View Full Version : The Althanas Quick-Start Guide (read here before posting)

01-26-12, 12:55 AM
(By Sagequeen and Christoph)

Welcome to Althanas! We know you're eager to get your feet wet; this no fuss guide will help you do just that.

1. Overview (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=start#faq_welcomegettingstarted): Althanas is a unique play-by-post roleplaying and writing site that offers something for everyone. We combine elements of a collaborative and interactive writing workshop with a vibrant fantasy setting rich with established lore. And you, as a player, can affect the course of Althanas history in your adventures. Our setting contains diverse regions and races, allowing you to explore all sorts of amazing places and meet a wide variety of people as you weave your tales (more on this later). Whether an aspiring author or a casual roleplayer, Althanas is the place for you.

We follow the basic guidelines for roleplaying (http://www.althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=rules_terminology). If you're an experienced roleplayer, you should already know most of them. In short, follow proper RPing etiquette, treat other players as you would like to be treated, and use common sense.

2. The World of Althanas (http://www.althanas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Regions): Before you jump into character creation, figure out where your character will call home. Here is a brief rundown the Althanas regions:

Corone (http://www.althanas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Corone) is an island nation to the southeast of the mainland, known for its diverse inhabitants, mild climate, and bustling harbors. It maintains thriving trade with other countries due to its strategic location and powerful navy. Until recently, the nation suffered from internal upheaval and rebellion caused by a totalitarian regime suddenly taking control of the Assembly and attempting to turn the republic into an autocratic empire. Fortunately, after several years of unrest, the republic was restored. Corone has found stability once again. One must wonder, though: will this peace last?

*Corone is home to humans (about 50%), substantial numbers of High Elves and smatterings of Dark Elves, Dwarves, and even Orcs, and countless citizens of mixed blood.

Salvar (http://www.althanas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Salvar) is by far the largest nation in terms of territory, stretching across the harsh northlands. This vast, mighty kingdom of jagged mountains, pine forests, and snow still reels from years of civil war between the powerful and pervasive Church of the Ethereal Sway and the equally corrupt monarchy and nobility. The clash of steel has quieted and the two sides have finally reconciled, though both reduced to shadows of their former power. Anarchy and chaos now grips this once proud nation as its people struggle to survive. Yet, despite their hard lives, the people of Salvar are probably freer than they have ever been. One must ask, though: is freedom worth the price, and will they hold onto it in the days to come?

*Salvar is officially home to primarily humans, but large numbers of Orcs live in the northern reaches, forming strong independent clans. Immigrant Dark Elves and Dwarves live near the border of Alerar, scraping out their own livings in the unforgiving land.

Raiaera (http://www.althanas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Raiaera) is the ancestral homeland of the High Elves with a history of magic and wonder. However, in recent years, an undead horde commanded by an ancient evil swept through the nation, leaving devastation in its wake. This realm of shining cities and ancient forests now holds ruins and danger as its diminished population struggles to regain their nation's former glory. Despite the dangers, Raiaera remains a region worth visiting because of its rich lore and its access to the known world's most wondrous magic, including the legendary Spell-Singers, known as the Bards.

*Raiaera is home to the High Elves, though small numbers of other races live there as well, most often students of magic and treasure hunters. Be wary, however. The High Elves, traditionally suspicious of outsiders, have become increasingly xenophobic in the wake of their near extinction.

Alerar (http://www.althanas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Alerar) is a land of technology and industry to the south of Salvar and the west of Raiaera, populated by the Dark Elves. Its people have largely shunned the magic of their High Elf cousins to pursue technology, artificing, and alchemy. As a result, Alerar is a nation of smoggy cities brimming with brass cogs and gears. They produce the only firearms in Althanas, and have even built a number of large dirigible flying machines. Life in Alerar and their abandonment of their ancestor's magic has turned the Dark Elves into the hardy, dark-skinned race they are today. In their language, they call themselves the "New Elves", considering their changes the natural evolution of their species even as their Raiaeran cousins consider them fallen and diminished elves.

*Alerar is home to primarily Dark Elves, though a large number of Dwarves live in the mountains and make a lucrative business trading minerals and metal ores to the Dark Elves. A fair number of humans live here as well, seeking knowledge of the Aleraran technology or hoping to peruse the vast library in the nation's capital.

The Outlands stretch beyond the edges of the map, offering adventure to the bold and foolhardy. The Outlands feature a few established regions, but much remains unknown. Beware: here there be monsters.

Scara Brae (http://www.althanas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Scara_Brae): formerly a backwater colony sitting in the eastern sears, Scara Brae is now a small but thriving country. It serves as the gateway to the frontier for sailors and explorers, and its surrounding reefs form a haven for sea monsters, merfolk, and dread pirates.

Fallien (http://www.althanas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Fallien): a desert country in the southern oceans, known for its bloody history, unique trades, and xenophobic citizens.

Dheathain (http://www.althanas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dheathain): a huge steaming jungle in the east, home to the dragon-descended Drakelings and other strange creatures and beings.

3. Character Creation (http://www.althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=start#faq_creatingprofilewelcome): Time to get that character out of your head and into our world! We provide a set of simple guidelines for character creation designed promote fairness and good character development. Don't worry! Our helpful Realm of Greetings staff will help you fit your ideas into our setting. And as you complete Quests and Battles, you will gain Experience and increase in level, making your character more powerful over time based on your activity and effort! Check out the guidelines for creating and submitting a character for approval.

4. Character approval won't take too long, but while you wait, why not fill out your member profile and then stop by The Flying Stone Tavern (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?1-The-Flying-Stone-Tavern)! If you are up for some live chat with fellow roleplaying fans, check out the Althanas chat room (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23419-Althanas-Chat-Link&highlight=althanas+chat+link). Pull up a barstool, grab a digital ale, and tell tall tales with your fellow writers and roleplayers!

5. Your character is approved! Time to write! Pick a region and invite your new tavern friends to a quest (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=quests#faq_questintro) or battle (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=battles#faq_battleintro). Quests are "traditional" roleplay threads where you write a story with other members. Battles are competitive affairs where two or more characters clash and the winner is determined not by in-character results, but based on which player was cleverer and provided better-written posts.

6. A major goal of Althanas is to help you become a better writer through review. Once your battle or quest is finished, submit it for judging (http://www.althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=exp)! Althanas' team of judges will review and score the thread using our comprehensive rubric, offering invaluable feedback. Another option is the Writer's Workshop (http://althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=263), where you can request reviews and tips from other regular members. You earn experience for each judgment, and the better you do, the more you earn, thus propelling yourself into higher levels and greater power!

Once again, welcome to our site. Have fun and immerse yourself in our vibrant world. If you have any questions, feel free to post in the Role-player's corner or contact a friendly staff member.