View Full Version : Amras Fletcher - The Restless Soul

Restless Soul
12-16-11, 07:43 PM
Name Amras Fletcher
Age 19
Race Elven
Height 5’ 3”
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Light brown
Eyes Purple

Occupation Thief, Collector, Sell-sword
Common Location Scara Brae

Amras looks no different than the common elf. He is lean, with very slim muscles. His eyes are sharp, and normally very bright. His ears are pointed and long. Dark blonde, almost a shiny light brown, hair runs to the middle of his back and is always tucked behind his ears. Normally he has it tied loosely in a pony-tail with a piece of black ribbon. Ivory skin, unblemished, looks as though it has never seen the light of day. Amras has thin arms and legs, and a rather frail looking body.

For a nondescript elf, it’s no surprise that the history behind Amras Fletcher is nothing of paramount importance. He has never known wealth, never been exiled from some noble family, isn’t the son of someone important, hasn’t ever lost his memory, or really had anything happen out of the ordinary. He grew up on the outskirts of the Brokenthorn Forest in Scara Brae, in the quiet town of Olme. During his time as a child he caused mischief, broke some rules, and learned what he could from his parents. He was educated in the use of bow, dagger, sword, hunting, and tracking by his parents. On his own he learned quite a bit about stealth, pick-pocketing and general thief related skills.

He has a small group of friends, all mischief makers just as he is, who call themselves the Bastards of Olme. Whenever possible they practice their thieving skills, practice fighting with each other, and skirmish with their rivals. The mostly elven group, the Bastards tend to fight most often with the Uthia Underhanders. Six boys make up the Bastards, all about the age of Amras who leads them, while the Underhanders are made up of a group of fifteen human boys who are on average three years older. Fighting and rivalry have gotten both groups of adolescents in trouble, and most often is the reason why Amras and his friends wish for nothing more than to become better at what they do. Amras himself wants to travel and perfect his abilities, eventually establishing something real and permanent as he ages in a much bigger city.

Locien, Amras’ father, is a guard of Olme. He’s well versed in the use of leather armor, dagger and short blade use, one handed swords, hand-to-hand combat, and has been serving as the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Olme Watch over three decades. He is second in command of the Watch, following only the Constable who is the mediator between the Watch and the guards of the nobility. Above both is the position of Marshal, which is only different in the sense that he serves the Duchess Entadaa as a Sergeant-at-Arms within the court. Locien has been offered the position of Constable three times, and has been offered a direct promotion to Marshal of the Entadaa Duchy once; each time he has declined the position so he could stay with his family. His silvering hair and faded amethyst eyes show his age and how dedicated he has been to his position, but with age he has also gained weight and slowed. While still one of the most well-versed swordsmen of Scara Brae, he has sought no acclaim or recognition for his skills. It is due to him that Amras has learned discipline, as well as learned the basics of his father’s skills.

Miriel, Amras’ mother, is a ranger of the Brokenthorn Forest. She is well versed in the use of leather armor as well, but wears a much thinner and softer version of it than her husband. Miriel also has training with archery, daggers and short blades, hunting and tracking, and has served as a ranger for over three decades (only parting with her duties when with child and the first year of each child’s life). While the rangers have no true system for rank, she is well known within the group and has distinguished herself in the eyes of the commander Marshal of the Entadaa Duchy, Jacobson. Her hair has remained a vibrant blonde color and her dark purple eyes have never lost their vivacity. He is the reason that Amras has a sense of humility and a consistent calm about him. Her skills have been well absorbed by her eldest child, Amras, and he cherishes what little time he can spend with her.

His two siblings, both female, are Rodiel and Rodwen. The twins are three years younger than Amras, and have spent more time getting him into trouble than they have anything. As young as they are, silly games of feminine love take up what parts of their day isn’t devoted to study. Amras doesn’t pay them much attention and prefers not to be around them whenever possible.


Archery – Amras is proficient with the short bow. He can group (keep arrows within a 5 inch circle) a still target at 15 yards, and can group a moving target at about 5 yards.
Swordsmanship – His father has taught him how to use the thin bladed rapier pretty well. He is good with thinner, light blades and has no love of the heavier longswords.
Dagger Use – Amras can use daggers well, and has been known to be much faster with their use than most people are. He is terrible at throwing them, but prefers to keep them at his side for use anyway.
Stealth – Growing up with a mother who watches silently and unseen within the Forest has been a boon for Amras who has translated what skills he gathered from her into city use.
Hunting and Tracking – Amras has learned to hunt very well, but is not very good at tracking in the forests. In a city, he has been able to use the skill more efficiently though.
Pick-pocket – He is a good cutpurse and can normally get his hand in a loose pocket and out again with valuables in hand in a single passing.
Lock-picking – Amras has had a little practice with picking locks, but only has a very slight understanding of it overall.
General Schooling – The basics of schooling; how to write (Common – Elven calligraphy is very difficult for him so he quit), Read (Common and basic Elven), Speak (common and elven), basic biology and physics, read the stars (basic navigation/astronomy and terrible astrology), basic arithmetic, general cooking, sewing, and other small things.


Dexterity – An elf would be no different than a human if they didn’t have their dexterity. Amras is more nimble than normal humans, by at least twice as much. Usage is based for acrobatics in regards to surroundings, not something that can be used for combat as he has to plot out his movements and combat is too fast paced.
Speed – Being lithe, Amras is fast. He has practiced with heavier weapons so he can use his light ones faster, and has always weight trained in order to make him feel lighter when wearing his clothes.


Clothing – He wears a dark gray sweater with a large hood, dark gray pants, and a pair of thin leather knee high boots. The boots are very tight, kept close with a series of buckles and plenty of straps, and his pants are tucked into them. Under the sweater he wears a short sleeve, tight, light gray shirt with the patch of his gang (a red eye over a black fist). He has a single belt to secure his pants, one that hangs lower on his left side and holds his sword sheath, and another that hangs lower on the right side that holds his dagger. On all three belts are a series of small pouches, mostly empty.
First Aid Kit – Gauze, suture, thread for suture, healing balms (blood clotting and soothing), pain relief (small leafs used for tea or chewed), ect.
Sewing Kit – Needles, thread (clear, black, white, gray), seam-ripper, extra buttons and buckles.
Lock-pick Kit – Basics


Chest – Studded leather vest. Colors are a blend and mix of different shades of gray and black. Thin and worn over hooded sweater.
Hands – Leather gloves. Colors are blended grays. Studs on the knuckles, thin steel plates sewn into the back of the gloves. Good for climbing, gripping, and water-proof.


Iron Dagger – Iron with leather wrapped around the hilt for handles. Tucked into the straps of his left boot; 5 inches in blade length, 7.5 inches overall
Steel dagger – 7 inch steel blade, 2.5 inch oak handle; leather sheath at his left side on low hanging belt.
Rapier – 22 inch steel blade, 6 inch steel handle wrapped in black leather; simple cross hilt; brushed steel; leather sheath at his right side and hung on the belt.
Short bow – 42 inch black oak; re-curve; 50 pound draw; sheathed while strung on his back – sheath holds ten arrows
Arrows – 10 oak arrows with standard iron heads

12-17-11, 04:40 PM
Looks acceptable. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.