View Full Version : Kerrigan Josephine Muldoon (re-registration)

Kerrigan Muldoon
02-27-12, 10:45 AM
After a long hiatus I would like to re-register my character because of all the changes (3.0 rules, etc). Skills have been tweaked to reflect the new rules and some aspects of her personality have been changed so it's actually fun to play her. The link to my old character's profile can be found in my signature. Thanks in advance!

Basic Information

Name: Kerrigan Muldoon
Birth Name: Kerrigan Josephine Muldoon
Age: 26
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Soft green, turning brown at the edges
Height: 1,77 meter
Weight: 62 kg

Freelance performer/illusionist and fortune teller.
She travels from place to place, sometimes as a performer in her one-woman show and other times as a fortune teller, trading visions for money.

Kerrigan has a somewhat unfathomable character, able to change between extremes within moments. Most of the time she lives the act of the successful, charming and sensual performer. At such times she has a seemingly permanent honest smile and twinkling eyes, talking and laughing with any nice stranger she met and occasionally flirting with handsome men. During such moods she is generous, loving, caring and honest.
However as soon as things get a little more serious, like when she runs out of money, is tired, becomes too close with someone or for any seemingly random reason, she changes. She's hard to please, but easy to anger. She doesn't require much reason to turn from a nice lady into a cold bitch. When in such a mood, she has the peculiar quality to mix half facts, biases truths and stone cold lies all in one sentence. Used to performing and acting, she has no problem using her deceptive crafts offstage as well. She sees no reason to tell the truth if another version of the truth might be more useful, or just more pleasing, at that moment.
She is especially harsh towards men, who she is quick to hate. Having too much experience with being groped or worse, she has adopted a better safe then sorry approach when dealing with the opposite sex. In practice that means Kerrigan forces a knife to the crotch until she is assured she will not be bothered.
Yet when she accomplished whatever it is she wanted, she always returns back into that lovely young lady with her generous smile.

While egocentric in general, she does have a conscience and usually lives according to a certain ethical system. As long as people can take care of themselves she feels little regret in tricking them or stealing from their wealth. Even the poor are free game as long as they have a chance to fight back or if their misery is of their own doing. However, she has a few soft spots. Because of her own tendency to lie and cheat, her assumption is that everybody lies. Plain honesty and naive trust makes her very uncomfortable and leaves her uncertain what to do. Also, she's frightened by children, especially girls, because of their frank honesty and an implied responsibility she feels she owes them.

Usually she wears her light brown hair, which reaches down to her elbows, loose or bound together in a simple ponytail. Her soft brown skin slightly blushes around her cheeks, making her look younger then her calendar age. She is tender and light and somewhat lacking in pronounced female features.

Her most beautiful features are her hands, which are delicate and soft, as well as fast and accurate. Being the most important tool for her work her hands are well trained and move with a certain mysterious grace.

Born in a rich farmers family, Kerrigan had not much to worry about in her youth. While she spend most of her time on school or with friends, she sometimes helped herding the animals. One of the slave masters taught her how to use to whip to herd the cows, as well as the slaves.
Her peaceful life changed dramatically soon after she had turned fifteen years old. The marriage of her parents had never been one of love but things had been smooth so far, until her father’s affairs were discovered. Arguments and fights became an every day habit and Kerrigan was stuck right in the middle of it. This continued for several months, until they mutually decided to ignore each others existence.
Though they stayed together for the sake of reputation and practical matters, it was not the most pleasant place for a child to be. While Kerrigan bonded closely with her mother she never really attached to her father, which has probably affected her view on men. She loved her mother deeply, yet she wanted to move away from her parents place and become independent as soon as possible. At the age of 21 she took a wad of money from her father, hugged and kissed her mother goodbye and took off into the big wide world.

Being somewhat of a spoiled and naive child she had a hard time coming by in the harsh society. When she ran out of money she got into real trouble; stranded in city filled with all forms of lowlife, the only way for a woman like her to make money was by prostituting herself. Thanks to her stubbornness, will and a lot of luck she barely managed to escape that destiny. A scout for a local night club noticed her soft skin and well developed manners. Grateful for the opportunity, Kerrigan accepted his offer to work as a performer in his shows. It wasn't the best of jobs, her work outfit barely covered any skin, yet all she had to do was dance a little and be the assistant in a magic show. The best part was that she was allowed to kick any men in the nuts who tried to touch her. After a while she even received some training and eventually learned the ins and outs of the show business.

While Kerrigan slowly raised in skill and fame a rival show decided to use force to ruin them. On a rainy Tuesday night, right after the last show, a group of hired thugs rampaged through the dressing rooms and set the building on fire. As if she was fortune’s favorite she managed to slip by the gang unnoticed and escape through the private room of the main illusionist of the show. Remembering the rumors that he owned magical cards she grabbed the first deck of cards she could find and escape through an window.

Having lost her source of income and protection she then fled from town to town in search of a professional show in which she could perform. Whenever she could she practiced with the cards and her whips. It wasn't long until she noticed the cards were indeed magical. While she had already picked up some minor magical abilities the deck of cards seem to greatly empower her abilities. No longer was she restricted to a few illusions and card tricks which could barely be called magic. Using these cards, Kerrigan was actually able to master the skill of levitation among other things. Even more so, during card readings she didn't even have to lie or deceive her willing clients: she actually received true and accurate information.

With this new powers she felt she no longer needed the protection and guidance offered by professional shows. As such she roamed the country, performing on her own whenever she was in need for money.


Whip Mastery:
Kerrigan's skill with the whip turned out to be a great tool to amaze the crowd during her shows. Additionally, she has learned to use her whip in combat, though it isn't the most practical weapon.
Non combat use: she can hit a card up to four meters away with pinpoint accuracy, even if blindfolded. If not using her own deck she needs clear sight and a good concentration to obtain the same level of accuracy.
Combat use: if outfitted with metal barbs can inflict serious cut wounds (similar to striking someone with a short sword), opponents can be tackled if unaware and/or if already lacking balance.
Limitations: handling a whip requires a lot of space. Also, it is completely useless up close, using it as a weapon it is rather impractical as she needs to maintain her distance. Can not be used to swing over an open space, break furniture or for other overly dramatic activities which are popularly thought to be plausible.

Card Tricks:
Kerrigan has magic control over her cards, and to lesser extend over other cards or objects of similar size and weight, like papers, small books or wallets. Daggers and anything too big or large are excluded. Her control over her own deck is far greater then that over common objects. Tricks she can perform are:
Disappear and Reappear: magically makes an object disappear only to have it reappear somewhere else. Common objects can only be hidden and teleported in close proximity to her body, while her magical cards can be instantly transported to any position within a ten meter radius.
Levitation: magically makes an object float in the air. Limited to single common object for a few moments or multiple cards for a prolonged period of time.
Spontaneous Combustion: sets a flammable object on fire, quickly reducing it to ashes. Limited to a single common item in close proximity to her hands, or multiple cards anywhere within a ten meter radius.

Cards of Knowledge:
Though many illusionist and conman are skilled in the art of 'cold reading' their audience, Kerrigan has taken it a level further higher and can siphon both valuable and random information off a person through magical means. This is a continuous and cumulative process in which she first learns the most basic information about a person, until she knows most aspects of a person's personality and past life. While this starts with simply looking at a person to get the know the most basic information, she will have to perform a card reading to fully get to know someone.
Looking at a person: name, age, race and occupation
Touching (like shaking hands): personality (as listed in the PC's or NPC's character profile)
Conversation: general overview of a person's abilities, skills and history (as listed in the PC's or NPC's character profile)
Card reading: full overview of a person's abilities, skills and history (as listed in the PC's or NPC's character profile), as well as any threads about that character
Note 1: Information gathered through conversations and card reading needs (ooc) player consent. Card reading obviously also needs the (ic) character to cooperate.
Note 2: without her own deck of cards she can not perform a card reading.


Cards of Power:
If necessary, Kerrigan can use her cards offensively. This is restricted to her own set of cards and only has moderate value in combat. Within a radius of ten meter, Kerrigan has almost full control over her cards and is able to:
Throw a card with moderate accuracy, possibly inflicting a cut wound (similar to a wound made by a dagger). By sacrificing accuracy multiple cards can be thrown in a rapid session.
Make a (flying or stationary) card explode with a loud bang and lots of smoke, possibly inflicting minor first degree flesh burns
Use any card as a small weapon, possibly inflicting cut wounds similar to those made by a dagger
Note: without her own deck of cards she can do none of these things in combat.

Her deck of tarot cards consisting of about 80 cards. Each card has a drawing (or rune, symbol) which represents certain emotions, beings, acts or expression. Whenever a card is destroyed, missing or separated over a long distance it automatically replenishes or returns to the other cards.
Basic set of clothes, also containing a long, dark purple robe usually used when performing or traveling.
Diary, written in code (contains numerous illusion tricks and other trade secrets)
The book “Treatise on Tarot”, written in the same code as her diary
A basic silver combat knife, double edged
Several whips:
Two meter long, wooden handle, leather whip
Four meter long, no handle, completely made from leather (has two)
All whips can be outfitted with metal barbs on the end of the tail, to inflict more serious wounds

02-27-12, 10:53 AM
What?! You can't use a whip to swing over an open space?! Lies! Indiana Jones does it all the time. :D

You are approved. Welcome back to Althanas.