View Full Version : Demon Born

02-23-12, 10:41 PM
Name: Marcus ‘Antioc’ Tabor
Age: 25
Race: Human/Demon possessed
Hair Color: Blood Red
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6’6’’
Weight: 250 lbs
*Occupation: Former Guard

*Personality: On the rare occasion Marcus in control of his mind Marcus is constantly introverted not speaking to anyone under most circumstances. He is very angry since his break up lashing out at people for very little things. When Antioc is in control of Marcus’s mind he is destructive beyond compare. He destroys everything he can; He is one of those Demons set out to destroy anything and everything. What is far more likely is one of the many thousands of demons inside of Marcus is in control as they shift around inside of him. Over all to the outside viewer he is insane beyond reason. He is often talking to what appears to be himself, when in fact, he is most often speaking to Antioc, whom only he can see.

Appearance: Marcus has kept himself clean or tidy since his breakup. His beard hangs long and his hair is long and disheveled. He stands a towering 6’6’’ with 250 lbs of pure muscle. His lightly tanned skin ripples with strong and lean muscles that lay beneath. His black eyes seem to vacuum all the light around his head. Overall he is a very intimidating to meet due to his physical stature and postures.

Marcus was once engaged to be married. He had been lucky to catch the eye of the daughter of the local lord, her name was Azhure. She was beyond his reach as nobility. Her beautiful features accentuated by her blonde hair. She carried the perfect hourglass figure making men drool in her wake.

Marcus never learned why she had favored him. At the time he did not care. They held a secret affair for over 6 months. When she had become pregnant he vowed he would make himself worth of becoming her husband.

As a favored and loyal guard, Marcus came before the lord of his city and asked for Azhure’s hand in marriage. The lord viewed Marcus in great favor and approved of the union. However, as like many stories, Azhure’s mother disapproved.

Azhure’s mother went to great lengths to ensure that her daughter would not marry a lowly guard. In the end, she convinced her daughter into hating Marcus. So as to cover her daughters morality they told the story that Azhure had been raped by Marcus.
There was never an official trial. However, when the wife of the lord tells a story everyone listens and takes this as truth. He was shunned by his own neighbors and family. In the end he fled the city. As he was leaving he looked to the guard on the gate and found he wasn’t alone as he passed through he gates. There he spotted Azhure with the guard. She had spotted him as well and was smiling at him knowing exactly what she had done.

Marcus couldn’t take what had happened. He went mad in the wilderness. There he resolved to destroy that family. He knew he couldn’t do it alone. In his madness he invited demons unto himself. There in the wilds thousands of demons found him and dragged themselves into such a willing victim. It was there that the most powerful of all the demons, Antioc, found him. As Antioc entered his body the pact was complete.

Fight Skill: As a guardsman he was trained in and mastered his basic weapons which include his bastard sword, short sword and the long bow.

Survival Skills: He knows how to hunt, track, navigate and otherwise survive in the wilderness.

Tactics: Being a member of the guard automatically made Marcus part of the militia. As such he learned basic unit tactics and how to fight in a war.

Hell-speak: Since Marcus has become possessed, thousands of voices of the demons that posses him can be heard around him as a loud whisper. To Marcus himself these voices are shouting to him constantly. The language they are speaking primarily is Infernal. However, the voices are self aware of the immediate surroundings and can speak to people in their own languages if they so choose to do so.

Demonic Knowledge: As thousands of demons infest Marcus’s mind. They can speak to him, they have knowledge of just about everything as the demons themselves are ancient and timeless. They can show him better sword fighting skills or how to perform particular tasks. There is little in the way of knowledge that is out of their reach.

Demonic Mind: As part of his possession, Marcus may turn his mind over to the main demon in his mind Antioc. Antioc has psychic powers when in control. He can cause immediate and intense pain without actually causing damage. The pain induced by this psychic attack right now is the equivalent of being stabbed with a small dagger. Antioc’s particular favored target with this ability is the heart. The limit of this ability is that the target must be within visual range of Antioc.

Demonic Willpower: Anyone that walks within 20 ft of Marcus almost immediately becomes aware of a severe weight that surrounds him. Any human that is dull witted or has a less than normal human capacity for willpower can become dominated by the demons that possess him. The longer they spend close to him the more powerful this effect becomes. As an example the average dog will become dominated by the demons inside of him in a matter of 30 seconds. Those subject to the demonic wills of the demons surrounding him become severally disoriented and have a hard time functioning normally.

*Familiars: When Antioc is not in control of Marcus’s mind. He appears as a figure to Marcus or any other demon. This figure will change from time to time but is mostly that of an old ad decrepit old man. He is only visible to Marcus’s eyes, however, others can hear him if they listen closely to the hell-speak around him as his voice is the loudest of the whole.

02-24-12, 10:06 PM
Do you have an inventory of any sort? Walking stick, or weapons, or anything? Haha, just want to make sure.

Demonic mind has to be toned town, a lot. I can't allow you to, basically, cause a psych-heart attack to anyone in sight. The piercing pain of a dagger pushing through ones ribs and into their heart would be agonizing enough to either force someone into shock, pass out or just die (probably). I think you can find a way to tune this down a bit. I would suggest that the target must be either closer to him (20ft) or had made eye contact with him in the last few seconds before the psychic attack. Reduce the pain for now, I suggest something that doesn't effect somebodies vitals, or internals at all for that matter, maybe make them think that they're skin is burning, or whatever. Just try to tone it down broseph.

Please explain to me how Willpower works. It just reduces the targets motor skills slightly? and that's it?

Get back to me and you'll be approved. Sorry for not getting to it last night, but I'm here now so let's do it up!

02-24-12, 11:21 PM
Just making minor explanations let me know if i should, and or how to edit it to what you would like to see.

The Willpower effect basically works on anyone who is less then human intelligence (for now, this will get more powerful as he levels). The effect is that of having a severe migrane that distracts you from your surroundings, this comes from the the minds of the thousands of demons inside of Marcus pressing down upon the target. As it stands now its effect on someone with human intelligence or more its like having an annoying song stuck in your head. The longer you spend around him the worse this effect becomes.

Demonic Mind works like this. Antioc (the powerful demon inside of him) has to be in control of Marcus's mind and body. Antioc has to see the target and concentrate upon the target. The this induces minor pain equivalent to being stabbed with a small dagger. While he can target vital areas this only induces pain. His usual target area of the heart makes it feel equivalent to that of a minor heart attack or being stabbed in the chest. While this level of pain can be incapacitating it is not something the average person can't overcome. (Not exactly sure how else to describe it other then it only causes pain but doesn't actually cause any physical damage to the person)

02-26-12, 10:20 AM
Okay, thanks for clarifying. Works for me.
