View Full Version : Miracle

02-22-12, 06:17 PM
((Open, I left the exact number and equipment load out of the bandits intentionally vague, feel free to fill in the details if you'd like otherwise I'll do it during my next post.))

“Easy girl.”

Like his horse Isabel, Valino was nervous. He'd lived the entirety of his relatively young life in Salvar and having never been allowed to leave the region he'd grown accustomed the cold and the wind in the region but today was different. For some reason Isabel was nervous and that, in turn, was starting to make him a bit nervous.

“What's the matter with you?” he asked again petting his steed but to no avail.

He reasoned that it must have something to do with the low visibility caused by fog as well as all the snow and ice in the air. Isabel was used to icy, slippery roads like the one they or on and she rarely batted an eye at the howling winds so there was something else wrong. Of course he knew deep down that the low visibility wasn't the really the reason either but the youth prayed to the church's gods that what ever the real cause was didn't show itself.

He wouldn't be so lucky. The boy and his horse were just a few hours worth of trekking from their destination, that being the Knife's Edge when a particularly cold gust of wind caused him to let go the reigns for a moment and grip his wool cloak closer and as if on cue a cross bow bolt shot out from the surrounding forest ripping through his cloak before clanging off the chest plate underneath and knocking him off of Isabel.

“Oh no...”

From the fog he could see figures emerge, surrounding him and his horse. He couldn't tell how many there were but he could tell they were armed (as if the crossbow bolt wasn't enough of a hint) and he was severely out numbered.


Valino drew his sword and shield and took a defensive stance. As an apprentice Paladin he was sworn to an oath to punish the wicked and protect the righteous from harm and while he couldn't be completely certain due to the cold and stress of the situation making it hard to think, he was pretty sure that getting killed in the middle of nowhere by a bunch of bandits would make it hard to uphold such an oath. Yet with the way things were looking if he wanted to keep his life and his horse he was going to need a miracle to keep to his oath.

02-22-12, 07:49 PM
Eathanos sat shivering in the cold. His searching had led him to this strange and cold land. As always, Eathanos preferred to travel off the road so as to not attract attention to himself. His years in the wilderness allowed him to navigate as such and keep himself near the road. He had hunted that night unsuccessfully and was slightly hungry. Eathanos had stopped for a bit to have a snack.

What sort of god forsaken land is this to be so bitter, Eathanos thought to himself as he chewed on some seeds.

Through the howling wind Eathanos heard the distinctive noise of a hoof striking a stone.

What sort of god forsaken land is this to be so bitter, Eathanos thought to himself as he chewed on some seeds.

Through the howling wind Eathanos heard the distinctive noise of a hoof striking a stone.

GRRREAT just what I need, Eathanos thought to himself as he went dead silent watching the road. Eathanos drew his bow and knocked an arrow. He watched as the stranger passed. How can a man like that wear metal armor in this cold he has got to be insane, Eathanos continued to himself, Worst case scenario he might have something better then seeds to eat that I can trade for.

It was as Eathanos came to reveal himself that the man tensed he drew his weapons. Apparently something had startled the man that Eathanos was as yet unaware of. Eathanos froze on the spot and started using all of his senses. He followed where the man’s eyes went to and watched intensely for any signs of movement.

02-23-12, 06:43 PM
“Look at the little runt holding up a weapon like that. Kid's got balls. Ya think he's worth anything?”

“Nah, he's probably just stable boy or somethin'. He ain't worth shit. Now that horse of his, that might fetch us some coin.”

The bandits moved in closer, surrounding Valino and Isabel until the boy could roughly make out their size and shapes, even in the dense fog. There were five of them, each about the size of your average Salvarian male which was probably just a bit bigger than the average male in other regions. They were adorned in thick furs and most of them and animal skull helmets, likely meant to help them look like beasts on days like today when the visibility was low due to fog or snowstorms.

The boy took a defensive stance, making a conscious effort not to lose his footing on hard, icy ground despite his growing nervousness. Suddenly a loud cry from Isabel rang out over the wind as one the men tried to grab her reigns. The mare bucked and pulled as Valino lunged forward with his sword. His aim was slightly off but he felt his blade cut into the mans arm just before he felt something smash him in the side of the head knocking him to the ground.

The apprentice Paladin cursed as he heard Isabel's would be thief do the same. He tried to get to his feet but a boot from one of the men knocked him back down. Valino rolled over onto his back and brought his shield as three men surrounded him when one of them stopped and Valino heard one of them yell out.

“Hey boss, I think I see somebody watchin' us. Looks like an elf?”

“The hell's an elf doin' here?” called out another one.

“Don't matter,” answered the apparent boss, “we don't want witnesses. Kill the elf and uppity little stable boy.”

02-23-12, 07:03 PM
Eathanos watched as men appeared out of the shadows. They started speaking but Eathanos couldn’t pick out what they were saying. The intruding men surrounded the man with the horse. Things got even tenser as one of the intruding men went for the horse’s reigns.

Thieves, just great, Eathanos thought. Then several things happened all at once when Eathanos picked out one man who was pointing at him and shouting “Kill the elf…”

That was all Eathanos needed. Eathanos summoned all his power and fired his arrow at the one who had commanded to others to kill him. As the arrow loosed from the bow a red aura enveloped his power shot. The arrow flew faster than any normal dart would have.

Eathanos wasn’t even paying attention to the first arrow flew. Eathanos was already drawing and knocking another arrow and keeping his eyes trained on his next target, the thief that was already engaged in combat with the man in armor. Eathanos loosed that arrow and went to look at his first target to see what had happened.

The sweat on his body was already starting to pour from using his abilities like that.

Silence Sei
02-23-12, 07:52 PM
The five bandits had been so worried about paying attention to the man with the arrow; they hadn’t realized that there had been a second pair of eyes on them the entire time. From the blurriness of the snow, one the men disappeared, his voice not even able to carry a scream onto the frosty winds. The thud of a blunt object against this man’s head was sufficiently covered by the sounds of whipping winds.

Though the five had quickly become four the group’s attention was still directed towards the archer. They never even realized the third citizen as he approached the downed paladin apprentice. One hand was pointed outwards towards the bandit, a small ray of light emanating off of this man’s left index finger. The right hand was being passed down to Valino, a gesture of help towards the disoriented warrior.

“A friend is here to help.” The message would enter Valino’s mind, ensuring that nobody else would hear it. The youth was incredibly lucky that this particular traveler had been visiting his older brother in Salvar. He had also been lucky in the sense that this particular traveler was none other than the leader of the Ixian Knights. The long cloth draped over his left arm flapped in the wind, a blue glow radiating from inside the brown wool jacket he was wearing.

Bundled up like he was, nobody in the group would be able to identify the strategist. How could they? The only feature on his entire face that wasn’t covered with furs and scarves were his piercing blue eyes, like that of a crystal clear sky. The cold did not affect him as it would anybody else, but his mobility was also severely hampered by his three sets of clothes. Why did his daughters insist he dress warm whenever he traveled to Salvar?

“Don’t look alarmed” Sei warned the would-be victim, “My name is Sei, Sei Orlouge. Perhaps I can help end this quickly, if you’d like?”

02-24-12, 09:31 PM
Eathanos's arrow flew as true, his magic over powering Salvar's winds and it's victim's fur clothing. A sicking crack could heard as it the head and shaft broke through the man's rib cage and punctured his lungs. The bandit fell gasping for breath as his blood left to the meet the ice. He would die but not right away and thus four would become three making the odds even.

The elf's second arrow struck the target in the shoulder cracking the collar bone and tearing at muscle and ligaments. The bandit howled in pain,stupidly yanking the arrow out and tossing it to the ground as he and his remaining colleague advanced towards Eathanos. He wouldn't be able to use the damaged shoulder but he still had one good are left.

With the focus of the bandits now away from him and on elfin archer Valino looked up at the glowing man who now stood over him. The voices in his head startled him but when combined with the glow it lead the youth to one of two logical conclusions. The man was either a holy warrior, like he himself had aspired to be through out his young life, or a holy spirit sent by the Sway to protect him. Either way he was beyond grateful for the being's appearance.

Suddenly Valino didn't feel so nervous anymore.

“Bless you Lord Orlouge,” said the youth as he got back to his feet. “And yes sir, please end this quickly, my sire will not be happy if I'm delayed to long.”

02-25-12, 05:41 AM
Arden Janelle emerged through the maelstrom of snow from behind the ragged band of vagabonds. Clad in red silk, mithril plate mail and malice, the swordsman drew his blade with a ring of steel in the low visibility of Salvar’s wilderness. He had, until a few moments ago, spent much of his escort of Sei Orlougne bored, cold and witless. He smiled, a curl on his lip that marked his wicked streak out for the world to see, and levelled his blade across his midriff.

From the look on the beleaguered man’s face, they had arrived just in time. Arrows flew through the air aimed true, testament to the skeins of fate that brought the strange band together.

There is always a surprise when Sei Orlougne was present…

Arden made a note to thank Anita for tasking him with escorting her father.

He smiled as Sei delivered an ending blow to another, and quickly, the bandits were falling like flies. The swordsman wasted no time in missing out. He skipped into a run, his plated boots scrunched the snow flat and his heart beat loudly beneath his clavicle.

An upward strike tore through the nearest bandit’s spinal column, a stealth strike afforded by the drowning fallacy of the wind. The blood spattered upwards, and ran down the groove of Kerria and into the hilt. Arden brought his foot up and kicked the man in the small of the back. He conjured a sphere of silence around the bandit’s head, stealing away the man’s last words. The corpse flopped forwards unceremoniously.

“Oi, lads, another one!” an astute bandit clocked Arden. He pointed, waved his sword towards the red clad swordsman and charged.

Arden turned his right foot outwards. He lowered Kerria, so that the blood of the man’s colleague ran to the tip and dripped onto the soft cotton snow. Without heralding his intentions quite so obviously, he cocked his head and watched the muscles and folds of cloth advance towards him. He analysed every aspect of the man’s movement, deciding on how best to disarm the threat to his master and to the young apprentice.

02-27-12, 12:21 AM
Eathanos watched as his first arrow sunk into the man’s flesh and he fell. He hated having people wounded like that. He drew one more arrow and fired at the only thief looking at his direction. There was a dull thunk as the arrow struck the man in the eye.

Eathanos slung his bow over his shoulder and drew his short sword. He walked towards the man whom he wounded intending to do the peaceful thing and end his life without any more suffering then necessary. Though Eathanos knew there was one last thief around he knew that he posed no more threat to him.

Eathanos didn’t know what to make of all the people coming out of nowhere seemingly. He thought he had better sense of his surroundings.

"Guess I still have things to learn," Eathanos whispered to himself

Silence Sei
03-02-12, 05:02 PM
Sei darted his eyes around the area as his makeshift ally shot his arrow true into the retinas of their opponents. There had still been one adversary left, but judging from the sounds of rapid crunching growing fainter and fainter, the mute was confident the last of their enemies had fled. Now, the archer was approaching his injured prey steadfast, unsheathing a dagger as he did so.

Before Eathanos could deliver a death blow, however, the bundled up Mystic placed himself between the bandit and his would-be killer. He shook his head towards the man; his eyes carrying with them a weight that would make titans kneel before the youngest Orlouge. “You will not kill this man.” Sei spoke to Eathanos alone, his eyes darting back to the wounded thief, “He has been taught a lesson about robbing people, a lesson he will soon not forget. If you strike him down now, you are no better than him.”

Arden Janelle, the man Sei still referred to as ‘Blank’ crunched up to the mute’s side. Arden himself had been mute for some time in the past, so he and Sei had a connection that allowed each of them to know what the other was thinking. “Why not? He wouldn’t have thought twice about killing the kid.” It was this callous attitude that caused Sei to turn to the Tantalum member, and place a fist square into his gut.

“You do not start with me, Blank,” Sei spoke harshly into his friend’s mind, each word holding in and of itself the pain of a migraine, “You know that I believe that killing is the last resort. These were mere crooks, they would have fled if intimidated enough. Or did you not hear their buddy run off?!”

Arden, doubled over and wheezing a bit, glared up at his leader. Sei could tell from the man’s dead eyes that his obligation to Sei was the only thing stopping another fight from happening. “He …..ran so…he could….mug someone else!!”

“You don’t know that. This is the end of this discussion, Blank.” Sei turned to the man, kneeling down to him. The mute had spent too long bickering with everyone over the ethics of killing that during the debate; the man with the punctured lung had passed away. The warrior’s body shook with rage, a hand sliding down the empty eyes of the fallen. Sei then closed his own eyes and clasped his hands together, saying an immediate prayer for the three men who had lost their lives.

Once his silent prayer was made, Sei stood and approached Valino once more. The air of Salvar was starting to bite more fiercely now, creeping its way even into the many folds that hid the Dragon of Drantrak. “You spoke of your sire. Judging from your appearance I’d take a guess that you were a squire, of some sort? What are you doing all the way out here?”

((Apologies for the delay, I completely forgot I was in this thread.))

03-03-12, 07:48 PM
The last bandit and fled and the others were dead and gone and Valino's first concern was his mare Isabel so while Sei dealt with matters concerned with his underling, the elf and wounded bandit, he attended to his horse. The young man sheathed his sword and put away his shield as he tried to ignore the strong stench of blood and gore that now seemed to ride the winds. Even after the Civil War where he'd often been tasked with burying the dead or helping tend to the wounded Valino had yet to grow entirely immune to the stench though he had learned to hide well.

“May they walk with The Sway.”

Thankfully Isabel at least was unharmed. During the commotion the horse had gotten spooked and run off the side of the road but had stopped just yards away when she realized she was no longer in danger. Valino found her amongst a small clearing. The hand of the apprentice gripped her reigns tightly and, upon feeling the hold of her master, the white mare calmed down allowing Valino to lead her back to the group.

The apprentice paladin and his horse got back on the road just as Sei was finishing his dealings with Blank and when Sei turned and addressed him, Valino nodded.

“You are correct Lord Orlouge, I am an apprentice paladin of the Ethereal Sway. As for why I'm out here, there's a town about a day's travel from here if you go by horse. My sire asked my to retrieve a message from a contact of his residing in that town.” Valino paused for a moment to look around at the carnage. “If you'll pardon my boldness Lord Orlouge I think we should move the bodies. This road is a popular one for merchants and travelers and the bodies will attract beasts.”

03-06-12, 03:59 AM
Chastised, Arden sheathed his blade, and took once more to his vigil of guardianship over his supposed master. It was only on the merit of Anita Orlougne’s pleading that he was here, but somehow, the young female mute had compelled him, driven him, and made him promise. Even to a blood mage, a promise was binding, sealing, and unbreakable.

“Okay…” he whispered begrudgingly, “what you command, my Lord…” there was a barely concealed sarcasm in his words.

Arden folded his arms across his chest, the metal of his gauntlets scraping against his hauberk in defiance of its defensive properties. He was angry, and he had only a self-pressing embrace to take away the edge. With gusto, he prodded himself with his tiger claw and bit his lip. It turned blue in the cold, and then white, and then he all but forgot it was there at all.

Sei and the young paladin conversed, and from the man’s response, they were making progress to clear the road. Arden rolled his eyes. The snow, he mused, would bury them well enough without our interference. He watched the mute approach the fallen bandit he had gutted.

“I would then bury you, for leaving them to the harsh environ,” Sei interrupted, leaving Arden besmirched as the mute bent to tug at the corpse.

“I…” he stopped, realising it was futile to try and hide his thoughts or his words from the Ixian Knight’s commander. There was, as Duffy and Ruby knew all too well, no hiding from the Hero of Radasanth. He shrugged and made after him, to help drag the body over the blood-stained snow drift of Salvar.

"Will you say a rite for the dead, stranger?" he shouted over his shoulder at the man they had, apparently, saved just in the nick of time. Arden was versed in the ways of the I Ching, and the Spirit Warder rituals of Akashima, but out here, they did not seem appropriate ways to send spirits into the Firmament. He was in a strange land, and he had to observe their strange customs, no matter how noxious to his senses. His eyes flashed with a curiosity and a kindness as he went to work.

Silence Sei
03-18-12, 02:04 PM
“Blank is already taking care of that,” Sei spoke to calm the young apprentice down, “More importantly, it seems that you and your steed could use some help in your travel back into town. You never know when there could be another band of rouges waiting to steal what you have in your possession. As such, I offer you my services, free of charge, to accompany you to your lord, and ensure your safety, if that is permissible?”

Sei looked back to his assigned bodyguard, his eyes noticing that the archer that had been with them moments before had disappeared. Perhaps he did not wish to engage in menial conversation, nor had more important things to do than escort a paladin in training. Luckily for the youth, Sei had no prior obligations prohibiting him from playing the role of protector. In fact, the mute preferred that role over that of an army’s leader.

“The only thing I ask in return is that you and your lord promote good trade relations with Corone. You see, I am a good will ambassador of sorts, so I imagine this will be a good opportunity to help strengthen Salvar’s bond with my country of Corone.” Sei failed to mention that it seemed like the young man could use some company, and maybe even some tips on combat from established professionals. However, the look he shot back to Arden let the man know that he insisted on helping Valino.

He knew that the Scara Brae native would not enjoy staying in the cold, a fitting reflection of Arden Janelle’s heart in Sei’s mind, but it was a necessity. Valino obviously could not handle more than two or three random thugs on his own, and most thieves traveled in parties of five or more nowdays. The only logical conclusion would be helping the young knight in his delivery. Even if Sei’s offer was rebuked, the mute would keep his distance from Valino, but watch him from the white veil of Salvar’s typical climate.

03-21-12, 09:41 PM
“Why does Sei take such behavior from his servants?” thought Valino as he noted Arden's sarcastic comments toward Sei. Where he was from you did no dare talk with such tone to your superiors. He would know. As a boy he'd been disciplined harshly on more than one occasion for less than that.

Despite the strange behavior Valino said nothing. It was not his place and instead he opted to help Arden with the unpleasant task of moving the bodies of the unfortunate bandits off the main road. When Arden asked if Valino would say a rite the apprentice paladin shook his head.

“No they are already on their way to meet The Sway, a rite would do them no good now,” he said as he made his back over to Isabel “besides I fear the snow storm may get worse and I'd like to reach the Cathedral by tonight.”

As Valino hopped up onto his horse and settled himself in the saddle Sei's question about accompanying him came and he listened intently to the words that followed from mystic's message. “That would be fine” said the apprentice who turned his head to face Sei, “besides, I'm sure Sir Ludvig would love to speak to a man such as yourself.”

Valino turned Isabel and got ready to resume the journey down the icy road. He wasn't kidding when he said he thought the storm was getting worse. He could barely hear Arden when the spirit warder spoke and he himself had had to raise his voice nearly to a yell for Sei to hear him over the storm. He still hadn't noticed that the elf was no longer in their company. At least fog had begun to pass by them which actually improved visibility by a fair bit. Salvar's weather could be erratic at times.

“You're not traveling by foot are you?” asked Valino to either of the two men.

03-22-12, 04:24 AM
Arden, not wishing to tread on anyone’s ties, nodded in acknowledgement of the paladin’s words. He retreated from the corpse, nodded silently, and then passed his fingertips through the air to trace an I Ching into the cold atmosphere. It glowed with a linger red light for just a few brief seconds, before the winds dragged away the essence, energy, and the meaning of the Akashiman script.

“I understand,” he mumbled. His hair flapped in the wind, and his robes rippled with life as if to give him thanks for trying. He turned about, forming a third point in a triangle between the two men. To his left stood his ‘master’, the great and charismatic Sei Orlougne. On his right stood the traveller, who was becoming increasingly familiar to their party.

Valino posed a question to them both, and Arden chuckled. His stern glare, zeal ridden expression, and his tense muscles melted away. Though the cold was overwhelming his lithe form, ripping into muscle, shattering bone, and draining away all his strength, his laughter brought warmth back to his body. He let his hands drop to his sides.

“The day either myself or Sei Orlougne gets on a horse, will be a dark and desperate day indeed.” The mere thought of riding a creature anywhere, unless it was made of wood, and mounted on four wheels made Arden feel incredibly uncomfortable. He had no doubt Sei shared the same sentiment, even if he would not openly admit it. He took a deep breath. The cold burnt his nostrils and struck up the start of a headache in the cortex of his brain.

“Though, I would sorely give up my pride right this minute to be able to get out of the cold now.” Giving up his friendly stance, he returned to embracing his arms, patting his torso, and hopping from well-protected foot to well-protected foot. The sound of mithril plates rubbing over one another broke the awkward silence. “So,” he continued, “whenever you are ready, my lord,” he nodded to Sei, “Master Valino,” he glanced back at the corpses, “let us leave the dead to the crows, and the cold to the unfortunate.”

When he turned back, his eyes shone, his face, pallid in the soft light reddened, and the swordsman’s anger and bloodlust died with the last murmur of their would be assailants.

Silence Sei
03-23-12, 11:15 PM
Sei glanced at Arden for his comment about the horses. While the Avatar of Alerar was capable of other modes of transportation, it didn't stop the young strategist from enjoying the ride of a mighty steed. Truthfully, Sei actually had a young mount at home, a creature bred from the two strongest horses that Fallien could afford to donate to the Knights. The thoughts of his home brought a smile to the mute's face, only for the image of Ixian Castle to be snapped away by another chilly breeze.

The bundled up savior shivered from within his layered coats. The fact that the warrior could remain so nimble in spite of so many clothes proved why Sei Orlouge was now a household name. Though he was warm for the most part, the wind and snow continued to fall onto Sei's form, melting and slowly hindering his movement a little more with each passing minute. He would have absolutely loved to have a steed at this moment. However, the taunting glances of Arden Janelle kept the leader from whining, and he trudged on, his warmth making new slush below him with every step.

"We are fine, Lord Valino," Sei spoke, a smile beneath his clothes, "While your worry for us is admirable, it is misplaced. The town should not be far from here, and Blank and I have both suffered worse fates than just freezing." Another gust of wind wrapped around all four creatures, this time sending a full body shiver from Arden, of all people. The mute's smile widened as he caught the motion in his peripheral vision. "Some of us handle it better than others, in fact."

Sei waved off Arden as he opened his mouth to talk, the mute starting to engage in a brisk walk now, attempting to keep stride with the apprentice's steed. "I've seen few horses as healthy as this one, Lord Valino. Does she have a name?"

04-01-12, 12:27 AM
It was odd for the youth to hear himself be called titles such as master or lord though he tried not to let it bother him. Lord Sei and his body guard were clearly from a different land with different customs and thus a different decorum dictating a different course of action when dealing with others. The teachings of The Sway preached understanding of those who walked a different path. It was not Valino's place to judge or correct the behavior. Besides it felt good to be addressed with an air of authority for once, if it was just a minor one.

Sei's comment about town being close made Valino. “That it is,” said the apprentice. He assumed that by 'town' Sei meant 'Knife's Edge', Salvar's capital. “And the weather should be a great deal more pleasant when we get there. Thank The Sway for the weather mages.”

The other part, of Sei's statement, he one about he and his body guard surviving much worse than being caught in one of Salvar's snow storm's sparked the youth's curiosity. Having spent his whole life in the service of the church and having never gotten the opportunity to travel beyond the region of Salvar it was rare that he got to talk to travelers that came from lands beyond Salvar's borders.

Valino kept Isabel at a low trot allowing Sei and Arden to easily keep pace with him despite the fact that they traveled by foot.. The storm was making him anxious to get home and seek shelter from the wind and snow but he could not in good consciousness leave his saviors to the cold.

“Her name's Isabel,” said Valino as he gave his horse a pat “named after the nun that helped birth her mother give birth to her,” then, with as his curiosity finally got the best of him, Valino added with genuine interest “if you don't mind me asking sir, what's Corone actually like?”