View Full Version : Goblins on an Airship

08-20-06, 07:39 PM
Blah blah blah


Eris could barely stay awake during the briefing. It was a soldier’s life and the lil demon wondered how anyone could survive a full time gig, when being a part time soldier of fortune was so tough. Who knew that mercs hired for Alerar had to listen to such a diatribe?

The room was just a meeting hall with stiff chairs, some invention to keep Eris from truly falling asleep. “I know these guys are really important and all and how it’ll be such a disaster if something were to happen to them. But when do we get to ride on the airship?” It was a stupid thing to say but that was the only thing that Eris liked about the job. To fly on an airship was one thing she always wanted to do since a little demon girl. Yes her home had Airships too.

“Miss Errris.” The dark Elf Hissed in a harsh tone that silenced the mutt demoness. “You will take this more seriously. It’s an important job to protect the commanders that are aboard the ship.

“Yeah Alright…” The job was easy, fly on an airship to a point and fly back. Why they were hiring mercenaries instead of using soldiers was beyond Eris but she didn’t care because it was easy money. And she liked the idea of seeing an airship first hand.

“Alright you soot brains, briefing’s over. Move out to meet your escort.”

Eris barely heard the elf as she complied completely. She skipped through the dingy halls to outside. She saw the three dark elf commanders and made her salute and tried not to laugh. This was too easy.

“Great, Another Foreigner as an escort. We might as well hire dirty Raiaeran elves.” Said the scared, Grizzled and Big Drow. Eris felt a little intimidated from the big guy and the fact he did not like her.

“Bah, you’re too stiff Xern. She seems like a fine demon, we don’t want soldiers because it will cause too much attention and we don’t want that.” Said a skinnier and far nicer Drow. Though to Eris he was too skinny.

The third drow was rather average build for a drow but said nothing, all that stood out for him was he was missing an eye.

So where is everyone else? Eris thought as she wished that she was late like she thought but was instead being early.

Artifex Felicis
08-23-06, 09:41 PM
If there was any single thing that surprised Leon about the job, it was probably the single fact that he managed to get hired for it. He was more than quantified for it, in his own opinion, but he was also a relatively well known friend of Raiera. Helping to save their capital city from an undead menace would easily gain the friendship of a country, though he was also a bit surprised that the dark elves didn't recognize him too much. He wasn't entirely surprised, deeds didn't travel quickly, and often not beyond borders of where the originate. If the queen of Alerar came walking down the streets naked in Concordia not many people would recognize here either.

The talk about what they were doing droned on and on as they listened. There was a few of the them in the room, a few drows, one or two others who were not elfish of any type, and a few empty chairs. The talk itself was pretty boring. Get them to the plane, yadda yadda, get t hem of the plane, stay awhile, collect money and celebrate with a pat on the head and a pocket heavy with gold. Toss in the fact that Alerar was one of the three countries he hadn't been to yet and he would get paid to go there. Easily made up for the fact he had to sit through this stupid talk about the dangers.

The briefing ended, taking far too long in the cat boy's mind. HE rose, exiting quickly and behind some others that seemed to know where they were going. Unlike some of the people during the briefing, he didn't really to get to know anyone else. He was too busy looking glass eyed and trying to keep his head upright to try. Despite, he could tell some of the people around him. He didn't doubt any of their abilities. The dark elves may be vain like the high elves, but they weren't stupid. They wouldn't bother hiring a local drunk to protect their war leader.

The cat boy paused as he came to the outside world, breathing deep the fresh air after being inside for so long. Somewhat off in the distance the large airship was in view, getting prepped for it's long journey that it would have to make soon. The cat boy hesitated, stepping off the to side to wait. Not paying attention was almost a constant inaction he took. Not that it mattered, soon enough someone would go, and he could just follow in behind.

11-25-06, 10:38 AM
This thread hasn't been posted in a month. I'm closing it up due to inactivity and moving it to the "Unresolved" Forum. Please Private message me to retrieve it if you intend on completing it further. Thank you.