View Full Version : Diplomatic Relations: Xaliel

Zieg dil' Tulfried
08-19-06, 08:19 PM
Zieg dil’ Tulfried stood atop a large grassy knoll in a region unknown to most to the southwest of Alerar. He looked down upon the vast sea of tents that sat at the mouth of an incredibly large cave. Behind the demon knight, ten platoons of the Demon Army, two-thousand men a piece, were going through training exercises under the supervision of Zieg’s two generals.

The past three weeks had been incredibly difficult for all of the Haidians. Once Zieg had made the decision to leave the caves and return to the surface, he had been faced with challenge after challenge. First was the route to take. He knew the portals were out of the question. Taking the entire demon population through Corone, or Raiaera, or Alerar would not be taken well. So, he decided that he could find a way up through the caves. He sent several scouts out to find a path to the surface and they hadn’t let him down.

Next he had to determine the best way to move everyone. He decided it would be best to go in shifts, each under the protection of a group of soldiers. Zieg, Kaza, and Xeppa had gone with the first group while Dera’losta’nofa took those from Vla’toros back to their homes to pack and gather things to help build the new nation. So the first came up and built tents with the materials at hand, a small village springing up just outside the cave. As the groups came up, the put up more tents and now roads were beginning to develop and the small village was becoming a town.

The final challenge was getting word to the various platoons of the Demon Army scattered around Haidia. He needed them to come aid the people of Haidia. He sent out scouts to find them, and he was beginning to see results. Slowly, the Demon Army was growing back to a respectable size. The loss of the troops in Vainta was a blow to the force, but Zieg hoped the around fifty thousand that should be remaining would be sufficient.

Voices behind the demon forced him to turn to see who was approaching. He saw the young king and his advisor as well as Kaza and Xeppa running up the hill. Zieg smiled at the fun the two children were having. “Enjoying yourself, your Majesty?” he asked.

“Yeah, but that’s not why I’m here. I was wondering what you had planned for the name of this new Haidia.” Aidos kar’ Atron asked. Zieg smiled and patted the small boy on the head. “Of course. I thought Haide ((Hayd)) would be a perfect name for it. A new Haidia.”

“I like it. That’s the name then. Gillaos, please spread the word to the people that this place is to be known as Haide.” The king looked over to his friend. “C’mon, Kaza. Let’s go play.” The two of them ran off, Xeppa and Gillaos close behind.

Zieg found himself with more problems than before. New towns had to be built, so he was sending out several groups, each accompanied by the Demon Army, to build them. He had one group heading west toward the sea to build the new capital. Zieg felt a seaport would be a valuable asset for the new region and decided it needed to be built as soon as possible. He also knew relations with Alerar would be important, so he had another group heading northeast toward Alerar to establish a border town. There was a third town he hoped to establish somewhere in the middle of the two towns for the Demon Army, with a final town growing up right inside the cave for the few people who were up to leaving Haidia.

The demon knight had a broad goal of making Haide more diverse, so he sent bulletins out requesting aid from anyone that wanted to help. He hoped this new region would be more willing to accept others if they helped build the town around them.

There was one last problem Zieg had. There were rumors that Deimis had made their way up to these plains with everyone else. He knew they would try to establish their own base here. He had no way of stopping them though, there were too many other things he had to worry about. The High General simply had to hope that things would work out.

((Diplomatic Relations: Xaliel
This group travels north from the exit of the cave toward the Alerarian border. Dark Elves from Alerar (Roleplayed by Vorin) approach the new town and it is up to them to develop diplomatic relations with the Dark Elves.

NPC: Johannan ag' Tranta, the slender, more strategic general of the Demon Army

Lead: grim137

08-20-06, 08:17 AM
((Zieg, if you have any problems with my descriptions as far as the demon's are concerned, let me know and I'll fix my post ASAP.))

“You shouldn’t have killed those people in Radasanth, you know.”

“It was unavoidable, they got in my way.”

“Really, how so?”

“If they had just let me kill Storm Veritas, I could have been on my way and the whole incident could have been avoided.”

“You’re too brash sometimes you know that?”


“You’re an immortal Tarry, you have all eternity get revenge on this Storm Veritas fellow. You should have just left when the guards came, instead of killing them. You could have picked another time and place to kill Storm. Now, with the bounty on your head, you can’t set foot in Radasanth with out every guard and bounty hunter in the city going after you.”

“It’s not the simple.”

“And why not?”

“Because Storm’s as slippery as a fucking eel. Every time I get chance to take him out that slimy little prick slips through my grasp.”

“What did he do to you that makes you want him dead so badly anyways?”

“He screwed me over twice in the Theatre of War. A slimy little piece of shit like him managed to get the better of a great warrior like me. I can’t let him get away with something like that. Besides the last time we met he nearly stopped me from escaping that retched, human infested city of Radasanth and its damned guards.”

“That pride of yours is going to get you killed some day. You were already nearly executed twice because of it. If you keep making reckless decisions because of it, someday it’s going to bite you in the ass and your going to end up dead because of it.”

“So I’ve been told.” And with that there was no more talking between the two and they continued to walk in silence.

The first figure was Lestat Verameshi, one of the nine vampire lords. The powerful, high elfin vampire was adorned in his usual battle attire, an elegantly designed full suit of prevalida armor, with a large adamantine broadsword at his side. The large 6’5”, blond haired, blue-eyed vampire lord was an impressive sight.

Not so impressive looking was the vampire walking next to Lestat Verameshi. Tarry Whealer, special agent of the vampires, and apprentice to Lestat was not such an opposing figure. The pessimistic vampire wore only his usually attire, leather boots, leather gloves, a black leather jacket trench coat, black jeans, a brown bandana and his delyn chest plate. At his side hung his large tungsten sword, in a basic leather sheath. The well muscled, yet considerably shorter blind vampire was dwarfed by his much larger sire.

The two vampires walked with the large amount of demons through the dank cave towards the boarder of Alerar. The demons were well disciplined and leading them was the great strategic mastermind General Johannan ag’ Tranta. Most of the group was composed of Haidian civilians, women, children, and demon workers of all sorts. There were soldiers spread through out the ranks of civilians, but their numbers were relatively small for such a large group.

“That must be why the demons have decided to hire mercenaries to help them out. They can pay the mercenaries less than soldiers, mercenaries are also much more expendable and it allows the demons to concentrate their soldiers where the need them. I have to say, it’s a smart move on the demon’s part.”

The vampires were hoping that by sending to of their best men to help out the demons that they could create better diplomatic relationships with their former enemies. In addition to this the vampire’s realized that since the demons were attempting to strike valuable diplomatic relationships with the drows of Alerar (in addition to creating a new town) that it would mean they would likely mean they would get to meet numerous high ranking officials of Alerar. The vampires hoped to use such an opportunity to strike some valuable deals with the drow nation, ones that would create not only several new allies but also give them access to the advanced technology the that Alerar was so well known for. That was why the mission was so important as to send a special agent and one of the elusive vampire lords, because if it was as success the vampire’s would be essentially killing several birds with one stone.

08-21-06, 07:22 AM
“Watch out!”

Screams filled his eardrums as he gracefully ducked behind a wooden barrel.

“It’s charging!”

A massive blue dragon appeared from the sky and made its way towards the numerous tents and people on the ground. Soaring down the beast opened its mouth and scorched the earth with its red hot breath of fire.

Even more screams.

“Grab your spears, we must take him now!’

The man got up from his hideout and face the destruction and chaos caused by the winged monster. Fuelled with anger and hatred he grabbed his 6 feet tall, slender spear, tightening his grasp until his knuckles turned white. Running across crying children, wounded men and helpless women he hurled the thing towards the demon beast.

Without causing a scratch the spear broke in a thousand pieces on the dragon’s hard skin.

“Damn” the man softly mumbled to himself.

He turned around to face his camp. It lay in ruins and people were scattered everywhere. Quickly he scanned the area for another spear, he needed to kill that dragon, it was his responsibility.

“Krugor!” a voice cried out towards the man. “Stop making an ass of yourself and get back to your cooking! Leave the fighting to the real men!”

How he hated his commander.


The skeleton woke up from his daydreams with a loud snoring sound. He had sat himself down to rest on one of the trees that were cut down some time ago, like many scattered across the plains. Krugor didn’t know how, but in some way sitting down on the thing had awoken some memories in him. And he could remember his army history extremely well, to the tiniest of details even.

Krugor stood up and strolled along the plains like he did earlier this day. The massive army of Demons had already caught up to him and were now walking quite some way in front of him. The skeleton quickened his pace as he sped after them.

It had been quite some time since he last served in the army. Any kind of army, really. The humans he served were not that different from the Demons, though. Both of the forces worked with the same kind of ranks, the same hierarchy applied here as well as there. And Krugor knew well enough to steer clear of the highest ranked Demon around; General Johannan ag’ Tranta. Krugor didn’t know if the General was the one who hired him, and several others, as mercenaries for the army but the skeleton could feel that he was the one nobody dared to mess with. At least so it seemed.

Krugor placed his plynt staff in front of him, each time he took another step. It wasn’t designed as a walking staff, but it served this cause pretty well this time. “Wait up!” the skeleton said, as he closed in on the large group of people. They were getting closer to the Alerar border and Krugor stood still for a second. Izvilvin!

The thought about the Drow raced through his head and he had to try hard to keep his emotions at bay. It been a while since the Dark Elf had slain Krugor, but he still found it hard to think about. Maybe I’ll meet up with him. Yes, it has to be that way.

The Demons didn’t even pay attention to the undead as he entered the tight group of women and children again. Making his way through some bulky soldiers Krugor caught up to some others assigned as mercenaries. He didn’t knew them, nor did he ever seen them before but the skeleton could easily identify them. They were the only vampires walking with an army of Demons. They looked rather cranky and Krugor swallowed his words before he spoke. This was not the time to talk to them. Slowing his pace the undead walked next to a Demon almost twice his size. “Heya! Exciting trip, isn’t it?” the resurrected cook said.

08-21-06, 02:34 PM
“You know, When I see my people like this, I feel pain.”

“What do you mean?” Zerith asked.

The halberdier looked to the demon he was walking with. The strategic general of the demon army, Johannan Ag’ Tranta. He towered over Zerith and the deep dark red armor made him appear to be untouchable. His titanium scythe was strapped on his side, yet even though it wasn’t in the general’s hands, it still looked deadly. As the two talked, the halberdier began to realize just how wrong his was about demons. He expected them to be similar to barbarians, with no ability to have an intelligent conversation. However, Johannan was probably one of the most intelligent individuals the halberdier had ever met. The way he spoke made him appear to be a fountain of knowledge. Perhaps after getting to know the general more, Zerith would learn something.

“Look at us, having to rebuild our lives and our nation. If we were to turn around and let our eyes fall on those behind us. How many faces will stare back at us with the expression of hopelessness? I’m willing to wager that there are a number of soldiers that despise the face that we’re forced to leave our underworld and settle out here. Too make things more difficult, we have to forge diplomatic relationships with the other countries,” The general replied

“You make a good point there. But don’t worry about it, otherwise you’ll only waste time. Worrying won’t add time to your life, so just focus are your concerns which you can do something about. For example, I’m hired along with some others to take care of some of the problems that we may run into. So if we run into difficulties, let us do our jobs and take care if it.”

The demon smiled, “I guess I might be worrying a bit too much. But now I can see why you mercenaries were hired. I will have to give my thanks to you all when the job is done. However, I would suggest you go back and join the others, let them know we should hopefully find a suitable place to start rebuilding.”

“Alright, I’ll get right on it,” Zerith answered. With that said, the halberdier turned around and heading into the crowd of demons. None stopped or even bothered to acknowledge the human as he walked through the crowd. Instead, each demon simply moved to the side, allowing the to small mercenary past them. It wasn’t like the human was important, he was just an ordinary mercenary that those with authority decided to hire. Most demon were convinced that if something should happen or if they were attacked, the mercenaries would be the first to die. So there was no point to get to know them now.

As he traveled further down through the crowd of demons, the halberdier finally saw someone who wasn’t a demon, labeling him as one of the mercenaries. As Zerith watched the skeleton try to start a conversation with a much taller demon, the halberdier tried to figure out where he had seen the undead cook before. “Now I remember!” Zerith thought as he finally remembered where he saw the mercenary. “That’s the crazy skeleton from that tournament. The one that seemed to be a threat to everybody, including himself.”

Yet now the fool was getting himself in more trouble. The demon didn’t want to talk to him, in fact it was trying to ignore the skeleton. If the undead cook didn’t see this, then chances were something was going to happen, something involving an angry demon grabbing onto a skeleton and possibly breaking some of its bones in half.

The halberdier ultimately decided to try and help his past opponent avoid getting into trouble. So with halberd in hand, Zerith calmly approached the skeleton and cleared his throat. “Hey!” he called out to the skeleton, “Come on. The general says we should let the others know that we’re probably going to find a suitable place to stop at soon. You want to come with me to tell the others?”

08-22-06, 05:50 PM
((Please note that from this point on all dialogue written in red is spoken in ancient vampiric.))

By the time Lestat spoke and Tarry spoke again, they had been walking together in silence for moments, each one having their own thoughts and opinions about their conversation and the events that were to come brewing in their mind. The large group of civilians, soldiers and mercenaries were now a little less than a quarter mile from the surface. The heat from the magma that flowed freely throughout the underground nation of Haidia could now no longer be seen, and the light it gave off was close to nonexistent in the area of the cave. The heat was now replaced with cold air, deep puddles of near freezing water, heavy moisture in the air and a complete lack of sunlight. Many of the demons had and several of the mercenaries lit of torches to provide light. The rocks of the cave were now slippery and many were covered with moss and algae that could only be found underground where there was never any sunlight or natural sources of heat.

“It’s sad isn’t it?” said Lestat to his apprentice Tarry.

“What is?” responded the blind vampire nonchalantly.

“You can’t see it, but all these civilians, all these soldiers, they are all so sad and miserable. It’s painful to see that such a once proud and powerful race has been reduced to shambles. Forced the leave their homes and relocate their life so suddenly.”

“It’s unavoidable. They lost the battle and became defeated by the dwarves, so now they are suffering the penalty. Its the way war works.”

“I know, I’ve seen more battles and more wars than most ever will and I’ve seen this happen before. Yet no matter how many times I see it in my immortal life, regardless of which side of it I’m on, it never fails to bother me.” This time Lestat’s response had been preceded by a loud sigh.

“The trick is not to care.”

“How can somebody see such a horrid sight and not care?”

“They can’t, not at first, but they can train themselves to. You simply have to lie to yourself enough time that your mind losses the ability to be able to distinguish between the truth from the lie and eventually the lie will become the truth.”

“It’s I can understand such a point of view but I’ve seen it breed heartless killers.”

“Such is an unfortunate side effect, though I’m sure you’ve also seen heartless killers win wars for whomever it is they serve.”

“That I have. Unfortunately the result is usually something like what’s before us with nearly an entire nation being forced to suffer.”

“And so the cycle repeats again,” responded Tarry with a hint of humor to his voice.

“Sadly.” There was no such humor in Lestat’s response.

Following his last statement Lestat spoke again this time in ancient vampiric. “Have you been able to locate General Johann Ag’ Tranta?”

“The great strategist of the general army? Nah, all these demons feel the same to me,” responded Tarry who was now paying much attention to his sixth sense and spirit sense.

“What about with your sixth sense, the metal sensing one?”

“All the soldiers feel the same to me. All of them are wearing heavy steel plated armor and carrying either some sort of steel sword, or some sort of steel axe or steel halberd. Though a few of them seem to be carrying plynt weapons. Think that means anything.”

“Probably just means they’re a slightly higher rank. I wouldn’t put to much thought into it if I were you,” responded Lestat as his sharp eyes scanned the crowd of thousands of demons

“Understood. Wait, diagonally forward and to your right I’m picking up one with heavy titanium armor and a titanium scythe. Thinks that’s him?” said Tarry, quickly and briefly pointing in the direction he was talking about.

The vampire lord quickly looked over to the direction his apprentice had pointed him and immediately noticed the red armored demon. With a nod that he knew his apprentice wouldn’t see he said, “Yes, that’s our guy.”

“Should we go over and introduce ourselves?”

“No, not yet. Demons don’t generally like vampires, and most of them are really on edge and stressed out now. I doubt it would go over well if two well-armed vampires suddenly approached their general. I know you can’t tell but we should be nearing the surface soon. We’ll simply wait until General Tranta has a moment alone and we should be able to have word with him with out causing to many hostilities. Besides we don’t need the majority of the demons to know that we’re any thing more than some hired swords.”

The entire conversation was in ancient vampiric for a reason. It was a common practice that whenever vampire’s discussed military business or plans where other races could here them that such conversations were held in the ancient tongue so that any other races with in earshot would not be able understand what was being said. This was all because vampires tended to be naturally secretive creatures and liked to keep their agendas and information concerning what was happening with their armed forces away from the mortals as much as possible.

But for now the two vampires, Tarry and Lestat, simply had to wait for the right and most opportune time to continue on with the mission that had been assigned by the vampire elders themselves.

08-24-06, 03:19 PM

A voice unlike any of the Demons called out to Krugor. The skeleton averted his eyes from the demon next to him and suddenly looked at a human face. He was about to turn the human away but as Krugor returned to his conversation with the massive creature next to him the demon merely sniffed and pushed the skeleton away.

“Well, I guess I’ll come with you. Mister Cranky here feels to much of a demon to talk with a skeleton!”

Krugor formed a fist and shook it at the demon, who responded by moving aggressively towards the undead.

“Right. Let’s go and go quick.”

The skeleton grabbed the human by his sleeve and tried to pull him away from what could turn into the first battle of the day.

“Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?” he asked, when Krugor took a better look at the man walking with him, “Your face seems familiar.”

Krugor kept on walking, not slowing his pace in the least, looking over his shoulder from time to time. The demon seemed rather angry and the skeleton wouldn’t be surprised if it charged after him, trying to rip his nonexistent hearth out.
They walked straight forward for a while, bumping into several Demons, who all responded with a low grunt towards Krugor, before the couple came near another couple, also recognizable as mercenaries.

It were the vampires the cook saw before. Apparently they had been walking faster than Krugor, for they were only several lines of demons away some time before. But it didn’t come as a surprise, as the skeleton had been thinking they were close to the Alerar border already some time earlier, but it seemed to were only exiting the cave in a short while. Krugor’s sense of direction and time had been a little off, ever since he entered the magma heated underworld of the demons.

“Heya! You’re the other mercenaries, right?”

Krugor shouted out loud, drawing some attention from people around him. Ranging from disgusted looks to some curses in an ancient demonic language Krugor couldn’t understand at all. He waved at the two persons in front of him, hoping to catch their attention. The undead didn’t quite understand why all of the mercenaries weren’t placed together from the beginning, but he suddenly made it his mission to get them all acquainted with one another. Right now.

“It seems we’ll find a suitable place to stop really soon!”

The skeleton smiled as he continued waving and shouting at the vampires. Then, as if he just saw a necromancer, he got a expression on his face that showed both surprise and sadness.
He stopped and looked at the human by his side; “I’m sorry. That was your big news. I hope I didn’t spoil it for you? You can do the talking from now on, I’m more the fighting type of guy anyway.”

Proudly the cook twirled his staff along side him, moving his head from side to side a little. Acting tough and untouchable was necessary here, otherwise both the demons and the mercenaries would eat him alive, for showing signs of weakness.

I remember my own army days. Weakness equals death, and that won’t happen to me. Well, not this time at least.

09-05-06, 11:01 AM
The skeleton was quite an odd individual. The way he could just approach a demon and try to start a conversation made Zerith begin to wonder if Krugor thought that he was invincible. Or maybe it was because the undead had some sort of theory that since he had already died, he couldn’t die a second time. Whatever was behind his reasoning for wanting to talk to a demon was beyond Zerith’s understanding. However, the halberdier was able to understand some body language. So he understood the demon was saying when he moved aggressively towards the cook.

Luckily, the skeleton didn’t need another hint after that one. Instead, the cook left and practically dragged Zerith with him. As the two continued walking, most likely so the skeleton could get a far from that particular demon as possible. The cook did not shut up. He went on and on explaining that he somehow thought that he saw the halberdier before. But when it came to identifying when and where, Krugor fell short.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to find the other mercenaries, just as it also didn’t take long for Krugor to make his discovery public. Naturally, there were some that weren’t happy for the cook. Yet their looks of disgust and cursing didn’t effect the skeleton’s mood at all. Instead, he acted as if he hadn’t received any negative responses at all and continued waving a shouting at the two vampires. Perhaps he a little got to be a little too excited as without thinking, he blurted out the good news that Zerith was going to say. Immediately the skeleton turned his head a apologize, explaining that he now thought he spoiled the surprise.

Zerith laughed a little before answering, “It’s alright. It didn’t matter to me who told them the news.” After saying that he turned to look at the two vampires, “He is right though. General Tranta says that we should expect to stop relatively soon. If the demons settle there or not is still anyone’s guess.”

Now that it seemed like Zerith did as he was asked and told the other mercenaries the good news. The halberdier figured that he now was a good time as any to introduce himself to the people he would be working alongside. “Well, seeing as how we’re going to be working together and we have still have a little bit of time before we stop. Now is as good time to get acquainted. I’m Zerith.”

09-09-06, 04:54 PM
“I’m Tarry,” said the blind vampire solemnly and quickly to Zerith’s response about getting acquainted. There was a not so subtle hint of annoyance in Tarry’s voice. The blind vampire felt himself and his sire Lestat to be above mere mercenaries, so he wasn’t particularly found of the rather sudden and frankly unwelcome introductions of the skeleton and the human known as Zerith.

Luckily for the other two mercenaries Lestat Verameshi was friendlier having learned a lesson Tarry seemed too stubborn or arrogant to learn, that it was easier and politer to simply be nice to your acquaintances. The vampire still shared some of Tarry’s sentiments about being superior to the other mercenaries, though not as much as the blind vampire. Besides skeletons were a rarity and as such meeting one was actually a bit amusing for him for some odd reason.

“Name’s Lestat, pleasure to meet you to,” said the vampire lord, extending his armored hand towards the two other mercenaries.

Tarry couldn’t help but feel a bit slightly disgusted. His sire had spent hundreds of years as a vampire, yet the old mortal traits of chivalry and valor had yet to be lost upon the powerful vampire.

“After all these years, you’d have thought that what ever pathetic lessons of courtesy and nobility he had learned would have been loss by now, especially when dealing with those clearly inferior to him.”

Lestat must have noticed Tarry annoyance or something because he politely told Zerith and the skeleton “Do not worry about my apprentice here, he just isn’t to fond of mortals.” There was an air of annoyance in Lestat’s voice that was obviously directed towards Tarry.

“Halt!” Before the four mercenaries could continue to talk further the general’s command echoed through the ranks.

“You four mercenaries stop chatting around and move. The general wants you to head out of the cave with him to make sure its safe,” commanded a stern sounding demon soldier.

“Right, well I guess we better get moving then,” said Lestat as he and his apprentince, Tarry started making their way towards the exit of the cave.

09-14-06, 03:34 PM
Halt? But I was just getting acquainted with these nice fellows!

They were being commanded to follow the general outside the cave, to check out the area. That wasn’t a hard decision to make, Krugor thought. The mercenaries were easily replaceable and their loss wouldn’t be mourned. Their deaths would even be a welcome event to the Demons, for they wouldn’t have to worry about greedy hirelings begging for more money. But what ever reasoning was behind the general’s decision Krugor didn’t mind. This cave was getting dull, and a peek outside would be very much appreciated.

The skeleton walked up to the Demon general, whispering softly to the vampire known as Lestat as he got closer; “Mortality is a rather relative concept in this case”. He smiled and quickly moved away from both the vampires and the human. Krugor made his way towards the highest in command and gave him a gentle pat on the back.

“What’s the plan, general?” he said with a wide grin, in an attempt to hide his increasing fears.

Things would get rough from now on, outside the safety of the long and deep cave. They were heading into enemy territory, into unsheltered plains. The long convoy of Demons, including women and children would be greatly vulnerable on the outside and any wandering, nomad tribe that might plan an attack on them could cause a great heap of trouble. Not even taking into account any kingdoms that may already taken this land as their own.

Krugor gracefully unsheathed his dagger and started peeling a tiny mushroom he had taken from his backpack. Tearing off the thin skin of the fungus the skeleton felt more at ease. To him it was a way of venting of some stress, some tension that was building as they got closer and closer to the exit. A single, not even powerful motion with the weapon sliced the mushroom in two and Krugor took a bite out of one of them. The raw food tasted rather nice and he could feel his confidence growing back.

“So, Lestat, Zerith and Tarry, right?”

The skeleton ate the remainders of mushroom and sheathed his weapon again, after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

“How did you guys get involved in this?”

01-15-07, 09:16 PM
Due to inactivity this quest shall be closed and put in the Haide Archives. I thank all of you for your participation in Zieg's FQ and though this quest was not finished you shall receive a small amount of experience for your writing thus far.

Zerith receives 175 experience!

Grim137 receives 175 experience!

Krugor receives 175 experience!

Cyrus the virus
01-16-07, 12:09 AM
EXP added!

Zerith actually levels up!