View Full Version : PG Reregistration: Phoenix Asendant

The Phoenix
03-20-12, 02:08 AM
Phoenix Ascendant

Leader: Elisdrasil, The Phoenix

Member Roster:
Duncan Gambit, Gale
Elaine Gambit, Inferno
Sentinel, Sentinel
James Alexander, Lionheart

The original Phoenix failed to foresee the return of Xem'Xund in time to stop the necromancer. The new Phoenix plans to continue where the old left off and take their work a step further. Phoenix Ascendant is sworn to thwart the rise to power of any person or organization, good or evil, who threatens to use their power to lord it over the unwilling.

Oh, and to make enough money to pay their bar tabs.

Boomtown, a bar in southern Corone town of Vorsport.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-24-12, 02:20 AM
Your Power Group has been approved!