View Full Version : Felixa the Hungry

02-22-12, 09:08 PM
Name: Felixa
Age: 18
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black and Grimey
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tanned and Grimey
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 90 lbs. (45 kg)

Fel is crude, somewhat insane, and has a tendency to speak in profanities. She views everything and everyone as possible dinner, and has adopted the thinking "Kill first before asking" to those she deems as definite dinner. On that note, most of everything she does is done because she was hungry, or instinctively looking for food to keep. She doesn't bathe often as she finds it unnecessary until the grime and smell hinder her movement. Considering her language and hygiene preferences, she has trouble relating to other people. That trouble is even more so intense to those she considers a friend or an ally, since she refuses to speak their true names for fear the nameless dead would steal them. She tends to slouch as it usually makes her a smaller target especially when hunting, though in company, she often tries, though most of the times a failed attempt, to stand as tall as she could to make herself look more intimidating.

Fel wore her usually unwashed black hair into a loosely braided ponytail that hung to her lower back. A prominent and slightly dirty fluff ball hung from her left ear. A small metal earring pierced her right ear. Three dark green horizontal lines were painted under her lighter green eyes, and the rest of her face was covered by a thin layer of grime, except after she'd taken a bath. A heavy coat reaching her mid-calves cover most of her short body, and its hood hangs under her grimey, long hair. Her dirty quiver, full of arrows, hangs under the hood on her back. Her boots reach her knees, connected to the braces covering her knees and upper legs regions.

Hunting - The brutal region of Salvar Fel's lived in hardly has easy food pickings; her survival depends on her ability to successfully track and hunt for her quarry. Overtime, she has learned to read tracks almost as naturally as breathing during a run. This skill, however, has evolved near predatory, where once she'd spotted a prey, unless there is immediate danger, she would not stop until she catches that prey. On the other hand, she finds it difficult to track more than one prey at one time, unless they are in a group or in close vicinity.

Outdoorsmanship - She can survive in the wild for a longer period of time than most.

Cooking - Given her voracious appetite, she has become a connoisseur according to her own taste.

Cloth-/Armor-work - Aside from knowing how to skin an animal pelt correctly, Fel has also learned to create, modify, and maintain a crude armor.

Marksmanship - Given her slight build against many creatures, Fel has learned that ranged attacks are often better than close combat. A 40 ft range for her would be a point blank range.

Melee combatant - She has a general proficiency with most melee weapons.

First Aid - Fel has learned how to staunch the worst of wounds, even for a few crucial minutes, using available medicinal herbs and cloths.

Creative Curses - The many years of minimal social interactions has caused Fel to become unable to speak as a proper person would. Aside from her hunting gears, she has learned to intimidate using crude languages to either stun, confuse, or scare a larger creature than she.

Savage's Fortitude - Given the number of years she'd lived on the harsh regions of Salvar, Fel has developed resiliency toward the cold and brutal weather. The biting wind and its chill also has much lesser effect on her than they would have on other people. She also has a much higher resistance to venom than most other humans. On the negative side, however, this makes Fel even more susceptible in hot regions; she'd grow weary at a much faster rate than the average human.

Fast Shaker - The long, arduous physical demands of Salvar's wilderness has taught Fel to move at twice the speed of normal humans.

Robust Metabolism - Despite her young age, Fel is much tougher and more energetic than most girls and some boys her age. She revitalizes much faster at nearly half the rate of an average person's. However, she also gets hungry very quickly.

Armor - A crude hard leather armor made of animal hide and fur. Arm braces of similar material cover both forearms. Tanned and softened hide boots lined with fur cover her feet, reaching into a leg and knee braces made of the similar hard leather as armor.

Clothing - Tanned, smoothed, and stretched hide is worn underneath the armor and braces, covering most of Fel's body. A thick and form-fitting fur vest is worn over the armor and reaches to mid-thighs. A leather coat, also lined with fur, is draped over her shoulders and reaches her mid-calves. A heavily fur-lined hood is attached to the coat, though more often than not, hangs unworn.

Weapons - A leather sling; a steel hunting knife; two throwing iron daggers, a yew short bow with a quiver-full of stone-tipped arrows.

Misc. - A jar of mossy green colored paint.

Her life, as she remembers it, began at age five. She knew it had something to do with a family outing, and she knew her older sister had done something to upset her. She remembered her mother had disagreed with her and sent her to call her father and older brother.

Then she remembered panic.

The sheer terror of realizing she'd gone off a lot farther than she'd intended to had erased all the anger she'd felt against her whole family who wouldn't let her do something that she wanted to do when all she wanted to do was just... just....


The arid landscape that was a far cry from the tundra she was used to seeing... The biting chill of the Salvar night wind... The cold, soulless howls from nameless beings...

She'd walked far and alone, always calling out softly as she could, hoping her family would hear her inner screams.

Minutes morphed into hours, which ticked into days lost and unaccounted when she remembered the yawning darkness swallowing her whole. She'd screamed--or at least, thought she'd screamed. Blurry images of her family who hadn't allowed her wish and of the nameless beings prowling around her, within and without, sped past her consciousness when she'd felt warm drops of pure liquid heaven on her lips.

Instinctively, she grabbed her savior's hand and pounced, fearing the creatures that had prowled around her subconscious finally found her. Within seconds, however, she was beaten and forced back on the ground; her eyes squeezing out few precious drops from her nearly frozen and crusted tear duct. A finger prodded and scrubbed her face: her nose, her eyes, her very lonely and haunted soul.

She'd managed a slit of vision after a longer ministration from the annoying finger, and found a toothy grin of what she remembered to be an orc... or at least, it looked like a smaller version of the drawing of an orc. Her eyes widened then, and she found herself staring into two other, bigger orcs, grunting in different pitches. A couple other fingers prodded her body, and she resisted against whatever hold that forced her down. With a decisive nod, the largest of the orcs grunted and slung her easily from the ground and into the cradle of his arms.

Several years had passed and Fel grew from her starved five-year-old body. At barely nine, she was already showing some prowess in hunting--a much better promise than the young male orc who'd found her. Her adopted father taught her how to fight and hunt, two activities often compared between Fel and her adopted brother, and her adopted mother taught her how to staunch and bandage the many wounds both of the youngsters received. All three of them taught her how to retain her linguistic capabilities...to a degree.

Few girls get to celebrate their 17th birthdays as Fel would've had she not lost her way many years ago. Yet even fewer remembered their births by bringing a tanned black bear hide, tied into a roll nearly as large as she, into a rather prominent town in central Salvar for sale. It was in that town that quite a few people finally made a connection to a pair of humans staying in the town's inn.

Sure, it was a pretty far-fetched idea, given the thick layer of grime that lined her skin and the triple, green, horizontal lines under her eyes, but a mother's love can see through any disguises... supposedly. At least, hers could.

The vast differences in lifestyles were easy enough to determine her choices though, and Fel turned back into Salvar's wilderness. This time, however, she knew where to find both of her families...blood and bond.

Recruiter: Christoph. Though he was too shy to admit it.

02-23-12, 04:57 AM
Even though Savage's Fortitude looks like two abilities packed into one (the cold resistance and the venom resistance), I'm going to count it as one because of the drawback and the fact that the cold resistance doesn't have much of a combat application.

Robust Metabolism, however, needs some work. As it stands now, it's a boost to three separate attributes, and it doesn't even define how much of a boost. My recommendation to you would be to lose the speed burst. Instead, make your base speed twice that of the normal human and pick another attribute to boost (agility, stamina or strength). That way you still have the enhanced speed, only it doesn't have the cooldown.

02-23-12, 07:08 PM
It's edited, though on second thought... I should've left the original and posted a new and improved version... o.o
Thanks for the input!

Ooh! Oh! Aside from the above changes, instead of taking x2 with one attribute, I took x1.5 with two and kept the hunger drawback. Is that acceptable?

02-23-12, 08:31 PM
Great profile. Looks like you've made the changes asked of you.
