View Full Version : Vengeance Will Be Swift

02-17-12, 06:29 AM
Name: Leonard Morgan (Len)
Age: 22
Race: Human
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Vibrant Blue
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 185lbs

Personality: Previous to the life altering experience in which Len recently encountered he was a happy go lucky guy. Willing to lend a helping hand, and quite a pub crawler during the wee hours of the night. However, ever since the eve of that dreadful day he has become cynical and shallow of most emotions. He pretends to smile while in plain view yet struggled with the pain of moving forwards. Friends no longer represent what they once did and love seems empty and void. Despite this inner darkness he continues to be trustworthy for others yet is unable to trust anyone beyond the point of casual acquaintance.

Appearance: Vibrant blue eyes which express a deep intelligence are the very first attention grabbing aspect of Len. Despite his bright blue eyes a sadness is constantly behind the glossy surface for anyone able to look past the fake smiles and half hearted laughs. Shaggy, unkept, brown hair covers his head and gives him a rather youthful look to him. A rather bulky build for being 6 feet tall. His muscle structure is well defined yet not ripped or cut by any means. He has always taken care of his body and continue to exercise to keep in shape, after all Rasadanth can be an incredibly rough city.

While walking around the streets he usually wears a plain white T-Shirt made of cotton with a pair of warn pants with cotton lining. When the warmer weather comes around he is usually seen without the shirt and the same old pants despite how uncomfortable they may feel at times.

History: The pitter patter of rain echoed off the roof as Leonard lay awake staring up at the ceiling. He had stayed at this pub for a week now trying everything to escape from the memories that plagued him. As his eyes slowly fluttered shut those dreams started to come back to him. The sound of rain slowly disappeared as consciousness left the young man. Soon he would no longer be in the pub but in a far away place, reliving the memories he desperately fought to forget.

*** Dream ***

“Leonard, get your ass down here I need your help!”

“Coming Mom.” As he shouted down, Leonard got to his feet and made his way down the stairs. Rounding the corner he entered the kitchen to see his mom washing dishes. She spun to face him with a stern look on her face.

“You just don’t get to live here, eat, and sleep all day. Help with these dishes and get the hell out there and get a job. I need help paying bills and keeping food on this table. Your eighteen, it’s time to grow up.”

“Fine.” Leonard rolled his eyes as he grabbed the clothe and began drying the stack of clay dishes in front of him. I hate doing dishes... As the pile disappeared, Len made his way out of the kitchen and through on his shirt. The day was still young, about noon. Plenty of time to go get a quick job and make it back for dinner. “I’ll be back with a job.”

“Don’t be too late, you know I hate being alone after dark in these slums.”

Shutting the door behind him, Len let out an exasperated breath. The streets were full of crumpled paper and garbage. Beggars lined the street corners as he began to walk towards the marketplace. Rasadanth was a terrible place in the slums and an unbelievable city where those nobles took up residence. Where the rich got richer keeping people like Len and his mom down. So far down that they could barely survive day to day.

Pushing open the wooden door to one of the more popular pubs in town, Len was met with the stagnant aroma of mead. The place was already full of men who were clearly going no where in life so drowned themselves in alcohol and cheap women. A hussy immediately walked up to Len and placed her hand in his. “Hey hun, you may be a little young but I’ll still show you a good time... cheap too.” She winked as she rubbed his chest with her other hand.

“I think I’ll be okay. You should get yourself out of here. Your too beautiful to waste your life pleasing these pigs.” Pulling his hand away he left the woman stunned staring at him. Making his way to the bar, he sat down on one of the stools. A large man stood behind the counter polishing glasses attempting the keep the rowdy drunks in line and their glasses full. Walking over to Len, the bartender finally had time to acknowledge the young man. “Do you have room on your staff for a cook? I really need a job to help pay for my mom and me.”

“Sorry kid, I ain’t hiring right now. Times are rough and I can’t afford another person on my staff. I wish I could help ya, I truly do.”

Frowning, Len shifted on his stool and leaned toward the bartender. “Come on, I don’t expect much, just enough to help put some food on the table.” His voice trembled slightly as Len prepared to beg the man for the job. His mom deserved help, she deserved better then the slums were offering her.

“Alright kid, I’ll me ya a deal. I’ll pay you 50 gold pieces a week. Thats quite a chunk less then my other cook but its a starting wage. Deal?” As the bartender asked the question Len reached out and shook his hand a big smile spreading across his face. “Alright young one, the names John, you’re starting tonight.”

Jumping to his feet, Leonard gave his thanks and walked into the back to begin his training. The only problem was hours soon slipped by and before he knew it last call was made and it was well after midnight. Cursing under his breath, he left the Sloppy Tree and headed towards home.

The air was frigid for a mid summer night. Streets deserted and barren, with the only sight being the odd stray animal scurrying along the cobblestone pathways. Even the slums seemed to be fast asleep tonight. After growing up in these dangerous streets, Len had learnt how to fight, he was by no means a small guy and was ready to take on anything that crossed his path. Reaching his house in one peace, he grabbed the spare key from under the wicker welcoming mat and slid the key into the lock. A quick twist and he was inside the darkness that was his house.

Slipping through the house as quiet as possible, he tried to remain as quiet as possible. The kitchen was his first stop as he could feel a slight rumble in his stomach. This was when it all changed, his life became flipped upside down. Lying in the middle of the floor was his dearest mother. Her long blonde hair in disarray, face down in a pool of her own blood. Len always rushed to her side in his dreams trying to help the only person who mattered in his life. Every time she was long gone before he got to her side, a single knife wound deep in her chest. Tears streamed down his face as Len screamed for help. He did not care who helped be it a God or the guards, just anyone.

*** Awake ***
A jolt and the taste of salty tears always met Len as he awoke from the terrifying dream every time. His body shook and a faint glow seemed to resonate from his body. His eyes were blood red rather then the electric blue he usually had. Slowly, he would regain control over his rage and the glow would disappear and his eyes would return to normal. The changes in his body were a mystery to him. The only for sure reality which existed for Leonard was the quest he had been on for the last four years. The quest to find his mothers murderer and make him wish he was never born. Revenge would be swift when he finally found the bastard.


Steel Dagger: Since the murder of his mother, Len bought an eight inch steel dagger. He had it engraved with vengeance on the blade. Sheathed in a leather holder at his side, Len plans to imbed this dagger deep in the heart of the man or woman who stole his mother from him.


Brawling: Growing up in the slums, Len learnt how to fight at a young age. He is capable of taking quite a beating and can also dish it out. With or without weapons, Len is most comfortable with using his fists to end an argument. He would class himself as a moderate skill level in street fighting.

Dagger Skill: Through practicing with his dagger, Len has become increasingly better with his knife. Although far from being skilled with the blade he is capable of using it without seriously harming himself. If he were to get in a knife fight he would probably have better luck butchering his enemy then landing skilled, accurate strikes. He classes himself as a beginner knife user.

02-17-12, 10:57 AM
This looks alright. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.