View Full Version : Judas' Registration

An Alice in WonderLand
01-19-12, 08:24 PM
Name: Judas Forestsong
Age: 84 but appears 21 (are elves immortal?)
Race: Elf
Hair Color: White Blond
Eye Color: Yellow
Height: 6 7
Weight:216 lbs
Occupation: Hermit Hunter living in Forest

Equipment: Hide Armor, Two Deerbone daggers, Cedar Bow and hand crafted arrows, Deerskin sleeping roll

Appearance: His high cheekbones seem unforgiving and cruel upon first glance, but upon further observation, one might see the love and protective nature that lies in his rosy cheeked face. His thin eyebrows and wide eyes give way to his elvishness almost immediately. His thin mouth show many years of listening rather than speaking. His ears, like all elves have a slight point to them.

Skills: Archery, Short Blade Combat, Leather Treatment (Leather armor crafting)

Abilities: Close to Silent Movement: Being trained by a werewolf, Judas quickly developed a manor of movement to make up for his lack of wolf traits (namely footpads) the way he shifts his body weight and moves through an area renders him nearly silent, even to a trained ear
, Can cast simple ice spike and shows potential in magic, Elvish reflexes

History: A war drum's beat resonates through the valley. The galloping of a single horse can also be heard, as well as the crying of a small child. They race through the valley, and find shelter in a nearby wood. The drums are getting louder, and the mother is getting panicked. Where shall I hide him? Will he survive? These are the questions she asks herself. She is about to give up hope as she nears a small glade. The horse slides to a stop as the mother catches glimpse of a wolf-man, a Lycan. She had heard tales of their kind, of their ferocity. She was about to take off in the other direction as the beast and mother lock eyes. The great wolf nods it's head at the child in the mother's arms, and immediately she understands. She doesn't like what it's suggesting, but it's the only way. She quickly dismounts her steed and sets the child on the ground, kissing his forehead. "Be safe, little one. Be safe." She says, choking back tears. She quickly remounts her horse and gallops away, attempting to lead the raiders away. Raiders that have destroyed the small village they lived in before, that took everything from her. Her child would grow up with the werewolves, knowing nothing but the hunt, and the Forest. But, maybe, it is best for him not to know. Not to long for that which is lost.

01-20-12, 02:46 AM
Regarding the silent movement, keep in mind that folks with heightened sense of hearing will still be able to hear him.

Second, under your Skills, you mention Mild Enchanting. I need to know specifics about it. What kind of enchantments can he do and how long does it take for him to do it? If they allow him to, let's say, coat his blade in fire or make it sharper or pretty much anything that can be used in combat situations, I'm going to have to consider it an ability (and you can have only three of those right now).

And lastly, let's just say that Elvish Reflexes are twice that of a normal human, just for reference sakes, ok?

An Alice in WonderLand
01-20-12, 02:55 PM
I'll just edit the Enchanting out, I was wary about that to begin with.

And yes, obviously he won't be completely silent. Just very quiet.

I was also going to have him with a limited vocabulary, as he was raised by a werewolf who almost always retains wolf form. Kinda a Tarzan thing, thought not really.

01-20-12, 03:17 PM
Sounds great. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.

If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact me or any other moderator for that matter. We're here to help.