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Edmund Talbott
03-07-12, 09:47 AM
Name: Edmund Talbott
Age: 20
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 162lbs
Occupation: Empowered Priest

Appearance: Edmund Talbott is Charles’ fraternal twin. Shorter and thinner than his brother, he has led a much easier life. His face is lean, with prominent cheek bones and sunken eyes, and a thin goatee does little to alter his somewhat sinister appearance.

History: Born as the fraternal twin of Charles Talbott, Edmund was always the more pleasant child on the surface. His helpful attitude did a great deal to ingratiate himself with his family, and the people of their town. His pleasant face disguised a dark secret however, and whispers of dark powers eventually brought the Sway to take him. His brother escaped, fleeing into the deep forests near their home, but Edmund went peacefully, not resisting or crying as the Priests took him. For the next several years he was trained in theology, martial skills, and in how to better harness his powers. When the civil war began, between the nobles and the Church, Edmund fought in several minor battles, wielding his magic to great effect, and making a name for himself as a truly devout servant of Denebriel. He is unaware that his brother has devoted his life to crushing the Ethereal Sway, and is not in fact even aware that he is alive, not that he would care if he were.


Edmund Talbott is almost sickeningly friendly and helpful. This is an act. He is in reality a cruel, vindictive, and utterly ruthless person, dedicated to nothing but the furtherance of his own goals. He serves the Sway because it suits him, but he masks himself well, hiding behind a façade of goodness that fools even the most suspicious.


Priest of the Sway: Edmund is well versed in the theology of the Ethereal Sway, being a fully anointed Empowered Priest. His knowledge of Salvar, its nobles, and its religious doctrine is incredibly broad, due to his instruction, and personal study.

Macerator: The one thing that he retains in common with his brother is his disdain for bladed weapons. His skill with a heavy bar mace makes him a capable warrior, in addition to a deadly mage. He is solidly above average with his weapon of choice, although as a consequence, he is below average with almost anything else.


Host: Edmund Talbott has only the most rudimentary command of his own magical abilities. His inborn talent lies in summoning creatures from other planes, and he has played host to a powerful outsider for the last thirteen years of his life. The magic that it can channel through him is what permits him to pass undetected among the Priesthood. His patron has also gifted him with inhuman durability, to protect his mortal shell from harm.

Edmunds wounds close at a greater than normal rate. Minor injuries, such as shallow cuts and bruises encountered in every day life heal almost within minutes. More serious injuries heal at twice the human rate, and do not leave scars no matter their severity.

Channeling: The creature that possesses Edmund hails from beyond the void of space. Its dark magics mimic the conditions in that lifeless hell, and can create deadly effects under proper conditions.

Edmund is able to channel the power of his master into magical effects. He can create searing heat or frigid cold within a localized area, with the heat or cold level increasing as size decreases. The more pronounced the effect, the longer it takes to create. In one post he can warm or cool a room, in two posts he can make a small area uncomfortably hot or cold, in three posts he can make a single item painfully hot or cold, and in four posts he can create brittle cold or melting heat in an area no more than six inches square.

Gateway to the Void:

Calling upon more of his masters power, Edmund can draw the very life from his opponents. Once per day he can bring a portion of the void to himself. One individual is assailed with blistering heat, bitter cold, and terrifying vacuum as the air is sucked from their lungs. For five minutes after using this ability Edmund cannot access any of his other abilities, including rapid healing.


Priestly Vestments: The clothing he wears identifies him as an Empowered Priest, and confers the benefits of his station with it. This clothing includes robes and other garments, as well as surcoats for his armor.

Steel Mail: A suit of scaled mail, it covers his torso and upper arms, leaving him decently protected and with adequate mobility. His legs are protected by a skirt of leather backed steel strips, as well as light steel greaves with a leather backing. His arms are largely unprotected to provide him with full mobility in combat.

Shield: A simple targe, a circle of laminated oak rimmed in steel and with a spiked boss, it provides more protection than armor alone.

Bar Mace: A hideous weapon, it is the simplest form of mace possible, being little more than four conjoined pieces of steel at right angles to each other.

Church Resources: Not a piece of equipment per se, but a fact of life. So long as he is in Salvar, Edmund has access to the vast power of the Church of the Ethereal Sway. From the ability to command soldiers to aid him, to the right to compel food and board from any town in which he stops, Edmund has access to the full majesty of an Empowered Priest of the Ethereal Sway, no matter his lowly rank in the actual church hierarchy.

03-07-12, 11:27 AM
Two things, then you're set to go. With regeneration, minor injuries should heal within a minute, not almost instantly. And in Gateway to the Void, I need to know what effect it has on you. I reckon it rejuvenates you in some manner, but the description only states that it draws life from the opponents.

Edmund Talbott
03-07-12, 11:31 PM
Regeneration fixed, Gateway to the Void does not heal Edmund or rejuvenate him at all, it just causes a variety of unpleasant effects on the target, ranging from intense heat, incredible cold(possibly simultaneously) and exposure to vacuum.

03-09-12, 11:09 AM
Sounds good. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome back to Althanas.