View Full Version : Olivia The Dreamer

02-08-12, 06:36 PM
Age: 37
Race: Elven... we think?
Hair Color: Depends. Naturally it is green... but....
Eye Color: Depends. Naturally it is silver... but...
Height: 5'4" naturally, but...
Weight: 143 pounds naturally, but...
Occupation: Dream watcher.

Personality: Quite interested in dreams and reality, especially since she can't exactly live in reality

Appearance: In her world she has green hair, silver eyes, elven ears, a whitish skin, and is wearing a Kimono of silvery white. She has pink flowers in her hair and carries around two fans. She looks almost like a dancer. Any other world... it is anyone's guess.

(The difference between skills and abilities is real confusing to me, especially when it is a scenario like this where the things she can do could easily fall under both categories. If they aren't under the right category let me know)

Skills: In the dreamworld: Dream watching: Olivia has the ability to watch other peoples dreams, but only when she is in the dreamworld. Or in other words when she is awake. It takes no talent to watch a dream when in the dreamworld. that would be like telling someone to watch find a tree in a forest. The skill comes in in isolating a dream, tuning out the rest of the dreams to watch one. All confusion over all this will be answered in history

Amateur fan fighter: She has absolutely no use for fighting because she can't fight in reality. at least not physically... and she usually has nothing to fight when she is awake in the dream world.

Abilities: In the dreamworld:

Dream hopping: If she needs to hide since she has absolutely no other form of defense when in her natural form in the dreamworld, she can hop into a dream that she can see in hopes that it will either hide her or that the dreamer will protect her.

Out of the dreamworld:

Dream directing: You know how when you realize you are dreaming you have the ability to control your dream? When she is in reality she is capable of doing this... to an extent. She can appear in any form she wants to so long as it makes sense. the catch? It is for nothing more than looks. When she is asleep and her dreams bring her to reality, she is sort of like a ghost. she is unable interact with anything in a physical manner, and that goes the other way around as well. She cannot pick up any real world objects while in the real world due to this handicap. Due to reality being where she dreams when she is asleep, she is capable of changing the area directly around her (within 2 feet of her) She is unable to change anything having to do with other people yet and can only target the environment and herself with this. She is able to use the environment to attack this way, but that is about it.

Equipment: two iron fans. she doesn't wear any armor outside of her Kimono (These only even matter when she is awake, because when she is asleep she cannot directly affect those around her)

History: Okay. This should clear all confusion about this character up. She was born in the world of dreams. This meant that she was born with dreams being her reality. She could see dreams and with a lot of practice actually tune in to only one specific dream if she wanted to. She was also capable of traveling to the real world, but there was a catch. In order to travel to the real world she had to fall asleep in her world, the dream world. What did this mean? Well, it meant that she was a dream when the world around her was real, and when the world around her was dreams, she was real. Now, as one might imagine, this had more cons than pros. Anything in the dream world could kill her, as that was where her body was. She constantly had to hide away from nightmares that would try to attack her. Anything in the real world couldn't be touched by her in any way shape or form. At least not until she discovered the ability to manipulate the real world slightly like one would manipulate dreams. She still has a long way to go before she masters this ability, but this was how she had to make it through life. handicapped in both her waking and dreaming forms. She preferred sleep to being awake, because when she slept she met interesting people who were actually alive. when she was awake... she was all alone, with only the dreams of others to keep her company.

02-09-12, 01:18 AM
Pretty unique character. You've got me interested in what type of stories you'll be writing with her, so let's see 'em.
