View Full Version : The smallest Underdog with a big blade

Magician Summoner
01-31-12, 07:55 AM
Name: Reeze
Age: 19
Race: Human
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Blue
Occupation: Elemental/Spirit Summoner

Reeze has a bouncy personality yet knows when to be serious. She's one of those people you'll recognize even years since last seeing her. She's a true friend and will take a bullet for those she cars about and loves.
Testing Reeze isn't the best idea since she will kick ass then ask questions. When it comes to her friends, Reeze befriends people easily and if people hurt her, she has a vendetta against them for the longest time. She loves easily but hates even harder.
Reeze is just one of those women who are real. She's not afraid to get dirty or even break some bones. She'll do what it takes to do what she wants.

Standing at about five foot seven, Reeze is tall for a woman these days. With her blue eyes and bright green hair, she's not average looking that's for sure. With a tan cotton sash around her neck to protect it from the environment, she don't look too intimidating.
Around her neck hidden under her sash is a collar. Made of a weak metal so as it's not too heavy on her neck. Dangling from the collar is a piece of string holding her most prized possession, her Elemental Urdiak.
Moving to her right arm, it is bare except for the white strip of cloth on her wrist to keep her blood pumping.
Moving to her left arm, it's covered with a green sleeve that if she wanted, could wear over her body and still have room for more. Holding this on is a gold cuffing with simple engravings.
A green cotton tube top covers her petite from from below her collar bone down to her waist. Hugging her waist is a short green skirt that goes right above her thighs hugging her hips perfectly. Then on top of that skirt is a brown leather pouch and belt.
Moving down her body to her legs, Reeze wears green cotton leggings to keep her legs warm when the air is cold.
On her feet is a pair of sandals made out of a cheap leather.

Coming from a poor history, Reeze isn't the richest or the smartest person out there, but she stands up for what she believes in. Losing her parents at a young age, Reeze always had to fend for herself or die trying. See, where she comes from, it's either kill or be killed. Reeze had to learn that the hard way.
See, Reeze was a young girl when she lost her parents. Her parents were involved in some criminal acts behind her back just to support her. She wasn't a needy girl, but her parents wanted her to have the best they could get. Nice clothes, toys, stones of the sort. But when her parents could not cope with paying back their bosses, they had to take compensation.
They wanted to take Reeze and put her into slavery. But her parents fought off the idea and had Reeze leave the home before the thugs came to take her away. So Reeze left and went into the woods to collect some flowers and rocks since she loves collecting them.
A little bit later, After Reeze has collected enough rocks for her collection and enough flowers for her mom whom she loved to death, she decided to head home hoping everything was alright at home. Walking in the door, she drops the flowers and her rocks as she sees her parents there on the floor beat and bloody.
Seeing that they're already dead, Reeze starts to cry. Shivering from fear, she sees her fathers trusty halberd and grabs it with her small arms. Looking to her parents, she wipes the tears away and just shuts the door behind her as she leaves, knowing she can't do much right now.
As she walks, she drags the halberd along the ground by the handle before walking into the forest and stopping. Dropping the halberd, she falls to her knees and lets out a loud scream.
Since the day her parents have died, Reeze friends people more often and trusts to easy, but she'd kick ass if anyone needed it.

Athletics: A life of constant travel precludes the development of habitual lethargy. can run, climb, crawl, swim, and jump ably.

Language: Basic

Medicine: Growing up in the wild, Reeze was forced to learn what plants do what. Growing up in the wild for about 9 years, Reeze was able to find out what foods were good for what. Her level of medicine - Expert
Weapon: Growing up with her fathers halberd, Reeze had to learn how to use it and fast. After using it countless times, Reeze is quite fond of it. From time to time, she is able to use it with one hand but not all the time. When not using it, she can carry it with one hand.
Level - Advanced
Elemental Summoning: Wearing her Elemental Urdiak around her neck has given Reeze the ability to summon elemental creatures or spirits. Being weak in the magical arts, she can only conjur up small elemental's or spirits.
At this point in her training, Reeze can only summon up to ONE Elemental every other day. At this point, Reeze can only summon WATER elementals such as small Imps. Once summoned, the elements stay around up to 2 hours. Any longer will put a strain on Reeze and cause her to pass out.
Level - Beginner.

Spirit Summoning: Amongst Elemental Summoning, Reeze is able to conjure up Elemental Spirits. They're like regular summonings, except these Spirits are able to use hidden powers and represent a different side of Reeze's personality.
At this point in her training, Reeze is able to summon a FIRE spirit. The spirit takes the shape of a small puppy. This spirit can only stay on the field for up to a half hour. As long as this summon is by her side, Reeze gets a small boost from the spirit.
Fire - Able to heat blade up on halberd to point of burning through wood and weak cloths. Level - Beginner

Rules for Summonings -
Only allowed ONE summon at a time.
If destroyed, CANNOT revive for 24 hours.
Can be controlled by a strong enough Mind-Bender/Psychic

Speed : Normal to human
Senses: Normal to human
Strength: 1.5

Fathers Halberd: Being a symbol of her father's strength and love for her, she has kept it by her side and in shape through out the years. Her father's halberd stands at about 5 ft tall with blade included. The blade itself is made out of IRON and is tipped with a spear tip. Coming out the side of the blade itself is two crescent moon shaped blades. The crescent blades themselves are serrated and jagged, making it hurt worse if she catches skin with one end.
3 Water Skins: Simple animal bladders and stomachs, cleaned and inverted to serve as canisters of life-giving water.
Map of the World: An outdated and inaccurate map of Althanas as it is presently known, stolen from the wall of a pub (after the murder of its patrons and proprietors). Reeze uses it as a rough guideline for her long wanderings, unaware of its sub-par utility.

01-31-12, 09:45 AM
I'm going to need a bit more info on the Summonings. Specifically, what kind of elementals and spirits can she summon, what can they do and how long do they stick around? I'm assuming that by elementals you mean creatures like fire imps and the like that are little more than a distraction, whereas spirits are more powerful versions. If that's the case, then Elemental Summoning is fine, you don't need to edit anything about that ability. But I still need to know exactly which spirits can she summon and what they can do.

I would also like you to make it so you can only have one active summon at any given time, and that she can't summon indefinitely (meaning that if someone destroys your summoned creature and you summon another, it will tire you, spirits naturally tiring you more than elementals).

Lastly, only the two summoning abilities are abilities as we define them here on Althanas. Since you can have three, it could be beneficial if you added another one. My suggestion is 1.5x strength of a normal human, so you can justify handling the large halberd with more ease.

That is all. Let me know if there's any confusion about this and I'll clarify.

Magician Summoner
01-31-12, 11:45 AM
Is this any better Letho? I added in details and rulings on the summonings.

01-31-12, 04:12 PM
That's fine. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me or any other mod. We're here to help.