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02-26-12, 09:04 AM
The Red Anke and the Black Varg


Name: Rouge/Leper
Alias: The Red Anke/The Black Varg
Race: Human/Werewolf
Gender: Male/Female
Height: 5’11”/7”
Weight: 140llbs/250llbs
Eye Colour: Blue/White
Hair Colour: Black/Black
Birthplace: DuBoe/Sess-Terria
Occupation: Engineer/Assassin
Allegiance: The Scara Scourge

Elements of this profile in red pertain to Rouge, black to Leper.

Background: Fate brought Rouge and Leper together, from polar opposites of the wide culture of the island of Scara Brae. Whilst little is known about them beyond the basic skeins of their origin, it cannot go unmentioned that amongst the ranks of the Scara Scourge, they are quite the verdant personality. The criminal underbelly of the island owes much to the woman known as the Red Anke, and the man known as the Black Varg.

Their story, however, begins long before the double act of Rouge and Leper came to be. Born in the province of DuBoe under the duchy of Richard DuBoe, Leper was a humble son of guardsmen without much in the way of prospects in life. At the age of sixteen, however, on a routine patrol into the Brokenthorn to source materials for the rebuilding of the town’s simple wooden palisade, Leper was attacked by a dire wolf of monstrous size and strength.

Fleeing into the night, he met Rouge whilst she was wielding the Chronotron to collect butterflies for the poultices of the Scourge’s poisoned blades. There, she defeated the wild creature, but took pity on it instead of driving her knife through its vocal chords. What happened in those dark months afterwards only Rouge and Leper knows, but he emerged as a steampunk gentlemen, and they have been inseparable ever since. They left a message on the white tree together, and Leper joined the Scourge proper.

They swiftly attracted the attention of the Hound, Arden Janelle, and they have since become an unwilling but hard working trio.

If you want to know anything else about the pair, you would either have to kill them, and extract their memories yourself, or join the Scourge…the Red Anke and Black Varg are feared throughout the island, and one day, her knife, and his claws will be the last thing you see…


Academic (Scara Brae) Average
Combat (Intimidation) Average
Academic (Law) Average
Knowledge (Engineering) Adept
Combat (Dagger Combat) Average
Combat (Unarmed Combat) Adept
Knowledge (Tracking) Average
Combat (Physics) Average


The Red Widow’s Wile: Rouge is monstrously intelligent, possessing an analytical and problem solving ability rivalling wizards and sages and mathematicians. Her keen mind is as much as a weapon in her hands as a sharp blade or iron claw is in that of Leper’s. She can scramble together machinery, contraptions, traps and mechanical solutions to the eternal conundrum of life with relatively quick speed and an almost instinctual part of her identity is to be forever involved in making things. This manifests as a X2 intelligence statistic, as well as the ability to make simple explosive devices, projectile based weapons (non-gunpowder) and vessels for the containment of magical remnants and souls. She is a very handy woman to have on your side in a fight in a scrap heap. She requires 2-3 posts to prepare these sorts of weapons. Whilst she's quick, she's only human.

The Black Wolf’s Instinct: As a restrained werewolf, Leper is constantly straining to contain his inner beast. Though his Ventricle suit prevents full transformation and loss of his faculties, or rather, the loss of the last of his faculties, it does not dampen everything. He has X1.5% the normal speed of a physically fit 20 year old human. His sense of smell is akin to a dire wolf. Without Rouge nearby, however, this augmentation is only X1.2%. He can anger and lose his ‘humanity’ very quickly when challenged. He is still very much an animal in a top hat, and should be treated as such. He has all the inherent weaknesses of a werewolf, such as intolerance of silver and so forth.


3X Iron Daggers
Steel Detachable Claws
Steel Body Armour, Grieves and Breastplate
Travel Equipment
Lupin Root, Moonstone, Silver Cross
Scrap Metal Supply (Tin/Copper)
Small Workshop & Contents
Forged Noble Heraldry Papers
Papers For Entry Into Corone
Signet Ring of House DuBoe
Clothing for All Occasions
Top Hat Collection

The Chronotron: The Chronotron is Rouge’s pride and joy. At first glance, it is essentially a heavily reinforced lantern on a lightweight, high durability chain. The chain can extend to swing the lantern like a flail, or retract into the chasm of the device so that it essentially just becomes a handle. Made of enchanted, polymer coated steel and iron struts, the item is, for want of a better word, priceless. Rouge would never part with it willingly. Once per thread, it can be used to create a 20ft sphere around its canopy that is a bright, yellow and eggshell shade in colour. Anything in the sphere will have its kinetic force doubled if it was already moving. Things leaping into it are sped up and flung out the far side, often uncontrollably but with considerable force. Things not moving when the orb is summoned will be reduced to half speed as the chronometric particles work against their motion. This can be used once per battle, 2-3 times per quest.

The Clockwork Ventricle: The Clockwork Ventricle is a permanent addition to Leper’s body. It is a stilt mounted full body exon skeleton, which is part clockwork, part magic tomb. Whilst in the Ventricle, Leper cannot transform and cannot be transformed into his werewolf form. It counts as steel chain-mail, and gives him the ability to use his steam core to bend the legs to use to pounce to incredible heights, and to launch him full force at weary opponents twice per thread (up to 25-30ft). Only Rouge can repair any damage inflicted on the Ventricle, which often occurs in the weaker points at the joints. Due to the fact that it has also replaced some of his internal organs with clockwork counterparts he is prone to lightning spells, and to lightning itself. He also does not like rain, it messes with his swagger.

02-27-12, 03:31 AM
Ok, this needs some tweaking before I can approve it.

First, I need to know if you can make explosive devices on the fly in a battle and how long does it take to make one. If it's something you can scrounge up in a post and throw like a fireball, I have to count it as an ability as well. If she has to prepare them a bit longer, then I'd count it as a skill and it's all good.

Second, I'd like you to drop the infravision to 100/50ft respectively.

Now we come to the icky part. Seeing as Leper has amplified speed, agility and infravision, I cannot allow the special properties of the Chronotron and the Clockwork Ventricle. Regardless of the fact that they are items, because of their properties I have to count them as abilities, and you already have three (the speed, the agility and the infravision). I would suggest losing the sphere ability of the Chronotron and giving the Clockwork Ventricle the same properties as a man wearing a suit of armor (so no pouncing to incredible heights, weakness at joints and no amplified resistance to damage due to clockowrk counterpart organs). You can amplify the suit and acquire the sphere ability at a later level. Alternatively, lose one of the attribute enhancements and you can have the Chronotron ability, though we will need to define it a bit better (specifically, its duration and effect).

Lastly, the Chronotron cannot have dehlar parts. Only steel for now, sorry.

That is all.

02-27-12, 03:40 AM
Hi Letho.

Thank you for your time.

In order to try and retain the spherical ability of the Chronotron, I have removed the infra-vision and agility modifiers for Leper. I have added a 2-3 post time limit for Rouge to prepare explosive items or anything more than slings an arrows as far as projectiles go (rendering it effectively useless in battle situations). The Ventricle is in essence steel chain mail, and also permanently prevents Leper from gaining a wolf form. Given it is steam driven, would it be acceptable to make the pounce ability of the armour limited to say, 2 times per thread to start with?

I'm also assuming that in a Citadel or similar battle, I fight with one of the other. As they're a duo I was trying to keep them extrinsic as one character, but I more than understand the regulations make that difficult.

02-27-12, 04:07 AM
I could allow a pounce ability twice per thread, though we need to specify range. Say, 25-30 feet? Though there is still resistance to mortal wounds. Instead taking "considerable damage", let's say it takes "slightly more damage" to mortally wound him.

Now, as for the Chronotron's sphere, I have a question first. Does the object entering the sphere change course? Specifically, if someone threw a dagger at you from outside the sphere, whould it be coming at you at twice the speed as it entered the sphere, or would the particles somehow change its course as it entered the sphere? Either way, for battles the duration has to be limited to a single post. For quest you can have 2-3.

02-27-12, 04:11 AM
It retains it's course through the sphere, and when emerging.

It may surprise people as they enter and emerge, causing them to react with panic and veer themselves off course, in a comic skidding on temporal ice type affair. That would be up to the writer, of course.

I have added the range limitation to the leap, and the usage for the lantern all the same.

02-27-12, 04:43 AM
Excellent. I'm glad we could work it out.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and, once again, welcome to Althanas.

Is Duffman the next Manda? O_o