View Full Version : Phoenix Ascendant Guild Roster

The Phoenix
03-20-12, 02:01 AM
Attention Althanas, one and all. The group known as Phoenix Ascendant is open for business and recruiting.

Unknown to all but a handful of Raiaerans, the group calling itself Phoenix was created to use divination magic to alter the course of history to the benefit of Raiaera. What it failed to realize is that each time they altered the flow of events to their benefit, they narrowed possibility and locked destiny more and more into a set course. Thus it was that they were unable to do anything about the return of Xem'Xund and perished in the Corpse War.

The lone remnant of the Phoenix, Elisdrasil, escaped the group's destruction but found through his own divinations that destiny had been tracked to a much more sinister end. Each fulfilled prophecy leads Althanas closer to destruction. Knowing that it would take heroes and villains alike to alter the course of history by ensuring that the chain of prophecies is broken, Elisdrasil reformed the Phoenix, now known as Phoenix Ascendant, with that purpose in mind.

To the general public, and most members of the group itself, Phoenix Ascendant's mission is to fight against any person, good or evil, who seeks to lord their powers over innocents. But these pursuits are merely a way for heroes to rise to their fullest potential, that they may be able to change the very course of destiny.

Phoenix Ascendant operates out of a bar called Boomtown in the Southern Corone town of Vorsport. The business is run by the eccentric gnome twins Tickers and Boom Boom, who, while supportive of the cause, also require a constant influx of cash to ensure that the group's tab is paid in full.

Phoenix Ascendant is currently comprised of the following members:

Leader: Elisdrasil - The Phoenix

Duncan Gambit - Gale
Elaine Gambit - Inferno
Sentinel - Sentinel
Cydnar Yrene - Cydnar Yrene
Dalasi Yrene - Dalasi Yrene

James Alexander - Lionheart

Specialist - Undead:
Lynn Du'Galle - Death's Apprentice

Specialist - Intel/Supply:
Rayse Valentino - Rayse Valentino

Specialist - Alchemist:
Madison Freebird - BlackandBlueEyes

Specialist - Medical:
Inwuhou - Inwuhou

Specialist - Curses:
Alicia - TheOnlyGhost

Positions within Phoenix Ascendant are filled on a "you can do it, go ahead and do it" basis, so if you'd like to join Phoenix Ascendant, fight against the tyrannic forces of destiny, and run up a huge bar tab, post an application with the following:

Character's Name
Position/Role you'd like to fulfill.
Ambitions/goals that you'd have with Phoenix Ascendant.
What your favorite drink is.

Welcome to Phoenix Ascendant!

03-20-12, 02:09 AM
Place Holder, NPC's

03-20-12, 02:10 AM
Mission Board
As a loose band of adventurers tied together for safety and the idea that they can bring some good to the world, Phoenix Ascendant encourages its members to get out and be active. The following “missions” or “quests” or “bounties” or whatnot can be found tacked up under the “Help Wanted” board in Boomtown’s common area. Make a post to claim a mission that you want and then have at it.

Well’s Run Dry – During the war the Imperial Army used the small hamlet of Ordien as a staging ground. The sweltering heat of Corone’s summer meant that the thirsty army made liberal use of Ordien’s well. Too liberal usage as it turns out, since the well isn’t drawing up anything more than really diluted mud since the Army’s departure. Unfortunately, when the townsfolk were digging out a new well in the spot that they had divined, they unearthed an ancient stone that appeared to have come from the time of the Demon Wars. While this seemed a boon for the townsfolk, since it surely held quite some value, a string of accidents has plagued Ordien since the stone’s uncovering, and the accidents are getting worse.

Bounty – Investigate the occurrences in Ordien, determine what, if anything, the ancient stone has to do with them, and see if you can put a stop to them. If you can do so, perhaps you can claim the ancient stone for your own.

Claimed By - Inwuhou

To Each His Own – While Corone’s Civil War may have returned to its stalemate status between the Empire and the Rangers, the recent tumult has excited more than just the governments of those factions. Roused by the war and the intentions of its participants, old wounds have been reopened for two feuding brothers in Carromack Cross. This in and of itself wouldn’t be anything too problematic for the otherwise sleepy town, which luckily escaped the recent troubles without incident, except for the fact that the brothers Arte and Merric are both knowledgeable wizards. While they retired to Carromack Cross to put aside their differences and live peacefully side by side, things have recently become somewhat … explosive recently between the two.

Bounty – Travel to Carromack Cross and find some way to put an end to the idealism fuelled feud between the brother wizards Arte and Merric. Assuming the brothers survive they will likely be gracious enough to offer some of the minor magical trinkets they make as a living for a reward. And if they don’t survive the ordeal … well who’s to stop you from just taking the trinkets?

Claimed By - Cydnar Yrene and Dalasi Yrene

03-20-12, 03:33 AM
Character's Name
Cydnar Yrene

Position/Role you'd like to fulfill.
Military Combatant, Geological/Architectural Advisor/Envoy

Ambitions/goals that you'd have with Phoenix Ascendant.
The Hummel and the Phoenix share a common goal; to prevent gathering of power in any excess, though the Hummel focus on magical misuses. They share a common goal in maintaining balance.

How often you can post.

What your favorite drink is.
Elven wine, fortified gin, rosemary and jasmine tea.

The Phoenix
03-20-12, 03:44 AM
Elven wine, fortified gin, rosemary and jasmine tea.


That sounds like a hell of a drink.

Congratulations and welcome to Phoenix Ascendant. One of Boomtown's waitresses will be here shortly with your order.

Death's Apprentice
03-20-12, 03:53 AM
Character's Name

Lynura (Lynn) Du'Galle

Position/Role you'd like to fulfill.

Resident death warden. (Essentially not a healer, more like a warder of undead and death.)

Ambitions/goals that you'd have with Phoenix Ascendant.

Become independent of the leash her parents have set upon her and make her own way through the world.

How often you can post.

About once to twice a week.

What your favorite drink is.

Elven Wine. A girl of refinement this one...

The Phoenix
03-20-12, 04:01 AM
Elven Wine. A girl of refinement this one...

Then pull up a wine glass and make merry.

Welcome to Phoenix Asendant.

Rayse Valentino
03-23-12, 01:12 AM
Character's Name


Position/Role you'd like to fulfill.

Intel and Supply

Ambitions/goals that you'd have with Phoenix Ascendant.

Any organization having a monopoly is bad for business. Gotta even the playing field for maximum competition. Got a bottom line to think about, capiche?

How often you can post.

Three times a year.

What your favorite drink is.

Three parts scotch, one part amaretto.

The Phoenix
03-23-12, 09:07 AM
Three parts scotch, one part amaretto.

Now that is a drink I can get behind.
Welcome aboard.

03-23-12, 10:57 AM
Character's Name
Madison Freebird

Position/Role you'd like to fulfill.
Resident alchemist (potions, poisons, and what have you), knife in the dark, and barroom brawler.

Ambitions/goals that you'd have with Phoenix Ascendant.
Madison, above all, craves purpose in her life. She also wants a place to practice and hone her scientific arts, providing her with the required materials, ingredients, and the occasional test subject in exchange for her services.

How often you can post.
Once or twice a week. Three if I like you.

What your favorite drink is.
Madison prefers a nice Bloody Mary, with a couple drops of actual blood in it... for "authenticity", of course.

The Phoenix
03-23-12, 11:37 AM
Madison prefers a nice Bloody Mary, with a couple drops of actual blood in it... for "authenticity", of course.


I'm sure Tickers and Boom Boom can manage to find the ... uh ... necessary ingredients.

Max Dirks
03-23-12, 09:34 PM
What an awful clan of evil doers...

Enigmatic Immortal
03-23-12, 11:18 PM
Better than your Dirks...

Rayse Valentino
03-24-12, 12:10 AM
Don't worry about Dirks, he's still mad over what I did to Imperial.

03-24-12, 03:00 AM
More like, what WE did to imperial...

The Phoenix
03-27-12, 12:15 AM
Regardless of what Max Dirks thinks, we've got some good people here. For anyone else that wants to join, this is your last chance to do so before the first war for Corone starts.

Join now, aid the war effort, and have a good time.

Silence Sei
03-27-12, 12:26 AM
Lemme just come in here and say that, no matter the result, may the best team win. No sarcasim to it, no snide remarks. Want to keep this clean before it gets ugly ICly.

Lets give each other hell, Phoenix Ascendant.

The Phoenix
03-27-12, 12:28 AM
*pulls out a knife*

Gonna cut you ...

In all seriousness, let's have fun with this. I shall see you on the field of battle.

06-15-12, 08:42 AM
Character's Name

Medical - Cancels past injuries and conditions. Of course, the past starts in the present.
Intelligence - Reads the proximal past of anything and anywhere. Bring her a bone thrown out from a feast and she will read from it all of the conversations at that meal.

Understand the source of suffering in the world and relieve said suffering. She has no worldly ambitions, being a nun pursuing spiritual enlightenment.

How often you can post
Upwards of four times a day when composition is simplified.

Favorite Drink
Religiously prohibited from drinking alcohol. Prefers bitter green teas.

The Phoenix
06-15-12, 10:19 AM
Welcome to the Phoenix Ascendant!

Religiously prohibited from drinking alcohol. Prefers bitter green teas.

That's perfectly fine. Boomtown's bar has quite the selection of tea for you to choose from.

06-15-12, 11:48 AM
Thank you.

What do I do now?

06-15-12, 11:57 AM
Now we write!

Being a religious type I think that Sentinel would do well with you since he's interested in theology. Perhaps we can do good by exposing a corrupt priest or by stopping a murderous cult?

06-15-12, 01:32 PM
We can surely do that. Although Inwuhou is the Zen-based type of nun and less the theistic type of nun. Where shall we start?

07-05-12, 02:48 PM
Should I go ahead and make a thread, then? I thought that you had something in mind.

07-05-12, 11:50 PM
Character's Name
Sorish Mon Larsh / Roxi
Position/Role you'd like to fulfill.
Ambassadors of the Sea - We can give you connections to all the Coralians in the sea.
Ambitions/goals that you'd have with Phoenix Ascendant.
I need to stop the goo from continuing to infect the plants and animals of the sea
How often i can post
once a day
What your favorite drink is.
Chefs Choice.

Sen Zelrok
07-13-12, 08:36 AM
Character name:
Los Recada Lucardo Sen Zelrok

Position/role you'd like to fulfill:
any type of soldier.

ambitions/goals that you'd have with the Phoenix Ascendant:
find the people who killed his people, leaving him to be one of the only ones left.

how often you can post:
everyday as many times as you need me to.

what your favorite drink is:
a glass of Kortic (Lucarcians biggest enemies) blood.

07-13-12, 10:28 AM
character name:
Megan Bloomington

position/role you'd like to fulfill:
as long as i'm with ZeZe (Sen Zelrok) i'll do anything.

Ambitions/goals you have with the Phoenix Ascendant
find the people who killed my people, leaving me to be the only female Lucarcian left

how often you can post:
everyday, as many times as you need me to.

favorite drink:
a glass of Kortic (Lucarcians biggest enemies) blood.

The Phoenix
08-01-12, 01:23 AM
I think that it's time to get this ball a-rolling. As such, I've posted up the beginning of Phoenix Ascendant's mission board. Check the beginning of the thread for details and have at it.

08-01-12, 02:37 AM
Claiming to Each His Own with Cydnar and Dalasi.

08-01-12, 08:50 AM
I would like to join Well’s Run Dry and would welcome any others who might also wish to join.

The Phoenix
08-01-12, 10:58 AM
You've both got them. More will be coming up soon.

08-14-12, 06:05 AM
Character's Name:

Prolicio Prolixi, also known as Alicia

Position/Role you'd like to fulfill:

Specialist in elementals/magic users, cursed weapons, and curses

Ambitions/goals that you'd have with Phoenix Ascendant:

Anything evil or evil related. Or ... just helping the other Ascendants.

How often can you post:

Worst case scenario would be once a week, best case scenario would be three times a week unless in the event of an emergency, extra hours picked up by work, or some kind of family/friends get together (this is rare btw, but still possible) the same numbers would apply, except it would be bi-weekly (within 2 weeks).

What your favorite drink is:

Alicia doesn't eat or drink anything because she is a ghost. However, she COULD pay for other peoples'/beings' drinks.

The Phoenix
08-14-12, 09:51 AM
Welcome to Phoenix Ascendant. I'm sure there are some curse-breakers somewhere that could use your expertise.

08-14-12, 03:06 PM
Plus, on top of that, my character is hot as hell .. I could be a distraction ;)



Make sure all of you (including you Phoenix since you created it :p) go to your profiles and join the power group. I added it to the roster. I'm sure you will find it. ;)

EDIT2: I invited everyone to Phoenixs' power group (that was approved by Phoenix of course). Make sure you join! ^.^