View Full Version : Shadowlord

12-04-11, 09:19 PM
Name: The Shadowlord
Age: unknown, even to Shadowlord
Race: Shadow entity
Hair Color: none, when materialized, it varies.
Eye Color: White vertical slits, like a demon. When materialized, it varies
Height: Depends on availibility of nearby shadows. At night, it depends on who's looking at Shadowlord. When materialized, it varies.
Weight: None. When materialized, it varies.
Occupation: Stealer of dreams, theif of minds.

Personality: Shadowlord is a tactician and thinker, always thinking before acting, never moving without a plan. He delights in the torment of others, in their pain, their suffering, feeding on their emotions.

Appearance: Those who have encountered Shadowlord in his normal state report seeing white eyes shining in the darkness. White vertical slits like those of a demon surrounded by impenitrable shadow.


~Psychiatry: Due to the origins of Shadowlord, he knows much about the mind and how it works.
~Tactical thinking: Shadowlord never works without a strategy in mind to obtain his goal. As such, he has developed a keen grasp of tactics


~Materialization: In order for Shadowlord to have any effect on the Material World, he must materialize into something. This can range from the inorganic, to organic creatures created in the minds of others. No materialization can be greater in size than an area of 3 cubic feet.

~Psionic Powers: Being an entity comprised only of thoughts and shadows, Shadowlord has extensive Psionic powers though only a small portion has been tapped.
-Mind reader: Reads the surface thoughts of others, which is the concious thoughts in other beings. With effort, Shadowlord can probe deeper into the mind and uncover more details, such as name, what they like or dislike, and what their fears are. If the target knows he or she is being mind read, effort on the part of the person he is mind reading can block or mislead Shadowlord.

- Illusions: Shadowlord can make illusions in the shadows or in darkness. These illusions can be of anything he desires, so long as their no greater than 12cubic feet in area. Each illusion lasts up to an hour. Shadowlord is unable to make illusions in the light. Candles, due to their weak illumination, only count as shadows. Same with Campfires, and fireplaces. Perceptive individuals can see through his illusions, if they make an effort to do so.

Equipment: Shadowlord has no equipment. However, when materializing into something with either natural weapons such as claws, or a weapon, their of Steel Quality. Similarly, Armor is of Leather quality.

Notes: It should be noted, that Shadowlord is weak against the light. If not materialized outside of shadows or some other safe zone like a cave, under the bed, in a closet, ETC, then Shadowlord will burn away and cease to be for a time equalling three months.

Likewise, Shadowlord is immaterial in his normal state. He can niether harm, nor be harmed by others, he cannot interact with them in any fashion, save for speech. Curiously, even in an immaterial form, he can speak and be heard. In an immaterial form, beyond speech, Shadowlord cannot interact with the material world, at all. He can however, as noted, speak and be heard.

Movement is done via drifting through the air, and he can slip through cracks and other small holes easily.

If Shadowlord sustains enough damage while manifested into a physical form, he will cease to be for a month.


In the oceans of time, it is recorded that once, long ago, there existed a great and flourishing library dedicated to the worship of Khal'jaren the sage. The knowledge contained in this library was extensive, once. Time passed, and what once was, is now only ruins. Yet still, knowledge remains for those who seek it.

On a night lit by a full moon, a group of sorcerers and wizards possessing great skill in the dark arts pillaged the library, taking from it many books. To their hidden temple dedicated to N'jal they fled, and proceeded to experiment with their newfound knowledge.

Months passed, and on a night when no moon shone, and clouds covered the starlit sky, deep within the red forest, the sorcerers and wizards succeeded in an experiment beyond their grasp. They merged into a single being, but their success was short lived, for their magic turned on them, and the newly created singular being died. N'jal, in her great and terrible mercy, reached forth her hand and saved the creation of her followers. But at her touch, it changed. The body turned to shadow, and the mind strengthened considerably. She named this new entity, The Shadowlord, and chained him to her will, that she might use his powers for her own benefit.

Time passed, and travelers in Raiaera have begun reporting random encounters with something most frightening. No two accounts ever agree on what, preciesly was encountered, only that it was as though their nightmares were manifested before them. Others report a whispering voice from the shadows, tempting them, feeding on their desires, on their minds. Worst of all, Children have begun seeing monsters under their bed, and in their closet.

No one knows for certain, but all agree, there exists a terrifying new evil in the world.

12-06-11, 11:00 AM
Alright, here's the dealio. The 12 cubic feet from Materialization are a bit too much. Considering that the volume of an average human is about 3 cubic feet (unless I'm mistaken), this would allow you to materialize in some huge stuff. So I'd like you to limit the materializations to human-sized... things for now, maybe a bit larger.

Also, keep in mind that perceptive people should still be able to see through your illusions at this point if they make an effort to do so.

That is all. Sorry for the wait.

12-06-11, 08:28 PM

12-07-11, 10:57 AM
Awesome. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.