View Full Version : Melody Of The Kill; The Never Ending

03-09-12, 03:22 AM
Name: Rou Starfell
Stage Name: Kid Kill Best (in tribute to his mother)
Age: 22
Race: Starfell (Human, extended life-span)
Hair Color: Dominant Black/brown, mixed dark blonde/light copper and red
Eye Color: Blood red
Height: 5'7
Weight: 153

Personality: Easily excited, easily aggravated, easily bored, Rou has always taken life in stride; easy destructive strides. His quick wit is something he has learned to keep to himself as the stress of dealing with others seldom ceases to be a hassle and his sister would not approve of him fighting against the weak. His singing career has helped drastically with his social demeanor but he still finds it difficult to be around most people for extended periods of time without wanting to hit them. Still Rou is quite fun loving and has no problem mingling among a crowded tavern singing and drinking, though he will often disappear with out notice and retire to the streets to sew mischief. A lot of his destructive tendencies are calmed by reading and training but every now and then Rou just needs to raise some hell and play a few pranks or test himself in battle to calm his spirits. Rou tries to be friendly with others though this is just because he believes it only fair to offer all the benefit of the doubt and not to judge until you agitate him. In actuality his father taught him this and he only upholds the lesson because he lost a bet to the old bastard and honor is one of his most important principles. He can be stubborn at times and even prideful but he never fails to address his shortcomings and attempt to do better, eventually. He is very much akin to the goblins amongst which he was raised.

Appearance: Though not bulky by any means Rou boasts an impressive muscle structure. Well toned and slightly bottom heavy, his legs are sturdy and thicker than most would expect viewing his top half. His skin tone is close to that of a rich caramel with a darker mocha tint from his father but still managing to retain a hue from his mothers olive skin. His hair is dreadlocked, thin but not terribly so, resembling vines and reaches about mid-length between his waist and neck at its furthest though he usually keeps it pulled back with two strands tied around the rest to keep them in place, both with a large black bell tied at the end. On his left, three dreads curve around his face stopping at his cheek and getting slightly shorter from front to back. These three are a dark, vibrant red with the roots fading back into the mix of a lighter red, blonde, brown and black with the darker colors being noticeably more dominant though the brown blends in well and might prove hard to notice even from a short distance. His facial features are soft and full with small dimples showing from the familiar smirk across his face. Dark hair can be found on his chin with the occasional tint of red but it is kept short though not always in the best condition giving him a window of age confusion with some thinking him to be a few years older and others believing the opposite to be true. As proof of his lineage his eye color is a red that goes unnoticed but grows increasingly more vibrant when he is excited just like his mothers and pupils that dilate and resemble a star pattern under the same conditions. In the palm of each hand can be seen a small reflective star shape. He has his father to thank for these two.

His attire stays simple. Black leather boots cover much of his calves with spacious similarly colored denim pants tucked in to keep the excess from dragging and increase his movements. Along the back of these boots are three 1inch long iron spikes 3inches in diameter, equally spaced from his ankle to below his knee. He wears a loose fitting robe that reaches just above the knee revealing his chest and a few inches lower though he can often be seen with this slid off his shoulders kept tightly wrapped around his waist while training or when excessive movement is necessary. It is light blue in color almost white, with black borders and thousands of tiny symbols stitched in red circling the black. On the back is depicted a red star with black borders and a single vertically slanted eye that appears demonic in nature.


A Lethal Weapon- Rou has sixteen years of hand-to-hand combat and is currently at an advanced level. Every edge on his form can be used as a weapon with the potential to kill. He is capable of disarming an opponent that has less combat experience with the particular weapon than his own combat experience relatively easy under normal conditions, fighting evenly with an equally skilled armed opponent with the proper equipment, and decent agility compared to the average human.

Genius level intellect- Compared to his siblings Rou always felt out shined by the maelstrom of talent that was blessed upon his fathers castle and if there is anything Rou hates it is being surpassed. “Knowledge is power, so I guess that makes you an idiot.” Fifteen years of study and exploration have done more than surpass his fathers expectations after these first words to his son. Rou has developed a photographic memory and can easily recall anything he has read, seen or heard. His shortcoming is experience and Rou very well understands this but that does not always keep him from being cocky; he likes to thank his mother for that gift.

Notable knowledge and studies-

Astrology- Extensive knowledge of the stars up above. The Althanas sky is still quite foreign to him though he recognizes a few celestial bodies. It is this knowledge that helps Rou perform divination with Astro Cry.

Physiology- Moderate understanding of living organisms and their motor functions. Basic understanding of the human (and goblin) form has helped greatly in the development of his fighting style and is able to take ques from posture and muscle contractions of an individual he is completely focused on.

Goblin Lore- In the Palace Ring the asteroids closest to Jaguar's castle the Goblins speak in the language of the stars but when one goes further out the common tongue becomes a very unique dialect of an ancient goblin tongue. Even before Jaguar it was said that goblins found their strength in Xin'koi or 'bonds'. In other worlds goblins have forgotten Xin'koi and stick only to their tribes and are divided but the tribes of the Goblin Fields are strong, united under the holy name Starfell. Bound eternal, the goblins gain strength from the great warrior and thus are tied to his bloodline via a spiritual link. Rou is part of this bond and thus is connected to all goblins who call the Fields' home. Because of this connection Rou has grown up immersed in their culture. While they share a common tongue many clans and tribes have different views and ideals which Rou tries to take from all of these to form his own understanding and philosophies of the world. This includes goblin tales, goblin cuisine, goblin remedies, even the goblin language. This knowledge has yet to show much use while on Althanas though Rou believes he has found an insect that bares a striking resemblance to the main ingredient in his favorite stew. Rou has yet to preform the rite in which he accepts his first Xin'koi a goblin retainer who he will play Xin'koi to.

Star Song- One part astronomy, one part melody and two parts memorization, Star Song is a celestial magic that like the glittering lights distant in the night sky, is grand and limitless. The stars echo wondrous melodies that few are able to hear and even then one must memorize and recite a tune that reverberates with multiple stars to call upon a single heavenly power. Even then, a practitioner of Star Song must prove themselves worthy to the spirit they call upon to be granted its power. The star spirits each has a will of its own, and its connection with any person can grow or wain based upon what that spirit thinks of the individual. Location also plays a huge part with an individuals connection with the stars and how close that person is with the spirit. Rou has come in contact with many spirits in the past and has an affinity for feeling their presence but that does not mean he knows anything about them.

This skill requires one to know the language of the stars which Rou sings fluently as his primary language. He knows some Tradespeak from his time spent in Akashima though he prefers not to use it as the Soul Chimes are more than enough to crack the language barrier. Because of his primary language Rou is also a splendid vocalist. Tradespeak would be Rou's third language as his second is a dialect learned from the goblins that serve his father.


Astro Cry- All understand the language of the stars for the stars watch over all. Because of this Rou is able to incite emotion and preform divination through his voice.

By singing in the unnamed language of the stars, sounds that others may not know but curiously understand, Rou can after touching someone preform a weak divination offered by those stellar spirits that watch over the individual(s). These divination's can offer general guidance or even answer questions one might have though Rou can never be to sure meaning they cannot always be considered as truth. Despite what little Rou can guarantee from this divination method, for the stars to offer Rou foresight they must let their “name” be known to him and this alone can help him track stars for further insight. The individuals Rou wishes to preform the divination for must say “I accept” (mental thought is actually enough for those incapable of speech but Rou see's no point in explaining this when irrelevant) for the this to work. Otherwise the second part of this skill comes into affect working as a weak bardic melody, using Rou's own emotional state as the basis he can:

Relieve those around him of pain slightly and lift their spirits if in a joyful mood

This is how Rou makes his coin at the local Taverns.

Star Song: Southpaw Hummingbird -

“Shine! Burn brightly upon the heavens and cast thy kin out into the void. The serpents flames raze all in the land of the south accompanied by the song of the holy. In blood we shall pay tribute.”

In a tongue foreign to Althanas but understood by all children guided by the stars, this is the true name of the spirit Southpaw Hummingbird. Though far from this world his power reaches Rou even now allowing him the use of this mighty technique a total of five times a day. From his hands upon reciting this 'song' Rou is able to form a spiritual seal from which Southpaw Hummingbird's power erupts. A roaring hum will echo as the azure energy builds up.

By focusing this energy into his armored fist, Rou can unleash a devastating punch. The damage is almost purely 'magical' in nature and is chiefly internal though outer damage is visible as if weak flames had scorched the point of contact and the opposite end. This internal damage mimics a magical explosion within the body, causing enough severe pain to knock a moderately fatigued warrior for at most a few minutes with an unguarded hit. Connecting with a limb will cause momentary paralysis while any other part will lead to severe pain.

Armor can protect against a lot of the energy but blow back will always play a factor and even a heavily armored foe will stumble from this alone (applied to substances of steels strength as Rou has not used this strike facing higher tier metals yet). The internal damage will heal after a day or two of rest with a solid hit so anyone on the receiving end of this should expect to stay idle for that time unless they enjoy pain and vomiting blood.

Alternatively Rou can use this built up energy to propel himself in an instant by releasing a powerful burst from the palm of his hand moving at a instant speed of 20mph. This allows him to move anywhere within a 30 feet diameter of his current position. Simultaneous use is ineffective for combat as though in the language of the stars the 'song' is much shorter than in the Tradespeak translation it still leaves too much of an opening. Once activated Rou cannot move from his starting position until he has reached his destination or something obstructs his way and stops him. The excess energy encases his body keeping Rou protected from the strain of moving at such high speeds though he does need a second or two to regain himself after using this version which furthers the inability for continuous employment. Because of this almost all the damage is physical though the closing of distance and force reaching 250kg of pressure is more than enough to make up for it.

Spirit Mail- By focusing his spiritual energy through the magic mirror shards embedded in the palms of his hand Rou can form a metal armor over his forearms. The gauntlets formed are a steel strength scale armor so black it glows. Around the fingers form thick claws, sharpened at the nail for puncturing but still capable of maintaining a strong grip. Because of the focusing of energy when the Spirit Mail is active Rou's reflexes are increased to x1.5 of the average human allowing him to string together powerful combinations and counter attacks. This allows him to keep up with quicker foes in close quarters combat and defend against quick strikes. Because of the magic mirrors natural ability to channel energy these gauntlets are a helpful defense against magical attacks, able to stave off weak elemental spells no bigger than his palm with a focused strike though anything larger or more powerful will only shatter the gauntlets before dealing normal damage. Any effects upon contact will react as normal making this defense useless against lightning spells and the like.

Casualties of Conditions:

Gravity Flux- Althanas is a world much different from the one Rou comes from. The biggest factor so far has been the increased gravity. While Rou's body and years of training would suggest much greater output he is currently equal in strength, speed and endurance to the average human warrior of Althanas. He is used to gravitational flux though not to such a degree for extended periods of time. His body will adjust with time.

Survival Tactic: Meditation- Because of the increased level of atmosphere at least once a day Rou MUST meditate for two hours. This allows the natural energy in his body to be channeled through the magic mirror and keep his body stable until it can adjust to the otherwise toxic levels of gases. The main concern with this is staving off hyperoxia though there are plenty of other gases that pose a threat. Blurred long range vision, trouble breathing and even momentary loss of consciousness are signs that he needs to meditate soon to expel any access gas and allow his body time to adapt and heal. Some external conditions might accelerate his condition and Rou might find himself needing to meditate more than once that day.


Magic Mirror- The true magic mirror belongs to his father but the things the old bastard can do with them are extensive. Before Rou came to Althanas he was 'gifted' with two shards from the mirror placed into the palm of his hands. The magic mirror is an ancient tool that helps to focus all kinds of energy though Rou has little understanding of what it is truly capable of. Currently the magic mirror can absorb idle energy but not to a noticeable or generally useful degree and allows Rou to pull out his own latent energy to from his Spirit Mail.

6 iron spikes attached to his boots. 1 inch in length, 3 in diameter.

2 Soul Chime bells, they react to any melody instantly increasing its sound and clarity. Rou uses these to translate his primary language into Tradespeak as he understands enough of it to get his message across in a almost empathic manner. As an added affect it makes Rou's songs sound a lot more bad-ass by adding something he likes to call rhythm and bass.


From age six Rou spent much of his life in the fields. Where those from Althanas might attribute fields to farmland Rou grew up in a much different kind of field; the asteroid kind. The Goblin Fields were formed eons ago, countless rocks of various mass in constant motion, ever circling a grand palace at the center of the maelstrom. He had heard the story thousands of times. In an age that few alive could recall the great warrior Jaguar lost his leg and his people to the Devourer of the Great Creation. Now, he has built his kingdom upon the back of the sleeping beast, kept dormant by his will alone. Rou quickly grew tired of the tales of his fathers greatness. The old bastard, Rou's kindest comment and chief moniker for the old bastard, has done little more than agitate his youngest son. Despite this Rou has few things more important to him than killing the old man in a fair duel, though the goblins that make up over 80% of the Fields' population never fail to mention Jaguar Starfell's immortality after becoming linked to the mighty beast. Of his four brothers he has only met one, Dutaj the third son who makes an effort to visit his father every few so often. Once Rou even followed Dutaj through the gates of their home to a distant land though the then 8 year old Rou was forced to turn back after being defeated by his older sibling. After this much of his life was spent studying to learn as he had finally understood those taunting first words Jaguar had imparted upon his defeat after challenging the man when they first met.

Before this time, Rou lived with his mother. He does not remember much other than training his body every day and caring for their small shack when she was gone, expected to find his own food and care for himself. They lived a modest, secluded life but Rou felt much love in those days. One day Rou noticed that his mother seemed different but when he questioned she only replied “Its atonement.” with a smile before leaving. Shortly after Rou was shocked to meet his new sister Reia in the arms of Jaguar, Dutaj and his Xin'koi, Koop. Much was said, and it was that day Rou learned of his lineage. They had called her Olivia of the Slaughter, Goddess of Bloodletting, The Living Murder. His mother had been an assassin on a galactic level and it ran in her blood. It was said with a mere touch she could do what a hundred blades could not. Though she had lived barely a fraction of Jaguar's life her skill and power was enough to subdue even him from taking her son away. Olivia had fallen not in battle, but during childbirth. Rou did not doubt this, as Reia was without a doubt his sister, sharing the same red eyes. He could feel his mothers warmth in her very blood as they both gazed into the deepest reaches of the other.

Though young Rou was no fool. Not even at his seventh year of life he would be incapable of raising and caring for his sister. Jaguar welcomed both into his kingdom and treated both as his children. A cruel fate Koop would often joke. The next few years were simple; training with Reia, studies sent to him by Dutaj, traversing the cold asteroid belt and taking much from the numerous goblin tribes and clans. Reia had grown to be just as beautiful as her mother, with a lighter skin tone and blonde hair she was a gorgeous girl who had by choice taken the name Starfell. For the goblins of the field the name is synonymous with god in their language as it was Jaguar who had offered their ancestors a new beginning after the Devourer destroyed their worlds. Though not by blood Reia is viewed just as scared and the goblins took to her and Rou quickly. The two grew up with many fond memories among the tribes and use the term “Gan'koi” which translates something along the lines of “cousin(s)” in Tradespeak when speaking of them. It was the goblins in fact who taught Rou Star Song, the grand magic discovered by his second eldest brother Bodinm.

And then it happened....

03-09-12, 11:33 AM
A couple of things. First, Southpaw Hummingbird is a bit strong because it can knock out a person in a single shot. For now, you can have it cause temporary paralysis if it strikes a limb (a couple of seconds) and strong pain in all other parts of the body.

Second, 30 feet-per-second is really not that fast. 30 feet-per-second is about 20 mph, and humans can run at about 30 mph. So technically you'd be moving at slower than top running speed. Instead of messing about with numbers, let's just say that the burst doubles his speed for the duration of the sprint.

Third, spirit mail currently boosts two things: reflexes and the magic resistance. The best I can allow is boosted reflexes and ability to stave off a single weak magic attack before it disintegrates.

03-09-12, 04:28 PM
I'll make the edits after confirmation just to be on the safe side.

I was a little unclear on some points i know, i actually meant to do one more read through before posting.

For Southpaw Hummingbird the strike was meant to be under conditions of an unguarded punch to vital spots (heart, throat, head) so would that still be acceptable for knocking out and just causing severe pain anywhere else? I was thinking these being the best guarded spots for most would allow a knock out but i see the trouble with this.

The second utilization is not a sprint. He uses one palm to release a burst of energy similar to a rocket. The speed of 30 feet-per-second/20mph was used for pure power purposes for making contact (boxers being able to punch at speeds averaging 25mph from the information i found) and is an almost instant acceleration to that speed. I figured moving 20mph in a 30 foot diameter was a nice place to put this for approval but if i could get away with more or it needs to be reworded to make sense I am open to advice.

For future reference in using the Spirit Mail what would fall under 'weak' magic attacks? I was testing boundaries with that one a bit but would making it "fireballs no bigger than his palm with a focused/prepared strike" allow me twice if it makes a second Southpaw (version 1) incapable?

03-10-12, 09:36 AM
Southpaw Hummingbird cannot be an instant knockout regardless of where it hits. I'll meet you half way. Let's say that it could potentially knock out an opponent if they are already weakened or fatigued, but it can also be resisted with enough effort.

Second utilization is fine now that you explained it better.

And I'll give you two palm-sized fireballs (or other elemental equivalent of it), but anything stronger and it shatters immediately and you take damage as usual.

03-10-12, 12:40 PM
Corrections made. I believe everything is edited to your wishes.

I changed the first Southpaw to 'armor' instead of 'thick armor' to allow for easier resistance, momentary knock out under conditions of a completely clean strike against a moderately fatigued warrior and Spirit Mail does not work against lightning spells for the conductive factor to keep from issues of relating such a spell to palm size. Hope that covers everything.

03-10-12, 03:12 PM
That will work. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.