View Full Version : Re-write for V3.1

03-07-12, 12:05 AM
Name: Charles Talbott
Age: 20
Race: Human
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6‘4”
Weight: 247lbs
Occupation: Rogue Psychic

Appearance: Charles Talbott is a giant of a man, steeped in hatred, and it shows. His skin is covered in scars, each one a reminder of his persecution at the hands of the Ethereal Sway. The blades of the Sway’s hunters have marked him in more ways than one, leaving his face misshapen and disfigured. Half of his nose is missing, and his right eye is covered with a patch, where it was put out by a dagger. His muscles are huge, owing to his years of constant strife and struggle against the witch hunters of the sway.


Charles Talbott, and his brother Edmund, were fraternal twins. Charles was always the larger of the pair, and more rebellious. He chafed under the restrictions of his family, the town, and the Church, constantly making defiant gestures for the sheer sake of rebellion. At the age of seven, they were separated. Each of the brothers had demonstrated the curse of witchcraft, but in different ways. When the Church came to take them, he fled, escaping into the woods to eke out a miserable and pathetic existence for the next eight years. At the age of eighteen, hardened by his privations in the woods, and nearly feral, he returned. His family had died, killed in the civil war that had passed him by while he hid from the witch hunters of the church. His muscles were lean and hard, and his clothes were rough hides and leathers, tanned from the bodies of the beasts that fed him. Upon discovering the deaths of his family, and despite his anger at their betrayal of him and his brother, or perhaps because of it, his mind shattered. Freed of all sense of restraint or empathy, he spent the next three hours methodically and thoroughly hunting down every living man, woman and child in his home town, and slaughtering them all, pummeling them to death with his bare fists in a display of fury none had ever witnessed before. Without any remorse, he set the town to the torch, and left, seeking out priests of the Ethereal Sway to sate his need for blood. For the last several years he has been systematically hunting and killing(and in return been hunted by) any member of the priesthood he can get his hands on.


Charles is a tightly controlled fountain of rage. His every waking moment is consumed with his desire to destroy the church of the Etheral Sway, and cast down its every work. His hatred for the Sway bleeds over into every aspect of his life, making him a sullen, violent and unreasonable person at the best of times.


Pugilist: Having never learned to use a weapon, his only weapons are his body and fists. His combat style lacks finesse, but makes up for it in sheer brutality and ruthlessness. He is solidly above average at bludgeoning his foes to death with his bare hands

Survival of the Cruelest: His time in the woods, hiding from the sway has hardened him. Some might say that it was only his seemingly endless rage and hatred which has sustained him, but he quickly learned how to hunt and trap, taking advantage of his telekinetic powers to capture game in ways that other men could not match. Charles can use his powers to keep himself alive in almost any situation, urban or wilderness.


Lucid Rage: Charles is constantly bottling his hatred, storing it away for an opportune moment. When that moment comes, and he chooses to unleash it on his foes, it comes with a terrifying clarity of purpose. Guided by the single minded focus of his rage, his strength and speed are each doubled, transforming him from a strong man with powerful fists, to a terror to behold. The sight of a man calmly pulverizing skulls with his bare fists, and snapping bones with seeming casual disinterest is more terrifying than the wildest berserker.

While raging, Charles strength and speed are increased to twice that of a normal human, in addition, his increased focus allows him to harness a greater portion of his telekinetic power. He may only rage once per day, and is badly fatigued afterward.

Telekinesis: The powers that caused his exile, his control is limited, unless he is raging. When calm(comparatively so anyway) the effort he devotes to maintaining his veneer of civility, thin though it may be, detracts from his ability to use his abilities. His maximum lifting weight is only ten pounds, and it is reduced to no more than five pounds unless he is raging.

Maceration: Sheathing his body in telekinetic force, Charles protects his fragile human bones from damage when striking armor, faces, or stone walls. These telekinetic barriers are as strong as his will, or iron, which is essentially the same thing. Unless he has accessed his lucid rage, he cannot unleash this power, and must be much more careful about what he strikes, and how he strikes it.

While raging, barriers of telekinetic force guard his limbs from crippling impacts, cushioning blows that would shatter his limbs, or pulp his bones. This protection is equivalent to iron strength, and only exists when he is striking. It is not armor.


Charles has no meaningful equipment, having only the clothes on his back, and what supplies he has managed to scrape together.

03-07-12, 11:10 AM
Looking fine. You are approved. Welcome to the 3.0. Or 3.1. Or whatever you want to call it. :P