View Full Version : Vaahnzerekh - Kron'tyr Infiltrator

Herald of the Storm
02-10-12, 11:06 AM
Name: Vaahnzerekh
Age: Ageless
Race: Kron’tyr Construct
Eye Color: Bright Green
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 160 lbs
Occupation: Infiltrator

While Vaahnzerekh may appear in many forms thanks to his abilities as a skinwalker, his true form is that of a basic Kron’tyr Construct, which is to say that he appears to be a humanoid skeleton made of a form of black, obsidian like living stone. A bright green glow emanates from the orb lodged within his enclosed chestplate and the same glow shines from Vaahnzerekh’s otherwise empty eye sockets. Vaahnzerekh can change his fingers into long curved talons and back at will.

Vaahnzerekh is relentless in pursuing the goals set forth for him by the Storm Herald, which means that at this point he has an irresistible urge to obtain knowledge of the Althanas’ current state of affairs. Vaahnzerekh’s emotional depth is limited to mimicry of emotions that he has experienced and is utterly without mercy or empathy.

Long ago, in an age before ages as they are measured now, the Kron’tyr race ruled the land that has become known as Fallien with magic and science so advanced that the other races of the world beheld them in total fear and awe. Chief of the Kron’tyr in both power and intelligence was the being known as the Storm Herald, Lord of All, and Master of the Firmament and the Fundament, whose name had been long forgotten even by his Kron’tyr servants. So great was the fear and jealousy in which the rest of the world held the Storm Herald that they rose up against the Kron’tyr, seeking to purge them from the face of the world and to claim all of the Kron’tyr’s knowledge for their own.

The Storm Herald, wise beyond all year, had forseen the uprising and knew that even the power of the Kron’tyr would not prevail against the combined might of the rest of the world. Thus with a heavy heart, the beneficent ruler of all put into motion a plan which would ensure the survival of his people and their knowledge. The Storm Herald’s magic washed over the Kron’tyr race, consuming their bodies and trapping their souls into undying forms of living stone. The life essence released in each transformation was siphoned off, purified, and bound to the Storm Herald himself, making him the central focus for all of the power of the Kron’tyr. With the armies of the world closing in, the Storm Herald completed the final act of his plan, sealing his people in tombs far beneath the world to await his call for their return. Only when the last Kron’tyr was sealed safely in his tomb and the champions of the armies were upon him did the Storm Herald turn upon them. Infused with the power of his entire race, the Storm Herald cracked the sky with a gesture, reducing his enemies to dust and turning his land to sweltering desert that the avaricious rulers of the world would be denied their prize. With this done, the Storm Herald retired to his own tomb with a vow to one day return and reclaim the Kron’tyr’s birthright. This being done, the Kron’tyr passed into nothingness, with only the vaguest hint of their legend guiding the future people’s of Fallien to build their elaborate tombs in homage to something of which they didn’t even know.

Ages passed, and kingdoms came and went while the Storm Herald and the Kron’tyr slumbered their eternal slumber until a fateful accident woke the Storm Herald. Groggy from his ages long sleep, and recovering his power, the Storm Herald resurrected hundreds of his followers and has imbued them with the power and authority to investigate what the world has become during the Kron’tyr’s absence that he may prepare the Kron’tyr to fully awaken and take what is rightfully theirs.

Vaahnzerekh is one of those infiltrators.


Mimicry – As a living construct, Vaahnzerekh has no emotions of his own and feels no pain. To allow him to better fulfill his function as an infiltrator, the Storm Herald has gifted Vaahnzerekh with the ability to mimic the emotions and actions of those he has observed. Vaahnzerekh’s mimicry is quite good, but a keen observer will be able to notice that something isn’t quite right about him.

Stealth – As an infiltrator, Vaahnzerekh is a mastery of stealth and springing up where least expected.

Eidetic Memory – The Storm Herald has bestowed Vaahnzerekh with the ability to remember and recall anything that he learns.

Hand to Hand Combat – Vaahnzerekh is extremely adept at combat with his talons.


Kron’tyr Construct – Vaahnzerekh’s body is made of an obsidian-like living stone, meaning that Vaahnzerekh does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep to function. As he has not performed any particularly spectacular tasks for the Storm Herald, his master has not granted him impressive toughness and his skeletal frame is currently the consistency of copper or a similar soft metal.

Power Orb – This fist sized glowing orb is housed inside Vaahnzerekh’s chestplate and is the source of the Kron’tyr construct’s “life”. It is nearly indestructible, resisting damage from all but the strongest of sources, and allows the Storm Herald to funnel power into Vaahnzerekh’s body. If the orb is removed from Vaahnzerekh, the construct body becomes inert until the orb is replaced. If the orb and Vaahnzerekh’s body are apart for too long, both fade from existence and return to Vaahnzerekh’s tomb deep under the sands of Fallien.

Skinwalking – To better serve as an infiltrator, the Storm Herald has given Vaahnzerekh the ability to wear the meat of people that he kills. Vaahnzerekh’s energy keeps the bodies from rotting away around him and can stitch up and heal minor wounds over time, though Vaahnzerekh cannot heal massive injuries to the bodies that he wears and must resort to covering them up if he wishes to keep the body. Once he has removed a body it will begin the natural process of decay, though it can be put on again if not too ravaged. Though he is a construct and does not feel the pain of the wounds that the body he wears suffers, the Storm Herald's commands to blend in as an infiltrator drives Vaahnzerekh to mimic the effects of the wounds that he has taken with his mimicry skill.

Reanimation – Unless the power orb is removed from Vaahnzerekh’s body, green lightning-like energy will arc from the orb to repair even the most severe damage done to Vaahnzerekh’s body, though the more severe the damage, the longer this process takes. Parts of Vaahnzerekh’s body that are separated from the main portion, no matter how small, will fade from existence and reform in their proper place as the power orb reanimates Vaahnzerekh. Minor wounds take minutes to repair, light wounds take hours to repair, heavy wounds take a day or more to repair, and extreme damage can take weeks to repair.

02-10-12, 01:10 PM
A couple of notes. Lead is an extremely poor choice as a comparison in my opinion. I'd suggest copper instead. Lead's tensile strengths, yield and even compressive strength are actually lower than human bone if I'm not mistaken.

Next, I need to know if Skinwalking makes him immune to pain and other ill effects of getting injured (since it's not his flesh, after all). If that is so, then you have one ability too many. If not and it's just means to change shapes, then I will let it slide.

Herald of the Storm
02-10-12, 01:24 PM
A couple of notes. Lead is an extremely poor choice as a comparison in my opinion. I'd suggest copper instead. Lead's tensile strengths, yield and even compressive strength are actually lower than human bone if I'm not mistaken.

Hah. Fair enough. I just knew that lead was a relatively soft metal and that's what I was going for. Not an engineer or anything. Changed to copper.

Next, I need to know if Skinwalking makes him immune to pain and other ill effects of getting injured (since it's not his flesh, after all). If that is so, then you have one ability too many. If not and it's just means to change shapes, then I will let it slide.

As a construct he wouldn't really feel pain per se, but I could say that his lord's command to blend in drives him to act accordingly whenever he is wounded. Would that work? If so I'll edit it in.

02-10-12, 02:43 PM
Yes, that would work nicely.

Herald of the Storm
02-10-12, 02:49 PM
It has been edited in.

02-10-12, 03:01 PM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.