View Full Version : Carlisle: Sword for Hire

01-12-12, 04:10 PM
Name: Carlisle Polk
Age: 23
Race: Human
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 175 lbs:

Appearance: Carlisle wears his long auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail. His face is handsome but not exquisite. He dress in a simple cream colored tunic, brown slacks with a leather belt and leather boots. His gloves are usually tucked into his belt next to his sword hilt unless he has need of them.

Swordplay: Carlisle has been formally trained in how to use swords. He is adept at wielding lighter swords with narrower blades such as rapiers.

Literate: Carlisle can read, write and understand a map.

Horseback Riding: Carlisle is adept at riding a horse.

Diplomacy: Carlisle has picked up his family’s trait for being shrewd negotiators. He has a silver tongue with which he uses to barter and seduce.

Alchemy: Carlisle has read various books on the subject, but nothing of any significance. He has some rudimentary understanding of its theories and laws, but he currently lacks the knowledge to make even basic potions and poisons.

The Moon Medallion: The medallion has the power to suck up all the light within a certain radius for a certain amount of time where one cannot peer into it or out of it. Carlisle can control it for only two minutes over a radius of five feet. (Carlisle is currently unaware of the medallion’s latent powers, but I am claiming the power now so that I don’t have to down the road.)


Steel Rapier - 56 cm
Iron Dagger - 15.25 cm

Steel Breastplate
Leather Boots
Leather Gloves
Leather Belt

The Moon Medallion - A small medallion in the shape of a half moon that Carlisle’s father brought back on some merchant voyage in some distant land. The brother to the moon medallion is the sun medallion which currently belongs to Carlisle’s older brother.

I grew up accustomed to a life of privilege where opportunities that were rare with others of my age were common place in my life. Even as the second son to my father and not his heir there was little I wanted that was not given to me, except for a name. I grew up in the long shadows two figures in my life. My father is a profitable merchant with quite an empire of trade. Surely there would be a job within his company for me if I so desired, but my work would go largely unnoticed because of my brother. He is my father’s heir and certainly capable of following in my father’s footsteps, so he will take my father’s company and his name will become renowned.

I knew that if I stayed in my family’s great business I would have every desire of the world given to me. There would not be a day that I would go hungry or night without some girl to warm my sheets. I would have servants and maids at my beckon and comforts from every corner of the globe, but the one thing my heart has ever had any desire for was loss to me.

I could not accept this so I decided to pursue the only avenue where anyone big or small can create their own fame. I decided to join the military. With my family’s status I would be made an officer, and from there I could climb the ranks to glory. I knew the path would not be easy, but I was prepared to work diligently and sacrifice much for my cause.

I excelled well in training and was quickly recognized for my skill. I performed especially well at sword combat and tactics. Upon completing the training camp I was given a platoon of soldier under my command. All seemed as though I had a prosperous future ahead of me, but before I had even finished my first year I was expelled with disgrace.

I was sent to squelch a bunch of rioters making trouble in a commercial district of the city. Nothing seemed amiss to me when I first arrived. I found the band of rioters and began to disperse off them down an alleyway when they sprang their ambush. I had led my troops into a trap set by not a bunch of simple rioters but rebels who had ambitions to seize our weapons and dispatch of our very lives.

It did not take long before I could tell the skirmish was over. I called for retreat and fled upon the back of my stead trusting what men were with me to make their own way out of the fray. My commanders saw my acts as disgraceful and removed me from their ranks and tossed me out of the service.

I could not then return to my family with the shame that had been placed upon me. I had to clear the cowardice from my name, and I still, even at that point, had visions of making my name great. I was left with few options. They only choice that did not seem nauseous to me was to become a mercenary, and so my sword is up for sell to whoever can afford it.

01-13-12, 03:22 AM
This looks fine. However, Alchemy and Diplomacy would go under skills, so you can have two additional abilities if you want to.

01-13-12, 12:11 PM
I moved Diplomacy and Alchemy over, but I really don't have anything to add.

01-13-12, 07:34 PM
Alright. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.