes him so stinkin’ cute! People fall in love with Miko and do what they can to help him out. Store keeps cut him a break, guards will escort him if it’s dark out, and Inn keepers usually let him stay for free or let him sweep the floors to earn a night’s stay. However this means he’s often preyed on by swindlers, burglars, and other creeps who hang out in dark alleys looking to ruin people’s nights.

Blessed Silver Pole Axe: This is a special weapon that Glory has carried with him for as long as he can remember. It is lightweight, roughly the strength of steel. The axe blades are long and slender with two foot long spear tips at the head, making the entirety of the weapon approximately 5’ 6”. It is adept for both striking and defending.
With Glory’s ‘Touch of Class’ skill the blessing deals additional damage to creatures with an ‘evil’ alignment. This varies when used against actual players, but against NPCs its touch can exorcise spirits, prevent regeneration, or cause fear or anguish depending on the types of creatures and their level. If he is disarmed the blessing fades and the weapon also grows heavier and will become rusted and worthless until he’s touched it again.
Toga: Glory’s toga is very bright and beautiful white linen with a gold hem. If it is dirtied, it comes out clean again the next time he takes possession of the body. This is a mystery to them both as Grally’s clothes stay dirty or torn until he repairs or replaces them.

All Purpose Knife: A standard, six inch, steel dagger used for hunting delicious animals. It is not a very good weapon, but he will use it if provoked.

Backpack: Grally carries a backpack of standard travelling supplies. Water, food, a couple blankets, but it is mostly filled with the trinkets he’s collected along his way.

History: For as long as either of them can remember, Miko Grally and Miko Glory have been living in a tree house in a dense part of Concordia. They kept to themselves for many years, only coming out into the open when necessary. Grally has always wanted to see the rest of the world, but Glory feels compelled to stay hidden because he knows there is something different about them. The rest of the world is filled with individual souls, whereas they are two who share the same body.

Grally has been growing up under the watchful eye of his second soul, who teaches him how to gather food and stay out of danger’s way. However, after eleven years he’s grown tired of his little house in the tree, and wants to do some of the things he’s been reading about in all the books he’s been collecting. Miko Grally wants nothing more than to meet people, and to learn all about them. He’s very eager to lend a hand wherever he can, and any money he’s collected generally ends up in the hands of the needy. He hardly understands the concept of money, but knows he doesn’t really have use for it.

Glory watches over Grally, teaching and protecting him like an older brother. However, while Grally grows curious about exploring the world Glory can’t help but wonder why they’re here. For as long as he can remember he’s been watching Grally growing up, talking to him and teaching him things. However, Grally is the only one of them that ages, and the only one of them that needs to eat and drink. And Glory can’t remember how he knows the things he’s teaching to this child. Sometimes, while he’s meditating, he can almost remember something from before the forest. It stays on his mind like a dream he’d forgotten the moment he awoke. He believes there is more to their life than just existing, but until he can remember what it is he prefers to stay out of sight.

Shortly after Miko Grally turned 11 he made a plea to Glory to go out into the world and finally see it with his own eyes. Although sympathetic, Glory was still wary of indulging the request until the night of a great storm. While meditating, something from the darkness began to shiver his soul. Looking out the window of their tree house Glory saw a shadow standing outside of their window, long and crooked, and moving on its own. The figure was gone the moment Glory blinked, but not without sounding an alarm deep inside of him.
He woke Grally’s consciousness inside of him, and gathering up a few things for the road Glory took them as far away as he could. Grally didn’t understand, but Glory couldn’t explain it. Neither of them had any idea what the creature was, but Glory could feel somewhere within his self that he should not have been seen by that creature.

***A Note on transformation***

The particulars that separate Grally and Glory are slightly different than most transfigurations. They both have distinct forms that they appear as when taking possession of the body. They can familiarize themselves with clothing and equipment, and take it with them when they are suspended in one another’s mind. As they grow, they can take other things with them, but they have to be inanimate objects. Miko Grally carries all his clothing, including the small backpack and dagger into the void, and Glory carries his clothing and Divinity’s Thorn with him. To a certain extent, they appear as they see themselves. Taking with them objects they are familiar to carrying, wielding, or protecting (but to be honest, it’s just done so I don’t have to switch their clothing or weapons every time they transform).

11-13-11, 10:20 AM
Hey, I remember you. We tried to do a thread once (one one of my alts), but we never finished.

Oh, yeah, approved, by the by.