View Full Version : Cassy Skye

03-03-12, 10:38 PM
Note: this is not a level update, but a 3.0 update. I've revamped the character quite a bit. But all should be within the confines of 3.0. If I can go stronger, or have more in any way, I'd like to be told so I can expand a little more. Thanks.

Name: Cassandra Marie Skye

Age: 26

Weight: 115lbs

Height: 5'

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance: Cassy usually wears neutral colored pants that are form fitting, and a warm colored tunic that comes just to the tops of her thighs. The tunic is also snugly fitted to her body, but skin-tight. Her tunic is also belted with a simple cloth belt. Cassy is very slender and some would call her beautiful. On her feet she wears plain leather walking shoes. Her chestnut brown hair falls just past her shoulders and is usually worn loose or in a ponytail with a few strands left loose at the front to frame her face. Her eyes are a warm brown color and always seem to be smiling. Her skin is lightly tanned from being in the sun most of the time. Cassy also wears a jeweled ring on the third finger of her right hand.

Personality: Cassy is a light-hearted soul, and is easy to make friends with. She is slow to anger, but once angered her temper is quite vicious. She is very clean and very much enjoys the amenities of city life, but is not a stranger to living in the woods or on the road.

Weapon: Though she carries a small knife on her belt, her weapon of choice is an oak staff. Her staff is 6’ long and 2" in diameter. Each end is capped about 5" down the length of the staff with steel. The purpose of this is to give her staff a little extra weight when in battle. When not in use as a weapon, Cassy uses it as a walking stick and so unless it is stored in a room at an inn, it is in her hands at all times.

The knife blade is 6" long and is made of steel. It is incased in a leather sheath which hangs from her belt on her left side.

Tracking/Trapping: Having spent so many years camping in the woods with her father and with being on the road, Cassy has become an excellent tracker/trapper.
Flexible: Cassy is quite flexible
Agile: Cassy is also pretty agile. Sure-footed even on narrow pathways.
Speed: Cassy has spent several years defending herself as she wandered the world alone. She can move at 2x the speed of the average human.
Strength: Cassy has also worked to build up her strength over the years and is 2x as strong as an average person, despite her slender physique.

Whirlwind attack: This specialty attack requires intense concentration and control. She can manage this twice per battle, but not back to back. A minimum of 2 of her posts must be between attacks.
How it works:
Cassy spins the staff in front of her in a circle as fast as possible until it becomes a blur. As soon as it becomes such a blur, Cassy quickly snaps the ends once in each of four places, the upper right, then the lower left, upper left and lower right. As soon as she snaps the lower right, she brings the staff diagonally in front of her in a defensive position. She currently has this done in 5-6 seconds, but is not entirely accurate, however one does need to be very fast to avoid all the hits.

Possessions (added this so it’s clear exactly what she keeps with her)
travel bag containing her extra clothes and bathing items
steel capped oak staff with feathers decorating one end.
6” steel dagger
a semi-fancy green dress and matching shoes
a jeweled white gold ring, the jewel is Salvarian Ice, resembling a diamond in appearance. (ring is worn on the third finger of the right hand) This is an unsellable object as it means a great deal to her.

Cassandra, called Cassy for short, was born to a couple living in Radasanth. She grew up here, living a normal girl’s life. She was an only child and although her father had hoped she would be a boy, he did not do as some fathers might have done and shun her. Instead he taught her as he would a son.

Cassy went on numerous camping trips with her father in the area around Radasanth. As a result, she learned to be very wood-wise and loves the outdoors. Seeing that his beloved daughter would like to travel the world long before the thought even settled in her mind, Cassy’s father taught her how to use a staff. He did not want her to have to kill, but he did want her to be able to defend herself. She was a quick study and soon had the basics down pat.

When she was 20 years old, Cassy packed a small traveling bag with extra clothes and some food. The time had come, she told her parents, that she set out to see the world as she had wanted to do for several years. Her parents, though they did not want to see their little girl leave, nodded and hugged and kissed her good bye. With promises to come back and see them again, Cassy set off to see the world.

It has now been four years since she left home and she has traveled very far. She always finds something new about places she goes back to though, so she does not mind revisiting places. She has kept her promise to visit her parents and writes them on a regular basis so that they do not worry about her. To earn money for her food she does light work wherever she can get it, whether it is minding a fruit stall for a few hours or washing dishes to earn a room for a night.

Cassy eventually found herself on a road through a forested area of Corone. There she was met by three bandits. The bandits attacked, desiring both her money and her body, but help arrived in the form of a handsome stranger by name of Luther.

Luther drove the bandits off and then Cassy walked and talked with him for the rest of the time they were traveling in the same direction. While they traveled, Luther tried to teach her a simple rainstorm spell. The two separated for a small time, and then Luther sent word that he was back. Cassy, eager to see her friend again set off down the road. Now that they have been reunited, Cassy and Luther are not often seen apart, a lovely romance has blossoming between the two.

They are followed by assassins bent on destroying Luther and all his race, but so far, none have been able to do more than cause minor injuries. Cassy is confident that she and Luther will triumph completely over these assassins and then be able to lead a life without having to worry if the person walking beside them is hunting them.

With the many attempts on his and Cassy’s lives, Luther decided that it was time for him to return to his home and try to end the troubles once and for all. His home was in the mountains far to the north of Salvar. Cassy of course insisted on going with him. She even purchased heavy fur coats and boots for the journey. However, Luther was aware that the trip would be very dangerous, not just in the battling the elements, but also in battling his enemies. One night, while she slept, he wrote a note, apologizing for leaving, but explaining why and that he loved her very much. He instructed her to give him one month. Then, if he had not returned, she was to assume he had perished and go on with her life. He made sure to leave enough money for her to remain at the inn for a month, then quietly slipped out.

Cassy was very upset and worried about her love, but she did as he asked. When the month was up, she had no choice but to return to warmer climes. She does not yet believe he is gone. She holds out hope that he survived. She firmly believes that he will find her one day and they will be happy together forever.

03-05-12, 12:40 PM
Seeing as this is level 1, you can have two additional abilities if you want to.

07-31-12, 09:44 PM
Been a little over a month and no reply, or attempt to update this. I'm going to close it for the time being, if you would like it re-opened, please ask Letho or myself.

However, you are still-
