View Full Version : Results

02-08-12, 03:58 AM
We’ve reached the end of the tournament! Thanks to all of those who participated. It was a joy to read all of your stories, and I was impressed with the variety you all displayed – not once did I feel that two people answered a prompt in a similar manner. In this thread, I will name the top five entries of each round and reveal the winners of the tournament. Their prizes will be presented, and the EXP rewards across all of the rounds will be tallied.

In Round One, the top five were:

Flames of Hyperion
Aegis of Espiridion
Restless Soul

In Round Two, the top five were:

Wings of Endymion
Sagequeen (tied for second)
Bloodrose (tied for second)
Whispers of Abyssion
Duffy Bracken

In Round Three, the top five were:

Whispers of Abyssion
Flames of Hyperion
Wings of Endymion
Restless Soul

In Round Four, the top five were:

Wings of Endymion
Flames of Hyperion
Aegis of Espiridion

Congratulations to everybody mentioned!

We had intended to name the top three participants from the tournament. However, that intention has been shot to pieces by an unprecedented three-way tie for second place. Join us in congratulating Wings of Endymion, Bloodrose, and Flames of Hyperion for earning second place!

Finally, we are proud to name Sagequeen as the winner of Althanas’ first Vignette tournament!

In addition to the rewards you receive for participation and for winning a round (as it turns out, each of you won one round each), you’ll each receive ‘vouchers’ for up to three non-solo threads completed within the next two months. Sagequeen’s rewards will be increased by 50% for these three threads; the boost for Bloodrose, Flames of Hyperion and Wings of Endymion will be 30%. (Note that there is a little bit of leeway here; should you put a lot of work into a thread but don’t quite sneak it in underneath the two-month deadline, you’ll still be eligible for the bonus)

Lastly, here is a list of the EXP that everybody received during the contest. As a reminder, each character earns 7.5% for participation in a round or 15% for winning a round.

Flames of Hyperion gains 3375 EXP.
Sagequeen gains 1125 EXP.
Whispers of Abyssion gains 600 EXP.
Fuzzie gains 150 EXP.
Aegis of Espiridion gains 600 EXP.
SirArtemis gains 1800 EXP.
Orphans gains 1350 EXP.
Blackdog1 gains 675 EXP.
Silence Sei gains 2550 EXP.
Restless Soul gains 300 EXP.
Bloodrose gains 4500 EXP.
Bayne gains 150 EXP.
Joseff gains 150 EXP.
Wings of Endymion gains 2250 EXP.
Sheex gains 300 EXP.
Duffy Bracken gains 750 EXP.
Ruby La Roux gains 450 EXP.
Zerith gains 900 EXP.
BlackandBlueEyes gains 375 EXP.
Cydnar Yrene gains 450 EXP.
Captain on the Wind gains 450 EXP.
MetalDrago gains 375 EXP.

Once again, congratulations and thank you all for participating!

03-13-12, 04:27 PM
EXP has been added by Letho! Thanks again!