View Full Version : Atelar Hatir, The Lovable Rogue

01-06-12, 10:00 PM
Name: Atelar Hatir
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dusty Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs
Occupation: Street Urchin, so.. no occupation.
Class wise, he's an odd mix between a thief and a mage.

Sunny and bright, Atelar is characterized by his uppity and mischievous nature. He is also quite easy-going and is almost infuriatingly lukewarm. He gets along with others easily, and his sunny disposition makes it difficult for people to stay angry at him. He is a people person, and enjoys the company of others. He dislikes being alone and enjoys the sound of chatter. It should be noted however, that he has a acute love of shiny (usually gold) items. As such, it is advised to keep Atelar at least an arm's length away at all times, lest you leave the conversation light hearted as well as light-pocketed. He is upbeat and social, and is just a little too curious for his own good. Needless to say, he's a meddler; and a peddler of the various bits of information, as well as shiny trinkets, he's picked up throughout his travels, some through legal means, most through, more questionable means. Atelar is a very outgoing young man, a very charismatic and bold character, who often dances on the line between confident and cocky.

A young man of notably shorter stature, as well as a very slight constitution, Atelar is very lean with little body fat of any kind to notice. He sports a mop of straight, dusty brown hair, which falls in a disheveled heap around his head, his bangs covering a portion of his left eye. The rest of his hair falls to just above his shoulders. It is unknown if the 'dusty' color is natural, or from actual dust. His eyes are a warming shade of hazel and gleam with a curiosity that seems to be impossible to sate. He has a round baby face that shines of youth for years to come.
As a street urchin, Atelar owns a relatively small wardrobe. He wears a pair of plain white cloth pants, that have a bit of bagginess about them, held around his waist by a plain rope belt. They are tucked into a pair of reliable dark brown leather boots, considerably worn from use. He wears a slim fitting black cloth sleeveless shirt over his torso, on his left shoulder crossing down to the right side of his waist is a leather (shoulder?)belt. The belt has open slot to sheath blades which is occupied. Over all of this, Atelar wears a deep blue hooded cloak, reaching down to his ankles. The ends of the cloak are frayed and tattered, signs of considerable use.


- Atelar knows his way around with most blades, though he has a preference for short daggers and knives, due to their ease of use, and lightweight.

- Whether it be pick-pocketing, lockpicking, or being quick and stealthy, Atelar knows his way around the block. He's no master for sure, but he gets the job done. Usually.

Free Running
- Being of light constitution, and short stature, Atelar can make his way through alleyways, crowded streets, and over rooftops alike. Just don't expect him to make any long jumps. I mean, he's short after all.

Persuasion can get you so far...
- Quick in tongue as well as in body, Atelar has no trouble convincing the more gullible to believe this instead of that. When faced with more learned people, the most Atelar can hope for with this, is a smile and a pat on the back.


Thievery: Lockpicking and stealing and being stealthy and whatnot
Basic. He is not amazingly good, nor very good. He is not super good or even really good. If anything, he is kinda good. Basic locks can be broken, basic people can be snuck around and be stolen from, nothing more.
Basic Elemental Magic:
- Forgotten, unretained, barely existent. Aside from the next ability below anyway.
Water-Body Magic:
- Atelar's only remaining magical ability of note, is the ability to use a specific branch of water magic known as 'bonding'. When Atelar 'bonds' with water, his body becomes body of water, hence the name 'Water-Body'. In his water-body form, Atelar is more or less immune to physical attacks, though he is still vulnerable to elemental attacks. It should be noted that Atelar also loses his ability of speech while a body of water, replaced with subsonic rumbles, that are more 'felt' than 'heard'. The water-body will also be 'cancelled' if too much water is separated from the body, for example, something that hacks the water body in half will cause it to cancel. The object however, must completely separate one part of water from the other. When the water-body is forcibly 'cancelled' the water will 'explode' in a shower of little raindrops, leaving Atelar where the majority of the water was left. He will not be missing limbs if cancelled, but will be out of breath and incapable of resisting for a few minutes. If water is separated from the water-body, Atelar can absorb more water from other sources to replenish his mass, though at his current level he cannot absorb more than water than his actual size (meaning he cannot absorb an entire fountain of water and become a 8 foot tall leviathan). While in his liquid state, Atelar can alter the shape of his water-body at will, such as turning an arm into a whip of water, or surging from ground level onto a rooftop. He can also freeze or boil the water in his body, to cut or burn an enemy. He usually does not boil the water though, as boiling water causes his body to lose mass over time.


Plain Dagger
- A plain, simple, slightly worn, iron dagger. It fits neatly in the a sheath like slot in the leather belt across Atelar's chest. It has a 5 inch blade and is about 10 inches in length overall, it has nicks scrapes all over the blade.

A young street thief, spent the majority of his early years in relative luxury. Luxury meaning a roof over his head and food on his plate. He led a fairly plain childhood, his mother took care of him as a child, and as he got older he worked with his father. His parents, however, were far from plain. By taking care of him, his mother taught him the basics of magic, through which he learned magic of the basic elements and his water-body magic, the latter of which would be retained long after he forgot the lessons and scrolls. By working with his father, he ran errands for the local thieves guild, snooping and watching and sitting and standing for whatever the guild needed. It was though working with his father did Atelar pick up his basic thievery skills.

Life was good, though it was very plain, day in day out, studies, stealing, eating repeat. At age 17 Atelar bid his parents adieu and left in search of something more, interesting. Something more than the dull little town he grew up in. Perhaps he would go to a big city? That would probably be the best bet for him, cities had plenty of people, and plenty of money. He wouldn't mind stopping at a few hamlets here and there, but his goal was definitely in the city.

For the past 2 years on his own, Atelar has done decently well, he holds no stable job, but goes around doing the odd job or the dirty work people don't want to do. More than once has he mingled on the shadier side of the law. He is quick, young and in his prime, and as such people around this age are in the adventuring state of mind, Atelar will decide to boldly go where no man has gone before... or maybe just take the road less traveled upon, so then he would have someone to follow, instead of boldly venturing off by his lonesome.

Here's a picture of the water body btw :D

01-07-12, 02:33 PM
I'll let the 'Water Body' slide, but only because it's your only ability. At this level normally we don't allow such abilities, so keep it real (which means don't get gnarly or out of hand with it). I'll be watching you... (creepy, right?!)


Oh and thievery isn't an ability! Change it next time home boy or girl!