View Full Version : Lonely and Cynical Mage

01-03-12, 11:57 PM
Name: Essex
Age: 82
Race: Vampire Hybrid
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6"5'
Weight: 150
*Occupation: Prince turned run away wanderer.

*Personality: Essex is a conflicted soul who views himself as an evil creature. He wishes to help those around him but then his vampire nature causes him to feed on people; which makes him hate himself more. Tries to keep to himself as much as possible but when he has to help or work with others his leadership skills kick in and he takes charge. Though Essex is a vampire who has an extended life he still views normal humans or creatures as equals; he doesn’t let his “immortal” life hold him from others that need help. When interacting with others he tries to be polite and avoid fighting.

Appearance: Long black hair that either streams down or is slicked back which looks more professional and along with his black hair he also has a mustache that connects to a sharp goatee. Pale skin due to vampire blood. Brown eyes look almost black; his eyes change colors when he changes forms (Demonic and Flight form). Since his body is stronger than a humans he doesn’t wear armor but wears black mage robes with dark red designs all along it. Moon shaped birthmark on chest and a matching gold necklace with a red ruby in the center of the moon.

Skills: Minor short sword and throwing weapon skills. Minor stealth and shadow walking skills. Alchemy and potion making skills. Can also enchant and disenchant items. Likes to try to talk people into doing things or to avoid fighting with someone.

Abilities: Vampire Blood *current level* (Abilities associated with vampires)-Boosts body strength to twice that of a humans.
Magical abilities: Creation and manipulation of fire (in small amounts). Healing hands-magical energy comes from him and surrounds his hands in bright yellow colors. (cuts and bruises/allows Essex to heal others but not himself)

Equipment:Black and red mage robes with black leather armor underneath for minor protection and stealth. Magical Staff- black glossy staff (black wood/magical artifact) with red streaks running from bottom tip all the way up to a dark red stone (the streaks look like the stone is bleeding down the black staff.) the staff looks like a combination of metal and stone, but instead of being cold it is warm to the touch as if it were alive. The staff without the magical look and feel would just be as strong as an oak. Twin short swords (gold hilt and black blades; the right hand sword has a red ruby and the left hand has a white stone.) Assortment of throwing weapons (different types of daggers and stars). Each of the swords and daggers are strong like steel.

*Familiar: Kach- demon familiar in the shape of a ferret like creature with black and white fur. Walks on two legs like a human and can talk. Demon shape shifting abilities. Is a lover not a fighter. Lazy and carefree creature that can seem selfish but does seem to care about those that he is friends with. (Bonded with Essex.)

History: Essex’s mother was a vampire queen who was a brutal and cold tyrant and his father was a mage who specialized in the dark and strange arts of the Black magic’s. Essex was destined to be the future ruler of his people. After years of training and living under his mother’s reign and his father’s magical teachings Essex began to feel as if he wasn’t living as he should. He soon left his mother’s kingdom and went searching for his true calling. On his travels he kept his vampire bloodline a secret and allowed people to believe that he was only a Mage or wanderer. He was able to fight off any bandits or rogue mages with either his arcane abilities or his set of weapons.
Going from town to town Essex tried to help and fight evil. Sometimes he would help out a town against bandits, cults, evil creatures or even sometimes their own leaders. On his way from town to town he would even aid other travelers from the harms of the roads. This task that he put himself on wasn’t completely fulfilling and even then he still had to hide who and what he really was from everyone which caused him to feel very lonely and as if his life was a lie. So after he came to a run down and abandoned tower he turned it into his home and mage tower. His life is full of jumping from helping and travelling to living as a hermit.

Weakness: Aversion to fire (not fire that he creates but from others). The need to feed for blood causes Essex to have physical and mental weakness for different reasons. Living a long life means that he will see those that he may become friends with die and that bothers him. His desire to hide away causes him to be lonely inside but also a bit cynical when he does get out in the world among normal people.

01-05-12, 11:35 AM
Alrighty, here's the deal. You can have only three abilities right now, and I need to know the specifics about them.

Concerning Vampire Blood, I need to know how much it toughens him up and how much stronger is he. Right now you'd be allowed to be twice as strong as a normal human and slightly more resistant to a certain type of damage. However, regardless of the fact that these are both facets of your Vampire Blood ability, they would still count as separate abilities, meaning you could only get one more. I can also see mention of his Demonic and Flight forms. These too would be considered abilities, so you would have too many.

Please limit yourself to three abilities. Once you do, I'll look over them again and see if they need further clarification.

Lastly, I need to know the material of your equipment. For now, you can have any real world wood (or their fantasy equivalent) and metals up to steel.

01-05-12, 05:27 PM
Alright I altered the abilities and equipment. Let me know if there is anything else that needs to be fixed or explained more.

01-05-12, 06:11 PM
Just a few more tweaks and you'll be set to go.

Creation and manipulation of fire should be limited to small amounts for now. And I also need to know the extents of his healing ability. Let's say he can heal moderate cuts and bruises through continued contact, some 5-10 seconds per wound. Sounds good?

01-05-12, 06:12 PM
that sounds good

01-06-12, 02:55 AM
Oh, I forgot. I need you to put the materials of your equipment in your profile. Just make the swords and his throwing stuff as strong as steel and the staff as durable as let's say oak, ok?

01-06-12, 11:52 AM
I fixed the materials for the staff and other weapons. Just let me know if there is anything else I need to fix.

01-06-12, 04:54 PM
Okay hate to cut in here but here's another long list of changes that need to be made, asap...

No, no just kidding. Everything looks fine and it looks like you've made all of the changes Letho wanted, I'm just cutting in since he's not online at the moment. Only thing I want to add is to be weary of your 'Enchanting' skill, just remember this won't be the last time you push your character by us and if you have enchanting some super powerful, end-all weapon, we're going to gank that. Just stay within reason, ya'know?!

Bet you're happy to hear the following word: Approved!